Key Update, December 2021, Volume 18, Number 6

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!


The Key Update is compiled, written, and edited by Susan Rogers, Director, National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse.


NOTE: The "FROM PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THE KEY UPDATE BUT STILL FRESH!" Department, which is directly below the monthly Criminal Justice Digest, includes items that had been posted "above the fold" in earlier editions of the newsletter but are still relevant. These items include ongoing research studies that are still seeking participants, as well as upcoming webinars and conferences, and other items of continued interest. Don't miss it!


Next ISMICC Meeting Is December 16; Submit Comments by December 6!

The next meeting of HHS’s Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee (ISMICC)--comprising senior leaders from 10 federal agencies along with 14 non-federal public members--will be held on December 16, 2021, from 1 p.m. ET to 4 p.m. ET. Public comments will be scheduled at the end of the meeting. To submit written or brief oral comments, and/or to attend virtually or to request special accommodation for persons with disabilities, email ISMICC Designated Federal Officer Pamela Foote ( on or before December 6, 2021. Up to three minutes will be allotted for each approved public comment as time permits. Written comments received before the meeting will be considered for inclusion in the official record. To register online, click here. For more information about ISMICC, click here. (Courtesy of NYAPRS E-news)

CMS Invites You to a Discussion on Its Strategy to Advance Health Equity

On December 8, 2021, at 1:30 p.m. ET, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center invites you to a 90-minute roundtable discussion on how the Center can execute its strategic objective to advance health equity. The discussion follows the release of its recently published white paper "Driving Health System Transformation--A Strategy for the CMS Innovation Center's Second Decade" (click here). Written comments are encouraged and may be submitted to, with “HEALTH EQUITY ROUNDTABLE” in the subject line. "Some of the written comments may be read aloud during the roundtable session. Please indicate if you would prefer not to have your comments read or wish to remain anonymous." For more information--including the questions that the discussion will cover--and to register, click here.

Involuntary Commitment Is the Theme of Both a Helpful Podcast and a Harrowing Personal Story

The controversial topic of involuntary commitment is tackled in both a podcast and a recent personal story, the latter published in a college newspaper. "Committable is a podcast about involuntary commitments. We focus on stories from people with lived experience as a window into complex conversations with attorneys, physicians, psychologists and more," according to the Committable website. As one commenter wrote: "If you’re curious about what happens when people in mental health crisis are 'helped' by being brought to the ER for an emergency evaluation and then held on a psych unit against their will, listen to this podcast." All of the episodes are free at the link below. And in "At the Forefront of Medicine: My Summer of Involuntary Hospitalization--A neuroscience student reflects on the psychiatric system’s failure to care for its patients," published in The Chicago Maroon--the independent student newspaper of The University of Chicago since 1892--Cassidy Wilson details the horrific experiences that began when, in June 2021, she was committed to UChicago Medicine’s psychiatric ward against her will. "From the moment the UCPD came to my door," she writes, "I knew that what followed would not be care." For the Committable archive, click here. (Courtesy of Nev Jones) For the Chicago Maroon story, click here. (Courtesy of Fred Friedman)

Free Webinar: "Talking About Tobacco: Sharing Strategies and Treatments"

On December 9, 2021, at 2:30 p.m. ET, the Academy of Peer Services will present the fifth webinar in its "Talking About Tobacco" series: "In this [90-minute] webinar, we consider myths and facts about nicotine, and proven strategies for helping people change their use of tobacco. Together, and in chat with those who attend, our presenters [will] explore available treatment options and different strategies for making change. The webinar will include personal stories by the presenters related to their own tobacco use and the methods they used for regaining control over tobacco use. This information can help those who offer peer support to provide additional choices and options for people when they are talking about and exploring changes related to tobacco use." For more information and to register, click here.

Free Webinar: "...Art-making as an Alternative Philosophy of Care During Emotional Crisis"

On December 9, 2021, at 4 p.m. ET, the National Empowerment Center will host a free, 90-minute webinar on "New Frontiers for Activism: Art-making as an Alternative Philosophy of Care During Emotional Crisis." The presenter, Karin Jervert, writes: "In this workshop, we will explore several conditions and intentions in art-making practice which can create spaces that support healing for ourselves and for those in emotional crisis. We will talk about art-making as a container for suffering, anger, altered states and other experiences; how to facilitate flow within this space; and what obstacles can appear like fear, judgement, shame and paralysis...I will offer tools and ideas that together use art-making practices and concepts as a framework for a philosophy of care and compassion in the presence of our own and other’s suffering, and create portability of these practices so that we can bring these ideas and intentions into our lives and relationships day to day to create positive change within ourselves and our larger communities." To register, click here.

Survey of Mental Health Peer Warmlines Is Published

From the 2021 National Warmline Survey Executive Summary:  "This survey captured information about a wide range of [Mental Health] Peer Warm Lines, including length of operation (from one year to 36 years old), geographic location in the U.S. (18 different states, many regions of the country), geographic location served (county/national), as well as call volume (less then 100 calls a week to greater than 1,500 calls per week). The majority are open seven days a week with varied hours, but only about a third were open on holidays. More than 70% reported a significant/monumental increase in calls during the past year...Most reported the need for accessing higher levels of care to be rare (less than 1% of calls) and a few lines have a policy against calling 911...The greatest need reported by the responding Peer Warm Lines was FUNDING...When asked about the impact of Peer Warm Lines on Crisis Services, many responded that they believed that Peer Warm Lines assist people before they get to the point of needing crisis services, although this is primarily anecdotal." For the 19-page survey, click here. For the warmline directory, which includes many links to additional information, click here.

"Your [Lived Experience] Voice Deserves a Paycheck, and Here’s What to Charge"

Seth Rotberg--who describes himself as a patient advocate, community connector, and motivational speaker--says that people with lived experience of a physical or mental health condition often ask how much they should charge for their expertise. He writes: "[W]e first need to understand the following: What type of service are you offering? ([e.g.], blog post, speaking engagement, feedback on clinical trial design/protocol); Who (or which company) is requesting this service? ([e.g.], pharmaceutical/biotech, nonprofit organization, medical school); How much time will you need to perform the [tasks involved/service], including any prep work? ([e.g.], one-time or ongoing engagement)...To determine how much to charge for your advocacy work, there is now a fair-market value calculator that the National Health Council created to demonstrate how much a patient or caregiver should be getting compensated. This calculator can provide evidence on your reasoning behind charging a company or organization the amount you requested." For the article by Seth Rotberg, click here. For the Fair-Market Value Calculator, click here. (Courtesy of Kevin Fitts)

Free Webinar: "Mental Health Recovery: What Helps and What Hinders"

On December 10, 2021, at 11 a.m. ET, Illume: The Behavioral Health Center will present a free, two-hour webinar on "Mental Health Recovery: What Helps and What Hinders." The speaker will be Nanette Larson, Deputy Director, Wellness and Recovery Services, State of Illinois. Illume writes: "Although most staff, advocates, and loved ones want to support the recovery journey of those with mental health challenges, there is still great misunderstanding about what is truly helpful in that process. The Hippocratic Oath, 'Do No Harm,' can only be followed if we understand what may, indeed, cause harm. In this presentation, you will learn things that help and things that hinder the recovery process for individuals with mental health challenges." To register, click here. (Courtesy of Fran Hazam)

NIH to Host a Variety of Listening Sessions, Each Geared Toward Specific Audiences

At 6 p.m. ET on December 14, 2021, and January 18, 2022, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will host 90-minute listening sessions geared to nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations, and advocacy organizations. The two sessions are part of NIH's UNITE initiative, which was "established to identify and address structural racism within the NIH-supported community and the greater scientific community...The insights that you share will provide valuable information on the full range of issues and challenges facing diverse talent within the scientific and administrative workforce and will help develop priorities and an action plan...Twenty-four hours prior to the scheduled session, registered participants will receive an email from with login information (Zoom link)." For the complete schedule and to register for specific sessions, click here. (Courtesy of NYAPRS E-News)

2nd Annual Summit to Decriminalize Mental Illness to Be Held in Philadelphia December 13-15

The Sozosei Foundation will hold its Second Annual Summit to Decriminalize Mental Illness from December 13 to 15, 2021, at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia. Portions will be live-streamed. "The Summit is a global event that brings together experts, thought-leaders, people with lived experience, medical professionals, lawyers, judges, advocates, artists, and funders to collaborate, create, and explore pathways to decriminalize mental illness with a particular focus on 988, the new national mental health crisis telephone line, due to go live in July 2022," the organizers write. "Sozosei" means "creativity" in Japanese. "With creativity as a core value, we believe that together we can identify new pathways in order to eliminate the inappropriate use of jails and prisons for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness." For more information and to register, click here. (Courtesy of Kevin Fitts)

WHO Highlights Community Mental Health Services with a Rights-based Approach Around the World

Following the publication of its “Guidance on community mental health services: promoting person-centered and rights-based approaches,” in June 2021--included in the October 2021 Key Update--the World Health Organization is highlighting "models of care from around the world that largely center on relationships and compassionate listening to promote wellness and increase one’s ability to manage symptoms and live meaningful lives." The WHO press release features programs in India, Brazil, Myanmar, New Zealand, Norway, Kenya, and the UK. Programs in New Zealand, Kenya, and Myanmar incorporate peer support. For the press release, click here.

Free Webinar: "Activating Peer Support for a Transformed Mental Health Crisis Response System"

On December 15, 2021, at 1 p.m. ET until 2:15 p.m. ET, NYAPRS and The College for Behavioral Health Leadership will sponsor the first part of a two-part online seminar series titled "Intensity, Lived Experience and Crisis: Activating Peer Support for a Transformed Mental Health Crisis Response System." The organizers write, "While much progress has been made to develop a modern array of 'crisis services,' including mobile crisis units, hospital diversion programs and 'crisis call centers,' through…the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network, the integration of people with lived experience of suicide and crisis as peer support providers has been slow to advance. Peer support can and should play an active role at many points in the transformation of crisis response systems, including those driven by the national 988 line initiative." The presenter will be Eduardo Vega, M. Psy., CEO and founder of Humannovations. For more information and to register, click here.

Please Sign a Petition to Help Save a Public Mental Health Model in Italy

"Trieste is recognized by the World Health Organization as the model of global best practice in mental health care," according to a petition highlighted in a recent NPR article. "It has inspired dozens of programs throughout the world to create an integrated network of community services focused upon the whole-person needs of its users; maintaining their dignity as citizens; and minimizing the coercive practices of old-fashioned institutional settings...Trieste has shown us how community inclusion improves people’s lives. But this great achievement is now threatened by a new right-wing regional government that, on poorly informed and ideological grounds, is fast and impulsively dismantling Trieste's wonderful system of community care...As a Friend of Trieste and all that it stands for, please sign this petition and distribute it widely. For updates on this situation, please consult" For the NPR article, "A public mental health model in Italy earns global praise. Now it faces its demise," click here. For the petition, click here. (Courtesy of Laura Van Tosh)

NRCPD and TU Collaborative Help Parents with Mental Health Conditions

"There is a major gap in services for parents with mental [health conditions] within traditional mental health services," writes the National Research Center for Parents with Disabilities (on the Brandeis University website). "Using lessons learned from the implementation of Family Options, an intervention developed in Massachusetts that focuses on parents and their children as a unit and draws on the strengths, resilience and recovery goals of family members receiving services, we have identified three essential elements of developing successful interventions for parents with psychiatric disabilities: hiring the 'right' staff, establishing organizational frameworks, and fostering community engagement." For the article, click here. And to check out the many and varied parenting resources on the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion website's "Parenting" page, click here.

Cafe TAC's Focus 2.0 Newsletter Covers Telehealth and Smartphone Apps

The latest edition of CAFE TAC's Focus 2.0 newsletter examines "how telehealth and smartphone apps are providing new ways to access mental health resources," the national technical assistance center writes. "What’s out there? What are the advantages of virtual mental health services? What are the barriers? What should you look for when considering telehealth or smartphone apps for mental health? Check out this Focus 2.0 for some answers! We also invite you to share your thoughts on what you wish employers knew about hiring and supervising people with mental health conditions, and our 'Capacity Corner' offers some advice on how to make sure you have effective Committees that actually get stuff done in your mental health consumer organization." For the newsletter, click here

MedPage Offers "News and Commentary from the Psychiatry World"

"The American Psychiatric Association [has] released a new edition of the clinical treatment guide for gambling disorders, as more and more people are turning to internet betting....A previously homeless man who was falsely held for 2 years at a Hawaii psychiatric hospital because of mistaken identity just filed a federal lawsuit. [A] new survey of over 8,000 people--who had an average age of 56--found that social media use was tied to higher odds of depressive symptoms, which were highest for Snapchat, followed by Facebook, and TikTok. A new report from SMI Adviser is offering guidance on how to improve behavioral health services for people living in rural communities." These are some of the stories in MedPage's November 24, 2021, edition. To read the articles, click here.

"Are You Between the Ages of 21 and 60 and Drink Alcohol?"

"Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are seeking adults--[both smokers and non-smokers]--to study whether a gene and smoking may affect drinking alcohol. Volunteers should be healthy and drug-free, and not seeking treatment for alcohol-related problems. Research participation includes three outpatient visits at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD; alcohol consumption; brain scans (MRI), blood draws, and filling out questionnaires. There is no cost to participate and compensation may be provided." For more information, click here. (Courtesy of Fran Hazam)

U.S. Surgeon General Creates Community Toolkit for Addressing Health Misinformation

"The U.S. Surgeon General’s Community Toolkit for Addressing Health Misinformation, developed in collaboration with the HHS Office of Evaluation Sciences (OES), provides specific guidance and resources for health care providers, educators, librarians, faith leaders, and trusted community members to understand, identify, and stop the spread of health misinformation in their communities." For information about the toolkit (a 22-page overview of health misinformation, and resources to stop it), and links to a “Talk to Your Community About Health Misinformation” Infographic, a “Health Misinformation Checklist” Infographic, and the Surgeon General's press release, click here.

A Poem Teaches the Necessity of Community Organizing

In this poem—“Each Day, One More,” published in 1980—Marge Piercy teaches us why we need to organize, and that there is strength in numbers. The poem begins: “What can they do/to you? Whatever they want./They can set you up, they can/bust you, they can break/your fingers, they can/burn your brain with electricity,/blur you with drugs till you/can't walk, can't remember…” And it continues: “How can you stop/them?... A dozen make a demonstration./A hundred fill a hall./A thousand have solidarity and your own newsletter;/ten thousand, power and your own paper;/a hundred thousand, your own media;/ten million, your own country.” The poem concludes: “It goes on one at a time,/it starts when you care/to act, it starts when you do/it again after they said no,/it starts when you say We/and know who you mean, and each/day you mean one more.” For the poem in its entirety, click here.

Comic Books Have Both Contributed to Mental Health Prejudice and to Positive Education

In "Don't Laugh at the Comics: A Modern Take" (2020), the authors cover the history of how mental health professionals have been portrayed since the 1940s. For example, a "surprising number of mental health providers are villains in comic books..." they write. "In addition to the blatantly evil psychiatrists and the narcissistic psychiatrists, since the late 1970s there have been character representations of the flawed or damaged (psychiatric) hero. Even the once revered Dr. Amadeus Arkham, founder of Arkham Asylum [in Batman], becomes a warning about psychiatric care after he kills patients, murders his mother, and becomes an inmate in the institution he founded in a 1989 graphic novel story line." But "...many forms of pop culture (e.g., movies, TV shows, books, comic books) can be used to teach mental health concepts, whether to medical students or in the therapy room...If positive messages are to be portrayed by the comic book industry, mental health professionals and comic creators need to work together to allow creatives to tell compelling stories while at the same time not needlessly stigmatizing mental health patients and providers. This collaboration has already begun, and can be done." For the article, click here.

The December 2021 Digest of Articles Offering Healthy Lifestyle Advice

For "An Age-Old Tool for Suicide Prevention—Social connection is the first line of defense," click here. For "The Pain Brain: Millions of Americans are living with chronic pain. A quiet revolution in research and treatment is finding new ways to help them heal," click here. For "4 Stretches to Combat Too Much Screen Time: Hunching over a laptop for long periods can sabotage your health. These restorative exercises really do make you feel better throughout the day," click here. For "Does High-Intensity Exercise Affect Our Hearts? Minds? Life Spans? Waistlines? What you need to know about high-intensity interval training, or HIIT," click here. For "Smile: Why It’s Important in Personal Life and Workplace: This emotional expression could help you be happy, grateful, and productive," click here.

The December 2021 Digest of Articles about the Criminal Justice System, in Which Many Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Are Incarcerated (and the Key Update continues after this Digest)

For "In an overcrowded justice system, mental health diversions work | Editorial," click here. See also "Keeping the Mentally Ill Out of Jail: An innovative Miami-Dade program shows the way" (2018) (click here) and Mental Health Courts: Pros & Cons (click here). For "There Is No One Answer to Over-Policing and Mass Incarceration—There Are Many: Examples abound for successful alternative methods that can greatly improve the current criminal legal system," click here. For "Reimagining police departments with safety and justice in mind: Scott Pelley reports on the ways American cities are reimagining their police departments, with Austin, Texas, leading the way," click here. For "String of LAPD shootings exposes L.A.’s broken mental health system, officials say," click here. "How Prison Writers Struggle to Be Heard: Sky-high email and phone costs, fear of retaliation by prison staff, and isolation create roadblocks for incarcerated people to share their experience and join a growing national conversation on reforming the criminal legal system," click here. For "State of Justice," a newsletter of the Council of State Governments Justice Center, click here. For "How Police Justify Killing Drivers: The Vehicle Was a Weapon: A Times investigation into a common defense for shooting motorists found that some officers had put themselves in danger. Others appeared to face no peril at all," click here. For "America can’t fix policing without fixing the country’s gun problem: America’s tremendous number of firearms makes it much harder to reform policing," click here. For "The Language Project"--which comprises "I Am Not Your 'Inmate,'" "Good Intentions Don't Blunt the Impact of Dehumanizing Words," "I Was Trained to Call Men a Word They Hated," "People-First Language Matters. So Does the Rest of the Story," "How I Convinced My Incarcerated Peers to Make Language a Priority," and "What Words We Use--and Avoid--While Covering People and Incarceration"--click here. For "An Ode to Memo, the Cellmate and Art Teacher Who Saved My Life: After decades in the system, I was acting like a wild horse roaming the countryside. Memo taught me how to paint through the chaos," click here. For "Gila County faces 4th claim citing jail abuses against mentally ill inmates," click here. For "Can The Death Penalty Be Fixed? These Republicans Think So: A growing number of conservative lawmakers want to overhaul capital punishment, or end it," click here. For "Workers at federal prisons are committing some of the crimes," click here. For "Have It Your Way"--Issue 9 of News Inside, a Marshall Project newsletter, "meets you where you are," click here. For "Opinion: Being pulled over for a broken taillight shouldn't end in death. Too often, it does," click here. For "Young adults facing prison get a second chance through first-in-the-nation court program," click here. For "The Supreme Court’s Growing Hostility to Arguments of Death Row Inmates: Recent rulings, including one turning down a death row inmate’s request supported by the prosecution, offer telling glimpses of the state of capital punishment," click here. For "Do Prisons Deserve a Second Chance? Over the last decade, hundreds of jails and prisons in the U.S. have closed, inspiring architects and designers to reimagine sites of incarceration as positive community spaces," click here. For "Independent Oversight Is Essential for a Safe and Healthy Prison System: Preventive monitoring of conditions in American prisons can help shine a light on what needs to change," click here.


Virtual 2021 Youth Mental Health Disparities Conference to Be Held December 8-9

The 2021 Youth Mental Health Disparities Conference will be held virtually on December 8-9, 2021. It is sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities. Its theme is "Identifying Opportunities and Priorities in Youth Mental Health Disparities Research." Registration information and an agenda will be forthcoming. (Courtesy of Jacek Haciak)

TU Collaborative Seeks Participants for Its Parenting Through Leisure Project; See Also the TU Collaborative's Parenting Resources, Including Information on Custody Issues

The Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion is seeking parents with lived experience of a mental health condition to participate in a paid research study. The TU Collaborative writes: "Our program, Parenting Through Leisure, focuses on helping parents with a serious mental illness participate in leisure activities with their child. We are looking for individuals who are 18 and older; are an adult parent with a diagnosis of schizophrenia-spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, or depression; have a child who is 7 to 15 years old and is interested in participating in family leisure with you; have legal visitation rights, joint custody or full custody of the child, with at least weekly contact; and have a desire to engage in more leisure activities with their child." For details about the study and the remuneration as well as other benefits to eligible participants, and a link to sign up, click here. Questions? Please contact And for the TU Collaborative's Parenting web page--which includes links to many resources for parents with lived experience, including information about custody laws and a model family reunification statute--click here.

Yale Study of COVID-19’s Mental Health Impact Seeks Focus Group Participants with Physical and/or Mental Health Challenges

A study at Yale University led by people with lived experience is recruiting individuals who live with physical and/or mental health challenges to talk about how their lives have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic started. “The Wisdom project: exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of persons who experience adverse living conditions” is led by Larry Davidson, PhD, and Ana Florence, PhD. Ana is a Brazilian psychologist, activist, and postdoctoral associate, and Larry is Director of the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health. If you live with mental and/or physical health challenges and would like to participate, you can email or call 475-355-5393. “All focus groups will be held virtually, and a $50 e-gift card will be provided to each participant,” the researchers say.

Lancet Offers Stakeholders New Opportunities Re: Psychosis & Participatory Research

Check out these opportunities for stakeholder involvement! (1) The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on Psychoses is accepting applications for an academic advisory board (click here) and a lived experience advisory board (click here). (2) The Lancet Psychiatry Commission's "Lived Experience Hub" invites stakeholders to contribute blogposts to convey criticisms, concerns and/or ideas relevant to the work of the Commission. For details, click here. To submit a blog, email (3) The Lancet Psychiatry Commission's "lived experience research group" is a new listserv focused on lived experience advocacy and activism on participatory psychosis research and related policy and practice. In part, this will serve as a sounding board for Lancet Commission work and a place to engage in dialogue about what needs to change. To join, email (Courtesy of Dr. Nev Jones)

“Mental Health System: Open Letter to the Media” Seeks Signatures

“Everyone who believes that the problematic aspects of the mental health system are not adequately represented in the media is invited to sign this letter,” writes Yulia Mikhailova, who launched this initiative to educate the media. The letter begins: “We, a group of people with first-hand experience of the mental health system, write to express our concern about what we see as one-sided coverage of this system in the media and to draw the attention of civil rights organizations to the systemic discrimination that we witnessed and experienced. We, our loved ones, or inmates in the facilities where we worked, were exploited for monetary gain and victimized in various other ways. We saw how abuse, corruption, and exploitation were covered up, while victims and critics of the system were silenced and marginalized.” For a short version of the letter, which includes a link to a longer version, click here. Questions? Contact Yulia Mikhailova at

Alternatives 2021 Is Over, but You Can View Many of the Presentations—and the Work Continues!

If you missed Alternatives 2021—the oldest national conference organized by and for individuals with lived experience of a mental health condition—you can see many of the presentations on the Alternatives conference website! The conference—whose theme was “Connecting, Organizing, Activating!”—was held July 8, 10, 15, and 17, and was organized by the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery. This year the conference was virtual—and free! One highlight was the three Action Groups—on Promoting Racial and Social Justice, National and Statewide Advocacy, and Crisis Prevention and Alternatives to Institutionalization—which met on all four days. Reports from each of the groups are posted on the Alternatives conference website, and it is hoped that people will continue to work together to make progress on the goals that were determined by participants during the conference. For information about the Action Groups, click here. Recordings of many of the workshops, keynotes, and special activities are available on the Alternatives conference website (click here).

Disability Rights California Invites You to Its Past, Present, and Future (Free) Webinars

Disability Rights California (DRC) writes: “You are cordially invited to join us in our virtual disability rights trainings. Our webinars are twice a week, on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT) in English and Thursdays at 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT) in Spanish. Our free trainings provide information and resources on different topics related to mental health, self-advocacy, our legal rights (based on California law) and access to services that are informative and empowering. We welcome all peers (people with lived experience), service providers, family members and people in the community.” To view the webinars, click here.

"Psychiatrist with Philosophical Interests" leads "Conversations in Critical Psychiatry," a Psychiatric Times Series

Awais Aftab, who describes himself as a "psychiatrist with philosophical interests" in his Twitter bio, leads "Conversations in Critical Psychiatry," which, he says, "explores critical and philosophical perspectives in psychiatry and engages with prominent commentators within and outside the profession who have made meaningful criticisms of the status quo." Among those interviewed are Allen Frances, M.D., author of Saving Normal; Sandra Steingard, M.D., and G. Scott Waterman, M.D., on "Integrating Academic Inquiry and Reformist Activism in Psychiatry"; Susannah Cahalan, author of Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness, on "50 Shades of Misdiagnosis"; Kathy Flaherty, J.D., executive director of the Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc., on "Reconsidering Care and Coercion in Psychiatry"; Nev Jones, Ph.D., on "Phenomenology, Power, Polarization, and the Discourse on Psychosis"; Dainius Puras, M.D., on "Global Psychiatry's Crisis of Values"; and many others. For the archived interviews, click here.

CNN Offers “A Guide to Helping and Getting Help During the Coronavirus Crisis”

CNN writes: “The coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming, and one of the most excruciating parts for many people is the feeling of utter helplessness in the face of widespread suffering and hardship. CNN’s Impact Your World has compiled a list of donation opportunities and tips to help those affected by the crisis. Click on a category or scroll down to browse a list of organizations, resources and ideas. Need help? Most categories also include resources for financial, emotional or social support.” For the free guide, click here.

International Conference on Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal Scheduled for May 2022

The first conference of the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal is tentatively scheduled for May 2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland. “The three themes underpinning the conference are safe withdrawal from psychiatric medication, alternatives to psychiatric medication, and the need to question the dominance of medication in mental health care.” Confirmed speakers include Robert Whitaker (journalist and founder of Mad in America), Professor Joanna Moncrieff (psychiatrist and researcher), Laura Delano (co-founder of the Inner Compass Initiative and a person with lived experience), Dr. Carina Håkansson (founder of Family Care Foundation and The Extended Therapy Room Foundation), and Dr. Magnus Hald (Psychiatrist at the Drug-Free Treatment Unit, Norway). For more information, click here.

National Survey Seeks Input from Certified Peer Specialists

“Routine peer support has shown to increase individuals’ hope, sense of personal control, ability to make positive changes, and decreased psychiatric symptoms,” writes Dr. Karen Fortuna of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. “Despite these benefits, the organizational structure of peer support is not known. Dartmouth College is initiating a national survey of trained Certified Peer Specialists to help us understand the organizational structure of peer support services.” For more information and/or to participate in the 15-minute survey, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

Hearing Voices Network Is Now Hosting Online Groups

“There are now ONLINE opportunities to connect, share experiences, and find mutual support,” the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) writes. “These groups are accessible via web-based platforms and by phone…Online groups are specifically for those with personal lived experience with hearing voices, seeing visions, and/or negotiating alternative realities. They are voice-hearer facilitated. With further questions and for details on how to access the group[s], please email” To read this announcement online and for more information, click here.

Survey Seeks Respondents Who Are in Administrative/Leadership Positions in the Mental Health Field

If you are in an administrative/leadership position in the mental health arena, “the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Leadership invites you to participate in the International Survey on Administrative Psychiatry. The survey has two purposes: 1. To identify the concerns and needs of mental health professionals/psychiatrists in administrative and leadership positions. 2. To determine training needs in administrative psychiatry. We ask you to complete this brief, [15- to 20-minute] questionnaire to help us in developing recommendations for action. We also want to let you know that, if you fill out this questionnaire, you permit the committee to use your anonymous data for scientific work.” Peer providers are included. For the survey, click here. (Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

“Experiences with Hospitalization” Survey Seeks Participants

“The purpose of this survey is to help us understand people's lived experience with voluntary and involuntary treatment because of suicidal thoughts. It was created by people with lived experience…We are planning to use this information to facilitate discussions with suicidologists and the suicide prevention community about the impact of the use of these interventions, particularly within marginalized populations. We feel the voice of people with lived experience with these interventions has not had adequate opportunity to be heard, and hope that by completing this survey anonymously, people who have been most impacted can find a safe way to share their experiences. Please note that this is not a research project.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. (Courtesy of Leah Harris)

International Survey on Antipsychotic Medication Withdrawal Seeks Respondents

“Have you taken antipsychotic medication (such as Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal, Haldol, Geodon, Stelazine, and others), for any condition or diagnosis, with or without other medications? And did you ever stop taking antipsychotics, or try to stop taking them? Are you 18 years or older? If yes, you can take this survey about antipsychotic withdrawal and attempts to withdraw, including if you stopped taking them completely or if you tried to come off and still take them. The survey aims to improve mental health services by better understanding medication withdrawal. Lead researcher is Will Hall, a therapist and Ph.D. student who has himself taken antipsychotics. Service users/survivors/consumers from around the world also gave input. The study is sponsored by Maastricht University in the Netherlands; co-sponsors include the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Questions? Please contact”  For more information or to take the survey, click on

Virtual Group Works to Advance Peer Research Capacity, Leadership, and Involvement

Nev Jones, PhD—a strong advocate for building research capacity, leadership, and involvement among peers, survivors, and service users—leads a virtual group dedicated to this effort. Dr. Jones—assistant professor, School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh—was part of the team that developed “User/Survivor Leadership & Capacity Building in Research: White Paper on Promoting Engagement Practices in Peer Evaluation/Research (PEPPER),” published by the Lived Experience Research Network. For the white paper, click here. Anyone interested in joining the virtual group can email Nev at

Peer Support in Higher Education Survey Seeks Respondents

“Peer support programs are growing on college campuses across the U.S. Mental Health America, Doors to Wellbeing, and the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion want to better understand the availability of peer support in higher education as well as the experiences and needs of students accessing peer support programs…We hope to use this research to support the expansion of peer support in higher education, including developing a national database of peer support programs in higher education and documenting pressing issues in campus programs…You may also indicate if you are interested in having your school’s peer support program listed in a national database of peer support programs in higher education.” For more information and to complete the survey, click here

Registration Is Open for Peerpocalypse, to Be Held March 14-17, 2022!

The Mental Health and Addiction Association of Oregon (MHAAO) has announced registration for Peerpocalypse 2022, to be held March 14-17, 2022! “MHAAO is pleased to present its first hybrid conference! In-person attendance allows access to pre-conference events, keynote speeches, all workshops, evening events, and the job fair and exhibit hall. Virtual attendance includes access to keynote speeches and all workshops. In-person early registration—[deadline unspecified]—is $300; regular registration is $375. Virtual registration is $200. Lunch meals (sic), CEUs, a T-shirt, a printed program, and a badge are included for both in-person and virtual attendees. Registration must be received no later than February 14, 2022, to receive a T-shirt.” To register, click here.

Mad In America Invites You to Submit Your Personal Story (Within Certain Guidelines)

Mad In America writes: “A ‘personal story’ is defined as your story of being in relationship to psychiatry and/or the mental health system, whatever that means to you. It might involve your opinions and analysis of what happened to you, as well. It can be about a specific event, or about your overall journey, provided it fits the length requirements (1,500 to 3,000 words) and has a narrative arc. The piece should be about your personal experiences, not psychiatry or the mental health system in general. Submissions should fall under the theme of rethinking psychiatry and the mental health system, and should be original works not previously published elsewhere. For examples of the types of stories we publish, view our personal stories archive here.” For more information and/or to submit a personal story, click here.

PsychAlive Offers a Variety of Webinars on Mental Health Topics, Many Free, Others $15

PsychAlive is a free, nonprofit resource created by the Glendon Association, whose mission is “to save lives and enhance mental health by addressing the social problems of suicide, violence, child abuse and troubled interpersonal relationships.” offers a variety of upcoming and archived webinars, many of which are free, while others are available for $15. Among the myriad topics are “From Anxiety to Action: How to Stay Sane While Fighting Climate Change,” “How to Overcome Insecurity,” “Powerful Tools to Fight Depression,” and “Understanding and Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences.” To check out the webinars, click here.

Seven Ways to Keep a Digital Copy of Your Vaccination Card on Your Smartphone

“You'll need proof of vaccination to go back to work or enter many restaurants, gyms and event venues, so keep your COVID-19 card handy.” This is the advice of, a tech support website. Besides the obvious—taking a photo of the card to store on your phone—there are six other suggestions. For details, click here. (Courtesy of Yvonne Smith)

Many Research Studies Are Seeking Participants, Mad In America Reports

Mad in America recently posted an assortment of research studies that are looking for participants. The studies include International Online Survey of Members of Peer Support Groups About Their Experiences of Withdrawing From Antidepressants; Study on Psychosocial Disability Advocacy and Global Mental Health; University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine study: Experiences of inpatient psychiatric care among former patients; Dissertation research study: Spiritual/religious experience misdiagnosed as “mental disorder”; Have you had a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder and decided to stop taking medication?; and others. For details and to participate, click here.

ISEPP Circulates Petition to Support Human Rights in Psychiatric Treatment

ISEPP seeks signatures on a petition to  "[m]ake a strong statement that any psychiatric or psychotherapeutic interventions without full and honest informed consent are unethical and inhumane." For the petition, click here. (Courtesy of Amy Smith)

ISPS-US Offers an Array of Archived Webinars--Free but Donations Are Welcomed

The ISPS-US (The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis-US Chapter) is offering a whole raft of archived webinars, which are free (although donations are welcomed). Among the webinars are "Cognitive Behavioral & Related Therapies for Psychosis: Diverse Approaches to Supporting Recovery," "How Can the Uncontainable Be Contained? Paradoxes of Madness & Philosophy," "Robert Whitaker: The Rising Non-Pharmaceutical Paradigm for 'Psychosis,'“ "Life with Voices: A Guide for Harmony," "COPE Project: Non-Pharmaceutical Research on Influencing Voices and Visions," "What Hurts and What Helps In Treatment For 'Psychosis': Insider Perspectives," and many others. For more information and to access the webinars, click here.

