Disability.gov—U.S. federal government Web site for comprehensive information for people with disabilities on government programs and services in communities nationwide.
SAMHSA--Dealing with the Effects of Trauma: A Self-Help Guide
SAMHSA: Dealing with the Effects of Trauma-A Self-Help Guide—This SAMSHA publication is available for download in pdf format.
National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
The National Center for PTSD is a part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs that conducts research and seeks to educate the public on the prevention, understanding, and treatment of PTSD. http://www.ptsd.va.gov/
Includes "Returning from the War Zone" guides for military personnel and their families: http://www.ptsd.va.gov/public/reintegration/returning_from_the_war_zone_guides.asp
Post-trauamtic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Alliance
PTSD Alliance—The PTSD Alliance is an organization devoted to educating the public about post-traumatic stress disorder and offering services and resources to individuals with PTSD and their families.
Anxieties.com: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Anxieties.com is a free self-help site that contains a great deal of information on all anxiety and panic disorders. This section on OCD contains self-help resources that include coping techniques, assessments, and other resources.
ADAA: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Information on OCD on the Web site of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America.
International OCD Foundation
The International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation (IOCDF) exists to raise awareness of and educate the public about obsessive-compulsive disorder and related conditions. Their Web site offers descriptions of symptoms, treatment finders, literature and information on their programs. These include an annual conference, trainings, a speaker's bureau and a newsletter.
NIMH: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Information on OCD from NIMH, included latest research and the pamphlet “When Unwanted Thoughts Take Over: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder”.
Pillars of Peer Support: Transforming Mental Health Systems of Care
Pillars of Peer Support: Transforming Mental Health Systems of Care—The Pillars of Peer Support Services initiative is designed to develop and foster the use of Medicaid funding to support Peer Support Services in state mental health systems of care. This Web site has the Pillars of Peer Support 2009 and 2010 reports available for download.
Peer Support References
A listing of peer support references compiled by the National Association of Peer Specialists.
Nonprofit Law Resource Library
An online library of information and links pertaining to nonprofit law, established by Hurwit & Associates.
The Alliance for Nonprofit Management
The Alliance for Nonprofit Management—“The Alliance is the national voice and catalyst for the field of capacity building. They improve the effectiveness of individuals, groups, and organizations helping nonprofits and communities achieve positive social change.” Includes resource library.
IRS.gov - Tax Information for Nonprofits and Other Charities
IRS.gov: Tax Information for Nonprofits and Other Charities—Official IRS Web page with information on applying for tax exempt status and links to essential forms.
Foundation Center: Establishing a Nonprofit Organization
Guide to starting a nonprofit organization from the Foundation Center. Includes information on board development, bylaws, tax exemption, staff recruitment, fundraising, etc.
IRS.gov - State Nonprofit Incorporation Websites
State laws on incorporating a nonprofit organization, compiled on the IRS Web site.
How to Start a Nonprofit Organization: Guidelines and Resources for Entrepeneurs
Web guide to starting and managing nonprofit organizations on the Web site of the Free Management Library.
NCSTAC: How to Establish a 501c3.
Publication of the National Consumer Supporter Technical Assistance Center, a program of Mental Health America.
Mental Healthcare Reform Blog
Mental Healthcare Reform Blog—Blog maintained by the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare. Includes explanation of laws, implementation tracker and further information on healthcare reform and parity.
The Campaign for Mental Health Reform
The Campaign for Mental Health Reform—“a collaboration of 17 national organizations aligned to provide a united voice on federal mental health policy. By monitoring federal legislation, administration activity, and public education initiatives, the Campaign for Mental Health Reform works toward its goal of making mental health a national priority and establishing early access, recovery, and quality in mental health services as hallmarks of our nation’s healthcare delivery system.”
Policy Issues & Resources: Healthcare Reform
The National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare: Policy Issues & Resources—Healthcare Reform information on the Web site of the Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare. Includes recent news, official letters, fact sheets, issue briefs, summaries, timelines, state activities and the Healthcare Reform Implementation Webinar Series