Separate and Unequal - A Report of the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee

After Year-Long Investigation, Senate HELP Committee Chairman Tom Harkin Releases Report Showing ADA’s Promise of Integration is Not Being Met for Many Americans with Disabilities - July 18, 2013

Community Integration for People with Disabilities

"Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law unveiled a set of consensus principles reflecting the disability community's shared vision of community integration. Community Integration for People with Disabilities: Key Principles, lays out a vision in which people with disabilities are afforded opportunities to live in their own homes, work in regular, non-segregated employment, and make their own choices."

Recovery To Practice

"This Web site and the Resources for the Mental and Behavioral Health Professionals it represents are devoted to answering these two key questions that will guide behavioral health policy and practice for the foreseeable future. As part of a Federal initiative to move the concept of recovery from policy and vision statements into practice, we offer a range of resources for mental health professionals who are engaged in the transformation process."

Advocacy and Rights: History and Practice

By learning to protect their own rights and assert their own preferences, individuals with lived experience of mental health conditions can combat discrimination and inadequate or harmful treatment – and they can move past self-advocacy to become catalysts for change on the local, statewide and national  levels. This presentation will focus on systems advocacy skills in the context of the consumer/survivor/ex-patient (c/s/x) movement for social justice. 

Power Point presentation by Susan Rogers, Director, The National Mental Health Consumers' Self-Help Clearinghouse. Presented at the DCRC Conference, May 10, 2013.

Advocacy and Rights: History and Practice

Finding the Opportunity in Crisis: How Do We Fight Stigma in the Media?

When written in Chinese, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters: one represents danger; the other represents opportunity. In the wake of the crisis created by the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, there is an opportunity to counter the myths about the association between mental health conditions and violence, and to become engaged in the national debate on the need for gun control. This keynote presentation will describe some effective methods of communicating to the media, and issue a call to action.

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Working Well Together: Training and Technical Assistance

A technical assistance center that “ensures public mental health agencies are prepared to recruit, hire, train, and retain multicultural clients, family members, parents, and caregivers as employees within the public mental health system.”

Hiring Consumer and Family Members Into the Public Mental Health Workforce

Consumer and Family Member Employees Recruitment and Retention Checklist

Cultivating Leadership to Effect Change

“Cultivating Leadership to Effect Change,” a keynote presentation by Joseph Rogers at the Pennsylvania Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services conference, presented April 25, 2013.  “The current environment demands that all of us – service providers, peers and service recipients, professionals, administrators, and citizen advocates – raise our voices to effect the change that is so vitally needed in the behavioral health arena. This keynote presentation covers how to cultivate the leaders among us, and will issue a call to action."