“Where DNA and Medications Meet”

Not all drugs are effective for all people; therapeutic response rates for many drugs are only 50%-75%. “OneOme, co-founded by [the] Mayo Clinic, provides evidence-based pharmacogenomic solutions that help improve patient outcomes and reduce costs through more personalized medication decisions.” OneOme’s RightMed Test is “a doctor-ordered pharmacogenomic (PGx) test that analyzes your DNA and provides your doctors with genetic information to help them determine how you may respond to certain medications. The results may help your doctors reduce medication trial and error, minimize risk of side effects, save you time and money, and make more informed prescribing decisions. Because your DNA doesn’t change over time, your doctors can use your test results to make more personalized medication decisions for you over the course of your lifetime.” For more information, click here. (Courtesy of Robin Osborne)

Lived Experience Leadership Features 12 Years of Research Studies...

"Lived Experience Leadership features 12 years of research studies focused on this workforce in a range of settings, to foster a better understanding and respect for Lived Experience as a distinct discipline and build clarity on what makes this work unique and valuable. Importantly, this body of research was led by Lived Experience researchers. Lived Experience Leadership provides clear and simple to read research summaries to allow community members and people employed within various industries the opportunity to easily understand and apply strategies within their own workplace. This website also includes easy to download definitionsaudio/visual resources, and key work by other Australian and International sources. The website will continue to grow to include larger collections of our research as well as other key work. For the Lived Experience Leadership website, click here. (Courtesy of Jacek Haciak)

Doors to Wellbeing Offers “State Selfies: A Picture of Peer Services Reported by Peers”

Doors to Wellbeing’s “Peer Album” is a directory of nearly 600 peer-run organizations throughout the U.S. They invite updates and offer instructions for providing them and add, “If your entry has not made this first draft, we encourage you to re-submit.” For the 158-page directory, click here.

Disclaimer: The Clearinghouse does not necessarily endorse the opinions and opportunities included in the Key Update.

About The Key Update

The Key Update is the free monthly e-newsletter of the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse. Volume 18, No. 6, December 2021. For content, reproduction or publication information, please contact Susan Rogers at Follow Susan on Twitter at @SusanRogersMH







Key Update, November 2021, Volume 18, Number 5

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!


The Key Update is compiled, written, and edited by Susan Rogers, Director, National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse.


NOTE: The "FROM PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THE KEY UPDATE BUT STILL FRESH!" Department, which is directly below the monthly Criminal Justice Digest, includes items that had been posted "above the fold" in earlier editions of the newsletter but are still relevant. These items include ongoing research studies that are still seeking participants, as well as upcoming webinars and conferences, and other items of continued interest. Don't miss it!


"How Therapy, Not Pills, Can Nix Chronic Pain and Change the Brain"

New research, published in JAMA Psychiatry, "provides some of the strongest evidence yet that a non-drug, psychological treatment can provide potent and durable [pain] relief. The University of Colorado Boulder study found that two-thirds of chronic back pain patients who underwent a four-week psychological treatment called Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) were pain-free or nearly pain-free post-treatment. And most maintained relief for one year. They also showed changes in pain-generating brain regions after therapy...'This treatment is based on the premise that the brain can generate pain in the absence of injury or after an injury has healed, and that people can unlearn that pain. Our study shows it works,'" said lead author Yoni Ashar. For the CU Boulder press release and a link to the JAMA Psychiatry study, click here.

Lancet Offers Stakeholders New Opportunities Re: Psychosis & Participatory Research

Check out these opportunities for stakeholder involvement! (1) The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on Psychoses is accepting applications for an academic advisory board (click here) and a lived experience advisory board (click here). (2) The Lancet Psychiatry Commission's "Lived Experience Hub" invites stakeholders to contribute blogposts to convey criticisms, concerns and/or ideas relevant to the work of the Commission. For details, click here. To submit a blog, email (3) The Lancet Psychiatry Commission's "lived experience research group" is a new listserv focused on lived experience advocacy and activism on participatory psychosis research and related policy and practice. In part, this will serve as a sounding board for Lancet Commission work and a place to engage in dialogue about what needs to change. To join, email (Courtesy of Dr. Nev Jones)

Free Online Dialogue: "Experts with Experience" Discuss Role of Researcher with Lived Experience in Mental Health Care

On November 8, 2021, researcher and educator Dr. Nev Jones, philosopher Rob Sips, and cultural scientist Alke Haarsma-Wisselink will discuss "the often difficult realities of navigating [psychosis] researcher roles and projects with direct experience challenges, unsettling existing power hierarchies, and the subtle othering and/or marginalization that often occurs when one is a minoritized lived experience member of a larger research team," Dr. Jones writes. "The primary target audience is researchers engaged in psychosis studies." Psychiatrist and philosopher Dr. Kinge Berends will facilitate the 90-minute dialogue among the speakers and with the audience. The 90-minute dialogue will begin at 8 p.m. Brussels time; click here for a time zone converter. To register and for details, contact After registration you will receive a Zoom link for the event. To read Dr. Jones's Twitter thread (@viscidula) on this subject, click here.

"Psychiatrist with Philosophical Interests" leads "Conversations in Critical Psychiatry," a Psychiatric Times Series

Awais Aftab, who describes himself as a "psychiatrist with philosophical interests" in his Twitter bio, leads "Conversations in Critical Psychiatry," which, he says, "explores critical and philosophical perspectives in psychiatry and engages with prominent commentators within and outside the profession who have made meaningful criticisms of the status quo." Among those interviewed are Allen Frances, M.D., author of Saving Normal; Sandra Steingard, M.D., and G. Scott Waterman, M.D., on "Integrating Academic Inquiry and Reformist Activism in Psychiatry"; Susannah Cahalan, author of Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness, on "50 Shades of Misdiagnosis"; Kathy Flaherty, J.D., executive director of the Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc., on "Reconsidering Care and Coercion in Psychiatry"; Nev Jones, Ph.D., on "Phenomenology, Power, Polarization, and the Discourse on Psychosis"; Dainius Puras, M.D., on "Global Psychiatry's Crisis of Values"; and many others. For the archived interviews, click here.

Free Webinar: "How Clinical and Community-Based Peer Services Engagement Can Improve SUD Treatment and Recovery Outcomes”

On November 9, 2021, at 12:30 p.m. ET, NYAPRS will host a free webinar entitled " “Peer Professional Roles and Competencies–How Clinical and Community-Based Peer Services Engagement Can Improve SUD [Substance Use Disorder] Treatment and Recovery Outcomes.” It will be presented by Ben Riker and Theresa Knorr of Friends of Recovery New York, who "will describe roles and competencies of peer professionals in SUD treatment and community-based settings. They will help you to understand best practices for peer integration into both clinical and non-clinical settings, as well as how treatment outcomes can be improved through peer services engagement. NYAPRS is offering 1 CE for this webinar." To register, click here.

IEPA Virtual Conference (Nov. 8-12, 2021) Will Feature a Workshop on Meaningful Service-User Inclusion in Early Psychosis Research

The IEPA (International Early Psychosis Association) virtual conference, whose theme is "New Frontiers in Early Intervention," will be held November 8-12, 2021. The conference "will bring together the world’s leading experts in early intervention in mental health and research, acting as a forum for ideas to be exchanged, experiences shared, knowledge developed and innovation inspired," the organizers write. Highlights will include a workshop--on November 12--on meaningful service-user inclusion in early psychosis research, co-facilitated by Ying Ying Lee (Singapore), Veenu Gupta (UK) and Nev Jones (US). A core activity of the workshop will be collective troubleshooting of a series of "scenarios in which the intentions are good, but 'lived experience' nevertheless ends up sidelined or marginalized," Dr. Jones writes. "The question: How can we collectively deepen our understanding of what it means to co-produce or meaningfully and authentically collaborate?" For more information and to register for the conference, click here. For more information about Dr. Jones's workshop, click here. (Conference times are in AEDT so click on "View in Your Time Zone"; links are provided in the conference information.)

MHA National Publishes 2022 Report on "The State of Mental Health in America"

Mental Health America's free 2022 report on "The State of Mental Health in America" paints a grim picture. Key findings include: "Suicidal ideation continues to increase among adults in the U.S...Over 2.5 million youth in the U.S. have severe depression, and multiracial youth are at greatest risk...Over half of adults with a mental health condition do not receive treatment, totaling over 27 million adults in the U.S. who are going untreated...The percentage of adults with a mental [health condition] who report unmet need for treatment has increased every year since 2011...Over 60% of youth with major depression do not receive any mental health treatment...Nationally, fewer than 1 in 3 youth with severe depression receive consistent mental health care...Both adults and youth in the U.S. continue to lack adequate insurance coverage...Rates of substance use are increasing for youth and adults, even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic." To download a free copy of the 45-page report, click here.

12th Annual (Virtual) Rehabilitation and Recovery Academy to Be Held November 16-18

NYAPRS's 12th Annual Rehabilitation and Recovery Academy will be held virtually from November 16 through November 18, 2021. The Academy's theme is "Moving Forward Together: Healing the Trauma, Advancing New Innovations." NYAPRS writes: "Join us for a special workshop, 'Promoting an Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive Culture in Your Organization,' where you’ll hear from experts in the field--Lenora Reid-Rose, James Rodriguez, Clinton Green and Ruth Colón-Wagner--on the urgent need to implement anti-oppressive care in behavioral health services and some strategies for addressing [this issue] at the macro and micro levels within your organizations. CEs will be offered at no cost for identified workshops in Social Work, Mental Health Counseling, and CPRP." Academy tickets for individuals are $79; for programs, $399; and for organizations with multiple programs, $599. To register, click here.

CMS Invites Participants to Its Listening Session on November 18; Comments May Be Submitted Via Email or During the Chat

On November 18, 2021, at 1 p.m. ET, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will hold a 90-minute listening session about the strategy it published in October: Driving Health System Transformation - A Strategy for the Innovation Center’s Second Decade, "which details its vision for attaining a health system that achieves equitable outcomes through high-quality, affordable, patient-centered care." Although the 15 stakeholder speaker slots have already been filled, participants may submit comments via email to using the subject line “LISTENING SESSION #1,” or via chat during the live session. (Some of the written comments may be read aloud during the listening session.) For more information about the CMS Innovation Center’s new strategy and the CMS Innovation Center Strategic Direction, click here. Sign up for the CMS Innovation Center listserv for details on future listening sessions, model updates, and more. For details about the Listening Session and to register, click here. (Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Stone)

2 Free Webinars on "The Cultural Perspective in Psychiatry": November 19

On November 19, the Local Organizing Committee of the 6th World Congress of the World Association for Cultural Psychiatry (WACP) in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, will offer two free 75-minute webinars--at 11 a.m. CET and 8 p.m. CET--on "Re-conceptualizing culture and context to meet the needs of a globalizing world." In the run-up to the 6th World Congress of Cultural Psychiatry on September 14-17, 2022, the WACP is hosting two webinars, in which four experts in the fields of cultural psychiatry and anthropology will speak. For a CET-to-EST time-zone converter, click here. For more about the webinars and to register, click here. For more about the 6th World Congress, to be held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, click here.

TU Collaborative Seeks Participants for Its Parenting Through Leisure Project; See Also the TU Collaborative's Parenting Resources, Including Information on Custody Issues

The Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion is seeking parents with lived experience of a mental health condition to participate in a paid research study. The TU Collaborative writes: "Our program, Parenting Through Leisure, focuses on helping parents with a serious mental illness participate in leisure activities with their child. We are looking for individuals who are 18 and older; are an adult parent with a diagnosis of schizophrenia-spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, or depression; have a child who is 7 to 15 years old and is interested in participating in family leisure with you; have legal visitation rights, joint custody or full custody of the child, with at least weekly contact; and have a desire to engage in more leisure activities with their child." For details about the study and the remuneration as well as other benefits to eligible participants, and a link to sign up, click here. Questions? Please contact And for the TU Collaborative's Parenting web page--which includes links to many resources for parents with lived experience, including information about custody laws and a model family reunification statute--click here.

"Mental Health Research Matters" Website Posts Early Career Researcher (ECR) Content

Mental Health Research Matters, a UK organization, has launched a web page dedicated to early career researchers. They write: "Welcome to the home of all Early Career Researcher (ECR) content on the #MentalHealthResearchMatters website. Mental health research matters, and so do the individuals and groups who will carry on this vital work long into the future. Nurturing and mentoring these people, and providing the support they need to grow as researchers, and people, is as important as delivering cutting-edge research. Here you will find resources ranging from recordings of ECR workshops, advice from the experts, discussions on best Open Science practices and knowledge mobilization--as well as signposting to various ongoing and upcoming opportunities for ECRs." For the web page, click here.

"Pioneering Study Constructs The First Body-Map For Hallucination Sensations," Science Alert Reports

"Psychologists from the University of Leicester in the UK recruited a dozen volunteers through the National Health Service's Early Intervention in Psychosis teams, and asked them to document the hallucinations that occurred in everyday life for a week," according to a recent Science Alert article. Besides their visual and auditory symptoms, the 12 participants tracked "any other emotions, sensations, or even cognitive states...The result was a kind of map that broke down the boundaries of hallucinations, describing them as events that can affect just about any part of the body." The researchers believe that this small study could lead to better therapies to help people deal with the challenges that accompany "their particular mix of experiences." The research was published in EClinicalMedicine, a Lancet publication. About 3 percent of the population will experience some kind of psychotic episode during their lives, studies suggest. For the Science Alert article, click here. (Courtesy of Jacek Haciak)

Free Webinar: "Working Together to Support Peer Excellence in Kentucky"
On November 30, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, Doors to Wellbeing will present a free 60-minute webinar on "Working Together to Support Peer Excellence in Kentucky." Doors to Wellbeing writes: "Collaboration is an important skill to use in the workplace. This training will highlight the successful collaboration between the Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities and the Bridgehaven Center for Peer Excellence. At the end of this training, participants will have a better understanding of the strategies needed for a successful collaboration." To register, click here.

Save the date: Virtual 2021 Youth Mental Health Disparities Conference

The 2021 Youth Mental Health Disparities Conference will be held virtually on December 8-9, 2021. It is sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities. Its theme is "Identifying Opportunities and Priorities in Youth Mental Health Disparities Research." Registration information and an agenda will be forthcoming. (Courtesy of Jacek Haciak)

What Do Our Wandering Thoughts Teach Us About Our Mental Health? Plenty, Researchers Say

The findings of a University of Arizona-led study, published in Scientific Reports, may eventually be useful in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health issues such as depression. The researchers recruited 78 randomly chosen participants without knowing if they had any clinical diagnoses, and trained them to voice their thoughts aloud for 10 minutes while sitting alone in a room without access to electronic devices. More than 2,000 thoughts were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed, with the goal of measuring thought patterns--especially "ruminative thinking," i.e., continuously thinking the same negative thoughts, which is a common symptom of depression. "We were able to witness how some people became trapped in perseverative cycles of thinking," said one researcher. On the other hand, she added, "many participants found that the exercise offered a refreshing break from the busy world around them." For the press release, click here.

Forbes Highlights Two Organizations That Study Employment Obstacles Facing People with Disabilities

A recent article in Forbes--"10 Things Everyone Should Know About People With Disabilities And Employment"--features two organizations "that study disability and employment in depth, in an effort to better understand barriers to employment and hopefully suggest new solutions that might actually make a significant impact on that huge employment gap. These include Mathematica and the Kessler Foundation’s National Trends in Disability Employment (nTIDE) program, which offers weekly online 'Lunch and Learn' sessions anyone can join. Both these and similar programs try to go beyond the obvious, and figure out what roles are played by discrimination, education and job training, benefits rules, and wider economic and social conditions." For a recent Mathematica 14-page Issue Brief--"Promoting Opportunity Demonstration: Summary of the Interim Findings," published by the Social Security Administration, click here. For the Kessler Foundation's National Trends in Disability Employment program, click here. For the Forbes article, click here.

Dr. Aaron T. Beck, Developer of Cognitive Therapy, Dies at 100

"Dr. Beck was a young psychiatrist trained in Freudian analysis when, in the late 1950s, he began prompting patients to focus on distortions in their day-to-day thinking, rather than on conflicts buried in childhood, as therapists typically did," The New York Times reports. "Dr. Beck’s work, along with that of Albert Ellis, a psychologist working independently, provided the architecture for what is known as cognitive behavior therapy, or CBT.... Steven Hollon, a psychologist at Vanderbilt University, said of Dr. Beck: 'He took a hundred years of dogma, found that it didn’t hold up, and invented something brief, lasting and effective to put in its place. He basically saved psychotherapy from itself.'” Dr. Beck died on November 1, 2021, at age 100. For his obituary in The New York Times, click here.

Celebrities! They’re Just Like Us! These 18 Famous People Were Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder

What do Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, movie director Francis Ford Coppola, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill have in common? All were diagnosed with bipolar disorder—along with 14 other celebrities named on the website of Olympia House, a rehab center in Northern California. One of those who are included, singer/songwriter Demi Lovato, “said she wants women to know that it’s possible to live well, feel well, and also find happiness with bipolar disorder or any other mental illness they’re struggling with.” For the article, click here.

"Clinical Depression Cartoons and Comics"

Laughter is the best medicine, right? For some of that medicine, click here.

The November 2021 Digest of Articles Offering Healthy Lifestyle Advice

For "How to Fend Off Winter Depression: As the days get shorter and the nights start earlier, take these steps to help prevent seasonal affective disorder," click here. For "Exercise for 3 Minutes, Every Half-Hour, to Counter the Ill Effects of Sitting: Climbing stairs, doing jumping jacks or even taking as few as 15 steps during mini-breaks improved blood sugar control among office workers," click here. For "How to Age Gracefully: Inspired by a new book, 'Stupid Things I Won’t Do When I Get Old,' I’m taking stock of my life and deciding what I need to reconsider," click here.

The November 2021 Digest of Articles about the Criminal Justice System, in Which Many Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Are Incarcerated (and the Key Update continues after this Digest)

For "In New Mexico, a bold experiment aims to take police out of the equation for mental health calls," click here. For "King County crisis services ask for clarity on police intervention: Providers want local governments to prescribe when and how police should be involved in mental health calls," click here. For "Analyzing Mass Incarceration," click here. For "Individuals Awaiting Trial Represent 77% of Jail Suicides: BJS," click here. For "Disabled and Abandoned in New York State Prisons: Incarcerated people are being disciplined because their disability makes it impossible to comply with prison rules," click here. For "The Color of Justice: Racial and Ethnic Disparity in State Prisons: Black Americans are incarcerated in state prisons across the country at nearly five times the rate of whites, and Latinx people are 1.3 times as likely to be incarcerated than non-Latinx whites. This report documents the rates of incarceration for white, Black and Latinx Americans in each state, identifies three contributors to racial and ethnic disparities in imprisonment, and provides recommendations for reform," click here. For "Solitary Confinement Condemns Many Prisoners To Long-Term Health Issues," click here. (Courtesy of Jacek Haciak) For "Why Many Police Traffic Stops Turn Deadly: Officers, trained to presume danger, have reacted with outsize aggression. For hundreds of unarmed drivers, the consequences have been fatal," click here. For "Philadelphia to become first major US city to ban minor traffic stops to promote equity, curb 'negative interactions' with police," click here. For "What Responsibility Do Courts Bear for the Crisis at Rikers Island? In the wake of a dozen deaths in New York City jails this year, prosecutors and judges are being asked to reckon with the consequences of setting bail," click here. For "Opinion: The History of Rikers Island Proves That Reform Isn’t Possible," click here. For "They Put Me in Solitary for Drugs I Didn’t Have: Lockups use unreliable tests to claim that lawyers are sending drugs to their clients behind bars," click here. For "Prisons Said It Was COVID Isolation. The Incarcerated Describe Torture. As the pandemic ravaged prisons and jails, officials opted to force people into inhumane solitary confinement. HuffPost spoke to some who described how they 'nearly broke,'” click here. For "DOJ opens civil rights probe into Texas youth correctional facilities: The department is launching the investigation over allegations of physical and sexual abuse," click here. For "New York State’s New Death Penalty: The Death Toll of Mass Incarceration in a Post Execution Era," click here. For "We Social Workers Should Remember Our Values and Stop Policing," click here. For "Planting a Life—and a Future—After Prison at Benevolence Farm: The residential and employment program on a North Carolina organic farm helps formerly incarcerated women find a new path," click here. For " How to Solve the Crisis on Rikers Island: The dangerously overcrowded and mismanaged jail must be closed—but even before then, there are things we can do right now to keep people out and send them home faster," click here.


Yale Study of COVID-19’s Mental Health Impact Seeks Focus Group Participants with Physical and/or Mental Health Challenges

A study at Yale University led by people with lived experience is recruiting individuals who live with physical and/or mental health challenges to talk about how their lives have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic started. “The Wisdom project: exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of persons who experience adverse living conditions” is led by Larry Davidson, PhD, and Ana Florence, PhD. Ana is a Brazilian psychologist, activist, and postdoctoral associate, and Larry is Director of the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health. If you live with mental and/or physical health challenges and would like to participate, you can email or call 475-355-5393. “All focus groups will be held virtually, and a $50 e-gift card will be provided to each participant,” the researchers say.

“Mental Health System: Open Letter to the Media” Seeks Signatures

“Everyone who believes that the problematic aspects of the mental health system are not adequately represented in the media is invited to sign this letter,” writes Yulia Mikhailova, who launched this initiative to educate the media. The letter begins: “We, a group of people with first-hand experience of the mental health system, write to express our concern about what we see as one-sided coverage of this system in the media and to draw the attention of civil rights organizations to the systemic discrimination that we witnessed and experienced. We, our loved ones, or inmates in the facilities where we worked, were exploited for monetary gain and victimized in various other ways. We saw how abuse, corruption, and exploitation were covered up, while victims and critics of the system were silenced and marginalized.” For a short version of the letter, which includes a link to a longer version, click here. Questions? Contact Yulia Mikhailova at

Alternatives 2021 Is Over, but You Can View Many of the Presentations—and the Work Continues!

If you missed Alternatives 2021—the oldest national conference organized by and for individuals with lived experience of a mental health condition—you can see many of the presentations on the Alternatives conference website! The conference—whose theme was “Connecting, Organizing, Activating!”—was held July 8, 10, 15, and 17, and was organized by the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery. This year the conference was virtual—and free! One highlight was the three Action Groups—on Promoting Racial and Social Justice, National and Statewide Advocacy, and Crisis Prevention and Alternatives to Institutionalization—which met on all four days. Reports from each of the groups are posted on the Alternatives conference website, and it is hoped that people will continue to work together to make progress on the goals that were determined by participants during the conference. For information about the Action Groups, click here. Recordings of many of the workshops, keynotes, and special activities are available on the Alternatives conference website (click here).

Disability Rights California Invites You to Its Past, Present, and Future (Free) Webinars

Disability Rights California (DRC) writes: “You are cordially invited to join us in our virtual disability rights trainings. Our webinars are twice a week, on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT) in English and Thursdays at 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT) in Spanish. Our free trainings provide information and resources on different topics related to mental health, self-advocacy, our legal rights (based on California law) and access to services that are informative and empowering. We welcome all peers (people with lived experience), service providers, family members and people in the community.” To view the webinars, click here.

 (Virtual) 2021 Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS) Conference Info

The theme of the Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS)—"a biennial national conference that centers the multiple oppressions that shape the lived experiences of disabled individuals, as told by disabled people, in a setting organized by disabled activists”—is “Disabled Community Care and Survival: Strategies and Brilliance.” The organizers write: “This year’s DIS 2021 will have presentations scheduled from June - December.” For more about the Summit, click here. (Courtesy of Dan Fisher)

CNN Offers “A Guide to Helping and Getting Help During the Coronavirus Crisis”

CNN writes: “The coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming, and one of the most excruciating parts for many people is the feeling of utter helplessness in the face of widespread suffering and hardship. CNN’s Impact Your World has compiled a list of donation opportunities and tips to help those affected by the crisis. Click on a category or scroll down to browse a list of organizations, resources and ideas. Need help? Most categories also include resources for financial, emotional or social support.” For the free guide, click here.

International Conference on Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal Scheduled for May 2022

The first conference of the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal is tentatively scheduled for May 2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland. “The three themes underpinning the conference are safe withdrawal from psychiatric medication, alternatives to psychiatric medication, and the need to question the dominance of medication in mental health care.” Confirmed speakers include Robert Whitaker (journalist and founder of Mad in America), Professor Joanna Moncrieff (psychiatrist and researcher), Laura Delano (co-founder of the Inner Compass Initiative and a person with lived experience), Dr. Carina Håkansson (founder of Family Care Foundation and The Extended Therapy Room Foundation), and Dr. Magnus Hald (Psychiatrist at the Drug-Free Treatment Unit, Norway). For more information, click here.

National Survey Seeks Input from Certified Peer Specialists

“Routine peer support has shown to increase individuals’ hope, sense of personal control, ability to make positive changes, and decreased psychiatric symptoms,” writes Dr. Karen Fortuna of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. “Despite these benefits, the organizational structure of peer support is not known. Dartmouth College is initiating a national survey of trained Certified Peer Specialists to help us understand the organizational structure of peer support services.” For more information and/or to participate in the 15-minute survey, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

Hearing Voices Network Is Now Hosting Online Groups

“There are now ONLINE opportunities to connect, share experiences, and find mutual support,” the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) writes. “These groups are accessible via web-based platforms and by phone…Online groups are specifically for those with personal lived experience with hearing voices, seeing visions, and/or negotiating alternative realities. They are voice-hearer facilitated. With further questions and for details on how to access the group[s], please email” To read this announcement online and for more information, click here.

Conference on Stigma to Take Place November 15-19, 2021, at Howard University

The 12th Annual International Conference on Stigma will be held November 15-19, 2021, at Howard University. "The goals of this hybrid conference are to increase awareness of the stigma of HIV and other health conditions and to explore interventions to eradicate this stigma. The conference also serves to educate healthcare providers and the general public about stigma as both a human rights violation and a major barrier to prevention and treatment of illnesses." The theme of the conference is "Trauma…Recovery…Healing." For more information, click here. (Courtesy of Sharon Wise)

Survey Seeks Respondents Who Are in Administrative/Leadership Positions in the Mental Health Field

If you are in an administrative/leadership position in the mental health arena, “the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Leadership invites you to participate in the International Survey on Administrative Psychiatry. The survey has two purposes: 1. To identify the concerns and needs of mental health professionals/psychiatrists in administrative and leadership positions. 2. To determine training needs in administrative psychiatry. We ask you to complete this brief, [15- to 20-minute] questionnaire to help us in developing recommendations for action. We also want to let you know that, if you fill out this questionnaire, you permit the committee to use your anonymous data for scientific work.” Peer providers are included. For the survey, click here. (Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

“Experiences with Hospitalization” Survey Seeks Participants

“The purpose of this survey is to help us understand people's lived experience with voluntary and involuntary treatment because of suicidal thoughts. It was created by people with lived experience…We are planning to use this information to facilitate discussions with suicidologists and the suicide prevention community about the impact of the use of these interventions, particularly within marginalized populations. We feel the voice of people with lived experience with these interventions has not had adequate opportunity to be heard, and hope that by completing this survey anonymously, people who have been most impacted can find a safe way to share their experiences. Please note that this is not a research project.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. (Courtesy of Leah Harris)

International Survey on Antipsychotic Medication Withdrawal Seeks Respondents

“Have you taken antipsychotic medication (such as Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal, Haldol, Geodon, Stelazine, and others), for any condition or diagnosis, with or without other medications? And did you ever stop taking antipsychotics, or try to stop taking them? Are you 18 years or older? If yes, you can take this survey about antipsychotic withdrawal and attempts to withdraw, including if you stopped taking them completely or if you tried to come off and still take them. The survey aims to improve mental health services by better understanding medication withdrawal. Lead researcher is Will Hall, a therapist and Ph.D. student who has himself taken antipsychotics. Service users/survivors/consumers from around the world also gave input. The study is sponsored by Maastricht University in the Netherlands; co-sponsors include the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Questions? Please contact”  For more information or to take the survey, click on

Virtual Group Works to Advance Peer Research Capacity, Leadership, and Involvement

Nev Jones, PhD—a strong advocate for building research capacity, leadership, and involvement among peers, survivors, and service users—leads a virtual group dedicated to this effort. Dr. Jones—assistant professor, School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh—was part of the team that developed “User/Survivor Leadership & Capacity Building in Research: White Paper on Promoting Engagement Practices in Peer Evaluation/Research (PEPPER),” published by the Lived Experience Research Network. For the white paper, click here. Anyone interested in joining the virtual group can email Nev at

Peer Support in Higher Education Survey Seeks Respondents

“Peer support programs are growing on college campuses across the U.S. Mental Health America, Doors to Wellbeing, and the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion want to better understand the availability of peer support in higher education as well as the experiences and needs of students accessing peer support programs…We hope to use this research to support the expansion of peer support in higher education, including developing a national database of peer support programs in higher education and documenting pressing issues in campus programs…You may also indicate if you are interested in having your school’s peer support program listed in a national database of peer support programs in higher education.” For more information and to complete the survey, click here

Registration Is Open for Peerpocalypse, to Be Held March 14-17, 2022!

The Mental Health and Addiction Association of Oregon (MHAAO) has announced registration for Peerpocalypse 2022, to be held March 14-17, 2022! “MHAAO is pleased to present its first hybrid conference! In-person attendance allows access to pre-conference events, keynote speeches, all workshops, evening events, and the job fair and exhibit hall. Virtual attendance includes access to keynote speeches and all workshops. In-person early registration—[deadline unspecified]—is $300; regular registration is $375. Virtual registration is $200. Lunch meals (sic), CEUs, a T-shirt, a printed program, and a badge are included for both in-person and virtual attendees. Registration must be received no later than February 14, 2022, to receive a T-shirt.” To register, click here.

Mad In America Invites You to Submit Your Personal Story (Within Certain Guidelines)

Mad In America writes: “A ‘personal story’ is defined as your story of being in relationship to psychiatry and/or the mental health system, whatever that means to you. It might involve your opinions and analysis of what happened to you, as well. It can be about a specific event, or about your overall journey, provided it fits the length requirements (1,500 to 3,000 words) and has a narrative arc. The piece should be about your personal experiences, not psychiatry or the mental health system in general. Submissions should fall under the theme of rethinking psychiatry and the mental health system, and should be original works not previously published elsewhere. For examples of the types of stories we publish, view our personal stories archive here.” For more information and/or to submit a personal story, click here.

PsychAlive Offers a Variety of Webinars on Mental Health Topics, Many Free, Others $15

PsychAlive is a free, nonprofit resource created by the Glendon Association, whose mission is “to save lives and enhance mental health by addressing the social problems of suicide, violence, child abuse and troubled interpersonal relationships.” offers a variety of upcoming and archived webinars, many of which are free, while others are available for $15. Among the myriad topics are “From Anxiety to Action: How to Stay Sane While Fighting Climate Change,” “How to Overcome Insecurity,” “Powerful Tools to Fight Depression,” and “Understanding and Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences.” To check out the webinars, click here.

Seven Ways to Keep a Digital Copy of Your Vaccination Card on Your Smartphone

“You'll need proof of vaccination to go back to work or enter many restaurants, gyms and event venues, so keep your COVID-19 card handy.” This is the advice of, a tech support website. Besides the obvious—taking a photo of the card to store on your phone—there are six other suggestions. For details, click here. (Courtesy of Yvonne Smith)

Many Research Studies Are Seeking Participants, Mad In America Reports

Mad in America recently posted an assortment of research studies that are looking for participants. The studies include International Online Survey of Members of Peer Support Groups About Their Experiences of Withdrawing From Antidepressants; Study on Psychosocial Disability Advocacy and Global Mental Health; University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine study: Experiences of inpatient psychiatric care among former patients; Dissertation research study: Spiritual/religious experience misdiagnosed as “mental disorder”; Have you had a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder and decided to stop taking medication?; and others. For details and to participate, click here.

ISEPP Circulates Petition to Support Human Rights in Psychiatric Treatment

ISEPP seeks signatures on a petition to  "[m]ake a strong statement that any psychiatric or psychotherapeutic interventions without full and honest informed consent are unethical and inhumane." For the petition, click here. (Courtesy of Amy Smith)

ISPS-US Offers an Array of Archived Webinars--Free but Donations Are Welcomed

The ISPS-US (The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis-US Chapter) is offering a whole raft of archived webinars, which are free (although donations are welcomed). Among the webinars are "Cognitive Behavioral & Related Therapies for Psychosis: Diverse Approaches to Supporting Recovery," "How Can the Uncontainable Be Contained? Paradoxes of Madness & Philosophy," "Robert Whitaker: The Rising Non-Pharmaceutical Paradigm for 'Psychosis,' "Life with Voices: A Guide for Harmony," "COPE Project: Non-Pharmaceutical Research on Influencing Voices and Visions," "What Hurts and What Helps In Treatment For 'Psychosis': Insider Perspectives," and many others. For more information and to access the webinars, click here.

“Where DNA and Medications Meet”

Not all drugs are effective for all people; therapeutic response rates for many drugs are only 50%-75%. “OneOme, co-founded by [the] Mayo Clinic, provides evidence-based pharmacogenomic solutions that help improve patient outcomes and reduce costs through more personalized medication decisions.” OneOme’s RightMed Test is “a doctor-ordered pharmacogenomic (PGx) test that analyzes your DNA and provides your doctors with genetic information to help them determine how you may respond to certain medications. The results may help your doctors reduce medication trial and error, minimize risk of side effects, save you time and money, and make more informed prescribing decisions. Because your DNA doesn’t change over time, your doctors can use your test results to make more personalized medication decisions for you over the course of your lifetime.” For more information, click here. (Courtesy of Robin Osborne)

Lived Experience Leadership Features 12 Years of Research Studies...

"Lived Experience Leadership features 12 years of research studies focused on this workforce in a range of settings, to foster a better of understanding and respect for Lived Experience as a distinct discipline and build clarity on what makes this work unique and valuable. Importantly, this body of research was led by Lived Experience researchers. Lived Experience Leadership provides clear and simple to read research summaries to allow community members and people employed within various industries the opportunity to easily understand and apply strategies within their own workplace. This website also includes easy to download definitionsaudio/visual resources, and key work by other Australian and International sources. The website will continue to grow to include larger collections of our research as well as other key work. For the Lived Experience Leadership website, click here. (Courtesy of Jacek Haciak)

Doors to Wellbeing Offers “State Selfies: A Picture of Peer Services Reported by Peers”

Doors to Wellbeing’s “Peer Album” is a directory of nearly 600 peer-run organizations throughout the U.S. They invite updates and offer instructions for providing them and add, “If your entry has not made this first draft, we encourage you to re-submit.” For the 158-page directory, click here.

Disclaimer: The Clearinghouse does not necessarily endorse the opinions and opportunities included in the Key Update.

About The Key Update

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is now affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!

The Key Update is the free monthly e-newsletter of the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse. Volume 18, No. 5, November 2021. For content, reproduction or publication information, please contact Susan Rogers at Follow Susan on Twitter at @SusanRogersMH







Key Update, October 2021, Volume 18, Number 4

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!


The Key Update is compiled, written, and edited by Susan Rogers, Director, National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse.


NOTE: The "FROM PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THE KEY UPDATE BUT STILL FRESH!" Department, which is directly below the monthly Criminal Justice Digest, includes items that had been posted "above the fold" in earlier editions of the newsletter but are still relevant. These items include ongoing research studies that are still seeking participants, as well as upcoming webinars and conferences, and other items of continued interest. Don't miss it!


SAMHSA to Hold Open Virtual Meeting of ISMICC on October 27; Comments Due by October 20

The next "committee meeting and listening session" of SAMHSA’s Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee (ISMICC) will be held on October 27, 2021, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET. More registration details are pending, NYAPRS E-News writes, "but please email before October 20 to offer public comments. The notice says that 'up to three minutes will be allotted for each approved public comment as time permits. Written comments received in advance of the meeting will be considered for inclusion in the official record of the meeting.'” The meeting is open to the public and can be accessed via telephone or webcast only. The agenda with call-in information and the draft report to Congress will be posted on SAMHSA's website prior to the meeting, which "will address feedback from the ISMICC members regarding the final report to Congress and include information on federal efforts related to serious mental illness (SMI) and serious emotional disturbance (SED)." For background about the ISMICC, click here. For more information as it becomes available, click here.

Free Webinar October 8: "Psychiatric Advance Directives (PADs): A Tool for Improving Crisis Care and Legal Issues for Implementation"

On October 8, 2021, at 12 p.m. ET--and available for viewing through November 7, 2021--a free, one-hour, SAMHSA-sponsored webinar on "Psychiatric Advance Directives (PADs): A Tool for Improving Crisis Care and Legal Issues for Implementation" will be presented. The organizers write: "PADs permit persons while in a competent state to consent [to] or refuse future treatment and appoint a proxy decision maker to speak for the incapacitated person to reinforce those preferences during a crisis....This webinar will discuss implementation of PADs and legal barriers to their use." For more information and to register, click here. (Courtesy of Dan Fisher) 

"A Government Program That Controls The Lives of People Leaving Psych Hospitals"

"For those found not guilty of a crime by reason of insanity and put into California’s CONREP program, strict supervision can last decades," according to The Marshall Project. "CONREP, which oversees roughly 650 Californians, is meant to help patients transition from institutions to independence, while also trying to prevent violent relapses. But according to a Marshall Project investigation, many patients, family members, former employees and attorneys say the system can trap people for decades in a legal limbo, one that dictates where former patients live, whether they work, and whom they see." For the Marshall Project article, click here. See also "When Not Guilty Is a Life Sentence: What happens after a defendant is found not guilty by reason of insanity? Often the answer is involuntary confinement in a state psychiatric hospital—with no end in sight": (click here).

SAMHSA's Announcement of Its New Office of Recovery Highlights the Value of Peer-run Services

"Recovery [from mental health conditions and substance use disorders] is enhanced by peer-delivered services," according to SAMHSA's announcement of its Office of Recovery on September 30, 2021. "These peer support services have proven to be effective as the support, outreach and engagement with new networks help sustain recovery over the long term. Peer services are critical, given the significant workforce shortages in behavioral health. SAMHSA’s new Office of Recovery will promote the involvement of people with lived experience throughout agency and stakeholder activities, foster relationships with internal and external organizations in the mental health and addiction recovery fields and identify health disparities in high-risk and vulnerable populations to ensure equity for support services across the Nation." For SAMHSA's press release, click here. For the press release of the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery about the Office of Recovery, click here.

October 10 Is World Mental Health Day

The World Health Organization's theme for World Mental Health Day 2021 (October 10) is "Mental health care for all: let's make it a reality." To read more about the WHO's suggestions, click here. For WikiHow's ideas about how to celebrate World Mental Health Day, click here. For the WHO's 296-page "Guidance on Community Mental Health Services: Promoting Person-centered and Rights-based Approaches" (courtesy of Janet Paleo), published in the September 2021 Key Update, click here. For a WHO press release--"New WHO Guidance Seeks to Put an End to Human Rights Violations in Mental Health Care," from the July Key Update, click here. For "Former UN Special Rapporteur Denounces 'Global Psychiatry’s Crisis of Values,'” from the June 2021 Key Update, click hereFor "World Mental Health Day: Prioritize Social Justice, Not Only Access to Care," click here.

New Edition of TU Collaborative Newsletter Focuses on College Students with Mental Health Issues

The new edition of the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion's newsletter is here! It includes three free guides: "From You, I Get the Story: Amplifying the Voices of Students with Mental Health Issues on College Campuses" (33 pages), along with a new podcast on the same topic; "Your College Community: How People with Psychiatric Disabilities Can Make the Most of Their College Experience" (35 pages); and "Campus Engagement-Oriented Supported Education" (49 pages). For the newsletter, click here.

Free Webinar: "Navigating Trauma for Kids & Teens: Back-to-School & COVID"
On October 12, 2021, at 2:30 p.m. ET, Mental Health America will present a free, one-hour webinar on "Navigating Trauma for Kids & Teens: Back-to-School & COVID." MHA writes.: "Trauma can have varying effects on a child's developing brain, oftentimes significantly impacting their ability to succeed, socially and academically, in school. These 18 months [of the pandemic] and all that have come with them have compounded already-present traumatic stress for so many kids, and in turn increased the likelihood of behavioral, academic, and social challenges. Join Brightline's webinar to learn more about how these experiences can alter a child’s ability to function in school and the ways we can support them and their families." For more information and to register, click here. MHA's previous webinars are archived and available for viewing. For details, click here.

There Are Three Days Still to Come for the 2021 (Virtual) NARMH Conference

The final three days of the 2021 annual (virtual) conference of the National Association for Rural Mental (NARMH) will take place on October 13, 20, and 27. (The first day was October 6.) The theme is "Emerging from COVID-19: Lessons Learned and Future Directions for Rural Mental Health." The registration fee includes a one-year NARMH membership. For membership details, click here. For conference information and to register, click here. Note: Discounted rate of $75 for the remaining sessions.

A Brain Implant Lifts Depression in One Person, While an Earlier Implant-for-Depression Study Failed

"An electrical implant that sits in the skull and is wired to the brain can detect and treat severe depression, U.S. scientists believe after promising results with a first patient," BBC News reports. "Sarah, who is 36, had the device fitted more than a year ago and says it has turned her life around. The matchbox-sized pack in her head is always 'on' but only delivers an impulse when it senses she may need it. The experimental study is described in Nature Medicine journal." However, in a related story, from 2018, about the Broaden Trial, which began in 2008, all of the trial participants interviewed by a reporter "had suffered a range of debilitating adverse effects, & ultimately had the device explanted." "The trial had been terminated in 2013, due to a low 17% success rate among at least 75 patients that received the controversial brain implant," Mad In America reports. "But the public was given no additional details from the sponsor about the trial’s protocols, or the outcome of at least 128 people that had enrolled in this risky experimental study." For "Brain implant may lift most severe depression," click here. For "Brain Implants: Spinning the Trial Results to Protect the Product," click here.

(Virtual) National Dialogues on Behavioral Health Continue on October 14

There's still time to register for the last four sessions of the 2021 National Dialogues on Behavioral Health Virtual Conference; the cost is $25 per session. The final four sessions will take place on consecutive Thursdays: October 14, 21, and 28, and November 4; each session is from  2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET. The theme is  “Behavioral Health in the 21st Century: Fast Forward After the Pandemic Age.” The organizers write: "The purpose of the conference is to bring experts, administrators, providers, consumers, family members and advocates together to discuss the cutting edge in the topic of interest with a focus on implementation and 'how to do it.' A distinctive feature is the opportunity for extended dialogue and interaction among the participants." The conference is sponsored by the National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors (NACBHDD), the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) Behavioral Health Program, and the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD). For more information and to register, click here.

National Association of Peer Supporters to Hold 2021 (Virtual) Annual Conference October 21-22

The 2021 conference of the National Association of Peer Supporters (N.A.P.S.) will be held October 21-22. Its theme is "Uniting the Peer Workforce." N.A.P.S. writes: "This two-day virtual event features networking, breakout sessions, and the N.A.P.S. annual meeting. Certificates of Completion will be offered for attendance." For ticket information and to register, click here." (The website includes a link to the program, indicating (at this writing) that it is "coming soon.")

"The Participation Ladder: A Consumer/Survivor Lens"

"The Participation Ladder: A Consumer/Survivor Lens" is a four-page infographic that covers how "[m]oving up the ladder is a way to address social injustice and inequity. The higher you move up the participation ladder, the more say we get to have about our own lives." The infographic includes a "Participation Ladder"--with the categories "Type of Participation" (from "Consumer-owned" on the top rung to "Exclude: Consumers are unable to access services or systems or decision making" at the bottom), "What Happens at Each Level," "Implications and Views," and "Power"--as well as a checklist to measure the level of participation (and, therefore, the impact) that your project can achieve. For the infographic, click here. (Courtesy of Nev Jones and Jacek Haciak)

APA to Present Its (Virtual) Mental Health Services Conference on October 14-15, 2021

The American Psychiatric Association is hosting its Mental Health Services Conference online on October 14-15, 2021. The theme is "Sociopolitical Determinants: Practice, Policy and Implementation." The APA writes: "The Mental Health Services Conference highlights educational programs and innovations in clinical services designed to ensure equal access to high-quality mental health care for all populations regardless of race/ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, or geographical background." For details, including ticket costs and the complete agenda, and to register, click here.

"Taking the Call"--a National Conference Exploring Innovative Community Responder Models--Will Take Place October 20-21

Taking the Call, on October 20-21, 2021, "will bring people together from across the U.S. to delve into how jurisdictions are serving as laboratories for innovation to ensure that emergency calls receive the appropriate response. The virtual conference will explore how communities are working to build more comprehensive crisis systems including the opportunities and challenges of emerging community responder models and whether or how the approach may improve community health, lessen the burden on law enforcement, and reduce unnecessary justice system contact. The conference is presented by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance, The Council of State Governments Justice Center, and the University of Cincinnati. The national conference is free and open to the public; pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, click here(Note: This conference was first publicized in the May 2021 Key Update.)

Free Virtual Mental Health Summit to Be Hosted by MHA and IDONTMIND

Mental Health America and IDONTMIND, in partnership with Youtube, will present Our Future In Mind: Mental Health Summit, a free live conference, on November 5, 2021, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. ET, and November 6 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET. Mental Health America writes: "The first of its kind, this event will give you a front-row seat to the stories behind some of the biggest movements in mental health and the tools you will need to be part of the change." For more information and to register, click here

Mindspring Alliance Is Sponsoring Several Free Webinars in October 2021

Mindspring Alliance, a mental health agency based in Des Moines, Iowa, has eight free webinars coming up in mid- to late October. "Delivering comprehensive outreach & education is the heart of our mission," they write. "These events are absolutely free and everyone is welcome." All of the webinars are one hour in length, at 1 p.m. ET, 12 p.m. CT, 11 a.m. MT, 10 a.m. PT. The choices are "Understanding Bipolar Disorder" (October 12), "Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" (October 13),  "Understanding Hoarding" (October 14), "The Psychological Origins of Stigma & Bias" (October 19), "The Science Behind Mental Health" (October 20), "Stress: Signs, Symptoms, Management, & Prevention" (October 21), "Understanding Schizophrenia" (October 27), and "Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder" (October 28). For more information and to register, scroll down at this link (click here).

Doors to Wellbeing Offers Free Webinar on "The Season for Self-Care"

The next free webinar in Doors to Wellbeing's series is "The Season for Self-Care," on October 26, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET. "As Autumn arrives, we move inward, becoming aware of what is really needed to care for ourselves and those around us. It is essential for those of us who take care of others to spend some time taking care of ourselves first. For peer specialists, this webinar will explore changing self-care to fit the season, applying techniques that foster a positive attitude, and engaging others in ways that support wellness." For more information and to register, click here.

Researchers Construct a Model of Psychological Balance

A recent article in Frontiers in Psychology by researchers at the University of Zurich describes their efforts to create a model of "psychological balance." "...[I]t has to do with the degree to which someone is able to possess a consistent yet flexible outlook on life while also spending the right amount of time taking care of oneself versus others," reports. The model contains 10 value domains: "Self-direction (e.g., 'I decide about which way my life goes'); Stimulation ('I am open to discovering new things in life'); Hedonism ('I can enjoy life to the fullest'); Achievement ('I strive to do my best and succeed in what I do'); Power ('I strive to gain resources and influence over others'); Security ('I want to be safe wherever I am'); Conformity ('I follow social rules out of respect for others'); Tradition ('I follow ideas of my culture or religion'); Benevolence ('I care about my family, friends, and other people'); and Universalism ('I care about all things on the planet')...The researchers suggest that individuals who devote relatively equal amounts of time to themselves and others... are most likely to exhibit psychological balance." For the article, "4 Traits of Psychologically Balanced People," click here. For the Frontiers in Psychology article, click here.

Latest Live & Learn Newsletter Offers Research, News, and Resources

Live & Learn--"the only survivor-run research organization in the U.S."--writes: "This month we are devoting our newsletter to updates from our projects and our efforts to share the information we learn through our work. Make sure to check out the opportunity to contribute to the development of our self-employment resource platform!" For the September 2021 newsletter, click here.

"Study Finds 'Serious Problems with Privacy' in Mobile Health Apps," BMJ Reports

A recent "in-depth analysis of more than 20,000 health-related mobile applications (mHealth apps) published by The BMJ finds 'serious problems with privacy and inconsistent privacy practices.' The researchers say the collection of personal user information is 'a pervasive practice' and that patients 'should be informed on the privacy practices of these apps and the associated privacy risks before installation and use.'...[R]esearchers at Macquarie University in Australia identified more than 15,000 free mHealth apps in the Google Play store and compared their privacy practices with a random sample of more than 8,000 non-health apps. They found that while mHealth apps collected less user data than other types of mobile apps, 88% could access and potentially share personal data...Only 4% of mHealth apps actually transmitted data (mostly user's name and location information). However, the researchers say this percentage is substantial...The researchers also found that 28% (5,903) of the mHealth apps did not offer any privacy policy text, and at least 25% (15,480) of user data transmissions violated what was stated in the privacy policies." For the article, click here.

And Now for Something Completely Different…

For some comic relief, click here.

The October 2021 Digest of Articles Offering Healthy Lifestyle Advice

For "Research Shows People Become Increasingly Unhappy Until Age 47.2. Here's How to Minimize the Negative Effect of the 'Happiness Curve': While middle age 'misery' reaches its low point in our late 40s, still: There are definitely ways to minimize the effect of a global phenomenon," click here. For "The Difference Between Hope and Optimism: For starters, hope is better," click here. For "We Need to Understand the Difference Between Isolation and Loneliness: Both can pose distinct dangers to our mental and physical health," click here. For "Four Light Exercises to Help You Sleep," click here. For "The Opposite of Toxic Positivity: 'Tragic optimism' is the search for meaning during the inevitable tragedies of human existence, and is better for us than avoiding darkness and trying to 'stay positive,'” click here.

The October 2021 Digest of Articles about the Criminal Justice System, in Which Many Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Are Incarcerated (and the Key Update continues after this Digest)

For "Mental Illness In Solitary Landed These Men An Extra 842 Years In Illinois Prisons, Advocates Say: A civil-rights group wants the governor to commute sentences for 43 people whose mental health and behavior deteriorated in solitary," click here. For "Doing No Harm: Criminal charges against paramedics in Elijah McClain’s death raise questions about when emergency medical responders should be held accountable for fatalities in police custody," click here. For "The Cover-up Machine: Activists in Aurora, Colorado, wanted justice for Elijah McClain. Instead, they found themselves facing decades in prison," click here. For "Seattle police intervening in fewer mental health calls, data show: Since Washington implemented new police use-of-force laws, SPD officers have sent fewer people in mental health crisis to the hospital," click here. (The following six articles are about the brutal conditions at New York City's Rikers Island and the need to shut it down.) For "A hellhole yesterday, today and tomorrow: Mayor de Blasio’s epic Rikers Island failure," click here. For "What to Do About Closing Rikers," click here. For "Opinion: Closing Rikers Island is a matter of life and death," click here. For "Dispatch From Deadly Rikers Island: ‘It Looks Like a Slave Ship in There’: Rikers Island has been notorious for violence and neglect for decades. But detainees, corrections officers and officials tell us the New York City jail complex has plunged into a new state of emergency," click here. For "There’s No Fixing Rikers. Close It, and Let People Go. Bill de Blasio and the correctional officers’ union say the crisis at Rikers Island is about understaffing. But no number of guards will solve the underlying problems with the jail," click here. For "'I Just Want to Be Normal’: A Mentally Ill Man’s Death at Rikers: Esias Johnson had been in and out of Rikers Island during his two years in New York. Now two correction officers have been suspended in connection with his death," click here. For "Officer Faces Discipline 5 Years After Killing Mentally Ill Woman: Acquitted of murder in the death of Deborah Danner, Sgt. Hugh Barry is being brought up on administrative charges in a long-delayed hearing," click here. For "Jurors don’t know what the penalties for a guilty verdict will be. They should. If juries knew the consequences of their decisions, they’d deliberate more carefully—and could serve as a check on punitive laws," click here. For "How I Went From Prison Cook to Pizza Chef at One of Philly’s Best New Restaurants: At Down North Pizza in Philadelphia, all the employees are formerly incarcerated, including executive chef Michael Carter. This is his story," click here. For "In Arizona, a radical change in juvenile detention: How a rural town transformed a juvenile facility into a safe space for teens," click here. For "Violence Behind Bars: The Hidden Abuse," click here. For "Pregnant Behind Bars, Part One: Second Chances," click here. For "Custodial Sanctions and Reoffending: A Meta-Analytic Review" (Abstract), click here. For "What I learned visiting Alaska’s only maximum-security prison: The reforms at the Spring Creek prison show what can be done when people are treated humanely and prepared for life on the outside," click here. For "Peer education initiative for prisoners goes mainstream," click here.


Yale Study of COVID-19’s Mental Health Impact Seeks Focus Group Participants with Physical and/or Mental Health Challenges

A study at Yale University led by people with lived experience is recruiting individuals who live with physical and/or mental health challenges to talk about how their lives have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic started. “The Wisdom project: exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of persons who experience adverse living conditions” is led by Larry Davidson, PhD, and Ana Florence, PhD. Ana is a Brazilian psychologist, activist, and postdoctoral associate, and Larry is Director of the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health. If you live with mental and/or physical health challenges and would like to participate, you can email or call 475-355-5393. “All focus groups will be held virtually, and a $50 e-gift card will be provided to each participant,” the researchers say.

NARPA’s 2021 (Virtual) Annual Rights Conference Will Present Five Free Webinars

The 2021 annual Rights Conference of the National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy (NARPA) will consist of five free webinars (which will be archived), in September and October 2021. The five webinars—all of which are 90 minutes long and begin at 2 p.m. ET—are "Advocating for Institutionalized People During COVID: The Massachusetts Experience" (September 13); "The Promise and the Pitfalls of 988: Survivor Advocacy Perspectives" (September 27); "Advocating for Equitable Health Care in a Public Health Emergency" (October 4); "How to Create Change in Police Services: Transparency, Accountability, and Reform" (October 13); and "The Unacceptable Institutionalization of People with Psychiatric Disabilities in Nursing Homes" (October 19). All of the webinars will be archived on the NARPA YouTube channel within a couple of weeks of the presentation date (click here); at this writing, the September 13th and September 27th webinars are posted. For details and to register, click here. In addition, NARPA's free 2020 webinars are available for streaming on NARPA's YouTube Channel. For more information, click here.

“Mental Health System: Open Letter to the Media” Seeks Signatures

“Everyone who believes that the problematic aspects of the mental health system are not adequately represented in the media is invited to sign this letter,” writes Yulia Mikhailova, who launched this initiative to educate the media. The letter begins: “We, a group of people with first-hand experience of the mental health system, write to express our concern about what we see as one-sided coverage of this system in the media and to draw the attention of civil rights organizations to the systemic discrimination that we witnessed and experienced. We, our loved ones, or inmates in the facilities where we worked, were exploited for monetary gain and victimized in various other ways. We saw how abuse, corruption, and exploitation were covered up, while victims and critics of the system were silenced and marginalized.” For a short version of the letter, which includes a link to a longer version, click here. Questions? Contact Yulia Mikhailova at

Alternatives 2021 Is Over, but You Can View Many of the Presentations—and the Work Continues!

If you missed Alternatives 2021—the oldest national conference organized by and for individuals with lived experience of a mental health condition—you can see many of the presentations on the Alternatives conference website! The conference—whose theme was “Connecting, Organizing, Activating!”—was held July 8, 10, 15, and 17, and was organized by the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery. This year the conference was virtual—and free! One highlight was the three Action Groups—on Promoting Racial and Social Justice, National and Statewide Advocacy, and Crisis Prevention and Alternatives to Institutionalization—which met on all four days. Reports from each of the groups are posted on the Alternatives conference website, and it is hoped that people will continue to work together to make progress on the goals that were determined by participants during the conference. For information about the Action Groups, click here. Recordings of many of the workshops, keynotes, and special activities are available the Alternatives conference website (click here).

Disability Rights California Invites You to Its Past, Present, and Future (Free) Webinars

Disability Rights California (DRC) writes: “You are cordially invited to join us in our virtual disability rights trainings. Our webinars are twice a week, on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT) in English and Thursdays at 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT) in Spanish. Our free trainings provide information and resources on different topics related to mental health, self-advocacy, our legal rights (based on California law) and access to services that are informative and empowering. We welcome all peers (people with lived experience), service providers, family members and people in the community.” To view the webinars, click here.

 (Virtual) 2021 Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS) Conference Info

The theme of the Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS)—"a biennial national conference that centers the multiple oppressions that shape the lived experiences of disabled individuals, as told by disabled people, in a setting organized by disabled activists”—is “Disabled Community Care and Survival: Strategies and Brilliance.” The organizers write: “This year’s DIS 2021 will have presentations scheduled from June - December.” For more about the Summit, click here. (Courtesy of Dan Fisher)

Free Webinar: "New Frontiers for Activism: Youth Involvement & Leadership in Research"

On October 12, 2021, at 4:30 p.m. ET, the National Empowerment Center (NEC) will sponsor a free, 90-minute webinar on "New Frontiers for Activism: Youth Involvement & Leadership in Research." NEC writes: "This webinar will showcase different ways in which youth leaders are influencing research and using research in order to challenge existing ideas and practices and to further advocacy for systems change. Projects conducted both within and outside traditional academic settings will be featured. Although a still under-developed area in other communities, youth activist research and scholarship have played a powerful role in systems transformation. We hope that this webinar will help inspire more discussion and interest in the strategic use of research within the youth and adult peer communities, and among academic allies." For more information and to register, click here.

CNN Offers “A Guide to Helping and Getting Help During the Coronavirus Crisis”

CNN writes: “The coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming, and one of the most excruciating parts for many people is the feeling of utter helplessness in the face of widespread suffering and hardship. CNN’s Impact Your World has compiled a list of donation opportunities and tips to help those affected by the crisis. Click on a category or scroll down to browse a list of organizations, resources and ideas. Need help? Most categories also include resources for financial, emotional or social support.” For the free guide, click here.

International Conference on Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal Scheduled for May 2022

The first conference of the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal is tentatively scheduled for May 2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland; the dates will be confirmed this month (June 2021). “The three themes underpinning the conference are safe withdrawal from psychiatric medication, alternatives to psychiatric medication, and the need to question the dominance of medication in mental health care.” Confirmed speakers include Robert Whitaker (journalist and founder of Mad in America), Professor Joanna Moncrieff (psychiatrist and researcher), Laura Delano (co-founder of the Inner Compass Initiative and a person with lived experience), Dr. Carina Håkansson (founder of Family Care Foundation and The Extended Therapy Room Foundation), and Dr. Magnus Hald (Psychiatrist at the Drug-Free Treatment Unit, Norway). For more information, click here.

National Survey Seeks Input from Certified Peer Specialists

“Routine peer support has shown to increase individuals’ hope, sense of personal control, ability to make positive changes, and decreased psychiatric symptoms,” writes Dr. Karen Fortuna of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. “Despite these benefits, the organizational structure of peer support is not known. Dartmouth College is initiating a national survey of trained Certified Peer Specialists to help us understand the organizational structure of peer support services.” For more information and/or to participate in the 15-minute survey, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

Hearing Voices Network Is Now Hosting Online Groups

“There are now ONLINE opportunities to connect, share experiences, and find mutual support,” the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) writes. “These groups are accessible via web-based platforms and by phone…Online groups are specifically for those with personal lived experience with hearing voices, seeing visions, and/or negotiating alternative realities. They are voice-hearer facilitated. With further questions and for details on how to access the group[s], please email” To read this announcement online and for more information, click here.

Conference on Stigma to Take Place November 15-19, 2021, at Howard University

The 12th Annual International Conference on Stigma will be held November 15-19, 2021, at Howard University. "The goals of this hybrid conference are to increase awareness of the stigma of HIV and other health conditions and to explore interventions to eradicate this stigma. The conference also serves to educate healthcare providers and the general public about stigma as both a human rights violation and a major barrier to prevention and treatment of illnesses." The theme of the conference is "Trauma…Recovery…Healing." For more information, click here. (Courtesy of Sharon Wise)

Have You Ever Smoked, Drunk, Vaped, or Used Other Drugs? Or Do You Now? New Zealand COVID-19 Study Is Now Open to US Residents

“We want to find out how people are coping [during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown],” writes the New Zealand-based Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking. “We are especially interested in adults aged 18 and over who, before lockdown, regularly drank alcohol, smoked or used other tobacco products, or other drugs. We also want to hear from people who have taken up smoking or drinking or other drugs during this frightening time.” The study has been approved by the US-based independent review board SolutionsIRB and is now open to US residents. “The study website includes helpful Coping in Lockdown tips, tips on Dealing with Cravings, and information on alternatives to smoking tobacco.” To participate or for more information, click here.

Survey Seeks Respondents Who Are in Administrative/Leadership Positions in the Mental Health Field

If you are in an administrative/leadership position in the mental health arena, “the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Leadership invites you to participate in the International Survey on Administrative Psychiatry. The survey has two purposes: 1. To identify the concerns and needs of mental health professionals/psychiatrists in administrative and leadership positions. 2. To determine training needs in administrative psychiatry. We ask you to complete this brief, [15- to 20-minute] questionnaire to help us in developing recommendations for action. We also want to let you know that, if you fill out this questionnaire, you permit the committee to use your anonymous data for scientific work.” Peer providers are included. For the survey, click here. (Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

“Experiences with Hospitalization” Survey Seeks Participants

“The purpose of this survey is to help us understand people's lived experience with voluntary and involuntary treatment because of suicidal thoughts. It was created by people with lived experience…We are planning to use this information to facilitate discussions with suicidologists and the suicide prevention community about the impact of the use of these interventions, particularly within marginalized populations. We feel the voice of people with lived experience with these interventions has not had adequate opportunity to be heard, and hope that by completing this survey anonymously, people who have been most impacted can find a safe way to share their experiences. Please note that this is not a research project.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. (Courtesy of Leah Harris)

International Survey on Antipsychotic Medication Withdrawal Seeks Respondents

“Have you taken antipsychotic medication (such as Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal, Haldol, Geodon, Stelazine, and others), for any condition or diagnosis, with or without other medications? And did you ever stop taking antipsychotics, or try to stop taking them? Are you 18 years or older? If yes, you can take this survey about antipsychotic withdrawal and attempts to withdraw, including if you stopped taking them completely or if you tried to come off and still take them. The survey aims to improve mental health services by better understanding medication withdrawal. Lead researcher is Will Hall, a therapist and Ph.D. student who has himself taken antipsychotics. Service users/survivors/consumers from around the world also gave input. The study is sponsored by Maastricht University in the Netherlands; co-sponsors include the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Questions? Please contact”  For more information or to take the survey, click on

Virtual Group Works to Advance Peer Research Capacity, Leadership, and Involvement

Nev Jones, PhD—a strong advocate for building research capacity, leadership, and involvement among peers, survivors, and service users—leads a virtual group dedicated to this effort. Dr. Jones—assistant professor, School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh—was part of the team that developed “User/Survivor Leadership & Capacity Building in Research: White Paper on Promoting Engagement Practices in Peer Evaluation/Research (PEPPER),” published by the Lived Experience Research Network. For the white paper, click here. Anyone interested in joining the virtual group can email Nev at

Peer Support in Higher Education Survey Seeks Respondents

“Peer support programs are growing on college campuses across the U.S. Mental Health America, Doors to Wellbeing, and the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion want to better understand the availability of peer support in higher education as well as the experiences and needs of students accessing peer support programs…We hope to use this research to support the expansion of peer support in higher education, including developing a national database of peer support programs in higher education and documenting pressing issues in campus programs…You may also indicate if you are interested in having your school’s peer support program listed in a national database of peer support programs in higher education.” For more information and to complete the survey, click here

Registration Is Open for Peerpocalypse, to Be Held March 14-17, 2022!

The Mental Health and Addiction Association of Oregon (MHAAO) has announced registration for Peerpocalypse 2022, to be held March 14-17, 2022! “MHAAO is pleased to present its first hybrid conference! In-person attendance allows access to pre-conference events, keynote speeches, all workshops, evening events, and the job fair and exhibit hall. Virtual attendance includes access to keynote speeches and all workshops. In-person early registration—[deadline unspecified]—is $300; regular registration is $375. Virtual registration is $200. Lunch meals (sic), CEUs, a T-shirt, a printed program, and a badge are included for both in-person and virtual attendees. Registration must be received no later than February 14, 2022, to receive a T-shirt.” To register, click here.

International Peer Respite/Soteria Summit to Be Held Every Sunday in October 2021

Rethinking Psychiatry and MindFreedom International are sponsoring the International Peer Respite/Soteria Summit, to be held on October 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31, from 12 p.m. ET to 3 p.m. ET. The theme is "Creating Compassionate Alternatives to Systemic Interventions for People in Crisis and Distress." "This free international, online, participatory conference will give people the inspiration, tools, resources, networks and ongoing support to bring Peer Respite or Soteria House to their communities," the organizers write. The Day 2 moderator will be Jim Gottstein, founder of the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights and author of "The Zyprexa Papers." For details and to register, click here. (Courtesy of Kevin Fitts)

Mad In America Invites You to Submit Your Personal Story (Within Certain Guidelines)

Mad In America writes: “A ‘personal story’ is defined as your story of being in relationship to psychiatry and/or the mental health system, whatever that means to you. It might involve your opinions and analysis of what happened to you, as well. It can be about a specific event, or about your overall journey, provided it fits the length requirements (1,500 to 3,000 words) and has a narrative arc. The piece should be about your personal experiences, not psychiatry or the mental health system in general. Submissions should fall under the theme of rethinking psychiatry and the mental health system, and should be original works not previously published elsewhere. For examples of the types of stories we publish, view our personal stories archive here.” For more information and/or to submit a personal story, click here.

PsychAlive Offers a Variety of Webinars on Mental Health Topics, Many Free, Others $15

PsychAlive is a free, nonprofit resource created by the Glendon Association, whose mission is “to save lives and enhance mental health by addressing the social problems of suicide, violence, child abuse and troubled interpersonal relationships.” offers a variety of upcoming and archived webinars, many of which are free, while others are available for $15. Among the myriad topics are “From Anxiety to Action: How to Stay Sane While Fighting Climate Change,” “How to Overcome Insecurity,” “Powerful Tools to Fight Depression,” and “Understanding and Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences.” To check out the webinars, click here.

Seven Ways to Keep a Digital Copy of Your Vaccination Card on Your Smartphone

“You'll need proof of vaccination to go back to work or enter many restaurants, gyms and event venues, so keep your COVID-19 card handy.” This is the advice of, a tech support website. Besides the obvious—taking a photo of the card to store on your phone—there are six other suggestions. For details, click here. (Courtesy of Yvonne Smith)

Many Research Studies Are Seeking Participants, Mad In America Reports

Mad in America recently posted an assortment of research studies that are looking for participants. The studies include International Online Survey of Members of Peer Support Groups About Their Experiences of Withdrawing From Antidepressants; Study on Psychosocial Disability Advocacy and Global Mental Health; University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine study: Experiences of inpatient psychiatric care among former patients; Dissertation research study: Spiritual/religious experience misdiagnosed as “mental disorder”; Have you had a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder and decided to stop taking medication?; and others. For details and to participate, click here.

ISEPP Circulates Petition to Support Human Rights in Psychiatric Treatment

ISEPP seeks signatures on a petition to  "[m]ake a strong statement that any psychiatric or psychotherapeutic interventions without full and honest informed consent are unethical and inhumane." For the petition, click here. (Courtesy of Amy Smith)

ISPS-US Offers an Array of Archived Webinars--Free but Donations Are Welcomed

The ISPS-US (The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis-US Chapter) is offering a whole raft of archived webinars, which are free (although donations are welcomed). Among the webinars are "Cognitive Behavioral & Related Therapies for Psychosis: Diverse Approaches to Supporting Recovery," "How Can the Uncontainable Be Contained? Paradoxes of Madness & Philosophy," "Robert Whitaker: The Rising Non-Pharmaceutical Paradigm for 'Psychosis,' "Life with Voices: A Guide for Harmony," "COPE Project: Non-Pharmaceutical Research on Influencing Voices and Visions," "What Hurts and What Helps In Treatment For 'Psychosis': Insider Perspectives," and many others. For more information and to access the webinars, click here.

"Researchers Reveal New Suicide Prevention Tools from Survivors," and AAS Suicide Attempt Survivors Web Page Offers Many Such Tools

"Strategies to Stay Alive: Adaptive Toolboxes for Living Well with Suicidal Behavior" was published July 29, 2021, in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. "In the study, the authors present a series of interviews with suicidal individuals that opens new avenues of research into suicide prevention and offers a rare window into the minds of those who have considered or attempted suicide." Meanwhile, the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) Suicide Attempt Survivors webpage offers links to many suicide prevention resources. For "Strategies to Stay Alive," which includes a link to the study, click here. For the AAS Suicide Attempt Survivors web page, click here.

“Where DNA and Medications Meet”

Not all drugs are effective for all people; therapeutic response rates for many drugs are only 50%-75%. “OneOme, co-founded by [the] Mayo Clinic, provides evidence-based pharmacogenomic solutions that help improve patient outcomes and reduce costs through more personalized medication decisions.” OneOme’s RightMed Test is “a doctor-ordered pharmacogenomic (PGx) test that analyzes your DNA and provides your doctors with genetic information to help them determine how you may respond to certain medications. The results may help your doctors reduce medication trial and error, minimize risk of side effects, save you time and money, and make more informed prescribing decisions. Because your DNA doesn’t change over time, your doctors can use your test results to make more personalized medication decisions for you over the course of your lifetime.” For more information, click here. (Courtesy of Robin Osborne)

Lived Experience Leadership Features 12 Years of Research Studies...

"Lived Experience Leadership features 12 years of research studies focused on this workforce in a range of settings, to foster a better of understanding and respect for Lived Experience as a distinct discipline and build clarity on what makes this work unique and valuable. Importantly, this body of research was led by Lived Experience researchers. Lived Experience Leadership provides clear and simple to read research summaries to allow community members and people employed within various industries the opportunity to easily understand and apply strategies within their own workplace. This website also includes easy to download definitionsaudio/visual resources, and key work by other Australian and International sources. The website will continue to grow to include larger collections of our research as well as other key work. For the Lived Experience Leadership website, click here. (Courtesy of Jacek Haciak)

Doors to Wellbeing Offers “State Selfies: A Picture of Peer Services Reported by Peers”

Doors to Wellbeing’s “Peer Album” is a directory of nearly 600 peer-run organizations throughout the U.S. They invite updates and offer instructions for providing them and add, “If your entry has not made this first draft, we encourage you to re-submit.” For the 158-page directory, click here.

Disclaimer: The Clearinghouse does not necessarily endorse the opinions and opportunities included in the Key Update.

About The Key Update

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is now affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!

The Key Update is the free monthly e-newsletter of the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse. Volume 18, No. 4, October 2021. For content, reproduction or publication information, please contact Susan Rogers at Follow Susan on Twitter at @SusanRogersMH







Key Update, September 2021, Volume 18, Number 3

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!


The Key Update is compiled, written, and edited by Susan Rogers, Director, National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse.


Chatbots: Do They Help or Might They Harm?

Chatbots—which use software to have an online conversation through text or synthesized speech, and are designed to make it seem as though you’re talking to another human being—are promoted as effective in providing mental health support. But in the brave new world of Artificial Intelligence, they may veer badly off course—like the android in “Alien,” who was responsible for the deaths of nearly the entire crew of his spaceship. That is the gist of a recent article in The New Yorker—“The Chatbot Problem”—which begins by reporting that a chatbot called Replika advised one journalist to commit murder, and another to commit suicide. Yet Replika calls itself “the AI bot that wants to be your best friend.” Another chatbot is Wysa, an award-winning “AI-enabled Life Coach,” whose website says it is “clinically safe.” But the New Yorker article concludes, “We are being forced to confront fundamental mysteries of humanity as technical issues: how little we know about the darkness in our hearts, and how faint our control over that darkness is…” Microsoft’s erstwhile chatbot—Tay—is a cautionary tale: For “Twitter taught Microsoft’s AI chatbot to be a racist a**hole in less than a day,” click here. For the New Yorker article, click here. (The Wysa information is courtesy of Fran Hazam.)

"5 Disability Bills in Congress to Watch," Reported by Forbes

"No list of disability legislation can ever be complete," according to an August 24, 2021, article in Forbes. "And the disability community almost never agrees on which issues at any given time are most important, or which bills have the best chance of passing. Still, it can help to at least try drafting a list, or series of lists, of disability bills in Congress. Here are five to start with as we move into the Fall of 2021." The five--the title of each of which links to the text of the bill, respectively--are 1. Better Care Better Jobs Act (S. 2210 / H. 4131) 2. Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act (H.R. 2373) 3. Supplemental Security Income Restoration Act (S. 2065 / H.R. 3763) 4. Disabled Access Credit Expansion Act of 2021 (S. 2481 H.R. 4049) and 5. Disability Employment Incentive Act (S. 630 / H.R. 3765). For the article, which includes a summary of each bill, click here.

Free Webinar: “The Peer Profession Progression”

“Join NYAPRS on September 14, 2021, at 12 p.m. ET for a lively conversation with leaders in the field of Peer Services as we discuss education and training opportunities that lead to work in the field of delivering peer support services. Our panel of experts will talk about their own experiences in delivering and supporting peer services as well as why peer support is a critical component of someone's recovery process. 1.5 CEs will be offered for this webinar.” To register, click here.

2021 (Virtual) Disability Vote Summit to Be Held September 14

"The National Disability Rights Network and the American Association of People with Disabilities will be hosting the 2021 Disability Vote Summit on September 14, 2021, from 12 p.m. ET to 4 p.m. ET. At the virtual Summit, we will explore the power of the disability vote, lessons learned from 2020 turnout, and how to use data to mobilize the disability vote. Confirmed presenters include representatives from the National Disability Rights Network, National Federation of the Blind, SABE Go Voter Project, and more! Join national disability advocates, state and local organizers, policymakers, and others who are working to get out the disability vote." Questions? Contact Lilian Aluri at or Jack Rosen at ASL and CART will be provided during the Summit. To register, click here.

“Where DNA and Medications Meet”

Not all drugs are effective for all people; therapeutic response rates for many drugs are only 50%-75%. “OneOme, co-founded by [the] Mayo Clinic, provides evidence-based pharmacogenomic solutions that help improve patient outcomes and reduce costs through more personalized medication decisions.” OneOme’s RightMed Test is “a doctor-ordered pharmacogenomic (PGx) test that analyzes your DNA and provides your doctors with genetic information to help them determine how you may respond to certain medications. The results may help your doctors reduce medication trial and error, minimize risk of side effects, save you time and money, and make more informed prescribing decisions. Because your DNA doesn’t change over time, your doctors can use your test results to make more personalized medication decisions for you over the course of your lifetime.” For more information, click here. (Courtesy of Robin Osborne)

AAS Announces 2021 Paul G. Quinnett Lived Experience Writing Competition

The American Association of Suicidology (AAS) has announced the opening of the 2021 Paul G. Quinnett Lived Experience Writing Competition. AAS writes: "We invite attempt survivors and those with lived experience to share their written stories to highlight the importance of these experiences. Writing must be: A personal essay describing the author’s experience with suicidal ideation and/or attempt(s). The writing describes the impact on the writer, and tells the story in a way that is accessible and understandable to the greater community. Poetry, creative fiction, and biography are not accepted...We prioritize the perspectives viewed through the lens of intersectionality...Cash prizes are awarded to the top three winning written submissions." Deadline: September 30, 2021, 11:59 p.m. ET. Word limit: 2,500 words. For more information and to submit an essay, click here. (Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Stone) Dr. Paul G. Quinnett is a clinical psychologist and the director of the QPR Institute, an educational organization dedicated to preventing suicide. Among his writings is "Suicide: The Forever Decision." For the free 104-page document, click here.

 Peer Support in Higher Education Survey Seeks Respondents

“Peer support programs are growing on college campuses across the U.S. Mental Health America, Doors to Wellbeing, and the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion want to better understand the availability of peer support in higher education as well as the experiences and needs of students accessing peer support programs…We hope to use this research to support the expansion of peer support in higher education, including developing a national database of peer support programs in higher education and documenting pressing issues in campus programs…You may also indicate if you are interested in having your school’s peer support program listed in a national database of peer support programs in higher education.” For more information and to complete the survey, click here

Many Research Studies Are Seeking Participants, Mad In America Reports

Mad in America recently posted an assortment of research studies that are looking for participants. The studies include International Online Survey of Members of Peer Support Groups About Their Experiences of Withdrawing From Antidepressants; Study on Psychosocial Disability Advocacy and Global Mental Health; University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine study: Experiences of inpatient psychiatric care among former patients; Dissertation research study: Spiritual/religious experience misdiagnosed as “mental disorder”; Have you had a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder and decided to stop taking medication?; and others. For details and to participate, click here.

"Researchers Reveal New Suicide Prevention Tools from Survivors," and AAS Suicide Attempt Survivors Web Page Offers Many Such Tools

"Strategies to Stay Alive: Adaptive Toolboxes for Living Well with Suicidal Behavior" was published July 29, 2021, in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. "In the study, the authors present a series of interviews with suicidal individuals that opens new avenues of research into suicide prevention and offers a rare window into the minds of those who have considered or attempted suicide." Meanwhile, the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) Suicide Attempt Survivors webpage offers links to many suicide prevention resources. For "Strategies to Stay Alive," which includes a link to the study, click here. For the AAS Suicide Attempt Survivors web page, click here.

NYAPRS Announces Schedule for Its Free, Virtual Annual Conference

The New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services (NYAPRS) has announced the schedule for its free, virtual 2021 conference, to be held on September 21, 23, 28 and 30th. Its theme is “United in Hope, Together for Justice and Wellness for All.” The conference will feature the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, Dr. Miriam Delphin-Rittmon (Sept. 21, 11:30 a.m. ET); NYS Mental Health Commissioner Ann Sullivan (Sept. 21, 4 p.m. ET); WRAP creator Mary Ellen Copeland (Sept. 30, 1:15 p.m. ET); NYS Senate Mental Health Committee Chair Samra Brouk (Sept. 23, 11:30 a.m. ET); Helen 'Skip' Skipper of the New York City Criminal Justice Agency (Sept. 28, 11:30 a.m. ET); CAHOOTS Director Tim Black (Sept. 28, 1:15 p.m. ET); Mental Health America's award-winning youth peer leader Kelly Davis (Sept. 28, 1:15 p.m. ET); Keris Myrick, a JED Foundation director and former Director of the Office of Consumer Affairs at the Center for Mental Health Services (Sept. 21, 2:45 p.m. ET); and Stand Up for Mental Health's founder, David Granirer (Sept. 23, 6:30 p.m. ET). For the complete schedule, click here, and to register, click here.

Free Webinar: “Communication at Work that Promotes Growth and Wellness” on September 28

The next webinar from Doors to Wellbeing, on September 28, 2021, at 2 p.m.ET, will cover “Communication at Work That Promotes Growth and Wellness.” Doors to Wellbeing writes: “As peer specialists, how we communicate and the language we use at work is important and is connected to our own wellness. We tend to compromise our overall well-being while in conversations with others, and sometimes with ourselves, because: it is (a) easier, (b) based on fear and discomfort, or (c) what we are taught is the ‘right’ thing to do. We will explore how we can implement healthy boundaries at work, how and when to speak up, and to shift our thinking from doubt to confidence.” The learning objectives are “exploring other options to say ‘no’ without saying ‘no’; learning to shift our mindset to keep us open to creativity, possibility, and productivity; and identifying passive language and transform it to active language.” To register, click here

International Peer Respite/Soteria Summit to Be Held Every Sunday in October 2021

Rethinking Psychiatry and MindFreedom International are sponsoring the International Peer Respite/Soteria Summit, to be held on October 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31, from 12 p.m. ET to 3 p.m. ET. The theme is "Creating Compassionate Alternatives to Systemic Interventions for People in Crisis and Distress." "This free international, online, participatory conference will give people the inspiration, tools, resources, networks and ongoing support to bring Peer Respite or Soteria House to their communities," the organizers write. The Day 1 moderator will be Robert Whitaker, author of "Anatomy of an Epidemic" and "Mad in America." For details and to register, click here. (Courtesy of Kevin Fitts)

23rd Annual ISEPP Conference to Be Held October 9, 2021; and ISEPP Circulates Petition to Support Human Rights in Psychiatric Treatment

The 23rd annual ISEPP (International Society for Ethical Psychology & Psychiatry) conference--whose theme is "The Destructive Propaganda of the Mental Health Industry: How Did We Get Here? Where Are We Going?”--will be held October 9, 2021. "This year's [virtual] conference will address the question: 'How did we allow biological psychiatry take a strangle hold of the struggles and diversity of humanity?' The presentations of our conference will explore how the so-called 'medical model' has insinuated itself through privilege and power into virtually all aspects of our culture, from defining what is 'normal' to pushing a diseased brain model of all behavior. Our schools, our courts, our healthcare, our everyday life have felt the impact of psychiatry's prejudices. Join us as we critically examine how Big Pharma and Psychiatry influence our lives and our thinking." For more information, click here. (Courtesy of Jim Gottstein) At the same time, ISEPP seeks signatures on a petition to  "[m]ake a strong statement that any psychiatric or psychotherapeutic interventions without full and honest informed consent are unethical and inhumane." For the petition, click here. (Courtesy of Amy Smith)

ISPS-US Offers an Array of Archived Webinars--Free but Donations Are Welcomed

The ISPS-US (The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis-US Chapter) is offering a whole raft of archived webinars, which are free (although donations are welcomed). Among the webinars are "Cognitive Behavioral & Related Therapies for Psychosis: Diverse Approaches to Supporting Recovery," "How Can the Uncontainable Be Contained? Paradoxes of Madness & Philosophy," "Robert Whitaker: The Rising Non-Pharmaceutical Paradigm for 'Psychosis,'“ "Life with Voices: A Guide for Harmony," "COPE Project: Non-Pharmaceutical Research on Influencing Voices and Visions," "What Hurts and What Helps In Treatment For 'Psychosis': Insider Perspectives," and many others. For more information and to access the webinars, click here.

WHO's "Guidance on Community Mental Health Services: Promoting Person-centered and Rights-based Approaches"

"...[T]his [WHO] guidance supports countries to develop and reform community-based services and responses from a human rights perspective, promoting key rights such as equality, non-discrimination, legal capacity, informed consent and community inclusion. It offers a roadmap towards ending institutionalization and involuntary hospitalization and treatment and provides specific action steps for building mental health services that respect every person’s inherent dignity....This guidance is intended to bring urgency and clarity to policy makers around the globe and to encourage investment in community-based mental health services in alignment with international human rights standards. It provides a vision of mental health care with the highest standards of respect for human rights and gives hope for a better life to millions of people with mental health conditions and psychosocial disabilities, and their families, worldwide." For the 296-page document, click here. (Courtesy of Janet Paleo) Note: The July 2021 Key Update included "New WHO Guidance Seeks to Put an End to Human Rights Violations in Mental Health Care," a WHO press release without a link to the document. For the WHO press release, click here.

Seven Ways to Keep a Digital Copy of Your Vaccination Card on Your Smartphone

“You'll need proof of vaccination to go back to work or enter many restaurants, gyms and event venues, so keep your COVID-19 card handy.” This is the advice of, a tech support website. Besides the obvious—taking a photo of the card to store on your phone—there are six other suggestions. For details, click here. (Courtesy of Yvonne Smith)

Free Webinar: "New Frontiers for Activism: Youth Involvement & Leadership in Research"

On October 12, 2021, at 4:30 p.m. ET, the National Empowerment Center (NEC) will sponsor a free, 90-minute webinar on "New Frontiers for Activism: Youth Involvement & Leadership in Research." NEC writes: "This webinar will showcase different ways in which youth leaders are influencing research and using research in order to challenge existing ideas and practices and to further advocacy for systems change. Projects conducted both within and outside traditional academic settings will be featured. Although a still under-developed area in other communities, youth activist research and scholarship have played a powerful role in systems transformation. We hope that this webinar will help inspire more discussion and interest in the strategic use of research within the youth and adult peer communities, and among academic allies." To register, click here.

Conference on Stigma Calls for Abstracts

The 12th Annual International Conference on Stigma, to be held November 15-19, 2021, at Howard University, has issued a call for abstracts. "The goals of this hybrid conference are to increase awareness of the stigma of HIV and other health conditions and to explore interventions to eradicate this stigma. The conference also serves to educate healthcare providers and the general public about stigma as both a human rights violation and a major barrier to prevention and treatment of illnesses. We are looking for original research that addresses HIV or other mental [emphasis added] or physical health-related stigma to be presented as a VIRTUAL POSTER during the conference virtual poster session. Abstracts that focus on this year’s theme of 'Trauma…Recovery…Healing' are particularly encouraged." Deadline: October 1, 2021, at 5 p.m. ET. For more information and to submit an abstract, click here. (Courtesy of Sharon Wise)

Should Fusion Be the Goal of People with Dissociative Identity Disorder? That Depends on Whom You Ask

Somewhat controversially, people with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) have been vlogging about their "multiplicity" on YouTube. Their vlogs have been hailed as inspirational by others with the condition, while some professional DID specialists have concerns. One DID researcher and therapist said that the YouTube videos have "many positives" while adding, "I certainly wonder if that will keep [their parts] from moving toward integration." Another DID specialist called the videos "completely anti-therapeutic." Of course, that depends on what the goal of therapy is: "Instead of fusion, some people in the DID community, even those who said they were in treatment, said they preferred a term like healthy multiplicity or functional multiplicity to describe their treatment goals," New York Magazine reports in "Meet My Multiple Mes: People with dissociative identity disorder have started presenting their selves on YouTube to rapturous fans." Although Wyn--the main focus of the article--said she "felt good," she also "now thinks that 'being on YouTube was massively detrimental to our mental health.'” But, she added, “I might have pressured my system into fusing against their will if I hadn’t been online.” At the same time, the Rings System, also quoted in the article, said "they thought focusing on whether they would fuse was beside the point. 'What I need is not to become the perfect epitome of health. It’s for society to be accessible to me even if I’m not.'” For the New York Magazine story, click here. For a recording of "Building Plural Safe Spaces: One Body, Many Activists - The Rings System, The Alexandrite System," a workshop presented at Alternatives 2021, click here.

Lived Experience Leadership Features 12 Years of Research Studies...

"Lived Experience Leadership features 12 years of research studies focused on this workforce in a range of settings, to foster a better of understanding and respect for Lived Experience as a distinct discipline and build clarity on what makes this work unique and valuable. Importantly, this body of research was led by Lived Experience researchers. Lived Experience Leadership provides clear and simple to read research summaries to allow community members and people employed within various industries the opportunity to easily understand and apply strategies within their own workplace. This website also includes easy to download definitionsaudio/visual resources, and key work by other Australian and International sources. The website will continue to grow to include larger collections of our research as well as other key work. For the Lived Experience Leadership website, click here. (Courtesy of Jacek Haciak)

"Teens Are Advocating for Mental Health Days Off School"; and "...Students with Mental Health Disabilities Must Be Given Equal Access to Higher Education"

A recent New York Times article--"Teens Are Advocating for Mental Health Days Off School: The decline in the mental health of children and adolescents has led to new laws allowing kids to attend to their own self-care”--reported: "Faced with high stress levels among adolescents and a mental health crisis that includes worsening suicide rates, some states are now allowing students to declare a mental health day. In the last two years alone, ArizonaColoradoConnecticut, IllinoisMaineNevadaOregon and Virginia have passed bills permitting children to be absent from school for mental or behavioral health reasons, efforts that were often aided or spearheaded by students..." For the NY Times article, click here. And Inside Higher Ed recently reported that the "U.S. Justice Department reached a settlement with Brown University after students who took medical leaves for mental health reasons were refused readmission, even after their doctors cleared them to return...The department claims Brown violated Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act..." For "Protecting Students Who Seek Mental Health Treatment: In a settlement with Brown, the Justice Department affirms that students with mental health disabilities must be given equal access to higher education," click here. (The Inside Higher Ed article is courtesy of Nev Jones.)

“45 Honest Comics About Mental Health Illustrated with Dinosaurs”

“Is this series happy? Sad? I don't know. But it's definitely melancholic and realistic. Which, given the fact that we're talking about dinosaurs using social media, is one heck of a compliment.” To read it, click here.

The September 2021 Digest of Articles Offering Healthy Lifestyle Advice

For “How Exercise May Help Keep Our Memory Sharp: Irisin, a hormone produced by muscles during exercise, can enter the brain and improve cognition, a mouse study suggests,” click here. For “How to deal with regret and forgive yourself for making imperfect decisions,” click here. For "Studies Show: We Need to Understand the Difference Between Isolation and Loneliness: Both can pose distinct dangers to our mental and physical health," click here.

The September 2021 Digest of Articles about the Criminal Justice System, in Which Many Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Are Incarcerated (and the Key Update continues after this Digest)

For "Dealing with Mental Health Crisis One Zoom Call at a Time," click here. For “Harris County will send mental health professionals to some 911 calls under new initiative to reduce violence,” click here. For “How a Liberal Michigan Town Is Putting Mental Illness at the Center of Police Reform: Improving the way law enforcement deals with mental illness is emerging as one of the most important and challenging aspects of the national police reform movement,” click here. For "Feds expand Pell Grant program for prisoners working on college degrees," click here. For “Four Ways The Pandemic Made Us Rethink Our Criminal Legal System,” click here. For “From police traffic stops to qualified immunity for officers, 5 ways to reform policing,” click here. For “Mass. defense attorneys say drug test falsely flags client mail,” click here. For “Manslaughter charges filed against LAPD officer who killed disabled man at Costco,” click here. For “Intersection of mental health, police and race takes the life of another young Black man: Fatal shooting in drive-thru shows need to go beyond well-worn crisis intervention to understanding Black fears, negotiating without police,” click here. For “How Atrocious Prisons (sic) Conditions Make Us All Less Safe: The American prison system seems designed to ensure that people return to incarceration instead of successfully reentering society,” click here. For “Race and Wrongful Convictions in the United States: African Americans are only 13% of the American population but a majority of innocent defendants wrongfully convicted of crimes and later exonerated. They constitute 47% of the 1,900 exonerations listed in the National Registry of Exonerations (as of October 2016), and the great majority of more than 1,800 additional innocent defendants who were framed and convicted of crimes in 15 large-scale police scandals and later cleared in ‘group exonerations,’ ” click here. For “Restorative Justice Won’t Work Without This Crucial Piece: Illinois is one of the first states to try it,” click here. For “A Fight to Expose the Hidden Human Costs of Incarceration: The law professor Andrea Armstrong is documenting the loss of life inside jails and prisons in Louisiana, the state with the highest in-custody mortality rate,” click here. For “Where Reform Goes to Die: The Justice Department has never been, and will never be, an ally in ending mass incarceration,” click here. For “New State Funding Boosts Prosecutor-led Resentencing Efforts in California,” click here. For “The Lines of Connection: States make millions off phone-call fees from incarcerated people, but the cost can be even higher for their families,” click here. For “What Does California Owe Its Incarcerated Firefighters? Those risking their life on the front lines of the state’s wildfires earn a fraction of minimum wage,” click here. For “Cities That Reduced Arrests For Minor Offenses Also Saw Fewer Police Shootings. And crime in those cities wasn’t worse,” click here. For “NY Prison Arts and Reentry Programs Persist Throughout Pandemic,” click here. For “The Fascinating Experiment Captured in ‘Philly D.A.’: Could a longtime defense attorney reform the criminal-justice system as an insider?” click here. For “Opinion: How the language of criminal justice inflicts lasting harm,” click here. For “ ‘They Should Have Been Watching’: Suicides Rise in Texas Prisons During Pandemic: Prison suicides have been rising for years. Experts fear the pandemic has made it worse,” click here. For “ ‘Shooting First and Asking Questions Later’: In rural communities, fatal police shootings have occurred at high rates, without the attention (and protests) that urban shootings have drawn,” click here. For “A Most Carceral Friend: The Justice Department’s top Supreme Court lawyer is far more committed to helping prosecutors win convictions and keep people locked up than to ‘doing justice,’ " click here. For “Desperate to escape solitary confinement, a Maine man’s plight deepens: Zachary Swain is a rare example of a Maine prisoner who has spent most of his time behind bars in solitary confinement, even as the state works to reduce use of the controversial practice,” click here. For “Saugus woman who police shot and killed was mother of two ‘in need of help’: GoFundMe page: She was brandishing a knife, police said,” click here. For “Federal Loophole Thwarts State Curbs on Police Seizures of Property,” click here. For “Georgetown University launches national project certifying correctional officials in practices designed to limit solitary confinement of juveniles,” click here. For "Opinion: Virginia can do better than keeping innocent people in prison," click here.


“Should I Mask? Can I Travel? What About Hugs? How Delta Is Changing Advice for the Vaccinated.” “The rise of the Delta variant of the coronavirus has raised new questions about how the vaccinated can stay safe and avoid breakthrough infections. We asked the experts for advice,” The New York Times writes. Under “New Guidance for the Vaccinated,” the Times answers these questions: “If I’m vaccinated, why do I need to worry about Delta? What’s the real risk of a breakthrough infection after vaccination? When should I wear a mask? Should I upgrade my mask? What’s the risk of hanging out with my vaccinated friends and family? Can I still dine at restaurants? Is it safe to travel? Should I skip the peanuts and water and keep my mask on? How safe are buses, subways and trains for vaccinated people? Can I hug and visit older relatives? What about unvaccinated children? How do I know if I have the Delta variant?” For the article, click here.

California Memorial Project to Hold 19th Annual Remembrance Ceremony on September 20

The California Memorial Project, a project of Disability Rights California’s Peer Self-Advocacy Program, will hold its 19th annual Remembrance ceremony on September 20, 2021, at 1 p.m. PT, 4 p.m. ET, “to honor the more than 45,000 people with mental health and developmental disabilities who lived and died at California state institutions and were buried anonymously in mass or unmarked graves. Join us as we share some history, stories, poems, songs, artwork, cultural perspectives, and a moment of silence to celebrate their lives and give them the recognition they deserved. Together we can break the cycle of disrespect and create hope and change for the future of the 6,000 peers who currently live in California state hospitals." Closed captioning and Spanish and ASL interpreters will be provided. For more about this webinar and to register, click here.

Yale Study of COVID-19’s Mental Health Impact Seeks Focus Group Participants with Physical and/or Mental Health Challenges

A study at Yale University led by people with lived experience is recruiting individuals who live with physical and/or mental health challenges to talk about how their lives have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic started. “The Wisdom project: exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of persons who experience adverse living conditions” is led by Larry Davidson, PhD, and Ana Florence, PhD. Ana is a Brazilian psychologist, activist, and postdoctoral associate, and Larry is Director of the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health. If you live with mental and/or physical health challenges and would like to participate, you can email or call 475-355-5393. “All focus groups will be held virtually, and a $50 e-gift card will be provided to each participant,” the researchers say.

NARPA’s 2021 (Virtual) Annual Rights Conference Will Present Five Free Webinars

The 2021 annual Rights Conference of the National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy (NARPA) will consist of five free webinars, in September and October 2021. The five webinars—all of which are 90 minutes long and begin at 2 p.m. ET—are "Advocating for Institutionalized People During COVID: The Massachusetts Experience" (September 13); "The Promise and the Pitfalls of 988: Survivor Advocacy Perspectives" (September 27); "Advocating for Equitable Health Care in a Public Health Emergency" (October 4); "How to Create Change in Police Services: Transparency, Accountability, and Reform" (October 13); and "The Unacceptable Institutionalization of People with Psychiatric Disabilities in Nursing Homes" (October 19). For details and to register, click here.

 “Mental Health System: Open Letter to the Media” Seeks Signatures

“Everyone who believes that the problematic aspects of the mental health system are not adequately represented in the media is invited to sign this letter,” writes Yulia Mikhailova, who launched this initiative to educate the media. The letter begins: “We, a group of people with first-hand experience of the mental health system, write to express our concern about what we see as one-sided coverage of this system in the media and to draw the attention of civil rights organizations to the systemic discrimination that we witnessed and experienced. We, our loved ones, or inmates in the facilities where we worked, were exploited for monetary gain and victimized in various other ways. We saw how abuse, corruption, and exploitation were covered up, while victims and critics of the system were silenced and marginalized.” For a short version of the letter, which includes a link to a longer version, click here. Questions? Contact Yulia Mikhailova at

Virtual Peer-A-Palooza Will Take Place on September 24-25

Helping to Unite by Generating Mental Empowerment (HUG ME) Ink will host the 1st Annual Peer-A-Palooza on September 24 and September 25, 2021, eight hours each day, via Whova. The theme of the conference is “Creating a Zest for Life Through Growth, Resilience, Recovery and Community.” The goals are to empower peers with the necessary tools to grow in their own recovery, to leave the past as the past and move forward with dreams, and to be the change agent they can be in their community.” To register, click here.

Alternatives 2021 Is Over, but You Can View Many of the Presentations—and the Work Continues!

If you missed Alternatives 2021—the oldest national conference organized by and for individuals with lived experience of a mental health condition—you can see many of the presentations on the Alternatives conference website! The conference—whose theme was “Connecting, Organizing, Activating!”—was held July 8, 10, 15, and 17, and was organized by the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery. This year the conference was virtual—and free! One highlight was the three Action Groups—on Promoting Racial and Social Justice, National and Statewide Advocacy, and Crisis Prevention and Alternatives to Institutionalization—which met on all four days. Reports from each of the groups are posted on the Alternatives conference website, and it is hoped that people will continue to work together to make progress on the goals that were determined by participants during the conference. For information about the Action Groups, click here. Recordings of many of the workshops, keynotes, and special activities are available the Alternatives conference website (click here).

Disability Rights California Invites You to Its Past, Present, and Future (Free) Webinars

Disability Rights California (DRC) writes: “You are cordially invited to join us in our virtual disability rights trainings. Our webinars are twice a week, on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT) in English and Thursdays at 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT) in Spanish. Our free trainings provide information and resources on different topics related to mental health, self-advocacy, our legal rights (based on California law) and access to services that are informative and empowering. We welcome all peers (people with lived experience), service providers, family members and people in the community.” To view the webinars, click here.

 (Virtual) 2021 Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS) Conference Info

The theme of the Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS)—"a biennial national conference that centers the multiple oppressions that shape the lived experiences of disabled individuals, as told by disabled people, in a setting organized by disabled activists”—is “Disabled Community Care and Survival: Strategies and Brilliance.” The organizers write: “This year’s DIS 2021 will have presentations scheduled from June - December.” For more about the Summit, click here. (Courtesy of Dan Fisher)

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Covid-19 Vaccinations But Were Afraid to Ask; and See How the U.S. Is Doing Compared to the Rest of the World  

On January 27, 2021, The New York Times published “Answers to All Your Questions about Getting Vaccinated for Covid-19.” Among the important facts: “You shouldn’t try to stave off discomfort [by taking painkillers] before getting the [Covid-19] shot”; side effects after the second shot are worse than after the first shot; there is no risk of developing Covid-19 from the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines; and “Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reach about 50 percent efficacy 10 to 14 days after the first shot. You’ll get peak protection…about a week after you get the second dose.” To read the interactive article, click here. One rare side effect the Times doesn’t mention is a “Covid arm” rash several days after the Moderna vaccine. For a USA Today story about it, click here. To track the vaccinations in the U.S., by state, and worldwide, click here.

CNN Offers “A Guide to Helping and Getting Help During the Coronavirus Crisis”

CNN writes: “The coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming, and one of the most excruciating parts for many people is the feeling of utter helplessness in the face of widespread suffering and hardship. CNN’s Impact Your World has compiled a list of donation opportunities and tips to help those affected by the crisis. Click on a category or scroll down to browse a list of organizations, resources and ideas. Need help? Most categories also include resources for financial, emotional or social support.” For the free guide, click here.

RMIT Mad Studies Network, based in Melbourne, Australia, Hosts Monthly Virtual Reading Group

“The RMIT Mad Studies Network brings together anyone interested in Mad Studies, mad ideas, critical thinking about mental distress, the politics of ‘mental health,’ the mental health consumer/survivor/ex-patient movement and alternatives to the contemporary mental health paradigm/system,” according to the RMIT website’s home page. Currently, the RMIT’s main activity is a monthly reading group, now held virtually. The 90-minute groups take place on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time), which is 14 hours later than Eastern Daylight Time (5 a.m. EDT on the third Monday of the month). The time difference grows as you move west: 4 a.m. CT, 3 a.m. MT, 2 a.m. PT. For more information, click here. (Note: The next group has been switched from Tuesday to Wednesday, September 22, 2021.)

International Conference on Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal Scheduled for May 2022

The first conference of the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal is tentatively scheduled for May 2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland; the dates will be confirmed this month (June 2021). “The three themes underpinning the conference are safe withdrawal from psychiatric medication, alternatives to psychiatric medication, and the need to question the dominance of medication in mental health care.” Confirmed speakers include Robert Whitaker (journalist and founder of Mad in America), Professor Joanna Moncrieff (psychiatrist and researcher), Laura Delano (co-founder of the Inner Compass Initiative and a person with lived experience), Dr. Carina Håkansson (founder of Family Care Foundation and The Extended Therapy Room Foundation), and Dr. Magnus Hald (Psychiatrist at the Drug-Free Treatment Unit, Norway). For more information, click here.

NARPA Free Webinar Series Is Available Online

“In lieu of a face-to-face conference in 2020, NARPA presented a series of webinars related to current events. The last presentation in this series took place in December, withMental Health Courts and Specialized Courts in Canada: Access to Justice from the Perspective of people with psychiatric histories.’ All of the webinars are free and are available for streaming on NARPA's YouTube Channel. For more information, click here.

National Survey Seeks Input from Certified Peer Specialists

“Routine peer support has shown to increase individuals’ hope, sense of personal control, ability to make positive changes, and decreased psychiatric symptoms,” writes Dr. Karen Fortuna of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. “Despite these benefits, the organizational structure of peer support is not known. Dartmouth College is initiating a national survey of trained Certified Peer Specialists to help us understand the organizational structure of peer support services.” For more information and/or to participate in the 15-minute survey, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

Hearing Voices Network Is Now Hosting Online Groups

“There are now ONLINE opportunities to connect, share experiences, and find mutual support,” the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) writes. “These groups are accessible via web-based platforms and by phone…Online groups are specifically for those with personal lived experience with hearing voices, seeing visions, and/or negotiating alternative realities. They are voice-hearer facilitated. With further questions and for details on how to access the group[s], please email” To read this announcement online and for more information, click here.

Have You Ever Smoked, Drunk, Vaped, or Used Other Drugs? Or Do You Now? New Zealand COVID-19 Study Is Now Open to US Residents

“We want to find out how people are coping [during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown],” writes the New Zealand-based Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking. “We are especially interested in adults aged 18 and over who, before lockdown, regularly drank alcohol, smoked or used other tobacco products, or other drugs. We also want to hear from people who have taken up smoking or drinking or other drugs during this frightening time.” The study has been approved by the US-based independent review board SolutionsIRB and is now open to US residents. “The study website includes helpful Coping in Lockdown tips, tips on Dealing with Cravings, and information on alternatives to smoking tobacco.” To participate or for more information, click here.

Survey Seeks Respondents Who Are in Administrative/Leadership Positions in the Mental Health Field

If you are in an administrative/leadership position in the mental health arena, “the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Leadership invites you to participate in the International Survey on Administrative Psychiatry. The survey has two purposes: 1. To identify the concerns and needs of mental health professionals/psychiatrists in administrative and leadership positions. 2. To determine training needs in administrative psychiatry. We ask you to complete this brief, [15- to 20-minute] questionnaire to help us in developing recommendations for action. We also want to let you know that, if you fill out this questionnaire, you permit the committee to use your anonymous data for scientific work.” Peer providers are included. For the survey, click here. (Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

“Experiences with Hospitalization” Survey Seeks Participants

“The purpose of this survey is to help us understand people's lived experience with voluntary and involuntary treatment because of suicidal thoughts. It was created by people with lived experience…We are planning to use this information to facilitate discussions with suicidologists and the suicide prevention community about the impact of the use of these interventions, particularly within marginalized populations. We feel the voice of people with lived experience with these interventions has not had adequate opportunity to be heard, and hope that by completing this survey anonymously, people who have been most impacted can find a safe way to share their experiences. Please note that this is not a research project.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. (Courtesy of Leah Harris)

International Survey on Antipsychotic Medication Withdrawal Seeks Respondents

“Have you taken antipsychotic medication (such as Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal, Haldol, Geodon, Stelazine, and others), for any condition or diagnosis, with or without other medications? And did you ever stop taking antipsychotics, or try to stop taking them? Are you 18 years or older? If yes, you can take this survey about antipsychotic withdrawal and attempts to withdraw, including if you stopped taking them completely or if you tried to come off and still take them. The survey aims to improve mental health services by better understanding medication withdrawal. Lead researcher is Will Hall, a therapist and Ph.D. student who has himself taken antipsychotics. Service users/survivors/consumers from around the world also gave input. The study is sponsored by Maastricht University in the Netherlands; co-sponsors include the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Questions? Please contact”  For more information or to take the survey, click on

Virtual Group Works to Advance Peer Research Capacity, Leadership, and Involvement

Nev Jones, PhD—a strong advocate for building research capacity, leadership, and involvement among peers, survivors, and service users—leads a virtual group dedicated to this effort. Dr. Jones—assistant professor, School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh—was part of the team that developed “User/Survivor Leadership & Capacity Building in Research: White Paper on Promoting Engagement Practices in Peer Evaluation/Research (PEPPER),” published by the Lived Experience Research Network. For the white paper, click here. Anyone interested in joining the virtual group can email Nev at

Registration Is Open for Peerpocalypse, to Be Held March 14-17, 2022!

The Mental Health and Addiction Association of Oregon (MHAAO) has announced registration for Peerpocalypse 2022, to be held March 14-17, 2022! “MHAAO is pleased to present its first hybrid conference! In-person attendance allows access to pre-conference events, keynote speeches, all workshops, evening events, and the job fair and exhibit hall. Virtual attendance includes access to keynote speeches and all workshops. In-person early registration—[deadline unspecified]—is $300; regular registration is $375. Virtual registration is $200. Lunch meals (sic), CEUs, a T-shirt, a printed program, and a badge are included for both in-person and virtual attendees. Registration must be received no later than February 14, 2022, to receive a T-shirt.” To register, click here.

Mad In America Invites You to Submit Your Personal Story (Within Certain Guidelines)

Mad In America writes: “A ‘personal story’ is defined as your story of being in relationship to psychiatry and/or the mental health system, whatever that means to you. It might involve your opinions and analysis of what happened to you, as well. It can be about a specific event, or about your overall journey, provided it fits the length requirements (1,500 to 3,000 words) and has a narrative arc. The piece should be about your personal experiences, not psychiatry or the mental health system in general. Submissions should fall under the theme of rethinking psychiatry and the mental health system, and should be original works not previously published elsewhere. For examples of the types of stories we publish, view our personal stories archive here.” For more information and/or to submit a personal story, click here.

PsychAlive Offers a Variety of Webinars on Mental Health Topics, Many Free, Others $15

PsychAlive is a free, nonprofit resource created by the Glendon Association, whose mission is “to save lives and enhance mental health by addressing the social problems of suicide, violence, child abuse and troubled interpersonal relationships.” offers a variety of upcoming and archived webinars, many of which are free, while others are available for $15. Among the myriad topics are “From Anxiety to Action: How to Stay Sane While Fighting Climate Change,” “How to Overcome Insecurity,” “Powerful Tools to Fight Depression,” and “Understanding and Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences.” To check out the webinars, click here.

Doors to Wellbeing Offers “State Selfies: A Picture of Peer Services Reported by Peers”

Doors to Wellbeing’s “Peer Album” is a directory of nearly 600 peer-run organizations throughout the U.S. They invite updates and offer instructions for providing them and add, “If your entry has not made this first draft, we encourage you to re-submit.” For the 158-page directory, click here.

Disclaimer: The Clearinghouse does not necessarily endorse the opinions and opportunities included in the Key Update.

About The Key Update

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is now affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!

The Key Update is the free monthly e-newsletter of the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse. Volume 18, No. 3, September 2021. For content, reproduction or publication information, please contact Susan Rogers at Follow Susan on Twitter at @SusanRogersMH







Key Update, August 2021, Volume 18, Number 2

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!


The Key Update is compiled, written, and edited by Susan Rogers, Director, National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse.


“Should I Mask? Can I Travel? What About Hugs? How Delta Is Changing Advice for the Vaccinated.”

“The rise of the Delta variant of the coronavirus has raised new questions about how the vaccinated can stay safe and avoid breakthrough infections. We asked the experts for advice,” The New York Times writes. Under “New Guidance for the Vaccinated,” the Times answers these questions: “If I’m vaccinated, why do I need to worry about Delta? What’s the real risk of a breakthrough infection after vaccination? When should I wear a mask? Should I upgrade my mask? What’s the risk of hanging out with my vaccinated friends and family? Can I still dine at restaurants? Is it safe to travel? Should I skip the peanuts and water and keep my mask on? How safe are buses, subways and trains for vaccinated people? Can I hug and visit older relatives? What about unvaccinated children? How do I know if I have the Delta variant?” For the article, click here.

Alternatives 2021 Is Over, but You Can View Many of the Presentations—and the Work Continues!

If you missed Alternatives 2021—the oldest national conference organized by and for individuals with lived experience of a mental health condition—you can see many of the presentations on the Alternatives conference website! The conference—whose theme was “Connecting, Organizing, Activating!”—was held July 8, 10, 15, and 17, and was organized by the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery. This year the conference was virtual—and free! One highlight was the three Action Groups—on Promoting Racial and Social Justice, National and Statewide Advocacy, and Crisis Prevention and Alternatives to Institutionalization—which met on all four days. Reports from each of the groups are posted on the Alternatives conference website, and it is hoped that people will continue to work together to make progress on the goals that were determined by participants during the conference. For information about the Action Groups, click here. Recordings of many of the workshops, keynotes, and special activities are available the Alternatives conference website (click here).

Disability Rights Advocates Are Calling on Congress to Eliminate SSDI Waiting Periods

“Long COVID patients could spur changes to the [Social Security] system, as their plight has given more urgency to advocates’ demands,” according to a TIME magazine article posted on July 20, 2021. “Stop the Wait, a coalition of disability and aging groups, is calling on Congress to eliminate official waiting periods built into the Social Security Disability Insurance program. After completing the application process, people have to wait five months for any benefits to begin and two years to receive Medicare coverage. ‘It’s a devastation both for the individuals and their families and for our economy, where people don’t have any money coming in, they can’t spend, they can’t contribute to the economy,’ says Eve Hill, a disability lawyer and lead organizer of the campaign. It can also push people onto other government programs such as Medicaid, which states have to help pay for while the person is waiting for their federal benefits.” For the article, click here. (Courtesy of Yvonne Smith)

Free Webinar: “Talking about Tobacco Part 3: Building Motivation to Change”

On August 16 at 1:30 p.m. ET, the Academy of Peer Services Virtual Learning Community will present “Talking about Tobacco Part 3: Building Motivation to Change.” “In this third (90-minute) webinar in the Talking About Tobacco Series, we draw upon questions and comments from the previous webinars in this series and stories shared by the presenters to explore different motivations to change, particularly in relation to tobacco use,” the hosts write. “Together…we will explore what we mean by motivation and the things that work or don’t work when we are ready to make any change in our lives. We will consider how to have these important (sometimes lifesaving) conversations related to health and wellbeing while respecting peer support values of choice and not forcing or coercing people to make changes against their will.” For more information and to register, click here.

CAMHPRO’s “Peer Statewide Conference 2021” Is Open to All--for Free!

The 2021 Peer Statewide Conference organized and hosted by CAMHPRO (California Association of Mental Health Peer-Run Organizations) is free, and is open to everyone from everywhere, although it will be California-centric. The conference will be held August 16 and 17 (virtually and in person); its theme is “Lead the way. Speak out. Make change.” The conference will address such vital topics as crisis intervention, housing, peer support, and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI). “Online viewing is available with limited access.” Virtual participants may register until August 16, the day the conference begins. (The advantage to signing up sooner rather than later is that you will get email updates as the conference approaches.) For more information and a link to register, click here.

“New Guidelines for Supervisors of Peer Support Workers” Are Reported by Mad In America

“In a new article in Psychiatry Online, Dana Foglesong [board president of the National Association of Peer Supporters (N.A.P.S.)] and colleagues report on a new set of guidelines laid out by N.A.P.S. for supervisors of peer-support workers,” Mad In America reports. “Named the ‘National Practice Guidelines for Peer-specialists and Supervisors (NPG-S),’ they were established to help supervisors with practical guidance on providing support and staying true to the core values of peer support. These guidelines respond to growing concerns that supervisors were often acting in ways that were contradictory to the peer-support values, sometimes causing further harm to the peer supporters themselves. This required helping supervisors learn that peer support ethics are often different from those involved in clinical practice. The authors write: ‘The main purpose of the NPG-S is to assist supervisors and peer support specialists as they embark together on a mutual learning process about peer support values and how best to put them into practice.’ ” For a link to the Mad In America article (which includes a link to the Psychiatry Online article), click here.

SAMHSA to Host Virtual Roundtable on Creating and Enhancing Pathways to a Racially/Ethnically Diverse Behavioral Health Workforce

On August 18 at 1 p.m. ET, SAMHSA’s National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health (NNED) will host a virtual roundtable “to hear about strategies that motivate racially/ethnically diverse individuals to consider behavioral health as a career path. Discover how community-based organizations are working to diversify the behavioral health workforce, including recruiting and retaining racially/ethnically diverse staff. Learn from panelists about professional pathways and programs/trainings that support racially/ethnically diverse people in behavioral health careers.” For details and to register, click here.

A Response to the DSM-5: “There Is Nothing Nameable But That Some Men Will Undertake to Do It For Pay.”

“The idea and practice of ‘diagnosis’ in psychiatry has always been controversial,” according to three British psychologists in their article—“A Particular Perspective: A Brief and Personal History of the Response to Publication of the 5th Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association”—published in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology in 2017. “ ’There is nothing nameable but that some men will undertake to do it for pay.’ This last point—some men will undertake to do it for pay’ [from Herman Melville’s unfinished 1891 novel ‘Billy Budd’]—is perhaps important,” the authors note. “We started this paper with a description of how social and economic factors, as much as scientific factors, appear to have influenced the development of psychiatric diagnosis…So what should we do now? One direct and clear suggestion…is that: ... services based on the premise that the origins of distress are largely social...should replace ‘diagnoses’ with straightforward descriptions of problems,...should tailor help to each person’s unique and complex needs...and should offer care rather than coercion.” To download the free 40-page paper, click here.

You Can Comment on PCORI's National Priorities for Health, and Join PCORI’s Free Webinar on Wikipedia Editing

The deadline for public comment on PCORI’s new National Priorities for Health and Research Agenda is August 27, 2021. PCORI (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute) writes: “Meaningful stakeholder and broader public input are central to ensuring that PCORI’s new National Priorities for Health and Research Agenda appropriately reflect how PCORI can best meet the healthcare community’s needs in coming years and fulfill the organization’s mission as the nation's primary funder of patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research.” To learn more about “PCORI's strategic plan to identify new National Priorities for Health to guide our mission-driven work” and to comment, click here. And do you want to learn how to edit Wikipedia to better inform people looking for health care information? Join PCORI on August 18 at 2 p.m. ET for a free two-hour training to learn the ins-and-outs of Wikipedia editing. For details and to register, click here.

“Mysteries of Mental Illness,” a PBS Series, Is a Mixed Bag

A PBS series, “Mysteries of Mental Illness,” comprises four 54-minute episodes: “New Frontiers,” “The Rise and Fall of the Asylum,” “Who’s Normal?” and “Evil or Illness.” PBS writes that the series “explores dramatic attempts across generations to unravel the mysteries of mental illness, and gives voice to contemporary Americans across a spectrum of experiences.” Unfortunately, “New Frontiers”—one of the two episodes viewed by the Clearinghouse—focuses uncritically on brain-based theories of the causes of—and treatments for—mental health conditions, with only a passing mention of trauma and of community-based remedies. For example, although the dark history of ECT (electroconvulsive treatment) is included, the present-day version is presented favorably, with its serious risks given short shrift and with no mention of the fact that ECT is still sometimes given against people’s will and is still rightly controversial. (In fairness, it should be noted that, after electrodes are implanted in his brain for “deep brain stimulation,” the young man with OCD does experience significant relief from his symptoms.) On the other hand, “Who’s Normal?” doesn’t shy away from psychiatry’s appalling past—for instance, diagnosing enslaved Black people who sought freedom as having a bogus mental illness called “drapetomania” and categorizing free Black people in the North as insane merely because they were free; classifying homosexuality as a mental health condition until 1973; and even, more recently, having “diagnostic reliability close to zero.” The two episodes include in-depth interviews with people diagnosed with OCD, PTSD, and depression, respectively, as well as an interview with a trans woman. Psychiatrists were also interviewed. The American Psychiatric Association Foundation co-sponsored the series, and Johnson & Johnson also contributed financial support. For more information and to watch the series for free, click here

Mad In America to Present Webinar on “Cognitive Behavioral and Related Therapies for Psychosis”

On August 19, 2021, at 1 p.m. ET, Mad In America will present a 90-minute webinar on “Cognitive Behavioral and Related Therapies for Psychosis: Diverse Approaches to Supporting Recovery.” “This webinar will provide an overview of the research behind CBT for psychosis, and of the style and strategies used. There will then be a discussion of approaches that can easily be integrated with CBT, such as compassion-focused therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, psychodynamic therapy, mindfulness, family systems and dialogical approaches, and approaches developed within the Hearing Voices Network. Resources for getting training in CBT for psychosis and related approaches will also be described.” If you can’t afford the fee, “you may register for this event for free by using the code ‘Freebie.’ ” For more information and to register, click here.

Free Webinar: “The Time is NOW: Peer-Run Organizations and Integrated Care”

On August 19, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, CAFÉ TAC will present “a free webinar on the challenges and opportunities presented by integrated care, and the implications for peers and peer-run organizations  in their efforts to promote recovery values and drive systems change.” The webinar—"The Time is NOW: Peer-Run Organizations and Integrated Care”—will be hosted by Cherene Caraco, CEO of North Carolina’s Promise Resource Network. “She will share the strategy her organization has adopted in advocating for the integration of peer support in a variety of settings,” CAFÉ TAC writes. Certificates of completion are available upon request. For more information and to register, click here.

NARPA’s 2021 (Virtual) Annual Rights Conference Will Present Five Free Webinars

The 2021 annual Rights Conference of the National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy (NARPA) will consist of five free webinars, in September and October 2021. The five webinars—all of which are 90 minutes long and begin at 2 p.m. ET—are "Advocating for Institutionalized People During COVID: The Massachusetts Experience" (September 13); "The Promise and the Pitfalls of 988: Survivor Advocacy Perspectives" (September 27); "Advocating for Equitable Health Care in a Public Health Emergency" (October 4); "How to Create Change in Police Services: Transparency, Accountability, and Reform" (October 13); and "The Unacceptable Institutionalization of People with Psychiatric Disabilities in Nursing Homes" (October 19). For details and to register, click here.

Registration Is Open for NYAPRS’s Free, Virtual Annual Conference

Registration is now open for NYAPRS’s free, virtual Annual Conference, to be held on September 21, 23, 28 and 30th. Its theme is “United in Hope, Together for Justice and Wellness for All.” The conference will feature the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, Dr. Miriam Delphin-Rittmon; NYS Mental Health Commissioner Ann Sullivan; WRAP creator Mary Ellen Copeland; NYS Senate Mental Health Committee Chair Samra Brouk; Helen 'Skip' Skipper of the New York City Criminal Justice Agency; CAHOOTS Director Tim Black; Mental Health America's award-winning youth peer leader Kelly Davis; Keris Myrick, a JED Foundation director and former Director of the Office of Consumer Affairs at the Center for Mental Health Services; and Stand Up for Mental Health's founder, David Granirer. NYAPRS writes, “Look for full program details in the coming days!” To register, click here.

A Peer-led Program Improved the Physical Health of People with Mental Health Conditions, Researchers Found

In a study of a peer-led intervention called the Bridge—which helps individuals with mental health conditions prioritize their health, access health care, and learn to self-manage their health—there was a 50 percent reduction in the use of emergency rooms for those in the intervention group. In the study, published in Psychiatric Services, the researchers found that the Bridge participants—primarily Latinx and Black—used the emergency room 2.5 times less frequently than those in a wait-list control group over six months. “This is important because we often see high rates of emergency department visits in patients with severe mental illnesses,” said  lead researcher Dr. Erin Kelly of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, who collaborated with scientists in Southern California. An article about the results in Medical Life Sciences News noted: “Participants also reported using routine health care more frequently, and reported more confidence in their ability to manage their health, better relationships with primary care providers, reduced pain and increased detection of chronic health conditions.” For the article, click here.

Save the Date: California Memorial Project to Hold 19th Annual Remembrance Ceremony on September 20

The California Memorial Project, a project of Disability Rights California’s Peer Self-Advocacy Program, will hold its 19th annual Remembrance ceremony on September 20, 2021, at 1 p.m. PT, 4 p.m. ET, “to honor the more than 45,000 people with mental health and developmental disabilities who lived and died at California state institutions and were buried anonymously in mass or unmarked graves. Join us as we share some history, stories, poems, songs, artwork, cultural perspectives, and a moment of silence to celebrate their lives and give them the recognition they deserved. Together we can break the cycle of disrespect and create hope and change for the future of the 6,000 peers who currently live in California state hospitals. For more about this webinar, including how to register and to get the Zoom link, please go to California Memorial Project (CMP) | Disability Rights California and look for our CMP webinar announcement, which will be posted by the end of August. Closed captioning and Spanish and ASL interpreters will be provided.”

Involuntary Commitment and Forced Psychiatric Drugging Harm Individuals and Society

An article by Jim Gottstein, founder and president of the Law Project For Psychiatric Rights, lays out the evidence and legal principles against psychiatric imprisonment and forced drugging. The abstract of the article—“Involuntary Commitment and Forced Psychiatric Drugging in the Trial Courts: Rights Violations as a Matter of Course”—begins: “A commonly held belief is that locking up and forcibly drugging people diagnosed with mental illness is in their best interests as well as society’s as a whole. The truth is far different. Rather than protecting the public from harm, public safety is decreased. Rather than helping psychiatric respondents, many are greatly harmed.” For the 55-page article, published in the Alaska Law Review in 2008, click here.

HALI to Offer Academy of Peer Services Learning Collaborative Beginning August 30

HALI (Hands Across Long Island) will launch its next Academy of Peer Services (APS) study group/learning collaborative on August 30, 2021. The group will meet weekly through November 29, 2021, on Mondays from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET (except for two Tuesdays: September 7 and October 12). “This group is open to all who are interested in taking APS core courses in pursuit of peer specialist certification, as well as those who have taken the courses and want to strengthen their knowledge and support others. The coursework is specific to New York, but also relevant to national certification.” If you are interested in joining the group, email Emily Vaianella at so she can add you to the email list to receive program updates, and answer your questions. To join the Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 839 1714 8115. By phone? Find your local number here: 

Free Webinar on “Supported Employment and Supported Education: Peer Perspectives, Engagement, and Learning from the Field”
On August 31, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, Doors to Wellbeing will present the next in its monthly series of free one-hour webinars. The topic is “Supported Employment and Supported Education: Peer Perspectives, Engagement, and Learning from the Field.” “How are peer support services and peer experiences used to help individuals with mental health challenges become employed and retain their jobs? What supports and opportunities exist for people with psychiatric disabilities to enhance their education or build a career, whether through GED, college, or developing vocational or trade skills? Join this webinar to hear about evidence-based practices, peer support services, learnings from the field, and personal stories that illustrate the multiple ways peer support specialists and peers can provide valuable support to assist those with psychiatric disabilities find meaningful work, engage in education, and build upon their recovery journeys” For more information and to register, click here.

Free Webinar—“Banished: The Roots of Loneliness in Mental Health”

On September 10, 2021, at 7:30 a.m. ET, the Centre for Mental Health in the UK will host a one-hour webinar called “Banished: The Roots of Loneliness in Mental Health.” “Loneliness is a binding thread that brings together very different experiences of mental ill health. It’s typically seen as [a] benign, non-political issue, which is to do with people not having enough friends or loved ones in their lives; or not enough intimacy in the relationships they do have,” the organizers write. “But what if the roots of loneliness weren't about what people with mental health difficulties are lacking, but about the shadows that mainstream society can't bear to face? In this seminar, Amy Pollard…takes a 200-year step back to set loneliness in mental health in the context of the Enlightenment: the Age of Reason. In this period, ‘madness’ (a word referring both to illogical behavior and mental health difficulties) was cast out into the wilderness. In the 21st century, it's time for a new dynamic to emerge.” For more information and to register, click here.

Psychologist Paula Caplan, Who Challenged—and Changed—the Mental Health Profession, Dies at 74

“Paula Caplan, a pioneering psychologist who exposed how her profession had pathologized a wide range of female traits and social responsibilities, including motherhood, menstruation and even shopping, died on July 21 at her home in Rockville, Maryland,” The New York Times reports. In an op ed in The Washington Post—“Psychiatry’s Bible, the DSM, Is Doing More Harm Than Good”—in 2012, Dr. Caplan wrote: “ ‘In our increasingly psychiatrized world, the first course is often to classify anything but routine happiness as a mental disorder, assume it is based on a broken brain or a chemical imbalance, and prescribe drugs or hospitalization.’ Her experience opened the door to a broader critique of her profession—namely, what she saw as an urge to pathologize everyday human emotions. In fact, she argued, doing so could do more harm than good by encouraging healthy people to think they were sick.” Dr. Paula Caplan, who died of  cancer, was 74. For the New York Times obituary, click here.

TU Collaborative Offers “The Peer Facilitated Community Inclusion Toolkit”

The Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion is offering “The Peer Facilitated Community Inclusion Toolkit” for free. “Peers can play a critically important and unique role in supporting increased community participation among individuals with serious mental health issues,” the TU Collaborative writes. “Our toolkit is an excellent resource to help peers explore goals for increasing community participation with the individuals they work with. This toolkit includes various exercises and worksheets that peers can use to help individuals reflect on desired levels of community participation, explore existing supports and resources, and develop community participation goals.” To download the free, 26-page manual, click here.

“30 Illustrations About Mental Health That Seem To Comfort Many By ‘Constant Bagel Therapy’ ”

The author of these comics writes: “If you’re seeking some good old-fashioned light-hearted wit, look no further than Constant Bagel Therapy. (Disclaimer: this account has nothing to do with bagels and everything to do with wordplay.) The self-proclaimed ‘creative nit-wit’ (as told in the account bio) from Leicester City in the United Kingdom illustrates line drawings of comical puns and posts them regularly to over 400k of loyal followers on Instagram.” For the comics, click here.

The August 2021 Digest of Articles Offering Healthy Lifestyle Advice

For “Swimming gives your brain a boost—but scientists don't know yet why it's better than other aerobic activities,” click here. (Courtesy of The Surviving Spirit newsletter) For “How to Calm Your Climate Anxiety: Between wildfires, heat waves and hurricanes, we’re all feeling nervous about the future. But stewing or ignoring the problem won’t ease your burden,” click here. For “How to breathe: Whether your aim is improved health, mental calm or achieving transcendence, breathing techniques can help you get there,” click here. For “The Secrets of ‘Cognitive Super-Agers’: By studying centenarians, researchers hope to develop strategies to ward off Alzheimer’s disease and slow brain aging for all of us,” click here. For “How to Think Outside Your Brain,” click here.

The August 2021 Digest of Articles about the Criminal Justice System, in Which Many Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Are Incarcerated (and the Key Update continues after this Digest)

For “Police response to mentally ill people is under scrutiny. Denver may offer way forward. A year-old program called STAR sends a social worker and paramedic to low-level emergency calls involving people in crisis,” click here. (Courtesy of Kevin Fitts) For “NYC's Non-Police Mental Health Pilot Increasing Rate of Those Getting Aid, Data Show: NYC's B-HEARD program aims to dispatch social workers with paramedics, instead of cops, for nonviolent mental health calls,” click here. For “2021 PTAC Deflection and Pre-Arrest Diversion Training Summit to Be Held October 12-15 in Chicago,” click here. For “William Darby, Huntsville police officer convicted of murder resigns from HPD: He had been on paid leave since a jury found him guilty of shooting a mentally ill man in 2018,” click here. For “The power of asking, ‘Is there a better way?’ How one reporter’s solutions-focused question helped catapult CAHOOTS, a small local response to police violence, into the national spotlight,” click here. For “Opinion: A new California approach to mental health emergencies: At least one of every four people killed in an interaction with law enforcement has a serious psychological diagnosis,” click here. For “Broken Language: Issue 8 of News Inside takes on the words that define and label incarcerated people,” click here. For “What Words We Use—and Avoid—When Covering People and Incarceration: Journalism is a discipline of clarity. That’s why we’ve solidified our policy about how we talk about people who are currently in or have previously been in prison and jail,” click here. For “Ford Foundation and partners announce $250 million commitment to easing the path from prison to workforce,” click here. For “A Hidden Death: Last year a Eugene man was arrested during a mental health crisis. He died two days after deputies knelt on his back at the Lane County Jail,” click here. For “Checking The Success Of Your State's Efforts To Restore Voting Rights To The Formerly Incarcerated: We learned no more than 1 in 4 of the newly eligible voters had registered for the 2020 election in four key states. Here’s how to examine yours,” click here. For “Monetary Sanctions as a Pound of Flesh: America has established a two-tiered system of justice: one for people with financial means and one for people without,” click here. For “Why are innocent people still losing cash, cars and even homes to police? Our View: Civil asset forfeiture, meant to fight crime by taking profits from drug dealers, often turns cops into bounty hunters who can’t imagine the many legitimate reasons people carry cash,” click here. For “New Jersey High Court Finds Implicit Bias At Play In Jury Selection,” click here. For “Illinois created a program to compensate crime victims. Nearly 50 years later, it’s failing. The state program that’s supposed to help ease the blow of being a crime victim largely isn’t doing that, an investigation by The Trace has found. Few apply. Even fewer get financial relief. Those who do face long waits,” click here. For “How a Story About Philadelphia Became One About All of America: In Philly D.A., a local hero has a lot to teach us about a national crisis,” click here. For “New [Colorado] state law removes court fees for juveniles,” click here. For “NYC Rikers Closure Called Model for Shrinking Jail Populations,” click here. For “How the Federal Government Can Incentivize States To Reverse Mass Incarceration: The Reverse Mass Incarceration Act would supply states that reduce incarceration with federal grants,” click here. For “Many in Jail Can Vote, But Exercising That Right Isn’t Easy,” click here. For “Many dating apps ban people convicted of felonies. Does that make anyone safer? ‘It’s using the justice system as a barometer of someone’s worth,’ a sociologist said,” click here.


Yale Study of COVID-19’s Mental Health Impact Seeks Focus Group Participants with Physical and/or Mental Health Challenges

A study at Yale University led by people with lived experience is recruiting individuals who live with physical and/or mental health challenges to talk about how their lives have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic started. “The Wisdom project: exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of persons who experience adverse living conditions” is led by Larry Davidson, PhD, and Ana Florence, PhD. Ana is a Brazilian psychologist, activist, and postdoctoral associate, and Larry is Director of the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health. If you live with mental and/or physical health challenges and would like to participate, you can email or call 475-355-5393. “All focus groups will be held virtually, and a $50 e-gift card will be provided to each participant,” the researchers say.

“Mental Health System: Open Letter to the Media” Seeks Signatures

“Everyone who believes that the problematic aspects of the mental health system are not adequately represented in the media is invited to sign this letter,” writes Yulia Mikhailova, who launched this initiative to educate the media. The letter begins: “We, a group of people with first-hand experience of the mental health system, write to express our concern about what we see as one-sided coverage of this system in the media and to draw the attention of civil rights organizations to the systemic discrimination that we witnessed and experienced. We, our loved ones, or inmates in the facilities where we worked, were exploited for monetary gain and victimized in various other ways. We saw how abuse, corruption, and exploitation were covered up, while victims and critics of the system were silenced and marginalized.” For a short version of the letter, which includes a link to a longer version, click here. Questions? Contact Yulia Mikhailova at

HUG ME Ink Issues Call for Proposals for Virtual Peer-A-Palooza

Helping to Unite by Generating Mental Empowerment (HUG ME) Ink will host the 1st Annual Peer-A-Palooza on September 24 and September 25, 2021, eight hours each day, via Whova. The theme of the conference is “Creating a Zest for Life Through Growth, Resilience, Recovery and Community.” The goals are to empower peers with the necessary tools to grow in their own recovery, to leave the past as the past and move forward with dreams, and to be the change agent they can be in their community.” To submit a proposal, fill out the Call for Proposals by the deadline of August 14 HERE.  

Disability Rights California Invites You to Its Past, Present, and Future (Free) Webinars

Disability Rights California (DRC) writes: “You are cordially invited to join us in our virtual disability rights trainings. Our webinars are twice a week, on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT) in English and Thursdays at 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT) in Spanish. Our free trainings provide information and resources on different topics related to mental health, self-advocacy, our legal rights (based on California law) and access to services that are informative and empowering. We welcome all peers (people with lived experience), service providers, family members and people in the community.” To view the webinars, click here.

 (Virtual) 2021 Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS) Conference Info

The theme of the Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS)—"a biennial national conference that centers the multiple oppressions that shape the lived experiences of disabled individuals, as told by disabled people, in a setting organized by disabled activists”—is “Disabled Community Care and Survival: Strategies and Brilliance.” The organizers write: “This year’s DIS 2021 will have presentations scheduled from June - December.” For more about the Summit, click here. (Courtesy of Dan Fisher)

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Covid-19 Vaccinations But Were Afraid to Ask; and See How the U.S. Is Doing Compared to the Rest of the World  

On January 27, 2021, The New York Times published “Answers to All Your Questions about Getting Vaccinated for Covid-19.” Among the important facts: “You shouldn’t try to stave off discomfort [by taking painkillers] before getting the [Covid-19] shot”; side effects after the second shot are worse than after the first shot; there is no risk of developing Covid-19 from the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines; and “Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reach about 50 percent efficacy 10 to 14 days after the first shot. You’ll get peak protection…about a week after you get the second dose.” To read the interactive article, click here. One rare side effect the Times doesn’t mention is a “Covid arm” rash several days after the Moderna vaccine. For a USA Today story about it, click here. To track the vaccinations in the U.S., by state, and worldwide, click here.

CNN Offers “A Guide to Helping and Getting Help During the Coronavirus Crisis”

CNN writes: “The coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming, and one of the most excruciating parts for many people is the feeling of utter helplessness in the face of widespread suffering and hardship. CNN’s Impact Your World has compiled a list of donation opportunities and tips to help those affected by the crisis. Click on a category or scroll down to browse a list of organizations, resources and ideas. Need help? Most categories also include resources for financial, emotional or social support.” For the free guide, click here.

RMIT Mad Studies Network, based in Melbourne, Australia, Hosts Monthly Virtual Reading Group

“The RMIT Mad Studies Network brings together anyone interested in Mad Studies, mad ideas, critical thinking about mental distress, the politics of ‘mental health,’ the mental health consumer/survivor/ex-patient movement and alternatives to the contemporary mental health paradigm/system,” according to the RMIT website’s home page. Currently, the RMIT’s main activity is a monthly reading group, now held virtually. The 90-minute groups take place on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time), which is 14 hours later than Eastern Daylight Time (5 a.m. EDT on the third Monday of the month). The time difference grows as you move west: 4 a.m. CT, 3 a.m. MT, 2 a.m. PT. For more information, click here.

12th World Hearing Voices Congress to Be Held in Cork, Ireland, September 1-3, 2021

The 12th World Hearing Voices Congress, whose theme is “Solidarity in Times of Adversity: The Global Voice Hearing Community Reconnecting,” will be held September 1-3, 2021. “This year’s Congress will create spaces for voice hearers, family members, carers, practitioners, academics, and all those interested in the principles and values of the International Hearing Voices Movement, to connect and/or reconnect with one another in a post-pandemic world, either in person in Cork, Ireland, or online across the globe,” the organizers write. “If restrictions do not allow to have a hybrid Congress in Cork, then Congress will move fully online!” The online fees for voice hearers/students are £45.00 ($67); for practitioners, £65.00 ($97). If a hybrid Congress can be offered, then the fees will be €80 ($95) for voice hearers/students; €180 ($211) for practitioners. (The monetary conversion rates are as of this writing.) For more information, including a link to register, click here. (Courtesy of Janet Paleo)

International Conference on Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal Scheduled for May 2022

The first conference of the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal is tentatively scheduled for May 2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland; the dates will be confirmed this month (June 2021). “The three themes underpinning the conference are safe withdrawal from psychiatric medication, alternatives to psychiatric medication, and the need to question the dominance of medication in mental health care.” Confirmed speakers include Robert Whitaker (journalist and founder of Mad in America), Professor Joanna Moncrieff (psychiatrist and researcher), Laura Delano (co-founder of the Inner Compass Initiative and a person with lived experience), Dr. Carina Håkansson (founder of Family Care Foundation and The Extended Therapy Room Foundation), and Dr. Magnus Hald (Psychiatrist at the Drug-Free Treatment Unit, Norway). For more information, click here.

NARPA Free Webinar Series Is Available Online

“In lieu of a face-to-face conference in 2020, NARPA presented a series of webinars related to current events. The last presentation in this series took place in December, withMental Health Courts and Specialized Courts in Canada: Access to Justice from the Perspective of people with psychiatric histories.’ All of the webinars are free and are available for streaming on NARPA's YouTube Channel. For more information, click here.

National Survey Seeks Input from Certified Peer Specialists

“Routine peer support has shown to increase individuals’ hope, sense of personal control, ability to make positive changes, and decreased psychiatric symptoms,” writes Dr. Karen Fortuna of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. “Despite these benefits, the organizational structure of peer support is not known. Dartmouth College is initiating a national survey of trained Certified Peer Specialists to help us understand the organizational structure of peer support services.” For more information and/or to participate in the 15-minute survey, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

Hearing Voices Network Is Now Hosting Online Groups

“There are now ONLINE opportunities to connect, share experiences, and find mutual support,” the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) writes. “These groups are accessible via web-based platforms and by phone…Online groups are specifically for those with personal lived experience with hearing voices, seeing visions, and/or negotiating alternative realities. They are voice-hearer facilitated. With further questions and for details on how to access the group[s], please email” To read this announcement online and for more information, click here.

Have You Ever Smoked, Drunk, Vaped, or Used Other Drugs? Or Do You Now? New Zealand COVID-19 Study Is Now Open to US Residents

“We want to find out how people are coping [during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown],” writes the New Zealand-based Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking. “We are especially interested in adults aged 18 and over who, before lockdown, regularly drank alcohol, smoked or used other tobacco products, or other drugs. We also want to hear from people who have taken up smoking or drinking or other drugs during this frightening time.” The study has been approved by the US-based independent review board SolutionsIRB and is now open to US residents. “The study website includes helpful Coping in Lockdown tips, tips on Dealing with Cravings, and information on alternatives to smoking tobacco.” To participate or for more information, click here.

Survey Seeks Respondents Who Are in Administrative/Leadership Positions in the Mental Health Field

If you are in an administrative/leadership position in the mental health arena, “the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Leadership invites you to participate in the International Survey on Administrative Psychiatry. The survey has two purposes: 1. To identify the concerns and needs of mental health professionals/psychiatrists in administrative and leadership positions. 2. To determine training needs in administrative psychiatry. We ask you to complete this brief, [15- to 20-minute] questionnaire to help us in developing recommendations for action. We also want to let you know that, if you fill out this questionnaire, you permit the committee to use your anonymous data for scientific work.” Peer providers are included. For the survey, click here. (Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

“Experiences with Hospitalization” Survey Seeks Participants

“The purpose of this survey is to help us understand people's lived experience with voluntary and involuntary treatment because of suicidal thoughts. It was created by people with lived experience…We are planning to use this information to facilitate discussions with suicidologists and the suicide prevention community about the impact of the use of these interventions, particularly within marginalized populations. We feel the voice of people with lived experience with these interventions has not had adequate opportunity to be heard, and hope that by completing this survey anonymously, people who have been most impacted can find a safe way to share their experiences. Please note that this is not a research project.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. (Courtesy of Leah Harris)

International Survey on Antipsychotic Medication Withdrawal Seeks Respondents

“Have you taken antipsychotic medication (such as Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal, Haldol, Geodon, Stelazine, and others), for any condition or diagnosis, with or without other medications? And did you ever stop taking antipsychotics, or try to stop taking them? Are you 18 years or older? If yes, you can take this survey about antipsychotic withdrawal and attempts to withdraw, including if you stopped taking them completely or if you tried to come off and still take them. The survey aims to improve mental health services by better understanding medication withdrawal. Lead researcher is Will Hall, a therapist and Ph.D. student who has himself taken antipsychotics. Service users/survivors/consumers from around the world also gave input. The study is sponsored by Maastricht University in the Netherlands; co-sponsors include the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Questions? Please contact”  For more information or to take the survey, click on

Virtual Group Works to Advance Peer Research Capacity, Leadership, and Involvement

Nev Jones, PhD—a strong advocate for building research capacity, leadership, and involvement among peers, survivors, and service users—leads a virtual group dedicated to this effort. Dr. Jones—assistant professor, School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh—was part of the team that developed “User/Survivor Leadership & Capacity Building in Research: White Paper on Promoting Engagement Practices in Peer Evaluation/Research (PEPPER),” published by the Lived Experience Research Network. For the white paper, click here. Anyone interested in joining the virtual group can email Nev at

Registration Is Open for Peerpocalypse, to Be Held March 14-17, 2022!

The Mental Health and Addiction Association of Oregon (MHAAO) has announced registration for Peerpocalypse 2022, to be held March 14-17, 2022! “MHAAO is pleased to present its first hybrid conference! In-person attendance allows access to pre-conference events, keynote speeches, all workshops, evening events, and the job fair and exhibit hall. Virtual attendance includes access to keynote speeches and all workshops. In-person early registration—[deadline unspecified]—is $300; regular registration is $375. Virtual registration is $200. Lunch meals (sic), CEUs, a T-shirt, a printed program, and a badge are included for both in-person and virtual attendees. Registration must be received no later than February 14, 2022, to receive a T-shirt.” To register, click here.

Mad In America Invites You to Submit Your Personal Story (Within Certain Guidelines)

Mad In America writes: “A ‘personal story’ is defined as your story of being in relationship to psychiatry and/or the mental health system, whatever that means to you. It might involve your opinions and analysis of what happened to you, as well. It can be about a specific event, or about your overall journey, provided it fits the length requirements (1,500 to 3,000 words) and has a narrative arc. The piece should be about your personal experiences, not psychiatry or the mental health system in general. Submissions should fall under the theme of rethinking psychiatry and the mental health system, and should be original works not previously published elsewhere. For examples of the types of stories we publish, view our personal stories archive here.” For more information and/or to submit a personal story, click here.

PsychAlive Offers a Variety of Webinars on Mental Health Topics, Many Free, Others $15

PsychAlive is a free, nonprofit resource created by the Glendon Association, whose mission is “to save lives and enhance mental health by addressing the social problems of suicide, violence, child abuse and troubled interpersonal relationships.” offers a variety of upcoming and archived webinars, many of which are free, while others are available for $15. Among the myriad topics are “From Anxiety to Action: How to Stay Sane While Fighting Climate Change,” “How to Overcome Insecurity,” “Powerful Tools to Fight Depression,” and “Understanding and Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences.” To check out the webinars, click here.

Doors to Wellbeing Offers “State Selfies: A Picture of Peer Services Reported by Peers”

Doors to Wellbeing’s “Peer Album” is a directory of nearly 600 peer-run organizations throughout the U.S. They invite updates and offer instructions for providing them and add, “If your entry has not made this first draft, we encourage you to re-submit.” For the 158-page directory, click here.

Disclaimer: The Clearinghouse does not necessarily endorse the opinions and opportunities included in the Key Update.

About The Key Update

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is now affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!

The Key Update is the free monthly e-newsletter of the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse. Volume 18, No. 2, August 2021. For content, reproduction or publication information, please contact Susan Rogers at Follow Susan on Twitter at @SusanRogersMH







Key Update, July 2021, Volume 18, Number 1

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!


The Key Update is compiled, written, and edited by Susan Rogers, Director, National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse.


On July 8, 10, 15, and 17, You Can Participate in the FREE, Virtual Alternatives 2021 Conference! See the Complete Schedule Here!

The National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery—host of the FREE, virtual Alternatives 2021 conference, now in its 35th year—has published its exciting  program! The conference, which will begin on July 8, will continue on July 10, 15, and 17! For descriptions of the more than 60 workshops, and the presenter bios, click here. For a July 8 and July 10 schedule-at-a-glance with Zoom links to each presentation, click here. (If you register for the conference, you will receive the July 15 and July 17 schedules on or before July 12.) For morning and evening activities, click here. This year, in addition to a full schedule of workshops guaranteed to engage, educate, and inspire participants, the conference will invite attendees to join Action Groups, during which group members will develop important strategic plans to take back to their communities and work on in the days, weeks, and months ahead. The three groups are National and Statewide Advocacy, Crisis Prevention and Alternatives to Institutionalization, and Promoting Racial and Social Justice. The conference theme is  “Connecting, Organizing, Activating!” For the Alternatives conference website, click here. To register, click here. For questions: 

“New WHO Guidance Seeks to Put an End to Human Rights Violations in Mental Health Care”

On June 10, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that mental health care “should be located in the community and should not only encompass mental health care but also support for day-to-day living, such as facilitating access to accommodation and links with education and employment services. WHO’s new Guidance on community mental health services: promoting person-centered and rights-based approaches further affirms that mental health care must be grounded in a human rights-based approach…‘This comprehensive new guidance provides a strong argument for a much faster transition from mental health services that use coercion and focus almost exclusively on the use of medication to manage symptoms of mental health conditions, to a more holistic approach that takes into account the specific circumstances and wishes of the individual and offers a variety of approaches for treatment and support,’ said Dr. Michelle Funk of [WHO’s] Department of Mental Health and Substance Use, who led the development of the guidance.” For the WHO press release, click here. (Courtesy of Robin Osborne)

“AT&T Launches 988 Hotline Support for Emergency Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Services”; But Some Advocates Question Whether It May Unduly Disrupt Some People’s Lives

“A year ahead of a July 2022 deadline to implement 988 instant access to emergency mental health services, AT&T [along with T-Mobile and Verizon] has launched support for the hotline,” reports For the story, click here. As reported by NPR, “Overall, the record supports the use of a dedicated 3-digit dialing code as a way to increase the effectiveness of suicide prevention efforts, ease access to crisis services, and reduce the stigma surrounding suicide and mental health conditions," the [Federal Communications Commission] explained in the study, prepared in collaboration with SAMHSA.” For the NPR story, click here. But calling a suicide hotline may lead to the police, fearing a threat to themselves, shooting the caller (click here). And “[m]ad & disabled advocates who have experienced mental health crisis intervention, and even some crisis service providers, worry that [the proposal to include] geolocation would serve to further entrench coercion in mental health & crisis response systems, replicating problematic aspects of 911” (click here). And for “Suicide Hotlines Bill Themselves as Confidential—Even as Some Trace Your Call: Every year US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline centers covertly trace tens of thousands of confidential calls, and police come to homes, schools, and workplaces to forcibly take callers to psychiatric hospitals. Some people’s lives get upended,” click here. (Please see below for a free webinar about 988.)

Free Webinar: “Scaling Up 988: On the Road to the Ideal Crisis System”

On July 27, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. ET, the National Council for Mental Wellbeing will present a free, SAMHSA-sponsored webinar: “Scaling Up 988: On the Road to the Ideal Crisis System.” “This session will explore the implementation considerations of 988 for behavioral health providers within the framework outlined in the [209-page] Roadmap to the Ideal Crisis System: Essential Elements, Measurable Standards and Best Practices for Behavioral Health Crisis Response,” published in March 2021 (available here). For more information and to register for the webinar, click here. For questions:

“Likely Broad Impact for a U.S. DOJ Finding on Incarceration of People with Mental Illness”

“A pivotal moment has come in the long and complex effort to reform the U.S. criminal justice system. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has directed officials in Alameda County, California, to fundamentally change the way it deals with people with mental illness,” writes Ira Burnim, legal director of the Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law. “DOJ did so by issuing a formal “letter of findings,” taking the county to task for failing to meet the needs of people with mental illness and entangling them in the criminal justice system. Policy makers and lawyers are watching the situation closely, and the outcome is likely to have an impact far beyond the Bay Area…The MacArthur Foundation’s Safety and Justice Challenge, which is helping to reduce jail populations across the country, has provided a blueprint…” For the article, click here. At the same time, many cities and towns around the U.S. are changing the way they handle calls involving people with mental health conditions. Three recent examples are Denver; Oakland, California; and Springfield, Illinois. (The Denver article is courtesy of Kevin Fitts; the Oakland article is courtesy of Berta Britz.)

Yale Study of COVID-19’s Mental Health Impact Seeks Focus Group Participants with Physical and/or Mental Health Challenges

A study at Yale University led by people with lived experience is recruiting individuals who live with physical and/or mental health challenges to talk about how their lives have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic started. “The Wisdom project: exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of persons who experience adverse living conditions” is led by Larry Davidson, PhD, and Ana Florence, PhD. Ana is a Brazilian psychologist, activist, and postdoctoral associate, and Larry is Director of the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health. If you live with mental and/or physical health challenges and would like to participate, you can email or call 475-355-5393. “All focus groups will be held virtually, and a $50 e-gift card will be provided to each participant,” the researchers say.

Does Disclosing Your Mental Health Condition on Applications Hurt Your Chances? Maybe.

“[E]vidence consistently suggests that disclosing a mental illness on applications is considered by admissions committees [of graduate programs], may be viewed unfavorably, and may diminish one’s chances of getting admitted, even for strong applicants,” according to the online abstract of a recent article—“The Quandary: Disclosing a Mental Illness in Applications to Helping Professional Academic Programs”—by Mark S. Salzer, PhD, director of the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion. In the article, to be published in the APA journal Stigma and Health, Dr. Salzer considers the implications of these findings, “including a call for caution when making a decision about disclosure, as well as implications for admissions’ committees when reviewing such applications to avoid bias, and potential legal liability, as well as how they can demonstrate the values of the field in welcoming and embracing such applicants.” For the abstract, click here. Stigma and Health is a quarterly publication edited by Patrick W. Corrigan, Psy.D. For more about the publication, including links to sample articles, click here.

MHA Offers Its National Certified Peer Specialist Certification

“The National Certified Peer Specialist (NCPS) certification is a voluntary, examination-based certification that allows peers to demonstrate a high level of experience and competencies in peer support,” Mental Health America writes. “The NCPS does not replace state certifications but is an add-on to required state certifications. Individuals who earn the NCPS go above and beyond state certification to show their leadership and commitment to the growth and advancement of the field. Our Career Roadmap shows your path from deciding to work in peer support to earning the NCPS.” For more information, including the benefits of the NCPS, certification requirements, and how the NCPS was developed, click here. And for the National Association of Peer Supporters’ national practice guidelines, click here.

HALI’s “Creative Connections” Campaign Will Meet via Zoom on July 12

On June 12, 2021, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. ET, Hands Across Long Island (HALI) will host its next monthly 60-minute Creative Connections Campaign art group on Zoom. “The goal of this campaign is to connect with our community through cards, art, and letters of encouragement that can be delivered to and kept by people held in institutions, and who are feeling particularly isolated,” the organizers write. “To ensure that everyone receives art and letters, our goal is to collect 275 letters/pieces of art each month.” To join on Zoom, click on this link at the time of the meeting: Join by phone: 1-929-205-6099 (meeting ID: 92231574516). (Find your local number: “For organizations that would like to participate in our campaign, please contact Stacy Simbrom at and include Emily Vaianella to schedule a time to speak with us. We encourage you to share this invitation and send your empowering letters and art to Hands Across Long Island, Attn: Emily Vaianella, 159 Brightside Ave., Central Islip, NY 11722.”

Disability Rights California to Present Four Free Webinars in July

Disability Rights California (DRC) will host four free webinars in July 2021 on topics of interest to the disability rights community. These are “Find the legal help and services you need as a person with a Traumatic Brain Injury” (July 15, 2 p.m.-3p.m. PT, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. ET); “What are Deaf Children’s Rights in K – 12 Education?”—presented in American Sign Language (ASL)—(July 21, 1 p.m.-3 p.m. PT, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. ET); “The 123’s & ABC’s of Department of Rehabilitation (DOR)”—presented in ASL—(July 28, 1 p.m.-3 p.m. PT, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. ET); and “Effective Communication under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)—presented in ASL—(July 31, 1 p.m.-3 p.m. PT, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. ET). In addition, OCRA (Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy), a DRC program, is hosting its first (virtual) self-advocacy conference: “Your Voice, Your Choice: Advocacy Starts with You,” from July 26 through July 30 (10 a.m.-12 p.m. PT each day). The conference is limited to “people served by the regional center and their circle of support”; the webinars are open to everyone. For more information and to register for these events, click here.

“The Conversation on Britney Spears, Conservatorship, and Psychiatric Power” Is Available on YouTube

“The leaked audio testimony from Britney Spears’ June 2021 conservatorship hearing is a clear, compelling articulation of the many ways that individuals labeled ‘mentally ill’ can be stripped of their basic rights and liberties,” according to the text accompanying a new YouTube video of a conversation about Britney Spears’ rights that took place on June 28, 2021. In the video, “Inner Compass Initiative’s executive director Laura Delano discusses conservatorship, psychiatric power, and the significance and broader implications of Spears’ testimony with Law Project for Psychiatric Rights founder Jim Gottstein and UCLA social welfare professor David Cohen.” For Britney Spears’ testimony, click here. For “Britney Spears’ conservatorship shines a light on the legal remedy’s harsh reality,” in the Los Angeles Times, click here. For the YouTube video, click here.

Free Webinar: “Post-Traumatic Growth and Resilience: Practices for Peer Groups” on July 27
On July 27, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, Doors to Wellbeing will host the next in its monthly series of free webinars: “Post-Traumatic Growth and Resilience: Practices for Peer Groups.” Doors to Wellbeing writes: “Join us for a webinar where you can learn what post-traumatic growth and resilience are, and how resilience and post-traumatic growth impact interactions in a group environment. The session will support participants in developing skills and identifying tools that foster post-traumatic growth in group environments.” For more information and to register, click here.

Rampant Weight Prejudice Harms Mental Health, International Study Confirms

“The harmful impacts of weight stigma can be real and long-lasting,” writes Rebecca Ruhl, the lead researcher in an international study of the impact of weight prejudice, published in the International Journal of Obesity. “They range from emotional distress—depressive symptoms, anxiety, low self-esteem—to disordered eating, unhealthy eating behaviors, lower physical activity, weight gain, increased physiological stress and avoiding health care.” The recent study compared experiences of weight prejudice of nearly 13,996 adults in six countries with “similar societal values” and found that it had been experienced by an average of 58 percent of participants, and many incorporated the prejudice into their self-image. The good news is that, “[i]n national studies, we found that more than 70 percent of Americans support adding body weight as a protected category, alongside categories such as race and age, to existing state civil rights laws. They also support new legislation to make it illegal for employers to discriminate against employees based on weight.” For the article, click here.

“8 Disability Podcasts That Are Well Worth a Listen”

“Social media, blogging, and the growth of journalism and publishing from the disability community have added more ways to connect,” Forbes magazine reports. “Podcasting offers a…particularly enriching way for disabled people to get information, emotional enrichment, and a more personal sense of connection, all from their own homes and devices.” For the Forbes article, which includes descriptions of the eight podcasts—none of which are specifically about mental health conditions—and for advice about starting your own podcast, click here. (Courtesy of Andy Imperato)

Free “National Guidelines for Behavioral Health Crisis Care–A Best Practice Toolkit” Is Available

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Guidelines for Crisis Care–A Best Practice Toolkit “advances national guidelines in crisis care within a toolkit that supports program design, development, implementation and continuous quality improvement efforts,” SAMHSA writes. “It is intended to help mental health authorities, agency administrators, service providers, state and local leaders think through and develop the structure of crisis systems that meet community needs. This toolkit includes distinct sections for: defining national guidelines in crisis care; tips for implementing care that aligns with national guidelines; and tools to evaluate alignment of systems to national guidelines.” To download the free 80-page toolkit, click here. (Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Stone)

Registration Is Open for Peerpocalypse, to Be Held March 14-17, 2022!

The Mental Health and Addiction Association of Oregon (MHAAO) has announced registration for Peerpocalypse 2022, to be held March 14-17, 2022! “MHAAO is pleased to present its first hybrid conference! In-person attendance allows access to pre-conference events, keynote speeches, all workshops, evening events, and the job fair and exhibit hall. Virtual attendance includes access to keynote speeches and all workshops. In-person early registration—[deadline unspecified]—is $300; regular registration is $375. Virtual registration is $200. Lunch meals (sic), CEUs, a T-shirt, a printed program, and a badge are included for both in-person and virtual attendees. Registration must be received no later than February 14, 2022, to receive a T-shirt.” To register, click here.

“30 Wholesome Comics About Mental Health And Everyday Life By ‘Haley Drew This’”

“Artist Haley Weaver a.k.a. Haley Drew This connects the inner and the outer. The individual and the collective. Her comics surrounding issues like mental health, relationships, and selfhood encompass so many aspects of the human experience, you could just say they are about life. Yes, that might sound a little abstract, but Haley's work is multi-dimensional and can't be described with one adjective. So a broad noun will have to do.” For the comics, click here.

The July 2021 Digest of Articles Offering Healthy Lifestyle Advice

For “More Evidence That Spending Money On Others Makes Us Happier Than Spending On Ourselves,” click here. For “Dear Class of 2021: Don’t Do Your Homework. Live Your Life,” click here. For “NPR’s Joy Generator: Feeling blah? Science shows you can boost happiness by taking time for small moments of delight. We’ve got ideas to try out right now. So grab your headphones and let’s play!” click here. For “Edward Diener, Psychologist Known as Dr. Happiness, Dies at 74: Since the 1980s, he was recognized as a leader in measuring what he called ‘subjective well-being.’ And, yes, he was very happy,” click here.

The July 2021 Digest of Articles about the Criminal Justice System, in Which Many Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Are Incarcerated (and the Key Update continues after this Digest)

For “More police departments are training officers in de-escalation techniques, but does it work?” click here. For “Millions of People With Felonies Can Now Vote. Most Don’t Know It. In a handful of key states, no more than 1 in 4 formerly incarcerated people registered in time for the 2020 election, a Marshall Project analysis found,” click here. For “Collateral Consequences and the Enduring Nature of Punishment: For some people, punishment can continue years after the sentence ends, even decades,” click here. For “Probation and Parole as Punishment: Community supervision must be transformed in order to help people caught up in the justice system, not hurt them further,” click here. For “Exonerated Defendants Lost 25,000 Years to Wrongful Imprisonment,” click here. For the National Registry of Exonerations Report: “Governments Paid More than $2.9 Billion in Compensation, But More than Half of Those Exonerated Received Nothing,” click here. For “Specialized mental health team partner[s] with Arapahoe Sheriff's deputies: The new Behavioral Health Response Program team members wear plainclothes and arrive to calls unarmed. They work in partnership with deputies,” click here. For “Violent Encounters With Police Send Thousands of People to the ER Every Year: That's probably an undercount. But data from San Jose offers a glimpse of what the national scale of police violence might be,” click here. For “‘Cheap Clicks’: How the Media ‘Stigmatizes’ Suspects,” click here. For “The Juvenile Justice Task Force report gave us a roadmap to reform. Now it’s up to lawmakers to finish the job | Opinion,” click here. For “Building the Prison-to-College Pipeline: Securing a college education for the formerly incarcerated can break intergenerational cycles of poverty and crime,” click here. For “Mentally Ill and Sentenced to Death: After 45 years, Texas’ longest-serving death row inmate was resentenced last week due to a long history of severe mental illness. But state lawmakers this session again declined to ban the death penalty for people like him,” click here. For “What death row looks like when you’re on it,” click here. For “New LA Program To Divert Certain Low-Level Arrestees Away From Jail And Into Treatment,” click here. For “LAPD shootings of unstable people wielding sharp objects a deadly problem,” click here. For “Not That Innocent: Most people on death row are guilty. That doesn’t mean they deserve their fate,” click here. For “I wrote about kids sentenced to life without parole, then the letters from prison started: These treasures offered by desperate people cut off from my world were not discarded as junk; they were received, read, appreciated,” click here. For “After Grace’s Story, Michigan Will Study Its Juvenile Justice System: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer appointed a task force to examine the state’s juvenile justice system and recommend reforms after a Black teen was jailed for not doing her online coursework,” click here. For “Chicago Police Are No Longer Allowed To Chase People For Minor Offenses Under New Policy,” click here. For “Treating All Kids as Kids: Persistent and longstanding racism has fueled harsher treatment of young Black people in the justice system,” click here. For “Commentary: Let’s seek forward-looking justice for Jamal Sutherland,” click here. For “What Did You Call Me? An incarcerated person writes about how dehumanizing language like “inmate” is destructive,” click here. For “The Law Enforcement Suicide Data Collection: The FBI’s New Data Collection on Officer Suicide and Attempted Suicide,” click here. For “The Gun Data Expert Who’s Changing the Way the Media Defines Mass Shootings: Looking for a second career, Mark Bryant sold several revolvers to fund the launch of the Gun Violence Archive,” click here. For “More States Expand the Ballot to Previously Incarcerated,” click here. For “Task force reports racial, economic inequalities permeate juvenile justice system,” click here. For “The Man Rewriting Prison from Inside: Quntos KunQuest has been in Angola for twenty-five years. But his début novel, ‘This Life,’ isn’t the usual story of time behind bars,” click here. For “America’s Rural-Jail-Death Problem: Every day, in small towns and cities across the country, thousands of people are booked into local jails, many for minor crimes. Some never come home,” click here. For “Opinion: ‘We want to differentiate ourselves from television’: News outlets tossing old approaches to covering crime,” click here. For “Judge rips prison officials after inmate dies by suicide,” click here. For “Rise in jail deaths is especially troubling as jail populations become more rural and more female,” click here. For “How race shaped the South’s punitive approach to justice,” click here. For “A New Lease on Life: Comprehensive analysis on recidivism documents widespread research evidence that people convicted of homicide and other crimes of violence rarely commit new crimes of violence after release from long-term imprisonment,” click here.


“Mental Health System: Open Letter to the Media” Seeks Signatures

“Everyone who believes that the problematic aspects of the mental health system are not adequately represented in the media is invited to sign this letter,” writes Yulia Mikhailova, who launched this initiative to educate the media. The letter begins: “We, a group of people with first-hand experience of the mental health system, write to express our concern about what we see as one-sided coverage of this system in the media and to draw the attention of civil rights organizations to the systemic discrimination that we witnessed and experienced. We, our loved ones, or inmates in the facilities where we worked, were exploited for monetary gain and victimized in various other ways. We saw how abuse, corruption, and exploitation were covered up, while victims and critics of the system were silenced and marginalized.” For a short version of the letter, which includes a link to a longer version, click here. Questions? Contact Yulia Mikhailova at

HUG ME Ink Issues Call for Proposals for Virtual Peer-A-Palooza

Helping to Unite by Generating Mental Empowerment (HUG ME) Ink will host the 1st Annual Peer-A-Palooza on September 24 and September 25, 2021, eight hours each day, via Whova. The theme of the conference is “Creating a Zest for Life Through Growth, Resilience, Recovery and Community.” The goals are to empower peers with the necessary tools to grow in their own recovery, to leave the past as the past and move forward with dreams, and to be the change agent they can be in their community.” To submit a proposal, fill out the Call for Proposals by the deadline of August 14 HERE.  

 (Virtual) 2021 Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS) Conference Info

The theme of the Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS)—"a biennial national conference that centers the multiple oppressions that shape the lived experiences of disabled individuals, as told by disabled people, in a setting organized by disabled activists”—is “Disabled Community Care and Survival: Strategies and Brilliance.” The organizers write: “This year’s DIS 2021 will have presentations scheduled from June - December.” For more about the Summit, click here. (Courtesy of Dan Fisher)

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Covid-19 Vaccinations But Were Afraid to Ask; and See How the U.S. Is Doing Compared to the Rest of the World  

On January 27, 2021, The New York Times published “Answers to All Your Questions about Getting Vaccinated for Covid-19.” Among the important facts: “You shouldn’t try to stave off discomfort [by taking painkillers] before getting the [Covid-19] shot”; side effects after the second shot are worse than after the first shot; there is no risk of developing Covid-19 from the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines; and “Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reach about 50 percent efficacy 10 to 14 days after the first shot. You’ll get peak protection…about a week after you get the second dose.” To read the interactive article, click here. One rare side effect the Times doesn’t mention is a “Covid arm” rash several days after the Moderna vaccine. For a USA Today story about it, click here. To track the vaccinations in the U.S., by state, and worldwide, click here.

CNN Offers “A Guide to Helping and Getting Help During the Coronavirus Crisis”

CNN writes: “The coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming, and one of the most excruciating parts for many people is the feeling of utter helplessness in the face of widespread suffering and hardship. CNN’s Impact Your World has compiled a list of donation opportunities and tips to help those affected by the crisis. Click on a category or scroll down to browse a list of organizations, resources and ideas. Need help? Most categories also include resources for financial, emotional or social support.” For the free guide, click here.

RMIT Mad Studies Network, based in Melbourne, Australia, Hosts Monthly Virtual Reading Group

“The RMIT Mad Studies Network brings together anyone interested in Mad Studies, mad ideas, critical thinking about mental distress, the politics of ‘mental health,’ the mental health consumer/survivor/ex-patient movement and alternatives to the contemporary mental health paradigm/system,” according to the RMIT website’s home page. Currently, the RMIT’s main activity is a monthly reading group, now held virtually. The 90-minute groups take place on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time), which is 14 hours later than Eastern Daylight Time (5 a.m. EDT on the third Monday of the month). The time difference grows as you move west: 4 a.m. CT, 3 a.m. MT, 2 a.m. PT. For more information, click here.

12th World Hearing Voices Congress to Be Held in Cork, Ireland, September 1-3, 2021

The 12th World Hearing Voices Congress, whose theme is “Solidarity in Times of Adversity: The Global Voice Hearing Community Reconnecting,” will be held September 1-3, 2021. “This year’s Congress will create spaces for voice hearers, family members, carers, practitioners, academics, and all those interested in the principles and values of the International Hearing Voices Movement, to connect and/or reconnect with one another in a post-pandemic world, either in person in Cork, Ireland, or online across the globe,” the organizers write. “If restrictions do not allow to have a hybrid Congress in Cork, then Congress will move fully online!” The online fees for voice hearers/students are £45.00 ($67); for practitioners, £65.00 ($97). If a hybrid Congress can be offered, then the fees will be €80 ($95) for voice hearers/students; €180 ($211) for practitioners. (The monetary conversion rates are as of this writing.) For more information, including a link to register, click here. (Courtesy of Janet Paleo)

International Conference on Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal Scheduled for May 2022

The first conference of the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal is tentatively scheduled for May 2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland; the dates will be confirmed this month (June 2021). “The three themes underpinning the conference are safe withdrawal from psychiatric medication, alternatives to psychiatric medication, and the need to question the dominance of medication in mental health care.” Confirmed speakers include Robert Whitaker (journalist and founder of Mad in America), Professor Joanna Moncrieff (psychiatrist and researcher), Laura Delano (co-founder of the Inner Compass Initiative and a person with lived experience), Dr. Carina Håkansson (founder of Family Care Foundation and The Extended Therapy Room Foundation), and Dr. Magnus Hald (Psychiatrist at the Drug-Free Treatment Unit, Norway). For more information, click here.

NARPA Free Webinar Series Is Available Online

“In lieu of a face-to-face conference in 2020, NARPA presented a series of webinars related to current events. The last presentation in this series took place in December, withMental Health Courts and Specialized Courts in Canada: Access to Justice from the Perspective of people with psychiatric histories.’ All of the webinars are free and are available for streaming on NARPA's YouTube Channel. For more information, click here.

National Survey Seeks Input from Certified Peer Specialists

“Routine peer support has shown to increase individuals’ hope, sense of personal control, ability to make positive changes, and decreased psychiatric symptoms,” writes Dr. Karen Fortuna of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. “Despite these benefits, the organizational structure of peer support is not known. Dartmouth College is initiating a national survey of trained Certified Peer Specialists to help us understand the organizational structure of peer support services.” For more information and/or to participate in the 15-minute survey, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

“Mapping the Disability Experience: Share Your Stories”

“We invite you to draw a map of your neighborhood or environment to capture how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted (or not) your use and understanding of space,” researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago write. “This can include drawings/images of your home, your neighborhood, your city or beyond. Maps can come in many forms, styles, perspectives, and mediums. We are interested in collecting these maps to capture and better understand the experiences of disability and the environment during the coronavirus pandemic.” Submissions will be accepted through June 30, 2020. For more information or to participate, click here. Questions? Contact Yochai Eisenberg, PhD, (Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Stone)

Hearing Voices Network Is Now Hosting Online Groups

“There are now ONLINE opportunities to connect, share experiences, and find mutual support,” the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) writes. “These groups are accessible via web-based platforms and by phone…Online groups are specifically for those with personal lived experience with hearing voices, seeing visions, and/or negotiating alternative realities. They are voice-hearer facilitated. With further questions and for details on how to access the group[s], please email” To read this announcement online and for more information, click here.

Have You Ever Smoked, Drunk, Vaped, or Used Other Drugs? Or Do You Now? New Zealand COVID-19 Study Is Now Open to US Residents

“We want to find out how people are coping [during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown],” writes the New Zealand-based Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking. “We are especially interested in adults aged 18 and over who, before lockdown, regularly drank alcohol, smoked or used other tobacco products, or other drugs. We also want to hear from people who have taken up smoking or drinking or other drugs during this frightening time.” The study has been approved by the US-based independent review board SolutionsIRB and is now open to US residents. “The study website includes helpful Coping in Lockdown tips, tips on Dealing with Cravings, and information on alternatives to smoking tobacco.” To participate or for more information, click here.

Survey Seeks Respondents Who Are in Administrative/Leadership Positions in the Mental Health Field

If you are in an administrative/leadership position in the mental health arena, “the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Leadership invites you to participate in the International Survey on Administrative Psychiatry. The survey has two purposes: 1. To identify the concerns and needs of mental health professionals/psychiatrists in administrative and leadership positions. 2. To determine training needs in administrative psychiatry. We ask you to complete this brief, [15- to 20-minute] questionnaire to help us in developing recommendations for action. We also want to let you know that, if you fill out this questionnaire, you permit the committee to use your anonymous data for scientific work.” Peer providers are included. For the survey, click here. (Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

“Experiences with Hospitalization” Survey Seeks Participants

“The purpose of this survey is to help us understand people's lived experience with voluntary and involuntary treatment because of suicidal thoughts. It was created by people with lived experience…We are planning to use this information to facilitate discussions with suicidologists and the suicide prevention community about the impact of the use of these interventions, particularly within marginalized populations. We feel the voice of people with lived experience with these interventions has not had adequate opportunity to be heard, and hope that by completing this survey anonymously, people who have been most impacted can find a safe way to share their experiences. Please note that this is not a research project.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. (Courtesy of Leah Harris)

International Survey on Antipsychotic Medication Withdrawal Seeks Respondents

“Have you taken antipsychotic medication (such as Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal, Haldol, Geodon, Stelazine, and others), for any condition or diagnosis, with or without other medications? And did you ever stop taking antipsychotics, or try to stop taking them? Are you 18 years or older? If yes, you can take this survey about antipsychotic withdrawal and attempts to withdraw, including if you stopped taking them completely or if you tried to come off and still take them. The survey aims to improve mental health services by better understanding medication withdrawal. Lead researcher is Will Hall, a therapist and Ph.D. student who has himself taken antipsychotics. Service users/survivors/consumers from around the world also gave input. The study is sponsored by Maastricht University in the Netherlands; co-sponsors include the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Questions? Please contact”  For more information or to take the survey, click on

Virtual Group Works to Advance Peer Research Capacity, Leadership, and Involvement

Nev Jones, PhD—a strong advocate for building research capacity, leadership, and involvement among peers, survivors, and service users—leads a virtual group dedicated to this effort. Dr. Jones—assistant professor, School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh—was part of the team that developed “User/Survivor Leadership & Capacity Building in Research: White Paper on Promoting Engagement Practices in Peer Evaluation/Research (PEPPER),” published by the Lived Experience Research Network. For the white paper, click here. Anyone interested in joining the virtual group can email Nev at

Mad In America Invites You to Submit Your Personal Story (Within Certain Guidelines)

Mad In America writes: “A ‘personal story’ is defined as your story of being in relationship to psychiatry and/or the mental health system, whatever that means to you. It might involve your opinions and analysis of what happened to you, as well. It can be about a specific event, or about your overall journey, provided it fits the length requirements (1,500 to 3,000 words) and has a narrative arc. The piece should be about your personal experiences, not psychiatry or the mental health system in general. Submissions should fall under the theme of rethinking psychiatry and the mental health system, and should be original works not previously published elsewhere. For examples of the types of stories we publish, view our personal stories archive here.” For more information and/or to submit a personal story, click here.

PsychAlive Offers a Variety of Webinars on Mental Health Topics, Many Free, Others $15

PsychAlive is a free, nonprofit resource created by the Glendon Association, whose mission is “to save lives and enhance mental health by addressing the social problems of suicide, violence, child abuse and troubled interpersonal relationships.” offers a variety of upcoming and archived webinars, many of which are free, while others are available for $15. Among the myriad topics are “From Anxiety to Action: How to Stay Sane While Fighting Climate Change,” “How to Overcome Insecurity,” “Powerful Tools to Fight Depression,” and “Understanding and Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences.” To check out the webinars, click here.

Doors to Wellbeing Offers “State Selfies: A Picture of Peer Services Reported by Peers”

Doors to Wellbeing’s “Peer Album” is a directory of nearly 600 peer-run organizations throughout the U.S. They invite updates and offer instructions for providing them and add, “If your entry has not made this first draft, we encourage you to re-submit.” For the 158-page directory, click here.

Disclaimer: The Clearinghouse does not necessarily endorse the opinions and opportunities included in the Key Update.

About The Key Update

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is now affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!

The Key Update is the free monthly e-newsletter of the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse. Volume 18, No. 1, July 2021. For content, reproduction or publication information, please contact Susan Rogers at Follow Susan on Twitter at @SusanRogersMH







Key Update, June 2021, Volume 17, Number 12

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!


The Key Update is compiled, written, and edited by Susan Rogers, Director, National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse.


Free, Virtual Alternatives 2021 Announces Exciting Keynote Speakers! ALSO NEW: Nominate Peer Leaders for Awards, and Reserve Exhibit Space! Register now!

The National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery—host of the (free!) 2021 (virtual) Alternatives Conference, now in its 35th year—has announced the impressive roster of keynote speakers! For a preview of the speakers and their stirring talks, click here. For descriptions of each Alternatives award and a form where you can make nominations, click here; deadline: June 16. For the Exhibitor Form, click here. This year, in addition to a full schedule of workshops guaranteed to engage, educate, and inspire participants, the conference will invite attendees to join Action Groups, during which group members will develop important strategic plans to take back to their communities and work on in the days, weeks, and months ahead. The three groups are National and Statewide Advocacy, Crisis Prevention and Alternatives to Institutionalization, and Promoting Racial and Social Justice. The conference—whose theme is  “Connecting, Organizing, Activating!”—will take place on four non-consecutive days: July 8, 10, 15, and 17. For the Alternatives conference website, which includes a registration link and much more, click here. For questions:

Therapists Are Distracted by Social Media While Delivering Virtual Care, Researchers Report; Meanwhile, Telehealth Is Good for the Environment

A survey of 600 therapists found that “a significant proportion admit to being distracted while delivering care. A third admitted to providing lower-quality care to clients during online sessions,” according to “Overall, 39% admitted to checking emails and social media while providing virtual care, and 16% reported substance use before or during sessions.” But nearly half of the therapists surveyed said “they prefer virtual sessions over in-person meetings,” due to convenience and because “video sessions provide therapists with a uniquely intimate look into their clients' daily lives, making it easier for them to assess their mental health.” However, telepsychiatry expert Peter Yellowlees, MD, of UC Davis Health, noting that “[t]here are all sorts of people in this world who call themselves therapists…,” wondered “whether these rates of social media distraction and substance use during virtual sessions would ring true for mental health clinicians with PhDs and MDs.” For the article, click here. For a report on the survey, click here. For a related story, “Another Benefit for Telehealth: It’s Good for the Environment: One of the nation’s largest health systems has found that its telehealth platform is not only helping patients and providers, but reducing greenhouse gas emissions and saving trees,” click here.

June 14 Is Next Zoom Meeting of HALI’s “Creative Connections” Campaign

On June 14, 2021, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. ET, Hands Across Long Island (HALI) will host its next monthly 60-minute Creative Connections Campaign art group on Zoom. “The goal of this campaign is to connect with our community through cards, art, and letters of encouragement that can be delivered to and kept by people held in institutions, and who are feeling particularly isolated,” the organizers write. “To ensure that everyone receives art and letters, our goal is to collect 275 letters/pieces of art each month.” To join on Zoom, click on this link at the time of the meeting: Join by phone: 1-929-205-6099 (meeting ID: 92231574516). (Find your local number: “We encourage you to share this invitation and send your empowering letters and art to Hands Across Long Island, Attn: Emily Vaianella, 159 Brightside Ave., Central Islip, NY 11722.”

Virtual PharmedOut Conference on “Curtailing Commercial Influence on Healthcare” to Be Held June 16-18, 2021 

“Cutting the Cord: Curtailing Commercial Influence on Healthcare” is the theme of PharmedOut’s virtual 2021 conference. The conference, to be held June 16-18, 2021, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET, “will focus on effective strategies for mitigating the damaging effect of industry influence on medical information and public health,” the organizers write. “PharmedOut is a Georgetown University Medical Center project that advances evidence-based prescribing and educates health care professionals and students about pharmaceutical and medical device marketing practices.” The keynote speaker will be distinguished writer and medical ethicist Harriet Washington. For more information about speakers, topics, registration fees, and to register, click here. “Students and people with more limited means” can pay a reduced fee, “and the organizers will try to accommodate others who cannot afford the full fee.” (Courtesy of Jim Gottstein)

“Mental Health System: Open Letter to the Media” Seeks Signatures

“Everyone who believes that the problematic aspects of the mental health system are not adequately represented in the media is invited to sign this letter,” writes Yulia Mikhailova, who launched this initiative to educate the media. The letter begins: “We, a group of people with first-hand experience of the mental health system, write to express our concern about what we see as one-sided coverage of this system in the media and to draw the attention of civil rights organizations to the systemic discrimination that we witnessed and experienced. We, our loved ones, or inmates in the facilities where we worked, were exploited for monetary gain and victimized in various other ways. We saw how abuse, corruption, and exploitation were covered up, while victims and critics of the system were silenced and marginalized.” For a short version of the letter, which includes a link to a longer version, click here. Questions? Contact Yulia Mikhailova at

More Cities Get on Board to Minimize or Eliminate Police Role in 911 Calls Involving Mental Health, Homelessness, or Substance Abuse

Thirteen cities “are developing ‘alternative’ or ‘co-response’ programs to minimize or eliminate the role of police officers responding to 911 calls involving mental health, homelessness, or substance abuse,” CNN reports. With guidance from an eight-week program coordinated by Everytown For Gun Safety and What Works Cities, workers in mental health, law enforcement, social work and government from those cities were connected with experts from Eugene, OR, where the CAHOOTS program, developed 30 years ago, is serving as a model. Twelve of the cities are Albany, NY; Albuquerque, NM; Austin, TX; Birmingham, AL; Saint Paul, MN; Providence, RI; Louisville, KY; Boston; Chicago; Phoenix; San Antonio; and Seattle; the 13th city was not identified. Michel Moore, chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, told CNN that “as a society, we gotta stop being cheap when it comes to mental health and safety and realize we've relied on police and fire for too long because other professions need to step up and aren't there.” For the CNN article, which includes links to more information, click here. (Courtesy of Kevin Fitts) For more about the criminal justice system, see the June 2021 Digest of Articles About the Criminal Justice System, below.

NEC Offers Free Virtual eCPR Training to Youth Aged 16-25

From June 21 through June 25, from noon to 2:30 p.m. on each of the five days, the National Empowerment Center (NEC) will offer a free virtual (via Zoom) eCPR (Emotional CPR) training to youth aged 16 to 25. The training has been designed by and for youth. NEC writes: eCPR is a profound process of reclaiming our Connection (to self and others), embodying emPowerment and ultimately feeling Revitalized. The certification training engages your heart and mind in an experiential and unfolding process that includes embracing mutual support.” For more information and to register, click here.

Free Webinar Hosted by Disability Rights California: “LGBTQ+ Communities and Mental Health”

On June 22, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT), Disability Rights California will present a free webinar on “LGBTQ+ Communities and Mental Health: Experiences of Thriving with Courage in the Face of Adversity.” “In honor of Pride Month, we have invited speakers from the LGBTQ+ and mental health communities to share their personal stories of courage, strength and purpose,” the hosts write. For details and to register, click here.

 HUG ME Ink Issues Call for Proposals for Virtual Peer-A-Palooza

Helping to Unite by Generating Mental Empowerment (HUG ME) Ink will host the 1st Annual Peer-A-Palooza on September 24 and September 25, 2021, eight hours each day, via Whova. The theme of the conference is “Creating a Zest for Life Through Growth, Resilience, Recovery and Community.” The goals are to empower peers with the necessary tools to grow in their own recovery, to leave the past as the past and move forward with dreams, and to be the change agent they can be in their community.” To submit a proposal, fill out the Call for Proposals by the deadline of August 14 HERE.  

Former UN Special Rapporteur Denounces “Global Psychiatry’s Crisis of Values”

Dainius Pūras, MD, a Lithuanian psychiatrist and human rights advocate who served as the United Nations Special Rapporteur from 2014 to 2020, has “criticized the excessive systemic reliance on biomedical approaches and coercive practices in psychiatry across the world, advocating for a much-needed emphasis on approaches based on public health and human rights.” In an interview published in Psychiatric Times on June 3, 2021, Dr. Pūras said that “the entire field of global mental health needs to be liberated from obstacles that reinforce [the] vicious cycle of discrimination, stigmatization, institutionalization, coercion, over-medicalization, and helplessness…These are the most serious obstacles that need to be addressed: power asymmetries, overuse of [the] biomedical model and biomedical interventions, and [the] biased use of knowledge and evidence.” To read the interview, click here

Benefits of “Involving Persons with Lived Experience in Service Delivery, Development and Leadership” Are Covered in Recent Article

“Globally, there has been an emphasis on the importance and value of involving people with lived experience of mental health conditions in service delivery, development and leadership,” two South African researchers write in a recently published article in Cambridge University Press. “Such individuals have taken on various roles, from peer support specialists and other specialized professions to leadership in mainstream industries. There are, however, still obstacles to overcome before it is possible to fully include people with lived experience at all levels in the mental health and related sectors.” For the article, “Perspectives: involving persons with lived experience of mental health conditions in service delivery, development and leadership,” click here.

New York Times Names Amanda Morris as Reporting Fellow Focused on Disability Issues
Amanda Morris, an experienced journalist with an impressive résumé, will be joining The New York Times’s National desk as its first reporting fellow focused on disability issues. “Raised by profoundly deaf parents, Amanda identifies with the disability community, having a moderate-to-severe hearing loss,” the announcement reads. “Amanda will report and write stories on a range of issues related to disability as part of the newsroom’s effort to better cover the nearly 20 percent of the U.S. population that lives with some kind of disability. ‘Few avenues exist to develop journalistic expertise on disability issues because such beats do not exist at most news outlets,’ said Ted Kim of The Times. “ ‘The lack of coverage, in turn, results in a lack of awareness about issues that affect a large portion of the country.’ ” For more, click here.

CSGJC Issues Two Useful Publications to Improve the Criminal Justice System’s Response to People with Behavioral Health Conditions

The Council of State Governments Justice Center (CSGJC) recently published two new guides whose goal is to improve interactions between people with behavioral health needs and the justice system. One guide, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: Guide to Advancing Justice-Related Goals, notes: “The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan offers an unprecedented opportunity for state and local leaders to invest in public health and safety programs and promote stronger, more equitable communities. This guide outlines need-to-know information about how state and local leaders can leverage American Rescue Plan funding to advance eight key criminal justice priorities.” For the guide, which includes links to each of the eight priorities—among which is “Reduce criminal justice involvement for people with behavioral health needs”—and the funding opportunities for state and local governments, click here. For a second CSGJC publication, “Using Information-Sharing Protocols During Crisis Situations: Police-mental health collaboration (PMHC) programs support law enforcement agencies around the country in planning and implementing effective public safety responses to people who have mental illnesses,” click here.

BJA Offers FY 2021 Second Chance Act Pay for Success Initiative to Governments

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) writes: “This program provides funding for state, local, and tribal governments to enhance or implement performance-based and outcomes-based contracts with reentry, permanent supportive housing, or recovery housing providers to reduce recidivism and address the substance use disorders impacting formerly incarcerated people.” The deadline is June 22, 2021. For the announcement and to download the application, click here.

Free Webinar: “Increasing Cultural Competency in Mental Health Care Settings”

On June 29, 2021, at 1:30 p.m. ET, Mental Health America and the National Alliance on Mental Illness will present a free, 90-minute SAMHSA-sponsored webinar on “Increasing Cultural Competency in Mental Health Care Settings.” The hosts write that a “lack of cultural competency in the mental health care space” is one of the many barriers to care. “Racial/ethnic minority individuals often receive lower quality healthcare services, such as fewer diagnostic procedures and negative verbal and nonverbal communication styles from providers. People with other marginalized identities, like LGBTQ+ individuals, are more likely to experience mental health concerns than cisgender, heterosexual people but may receive ineffective care due to a provider’s reluctance to address gender and sexuality. In this webinar, we will focus on how to increase cultural competency on an individual and systemic level.” For a link to register, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

“Supporting the Journey Back Outside” Is the Next Free Webinar in Doors to Wellbeing’s Monthly Series

“Supporting the Journey Outside,” the next 60-minute webinar in the monthly series hosted by Doors to Wellbeing, will take place on June 29, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET. Doors to Wellbeing writes: “After a year of COVID-19 precautions, the world is opening up again. Individuals have different feelings about what that means in their lives and some are more hesitant to return to normal and to be around people more regularly. As peer specialists, how do we support our populations in reintegrating to the outdoors after a year?” For details and a link to register, click here.

International Conference on Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal Scheduled for May 2022

The first conference of the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal is tentatively scheduled for May 2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland; the dates will be confirmed this month (June 2021). “The three themes underpinning the conference are safe withdrawal from psychiatric medication, alternatives to psychiatric medication, and the need to question the dominance of medication in mental health care.” Confirmed speakers include Robert Whitaker (journalist and founder of Mad in America), Professor Joanna Moncrieff (psychiatrist and researcher), Laura Delano (co-founder of the Inner Compass Initiative and a person with lived experience), Dr. Carina Håkansson (founder of Family Care Foundation and The Extended Therapy Room Foundation), and Dr. Magnus Hald (Psychiatrist at the Drug-Free Treatment Unit, Norway). For more information, click here.

Some Researchers Are Pushing a New Diagnosis—While Critics Say It Could Lead to “Many Being Prescribed Inappropriate Medications,” Which Is Already a Frequent Occurrence.

“Despite resistance, a group of researchers is investigating the possibility of a new mental health disorder” is the headline of a STAT Health article. The new diagnosis—Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT)—is currently designated a “clinical construct”—just a group of behaviors. “If SCT became an official diagnosis, proponents argue, it could make it easier for those with symptoms of the construct to get the help they need.” Meanwhile, critics warn “that SCT is an outgrowth of misdiagnosis of ADHD that could result in many being prescribed inappropriate medications”—which is already true for many people, whatever their diagnosis. For “Older Adults Frequently Prescribed Inappropriate Medication,” click here. For “Potentially inappropriate prescriptions in patients admitted to a psychiatric hospital,” click here. (“Conclusion: PIP [Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing] is common in psychiatric patients and potentially fatal.”) For the STAT article, click here.

“With Effort, It’s Possible to Forget Certain Memories,” The New York Times Reports

Some memories are painful, and we’d like to forget them. This short New York Times article offers some ways to do that. Two techniques the Times describes are “thought substitution” and “direct suppression,” which involve different areas of the brain. For the article, click here.

“Heart and Brain” Provides Thoughtful, Heartfelt Comic Relief (Pun Intended)

“ ‘The Awkward Yeti’ and all of its work are authored and illustrated by cartoonist Nick Seluk. It was his dream since he was a kid to be funny, and someday he hopes to be.” For “Heart and Brain,” click here.

The June 2021 Digest of Articles Offering Healthy Lifestyle Advice

For “If You Want to Be Happy, Try to Make Someone Else Happy. A new study shows that doing kind things for others is an important path to happiness,” click here. For “The Audacity of Nope: Saying ‘no’ isn’t always nice, but it is necessary,” click here. For “How Food May Improve Your Mood: The sugar-laden, high-fat foods we often crave when we are stressed or depressed, as comforting as they are, may be the least likely to benefit our mental health,” click here. For “There’s a Name for the Blah You’re Feeling: It’s Called Languishing: The neglected middle child of mental health can dull your motivation and focus—and it may be the dominant emotion of 2021,” click here. For “10 ways to care for your mental health in lockdown,” click here. For “It’s Finally Time to Take the Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change Seriously,” click here.

The June 2021 Digest of Articles about the Criminal Justice System, in Which Many Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Are Incarcerated (and the Key Update continues after this Digest)

For “It’s working in Eugene, Olympia, Denver: More cities are sending civilian responders, not police, on mental health calls,” click here. For “Prison Reform and Olmstead,” click here. For “A Second Look at Injustice: Ending mass incarceration and tackling its racial disparities require taking a second look at long sentences,” click here. For “Mother called 911 to get help for her son. Hours later, police shot him and he died,” click here. For “A Courts-Focused Research Agenda for the Department of Justice: Recommendations for the Justice Department research agenda to shed more light on how to improve our nation’s vast system of local, state, and federal courts,” click here. For “The Emerging Movement for Police and Prison Abolition: Mariame Kaba, a New York City-based activist and organizer, is at the center of an effort to ‘build up another world,’” click here. For “Video Footage of Death of Black Man in South Carolina Jail Stirs Outrage: The death of Jamal Sutherland after officers tried to remove him from his cell using pepper spray and tasers raised calls for changes in the treatment in custody of the mentally ill,” click here. For “The Death Row Soul Collective,” click here. For “Since 2010, at least 107 have died from prone restraint despite police departments being warned 25 years ago,” click here. For “Police departments adopting facial recognition tech amid allegations of wrongful arrests,” click here. For “The Power and Discretion of the American Prosecutor,” click here. For “Opinion: Inequities are deep and numerous for incarcerated women, and it's time to intervene: We can and must create meaningful change in our criminal justice system and community support programs,” click here. For “Alexandria will remove police from public school hallways,” click here. For “Wrongly Convicted Of Murder, Juan Rivera Uses Settlement Money To Open Barber College With His Former Prison Guard In Rogers Park,” click here. For “Domestic abuse head injuries prevalent among women in prison, study finds,” click here. For “On Parole, Staying Free Means Staying Clean and Sober,” click here. For “Tiny artworks promote creativity and keep incarcerated artists in action,” click here. For “Born In Prison, How One Woman Used Her Trauma To Write The Post Traumatic Prison Disorder Act,” click here. For “Advancing Gender Equity for Justice-Impacted Women in the Aftermath of COVID-19,” click here. For “Childhood Friends Open Pizzeria in Philadelphia Exclusively Employing Formerly Incarcerated Individuals,” click here. For “Adopted from China. Killed in the Poconos: An Asian American Teen Was Having a Mental Health Crisis When Police Killed Him,” click here. For “An Incarcerated Artist Memorializes the ‘Forgotten’ People Killed By COVID in Prison: ‘I refuse to allow these people to be remembered in their moments of misery,’” click here. For “Police Accountability Is a Matter of Life and Death,” click here. For “Philly moved to new police oversight as a report said the current system is in ‘dire need’ of overhaul: The new oversight commission would have more power than the body it is replacing, including the authority to issue subpoenas,” click here. For “New county diversion program, city effort aim to help young people with mental health issues in Lincoln area,” click here. For “Police Reimagined: One Year Later,” click here. For “End the Court Doctrine That Enables Police Brutality,” click here. For “Life Without Parole Is Replacing the Death Penalty—But the Legal Defense System Hasn’t Kept Up: Just ask a Dallas woman who spent a year in jail without talking to a lawyer,” click here. For “Jails, Sheriffs, and Carceral Policymaking,” click here. For “The Endless Trap of American Parole: How can anyone rebuild their lives when they keep getting sent back to jail for the pettiest of reasons?” click here.


(Virtual) 2021 Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS) Conference Info

The theme of the Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS)—"a biennial national conference that centers the multiple oppressions that shape the lived experiences of disabled individuals, as told by disabled people, in a setting organized by disabled activists”—is “Disabled Community Care and Survival: Strategies and Brilliance.” The organizers write: “This year’s DIS 2021 will have presentations scheduled from June - December.” For more about the Summit, click here. (Courtesy of Dan Fisher)

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Covid-19 Vaccinations But Were Afraid to Ask; and See How the U.S. Is Doing Compared to the Rest of the World  

On January 27, 2021 (updated on June 3, 2021), The New York Times published “Answers to All Your Questions about Getting Vaccinated for Covid-19.” Among the important facts: “You shouldn’t try to stave off discomfort [by taking painkillers] before getting the [Covid-19] shot”; side effects after the second shot are worse than after the first shot; there is no risk of developing Covid-19 from the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines; and “Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reach about 50 percent efficacy 10 to 14 days after the first shot. You’ll get peak protection…about a week after you get the second dose.” To read the interactive article, click here. One rare side effect the Times doesn’t mention is a “Covid arm” rash several days after the Moderna vaccine. For a USA Today story about it, click here. To track the vaccinations in the U.S., by state, and worldwide, click here.

CNN Offers “A Guide to Helping and Getting Help During the Coronavirus Crisis”

CNN writes: “The coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming, and one of the most excruciating parts for many people is the feeling of utter helplessness in the face of widespread suffering and hardship. CNN’s Impact Your World has compiled a list of donation opportunities and tips to help those affected by the crisis. Click on a category or scroll down to browse a list of organizations, resources and ideas. Need help? Most categories also include resources for financial, emotional or social support.” For the free guide, click here

RMIT Mad Studies Network, based in Melbourne, Australia, Hosts Monthly Virtual Reading Group

“The RMIT Mad Studies Network brings together anyone interested in Mad Studies, mad ideas, critical thinking about mental distress, the politics of ‘mental health,’ the mental health consumer/survivor/ex-patient movement and alternatives to the contemporary mental health paradigm/system,” according to the RMIT website’s home page. Currently, the RMIT’s main activity is a monthly reading group, now held virtually. The 90-minute groups take place on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time), which is 14 hours later than Eastern Daylight Time (5 a.m. EDT on the third Monday of the month). The time difference grows as you move west: 4 a.m. CT, 3 a.m. MT, 2 a.m. PT. For more information, click here.

First Virtual ESTSS Conference to Be Held June 17-18, 2021

The European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies will host its first virtual conference, on “Trauma and Mental Health during the Global Pandemic,” June 17-18, 2021 (with preconference workshops on June 16). ESTSS writes: “Our invited speakers will present their research and clinical work experiences regarding this complex topic from different perspectives (see Tracks).” For more information, click here.

12th World Hearing Voices Congress to Be Held in Cork, Ireland, September 1-3, 2021

The 12th World Hearing Voices Congress, whose theme is “Solidarity in Times of Adversity: The Global Voice Hearing Community Reconnecting,” will be held September 1-3, 2021. “This year’s Congress will create spaces for voice hearers, family members, carers, practitioners, academics, and all those interested in the principles and values of the International Hearing Voices Movement, to connect and/or reconnect with one another in a post-pandemic world, either in person in Cork, Ireland, or online across the globe,” the organizers write. “If restrictions do not allow to have a hybrid Congress in Cork, then Congress will move fully online!” The online fees for voice hearers/students are £45.00 ($67); for practitioners, £65.00 ($97). If a hybrid Congress can be offered, then the fees will be €80 ($95) for voice hearers/students; €180 ($211) for practitioners. (The monetary conversion rates are as of this writing.) For more information, including a link to register, click here. (Courtesy of Janet Paleo)

Disability Rights California Invites You to Its Past, Present, and Future (Free) Webinars

Disability Rights California (DRC) writes: “You are cordially invited to join us in our virtual disability rights trainings. Our webinars are twice a week, on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT) in English and Thursdays at 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT) in Spanish. Our free trainings provide information and resources on different topics related to mental health, self-advocacy, our legal rights (based on California law) and access to services that are informative and empowering. We welcome all peers (people with lived experience), service providers, family members and people in the community.” To view the webinars, click here.

NARPA Free Webinar Series Is Available Online

“In lieu of a face-to-face conference in 2020, NARPA presented a series of webinars related to current events. The last presentation in this series took place in December, withMental Health Courts and Specialized Courts in Canada: Access to Justice from the Perspective of people with psychiatric histories.’ All of the webinars are free and are available for streaming on NARPA's YouTube Channel. For more information, click here.

National Survey Seeks Input from Certified Peer Specialists

“Routine peer support has shown to increase individuals’ hope, sense of personal control, ability to make positive changes, and decreased psychiatric symptoms,” writes Dr. Karen Fortuna of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. “Despite these benefits, the organizational structure of peer support is not known. Dartmouth College is initiating a national survey of trained Certified Peer Specialists to help us understand the organizational structure of peer support services.” For more information and/or to participate in the 15-minute survey, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

A Service-User-Led Survey of “Experiences of the Intersections of Psychosis, Difficult Events, and Trauma” Seeks Participants with Firsthand Experience

A study developed by researchers at the University of South Florida “aims to better understand the relationships between prior experiences of trauma or adversity and experiences such as hearing voices, unusual beliefs and paranoia, as well as the ways in which these experiences themselves can contribute to trauma or distress.” The researchers, who themselves have lived experience, are seeking respondents “who self-identify as having current or prior experiences that would conventionally be labeled psychosis.” The anonymous survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete; every 10th respondent will be compensated with a $50 gift card, up to five gift cards. Questions? Contact Dr. Nev Jones at For more information and/or to participate, click here.

“Mapping the Disability Experience: Share Your Stories”

“We invite you to draw a map of your neighborhood or environment to capture how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted (or not) your use and understanding of space,” researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago write. “This can include drawings/images of your home, your neighborhood, your city or beyond. Maps can come in many forms, styles, perspectives, and mediums. We are interested in collecting these maps to capture and better understand the experiences of disability and the environment during the coronavirus pandemic.” Submissions will be accepted through June 30, 2020. For more information or to participate, click here. Questions? Contact Yochai Eisenberg, PhD, (Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Stone)

Hearing Voices Network Is Now Hosting Online Groups

“There are now ONLINE opportunities to connect, share experiences, and find mutual support,” the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) writes. “These groups are accessible via web-based platforms and by phone…Online groups are specifically for those with personal lived experience with hearing voices, seeing visions, and/or negotiating alternative realities. They are voice-hearer facilitated. With further questions and for details on how to access the group[s], please email” To read this announcement online and for more information, click here.

Have You Ever Smoked, Drunk, Vaped, or Used Other Drugs? Or Do You Now? New Zealand COVID-19 Study Is Now Open to US Residents

“We want to find out how people are coping [during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown],” writes the New Zealand-based Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking. “We are especially interested in adults aged 18 and over who, before lockdown, regularly drank alcohol, smoked or used other tobacco products, or other drugs. We also want to hear from people who have taken up smoking or drinking or other drugs during this frightening time.” The study has been approved by the US-based independent review board SolutionsIRB and is now open to US residents. “The study website includes helpful Coping in Lockdown tips, tips on Dealing with Cravings, and information on alternatives to smoking tobacco.” To participate or for more information, click here.

Survey Seeks Respondents Who Are in Administrative/Leadership Positions in the Mental Health Field

If you are in an administrative/leadership position in the mental health arena, “the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Leadership invites you to participate in the International Survey on Administrative Psychiatry. The survey has two purposes: 1. To identify the concerns and needs of mental health professionals/psychiatrists in administrative and leadership positions. 2. To determine training needs in administrative psychiatry. We ask you to complete this brief, [15- to 20-minute] questionnaire to help us in developing recommendations for action. We also want to let you know that, if you fill out this questionnaire, you permit the committee to use your anonymous data for scientific work.” Peer providers are included. For the survey, click here. (Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

“Experiences with Hospitalization” Survey Seeks Participants

“The purpose of this survey is to help us understand people's lived experience with voluntary and involuntary treatment because of suicidal thoughts. It was created by people with lived experience…We are planning to use this information to facilitate discussions with suicidologists and the suicide prevention community about the impact of the use of these interventions, particularly within marginalized populations. We feel the voice of people with lived experience with these interventions has not had adequate opportunity to be heard, and hope that by completing this survey anonymously, people who have been most impacted can find a safe way to share their experiences. Please note that this is not a research project.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. (Courtesy of Leah Harris)

International Survey on Antipsychotic Medication Withdrawal Seeks Respondents

“Have you taken antipsychotic medication (such as Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal, Haldol, Geodon, Stelazine, and others), for any condition or diagnosis, with or without other medications? And did you ever stop taking antipsychotics, or try to stop taking them? Are you 18 years or older? If yes, you can take this survey about antipsychotic withdrawal and attempts to withdraw, including if you stopped taking them completely or if you tried to come off and still take them. The survey aims to improve mental health services by better understanding medication withdrawal. Lead researcher is Will Hall, a therapist and Ph.D. student who has himself taken antipsychotics. Service users/survivors/consumers from around the world also gave input. The study is sponsored by Maastricht University in the Netherlands; co-sponsors include the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Questions? Please contact”  For more information or to take the survey, click on

Virtual Group Is Launched to Advance Peer Research Capacity, Leadership, and Involvement

Nev Jones, Ph.D., and Emily Cutler, a doctoral candidate, have launched a listserv dedicated to building research capacity, leadership, and involvement among peers, survivors, and service users.  Dr. Jones, assistant professor, Department of Mental Health Law & Policy, University of South Florida, was part of the team that developed “User/Survivor Leadership & Capacity Building in Research: White Paper on Promoting Engagement Practices in Peer Evaluation/Research (PEPPER),” published by the Lived Experience Research Network. For the white paper, click here. Anyone interested in joining the virtual group can email Nev at

Do You Supervise Peer Support Workers? Then Researchers Have Some Questions for You

Researchers in the University of South Florida’s Department of Psychiatry and at Magellan Health are investigating the backgrounds, training, and experiences of individuals who currently supervise at least one peer support worker in a behavioral health setting or agency. “To the best of our knowledge, this will be the first comprehensive research study of the landscape of peer support supervision practices in the United States,” writes Dr. Nev Jones, the primary investigator of the study (Protocol Number 00040223). Participants must be at least 18 years old and work in the United States or U.S. territories. An online survey lasting approximately 10 minutes will ask about respondents’ backgrounds, training and preparation for supervision, perspectives and practices, and views on barriers and facilitators to high-quality supervision. There is no monetary compensation. Questions? Contact Dr. Nev Jones ( or the co-primary investigator, Dana Foglesong ( To access the survey, click here.

Mad In America Invites You to Submit Your Personal Story (Within Certain Guidelines)

Mad In America writes: “A ‘personal story’ is defined as your story of being in relationship to psychiatry and/or the mental health system, whatever that means to you. It might involve your opinions and analysis of what happened to you, as well. It can be about a specific event, or about your overall journey, provided it fits the length requirements (1,500 to 3,000 words) and has a narrative arc. The piece should be about your personal experiences, not psychiatry or the mental health system in general. Submissions should fall under the theme of rethinking psychiatry and the mental health system, and should be original works not previously published elsewhere. For examples of the types of stories we publish, view our personal stories archive here.” For more information and/or to submit a personal story, click here.

PsychAlive Offers a Variety of Webinars on Mental Health Topics, Many Free, Others $15

PsychAlive is a free, nonprofit resource created by the Glendon Association, whose mission is “to save lives and enhance mental health by addressing the social problems of suicide, violence, child abuse and troubled interpersonal relationships.” offers a variety of upcoming and archived webinars, many of which are free, while others are available for $15. Among the myriad topics are “From Anxiety to Action: How to Stay Sane While Fighting Climate Change,” “How to Overcome Insecurity,” “Powerful Tools to Fight Depression,” and “Understanding and Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences.” To check out the webinars, click here.

Doors to Wellbeing Offers “State Selfies: A Picture of Peer Services Reported by Peers”

Doors to Wellbeing’s “Peer Album” is a directory of nearly 600 peer-run organizations throughout the U.S. They invite updates and offer instructions for providing them and add, “If your entry has not made this first draft, we encourage you to re-submit.” For the 158-page directory, click here.

Disclaimer: The Clearinghouse does not necessarily endorse the opinions and opportunities included in the Key Update.

About The Key Update

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is now affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!

The Key Update is the free monthly e-newsletter of the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse. Volume 17, No. 12, June 2021. For content, reproduction or publication information, please contact Susan Rogers at Follow Susan on Twitter at @SusanRogersMH







Key Update, May 2021, Volume 17, Number 11

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion.


The Key Update is compiled, written, and edited by Susan Rogers, Director, National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse.


“The New National Mental Health Crisis Line Wants to Track Your Location”

In July 2022, 988 is scheduled to replace 1.800.273.TALK, the current federally funded National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. But some mental health advocates say that the new number—which will include geolocation technology, as 911 does—has the potential for police showing up at the caller’s door. “Autonomy and choice outweigh any benefits of geolocation services,” said disability rights activist Jess Stohlmann-Rainey of Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners in Denver. “We marginalize and put communities who need us at risk by doing any kind of coercion.” Stohlmann-Rainey is quoted in “The New National Mental Health Crisis Line Wants to Track Your Location,” which notes that calling 911 has been dangerous—even fatal—especially for people of color. For the article, on the Disability Visibility Project website, click here. And for “Suicide Hotlines Bill Themselves as Confidential—Even as Some Trace Your Call,” click here. Also, Mad In America is collecting information about suicide hotlines in order to provide a list of numbers that do not trace or send help without consent under any circumstances. To participate, click here.

Alternatives 2021 Will Include Exciting Action Groups & Inspiring Workshops! Register Now!

The National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery is proud to host the (free!) 2021 (Virtual) Alternatives Conference, now in its 35th year! This year, in addition to a full schedule of workshops guaranteed to engage, educate, and inspire participants, the conference will invite attendees to join Action Groups, during which group members will develop important strategic plans to take back to their communities and work on in the days, weeks, and months ahead. The three existing Action Groups are National and Statewide Advocacy, Crisis Prevention and Alternatives to Institutionalization, and Promoting Racial and Social Justice and Community Integration. (Additional groups may be added.) The conference—whose theme is  “Connecting, Organizing, Activating!”—will take place on July 8, 10, 15, and 17. For a partial list of the workshops (organized by topic area), click here. To register (for free—although donations are welcome!), click here. For the Alternatives conference website, click here. For questions:

Free Webinar: “Mental Health Journey: Voices From Individuals With Lived Experience On Self-Disclosure, Recovery, & Hope,” May 13

On May 13 at 12 p.m. ET, PsychU will host a free, one-hour webinar entitled “Mental Health Journey: Voices From Individuals With Lived Experience On Self-Disclosure, Recovery, & Hope.” PsychU writes: “In this webinar, hear from individuals with lived experience on their self-disclosure challenges and barriers, how they incorporate wellness strategies into their daily lives, and share their individualized recovery journeys and approaches in addressing and overcoming mental health self-stigma.” For details and to register, click here. (Courtesy of Open Minds)

Medical Discrimination Against Marginalized Groups During Covid-19 Is Documented

A recent report by a coalition of civil rights groups and legal scholars—Examining How Crisis Standards of Care May Lead to Intersectional Medical Discrimination Against COVID-19 Patients—“provides an explanation of crisis standards of care policies implemented by states and hospital systems and how they may discriminate against marginalized individuals and communities; the principles that should apply to prevent discrimination; the relevant civil rights legal framework; and recommended strategies to ensure that crisis standards do not discriminate during the pandemic or in the future,” the National Disability Rights Network writes. Jennifer Mathis of the Bazelon Center, another of the participating groups, said, “As people with disabilities, older adults, and people of color continue to contract and die from COVID-19 at disproportionately high rates, we hope that this resource will be used to help ensure fair and non-discriminatory provision of life-saving treatment.” To download a PDF of the free report, click here. To download the free report in Word, click here: [Word].

Free Webinar: “Taking Care of Business: Self-Care and Counteracting Burnout 2021”

On May 14, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. ET, NYAPRS will present a free 75-minute webinar: “Taking Care of Business: Self-Care and Counteracting Burnout 2021.” “Drawing from our own Self Care, Counteracting Burnout and Laughter is the Best Medicine trainings, in this webinar we will help you take a deep breath, assess, intervene, and hopefully smile too! We will offer exercises to assist with clearing your head, feeling grounded, and getting energized. We'll review strategies to cope with remote-working and hopefully laugh a little as we spend 75 minutes together, healing, strategizing and recharging for the challenges that lay ahead!” You can earn 1.25 CE hours. To register, click here.

Racial Disparities in Involuntary Psychiatric Hospitalizations Are the Subject of Two Studies; and “SPLC Report Examines Excessive Use of Florida’s Mental Health Law on Children”

Two studies—one published in Lancet Child & Adolescent Health on April 27, 2021, the other in Lancet Psychiatry in 2019—report on racial disparities in involuntary psychiatric hospitalizations. “Nearly a quarter of all child and adolescent admissions to psychiatric hospitals are involuntary,” according to the new study. Few of the 23 studies in 11 countries on psychiatric admissions for people under 18 that were examined “focused on racial disparities, but those that did revealed that youths admitted involuntarily were almost three times more likely to be Black than white. This mirrors disparities seen in adults…But since previous involuntary hospitalizations increase odds of experiencing another, the study authors write that the disparities found may indicate a cycle of inequality starting in childhood that continues into adulthood.” For the childhood study, click here. For the adult article, click here. (Courtesy of Fran Hazam) And a Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) report “reveals that more than 37,000 children [in Florida] are inappropriately forced into psychiatric hospitals each year. The excessive use of Florida’s mental health law, known as the Baker Act, has resulted in the inappropriate and illegal psychiatric hospitalization of thousands of Black and Brown children and children with disabilities each year.” For the SPLC press release, including a link to the report, click here.

Webinar: Award-winning Author Discusses “…Paradoxes of Madness & Philosophy,” May 14, 12 p.m. ET

On May 14 at 12 p.m. ET, the International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis, U.S. Chapter (ISPS-US), will present a webinar entitled “How Can the Uncontainable Be Contained? Paradoxes of Madness & Philosophy.” The presenter is Wouter Kusters, award-winning author of A Philosophy of Madness: The Experience of Psychotic Thinking. ISPS-US writes, “Have you ever met people who reported that ‘asking too many questions’ was what seemed to have led them into madness? Or maybe you noticed yourself that the more you looked into the deeper aspects of existence, the more paradoxical, and maddening, reality seemed to become? If these sorts of issues interest you, and if you think understanding them may help us provide better help to people who are struggling, then you may benefit from joining in the webinar.” For details about the webinar and to register, click here. (ISPS-US writes: “A donation of $5-$40 is requested, though no one turned away for lack of funds.”)  (Courtesy of Kevin Fitts)

Free Interactive Workshop on “Writing as Wellness,” May 14

On May 14, 2021, 2 p.m. ET (1 p.m. CT), HUG ME Ink will host Writing as Wellness. “Writing as Wellness is a free, virtual, 90-minute interactive workshop that will explore how writing can be therapeutic. Through journaling exercises, participants will be able to express themselves from their minds to the paper. This workshop is open for all ages. All you have to bring is yourself, a writing instrument (pen, pencil, marker, etc.) and paper. The workshop is co-hosted by the San Antonio Public Library. Let loose! Be free! Get your WRITE on!” Registration is required; to register, click here.

Temple University Collaborative Publishes New Resources

“Tracking Community Mobility: An R Program for Cleaning and Creating Constructs from GPS Data” is one of the new resources available from the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion. “Researchers have started using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to examine people’s community mobility,” the TU Collaborative writes. “But GPS data can be messy, and a lot of cleaning needs to happen before measures of community mobility can be generated. This program describes and implements the data cleaning steps and goes on to create several community mobility variables from GPS data.” The newsletter also links to a podcast on the same topic, as well as a six-page guide to the benefits of participating in sports and how to get involved, including how to do so while physically distancing. To read it all, click here.

Free Webinar: “Emotional CPR by and for Youth,” May 19

On May 19, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, the National Empowerment Center will present a free, 90-minute webinar on eCPR as the latest in its series of youth leadership webinars. “Emotional CPR (eCPR) is…designed by people with lived experience to teach people how to connect with and support those in distress…In this webinar, the presenters will share their experience taking leadership roles with developing the eCPR for Youth curriculum…Participants will gain an understanding of the leadership roles youth can play in mental health education and training.” For more information and to register, click here.

“Having a Bad Trip? This Hotline Can Help You Find Your Chill,” Mic Reports; and “A Psychedelic Drug Passes a Big Test for PTSD Treatment”

On April 14, 2021, the Fireside Project, a San Francisco-based nonprofit, launched the Psychedelic Peer Support Line—6-2FIRESIDE (623.473.7433, call or text), which offers “free and confidential emotional peer support” for people anywhere in the U.S. who “are tripping right now, or need help processing a past trip.” The support line operates Thursday through Sunday, 3 p.m.-3 a.m. PT (6 p.m.-6 a.m. ET) and Monday 3 p.m.-7 p.m. PT (6 p.m.-10 p.m. ET). “[W]e provide peer support only, not medical advice or assessment,” Fireside Project creator Joshua White told Mic, an online publication. “To be clear, though, if a person is in immediate danger to themselves or others, they should call emergency services, not the Psychedelic Peer Support Line,” Mic added, quoting White: “[S]ometimes people just need to be supported during their experience by a peer, someone who has been there before and gets it, and then emergency services may not be necessary.” For the Mic article, click here. For the Fireside Project, click here. And in a related story, to read “A Psychedelic Drug Passes a Big Test for PTSD Treatment: A new study shows that MDMA, known as Ecstasy or Molly, can bring relief when paired with talk therapy to those with severe post-traumatic stress disorder,” click here.

“Taking the Call: A National Conference Exploring Innovative Community Responder Models”; and “Following other cities, Philly will soon send specialists alongside cops to some mental health calls”; and “Feds Fund Mental Health Crisis Teams to Stand In for Police”

On May 20, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, “Taking the Call will bring people together from across the U.S. to explore how jurisdictions are serving as laboratories for innovation to ensure that emergency calls receive the appropriate response. The [free, 90-minute] conference will explore the opportunities and challenges of these community responder models and whether or how the approach may improve community health, lessen the burden on law enforcement, and reduce unnecessary justice system contact…Taking the Call will also include a [free] virtual gathering on October 20-21, 2021 (more details here).” For details and to register, click here. For the rest of the Council of State Governments Justice Center newsletter, including “Law Enforcement Crisis Response Resources,” “Conducting Follow-up After a Crisis Encounter,” and more, click here. In a related story, for “Following other cities, Philly will soon send specialists alongside cops to some mental health calls: Other jurisdictions are trying more aggressive plans that leave the first response to mental health emergencies entirely up to health-care providers, not police. It could be in Philly’s future,” click here. And in another related story, “Feds Fund Mental Health Crisis Teams to Stand In for Police”—“Dispatching teams of paramedics and behavioral health practitioners would take mental health crisis calls out of the hands of uniformed and armed officers, whose mere arrival may ratchet up tensions. In Eugene, Oregon, such a strategy has been in place more than 30 years, with solid backing from police”— click here.

“Study Highlights Challenges for Mental Health Peer Specialists,” Mad In America Reports; and “Black Peer Support: A Role in Mental Health Recovery,” via Harvard Health Publishing

“Role clarity, supervisor flexibility, peer input, and professional development top [the] list of needed supports for mental health peer specialists,” according to a recent article in Mad In America. “A team of researchers across the United States recently released research in Psychiatric Services in Advance detailing the best ways to support and supervise peer specialists in the mental health workforce. Through semi-structured qualitative interviews with four peer specialists and five supervisors and their personal experience with peer specialists, the authors were able to unpack a number of support and supervision strategies to best support peer specialists.” For the article, click here. And for “Black Peer Support: A Role in Mental Health Recovery”—in which the author writes, “In 2005 I created Black Voices: Pathways 4 Recovery (BV) at The Transformation Center in Roxbury, MA, for people of the African diaspora seeking safe spaces to talk about what it’s like living Black in America. It’s enormously valuable to be in the process of recovery with people who face that same daily reality”—click here. (Note: To participate in a survey of peer support supervisors, see “Do You Supervise Peer Support Workers? Then Researchers Have Some Questions for You” in the “From Previous Editions of the Key Update but Still Fresh” Department, below.)

Free Webinar: “Communication: Healthy Boundaries for Peer Specialists,” May 25

On May 25, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, Doors to Wellbeing will offer a free webinar as part of its monthly webinar series. Presented by Jane Winterling of the Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery, the one-hour webinar “will explore the dynamics of establishing healthy personal and professional boundaries through communication skills. The webinar will go over strategies and tools to maintain healthy boundaries between peer specialists and peers receiving services. For more information and to register, click here.

PRA Offers Colorful Images to Share in Honor of Mental Health Month

Policy Research Associates (PRA) offers three icons to recognize Mental Health Month. PRA created these images for use in May 2020, and the images are still available for free. PRA wrote: “Download the images and send them to a friend, colleague, or loved one in an email, a text, or a social media message to let them know that you’re thinking of them and are proud of them for taking care of their mental health!” To learn more about the campaign and to download the three colorful images—“You Are Strong,” “You Got This,” and “Proud of You for Taking Care of You”—click here.

UCLA to Host #WOW21: Whole Health Includes Mental Health Virtual Conference

On May 13 at 5 p.m. PT (8 p.m. ET), UCLA will host #WOW21: Whole Health Includes Mental Health—The Conversation Continues Virtually. “#WOW2021’s goal is to ensure that any comprehensive conversation about health always includes mental health…Further, #WOW aims to raise awareness and reduce stigma associated with mental illness. Proceeds benefit mental health research, education, and clinical care programs at UCLA. A donation of any size will provide admittance to the event.” For more information and to donate and register, click here.

Peer Support and Other Resources, Such as Webinars, May Help Youth Cope with Mental Health Issues

“Half of all Youth MOVE chapters offer informal youth peer support programs.” For more information, click here. And “May is children’s mental health awareness month,” writes the National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health (NTTAC), a SAMHSA-funded initiative, which “works to ensure all young people and families get the support they need to thrive.” For more about NTTAC and its services, click here. In addition, recordings of three youth-related webinars are available for free viewing. The three are “Workforce Development of Youth Peer Counselors,” about how Washington State is encouraging youths, aged 17 to 26, to explore careers as certified peer counselors (click here); “Incorporating Youth Leadership into Treatment,” about empowering youth to see how their resilience is leadership (click here); and “Empowering Youth as Mental Health Peer Specialists,” about how to engage youth as mental health peer specialists (click here). (Courtesy of Jeremy Countryman and Amey Dettmer, respectively)

Seven Graphic Artists—Six if You Don’t Count Allie Brosh—Explore How It Feels to Have a Mental Health Condition

Six graphic novels and memoirs, most of which are at least partly autobiographical, convey the experience of having a mental health condition. Among the six are Depresso, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace Being Bonkers!, by Brick; Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, by Alison Bechdel—which was later adapted into a Tony Award-winning musical; and Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, + Me,” by Ellen Forney. All six come with a price tag. But two comics about depression by Allie Brosh—which have previously appeared in the Key Update—are available for free. For “Adventures in Depression,” click here; for “Depression Part Two,” click here. Both are excerpted from Brosh’s book “Hyperbole and a Half,” which is available for sale.

The May 2021 Digest of Articles Offering Healthy Lifestyle Advice

For “Don’t Wish for Happiness. Work for It. If you want to improve your well-being, you need to make a plan and act on it,” click here. For “When the Doctor Prescribes Poetry: ‘This crisis affects more or less everyone, and poetry can help us process difficult feelings like loss, sadness, anger, lack of hope,’” click here. For “How to Buy Happiness: The joys of money are nothing without other people,” click here. For “More Birds Make You As Happy As More Money,” click here. For “Regular Exercise May Help Protect Against Severe Covid: People who tended to be sedentary were far more likely to be hospitalized, and to die, from Covid than those who exercised regularly,” click here. For “The Healing Power of Music: Music therapy is increasingly used to help patients cope with stress and promote healing,” click here.

The May 2021 Digest of Articles about the Criminal Justice System, in Which Many Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Are Incarcerated (and the Key Update continues after this Digest)

For “Punitive Excess: America’s criminal legal system is unduly harsh. Experts explain how we got here and solutions that will benefit everyone,” click here. For “Brett Kavanaugh Rules Children Deserve Life in Prison With No Chance of Parole: The Trump-appointee who asked not to be judged by his high school year book has a different point of view for kids who aren’t Tobin, Squi, and PJ,” click here. For “Can the ‘Wisdom of a Second Look’ Curb America’s Appetite for Harsh Sentences?” click here. For “The Language Project,” click here. For “Crime, the Myth: It’s up to society to say what is and isn’t a crime, and it varies more than one might think,” click here. For “A Year of Disaster at Old Colony: Suicide Attempts, Self-Harm, and Covid,” click here. For “Prisons and jails will separate millions of mothers from their children in 2021: The most important statistics about the incarceration of mothers and pregnant women,” click here. For “From incarceration to the Washington Legislature, Rep. Tarra Simmons hits her stride in first term in Olympia,” click here. For “Who Is Serving and Protecting Assault Victims? Most rape crisis and domestic-violence programs wouldn’t survive without government funding that ties them to the police—and it’s left advocates trapped in a toxic dynamic,” click here. For “Marvin Scott III died in Texas police custody. His family will protest until the officers involved are arrested. Though seven of the sheriff’s officers have been fired after initially being put on administrative leave and another resigned while under investigation, the family and protesters say they don’t plan to stop until the officers have been charged with a crime,” click here. For “Police Group Says Qualified Immunity Makes Americans ‘Less Safe,’” click here. For “The Case for Ending All Traffic Stops (Updated),” click here. For “It’s Time to Kick Armed Cops Off the Road: We should not have to live in a world where the police can kill young men like Daunte Wright for committing traffic violations,” click here. For “The Myth of the Dangerous Traffic Stop Is Killing Black Men in America,” click here. For “Supreme Court rulings on traffic stops reinforce structural racism in policing: The court was well aware of what it was doing,” click here. For “Get Police Out of the Business of Traffic Stops,” click here. For “You’ve Heard About Gerrymandering. What Happens When It Involves Prisons? Counting people where they’re imprisoned takes political power away from cities and transfers it to rural areas,” click here. For “The Long Shadow of Virginia’s Death Penalty: Virginia made history when it abolished capital punishment. But for those who were proximate to the state’s 113 executions, closure remains complicated,” click here. For “Incarceration touches millions with loved ones behind bars. And it’s making many of them sick,” click here. For “Opinion: We’re making progress on the ‘what’ of reimagining safety. But what about the ‘how’?” click here. For “I’m in a Police Union That Holds Bad Cops Accountable: The Ethical Society of Police isn’t afraid to speak out against police misconduct,” click here. For “Undanced Dances During a Pandemic: From inside a California prison come choreographies of the mind,” click here. For “Can The Death Penalty Be Fixed? These Republicans Think So: A growing number of conservative lawmakers want to overhaul capital punishment, or end it,” click here. For “As New Police Reform Laws Sweep Across the U.S., Some Ask: Are They Enough? States have passed over 140 police oversight bills since the killing of George Floyd, increasing accountability and overhauling rules on the use of force. But the calls for change continue,” click here. For “Oregon Department of Corrections sued for charging prisoners for artificial limbs, other medical equipment,” click here. For “Opinion: Prolonged solitary confinement is torture. It’s time for all states to ban it,” click here. For “With dozens of reforms already in place, NJ presses for policing changes: AG has ordered training, rewritten use-of-force rules and said videos recorded by police should be public. Governor says he’s willing to go further,” click here. For “When communities try to hold police accountable, law enforcement fights back: Civilian oversight is undermined by politicians and police, who contend citizens are ill-equipped to judge officers,” click here.


ACTION ALERT: Contact Your Legislators to Demand Covid-19 Vaccine for Homebound People

People who are homebound have been largely overlooked in the campaign to vaccinate people against Covid-19. At this writing, some states, such as Maryland, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, have mobile vaccination vans ready to take the vaccine to people in their homes. And other states, such as Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New York, and Mississippi, have plans in place to vaccinate homebound adults but only in certain parts of their respective states, although they hope to expand statewide. But other states are farther behind: New Jersey has three vans ready to go, but “it could be weeks before they’re on the road,” according to a recent article. And California is even less prepared to vaccinate its homebound population. Providing Covid-19 vaccinations is a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. If your state is not already vaccinating its homebound residents, contact your state and federal legislators to demand that this change. To find your state legislators, click here. To find your federal legislators, click here.

ADVOCACY WORKS! Charles Helmer’s Forced Electroshock Scheduled for April 23 Was Canceled!

Thanks to you and the countless others who responded to MindFreedom International’s Shield program to help prevent the continued use of forced electroshock (also known as electroconvulsive treatment, or ECT) on Charles Helmer, a 22-year-old Minneapolis man, Charles’s forced electroshock scheduled for April 23 was canceled! Charles’s mother, Ann Fuller, wrote to MFI: "Hey, they stopped ECT on Charles temporarily!!!! YEAH!!! Hopefully for good...Thank you all for your effort & kindness. Much appreciated! Ann & Charles xo.” Again, thank you for your efforts to help Charles! Along with the work of many others, your efforts helped!

(Virtual) 2021 Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS) Conference Info

The theme of the Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS)—"a biennial national conference that centers the multiple oppressions that shape the lived experiences of disabled individuals, as told by disabled people, in a setting organized by disabled activists”—is “Disabled Community Care and Survival: Strategies and Brilliance.” The organizers write: “This year’s DIS 2021 will have presentations scheduled from June - December.” For more about the Summit, click here. (Courtesy of Dan Fisher)

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Covid-19 Vaccinations But Were Afraid to Ask; and See How the U.S. Is Doing Compared to the Rest of the World  

On January 27, 2021, The New York Times published “Answers to All Your Questions about Getting Vaccinated for Covid-19.” Among the important facts: “You shouldn’t try to stave off discomfort [by taking painkillers] before getting the [Covid-19] shot”; side effects after the second shot are worse than after the first shot; there is no risk of developing Covid-19 from the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines; and “Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reach about 50 percent efficacy 10 to 14 days after the first shot. You’ll get peak protection…about a week after you get the second dose.” To read the interactive article, click here. One rare side effect the Times doesn’t mention is a “Covid arm” rash several days after the Moderna vaccine. For a USA Today story about it, click here. Comparatively, the US is doing well on vaccinations, as of this writing ranking fourth in the world, behind only Israel and the U.K. To track the vaccinations in the U.S., by state, and worldwide, click here.

CNN Offers “A Guide to Helping and Getting Help During the Coronavirus Crisis”

CNN writes: “The coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming, and one of the most excruciating parts for many people is the feeling of utter helplessness in the face of widespread suffering and hardship. CNN’s Impact Your World has compiled a list of donation opportunities and tips to help those affected by the crisis. Click on a category or scroll down to browse a list of organizations, resources and ideas. Need help? Most categories also include resources for financial, emotional or social support.” For the free guide, click here.

RMIT Mad Studies Network, based in Melbourne, Australia, Hosts Monthly Virtual Reading Group

“The RMIT Mad Studies Network brings together anyone interested in Mad Studies, mad ideas, critical thinking about mental distress, the politics of ‘mental health,’ the mental health consumer/survivor/ex-patient movement and alternatives to the contemporary mental health paradigm/system,” according to the RMIT website’s home page. Currently, the RMIT’s main activity is a monthly reading group, now held virtually. The 90-minute groups take place on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time), which is 14 hours later than Eastern Daylight Time (5 a.m. EDT on the third Monday of the month). The time difference grows as you move west: 4 a.m. CT, 3 a.m. MT, 2 a.m. PT. For more information, click here.

First Virtual ESTSS Conference to Be Held June 17-18, 2021

The European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies will host its first virtual conference, on “Trauma and Mental Health during the Global Pandemic,” June 17-18, 2021 (with preconference workshops on June 16). ESTSS writes: “Our invited speakers will present their research and clinical work experiences regarding this complex topic from different perspectives (see Tracks).” For more information, click here.

New Jersey Mental Health Players Virtually Perform “Racism and Mental Health”

On May 13, 2021, at 12:30 p.m. ET, the New Jersey Mental Health Players (NJMHPs) will create a virtual performance on “Racism and Mental Health.” “People of color and all those whose lives have been marginalized by those in power…experience overt racism and bigotry far too often, which leads to a mental health burden that is deeper than what others may face,” the Mental Health Association in New Jersey writes. “The NJMHP program combines performance art and advocacy. Our virtual performance is 45 minutes and mimics the live show with a few new added features.” For more information and to register, click here.

12th World Hearing Voices Congress to Be Held in Cork, Ireland, September 1-3, 2021

The 12th World Hearing Voices Congress, whose theme is “Solidarity in Times of Adversity: The Global Voice Hearing Community Reconnecting,” will be held September 1-3, 2021. “This year’s Congress will create spaces for voice hearers, family members, carers, practitioners, academics, and all those interested in the principles and values of the International Hearing Voices Movement, to connect and/or reconnect with one another in a post-pandemic world, either in person in Cork, Ireland, or online across the globe,” the organizers write. “If restrictions do not allow to have a hybrid Congress in Cork, then Congress will move fully online!” The online fees for voice hearers/students are £45.00 ($67); for practitioners, £65.00 ($97). If a hybrid Congress can be offered, then the fees will be €80 ($95) for voice hearers/students; €180 ($211) for practitioners. (The monetary conversion rates are as of this writing.) For more information, including a link to register, click here. (Courtesy of Janet Paleo)

MHA Offers Free “May Is Mental Health Month” Toolkit

Mental Health America writes: “The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the mental health of people of all ages. Now, more than ever, it is critical to reduce the [prejudice and discrimination] around mental health struggles, because that…often prevents individuals from seeking help. In 2021, we will continue with our theme of Tools 2 Thrive, providing practical tools that everyone can use to improve their mental health and increase their resiliency regardless of their personal situation.” This campaign is supported by contributions from Janssen: Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson and Otsuka America Pharmaceutical Inc. For more information and to download the free toolkit, click here.

Disability Rights California Invites You to Its Past, Present, and Future (Free) Webinars

Disability Rights California (DRC) writes: “You are cordially invited to join us in our virtual disability rights trainings. Our webinars are twice a week, on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT) in English and Thursdays at 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT) in Spanish. Our free trainings provide information and resources on different topics related to mental health, self-advocacy, our legal rights (based on California law) and access to services that are informative and empowering. We welcome all peers (people with lived experience), service providers, family members and people in the community.” To view the webinars, click here.

NARPA Free Webinar Series Is Available Online

“In lieu of a face-to-face conference in 2020, NARPA presented a series of webinars related to current events. The last presentation in this series took place in December, withMental Health Courts and Specialized Courts in Canada: Access to Justice from the Perspective of people with psychiatric histories.’ All of the webinars are free and are available for streaming on NARPA's YouTube Channel. For more information, click here.

Here's Your Chance to Help Transform Mental Health Services Research in the U.S.!

If you’ve ever served on an advisory board for a research or evaluation project, provided even limited consultation, or partnered as a peer-run organization in such research, you’re eligible to participate in a national survey aimed at better understanding researchers’ and stakeholders’ experiences of participatory research! The anonymous, 10-20 minute survey includes both closed- and open-ended questions about your experiences with such research, perspectives on barriers, and potential targets for policy change and resource development. Findings will be used to inform future projects focused on building stakeholder research capacity and strengthening participatory research in the U.S. All participants will receive a $20 Amazon gift card. This new study is connected to “Building Capacity for Stakeholder Involvement and Leadership in Mental Health Services Research,” included in the August 2020 Key Update, which involved detailed interviews. Principal Investigator Dr. Nev Jones ( writes, “We are still doing interviews ($50 per interview) so feel free to contact me about that too.” The survey IRB ID# is 001319; the project including this survey was developed with the PCORI-funded PathED Collaborative, co-led by Drs. Nev Jones ( and Linda Callejas ( For more information and/or to participate, click here.

National Survey Seeks Input from Certified Peer Specialists

“Routine peer support has shown to increase individuals’ hope, sense of personal control, ability to make positive changes, and decreased psychiatric symptoms,” writes Dr. Karen Fortuna of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. “Despite these benefits, the organizational structure of peer support is not known. Dartmouth College is initiating a national survey of trained Certified Peer Specialists to help us understand the organizational structure of peer support services.” For more information and/or to participate in the 15-minute survey, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

A Service-User-Led Survey of “Experiences of the Intersections of Psychosis, Difficult Events, and Trauma” Seeks Participants with Firsthand Experience

A study developed by researchers at the University of South Florida “aims to better understand the relationships between prior experiences of trauma or adversity and experiences such as hearing voices, unusual beliefs and paranoia, as well as the ways in which these experiences themselves can contribute to trauma or distress.” The researchers, who themselves have lived experience, are seeking respondents “who self-identify as having current or prior experiences that would conventionally be labeled psychosis.” The anonymous survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete; every 10th respondent will be compensated with a $50 gift card, up to five gift cards. Questions? Contact Dr. Nev Jones at For more information and/or to participate, click here.

“Mapping the Disability Experience: Share Your Stories”

“We invite you to draw a map of your neighborhood or environment to capture how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted (or not) your use and understanding of space,” researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago write. “This can include drawings/images of your home, your neighborhood, your city or beyond. Maps can come in many forms, styles, perspectives, and mediums. We are interested in collecting these maps to capture and better understand the experiences of disability and the environment during the coronavirus pandemic.” Submissions will be accepted through June 30, 2020. For more information or to participate, click here. Questions? Contact Yochai Eisenberg, PhD, (Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Stone)

Hearing Voices Network Is Now Hosting Online Groups

“There are now ONLINE opportunities to connect, share experiences, and find mutual support,” the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) writes. “These groups are accessible via web-based platforms and by phone…Online groups are specifically for those with personal lived experience with hearing voices, seeing visions, and/or negotiating alternative realities. They are voice-hearer facilitated. With further questions and for details on how to access the group[s], please email” To read this announcement online and for more information, click here.

Have You Ever Smoked, Drunk, Vaped, or Used Other Drugs? Or Do You Now? New Zealand COVID-19 Study Is Now Open to US Residents

“We want to find out how people are coping [during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown],” writes the New Zealand-based Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking. “We are especially interested in adults aged 18 and over who, before lockdown, regularly drank alcohol, smoked or used other tobacco products, or other drugs. We also want to hear from people who have taken up smoking or drinking or other drugs during this frightening time.” The study has been approved by the US-based independent review board SolutionsIRB and is now open to US residents. “The study website includes helpful Coping in Lockdown tips, tips on Dealing with Cravings, and information on alternatives to smoking tobacco.” To participate or for more information, click here.

Survey Seeks Respondents Who Are in Administrative/Leadership Positions in the Mental Health Field

If you are in an administrative/leadership position in the mental health arena, “the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Leadership invites you to participate in the International Survey on Administrative Psychiatry. The survey has two purposes: 1. To identify the concerns and needs of mental health professionals/psychiatrists in administrative and leadership positions. 2. To determine training needs in administrative psychiatry. We ask you to complete this brief, [15- to 20-minute] questionnaire to help us in developing recommendations for action. We also want to let you know that, if you fill out this questionnaire, you permit the committee to use your anonymous data for scientific work.” Peer providers are included. For the survey, click here. (Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

“Experiences with Hospitalization” Survey Seeks Participants

“The purpose of this survey is to help us understand people's lived experience with voluntary and involuntary treatment because of suicidal thoughts. It was created by people with lived experience…We are planning to use this information to facilitate discussions with suicidologists and the suicide prevention community about the impact of the use of these interventions, particularly within marginalized populations. We feel the voice of people with lived experience with these interventions has not had adequate opportunity to be heard, and hope that by completing this survey anonymously, people who have been most impacted can find a safe way to share their experiences. Please note that this is not a research project.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. (Courtesy of Leah Harris)

International Survey on Antipsychotic Medication Withdrawal Seeks Respondents

“Have you taken antipsychotic medication (such as Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal, Haldol, Geodon, Stelazine, and others), for any condition or diagnosis, with or without other medications? And did you ever stop taking antipsychotics, or try to stop taking them? Are you 18 years or older? If yes, you can take this survey about antipsychotic withdrawal and attempts to withdraw, including if you stopped taking them completely or if you tried to come off and still take them. The survey aims to improve mental health services by better understanding medication withdrawal. Lead researcher is Will Hall, a therapist and Ph.D. student who has himself taken antipsychotics. Service users/survivors/consumers from around the world also gave input. The study is sponsored by Maastricht University in the Netherlands; co-sponsors include the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Questions? Please contact”  For more information or to take the survey, click on

Virtual Group Is Launched to Advance Peer Research Capacity, Leadership, and Involvement

Nev Jones, Ph.D., and Emily Cutler, a doctoral candidate, have launched a listserv dedicated to building research capacity, leadership, and involvement among peers, survivors, and service users.  Dr. Jones, assistant professor, Department of Mental Health Law & Policy, University of South Florida, was part of the team that developed “User/Survivor Leadership & Capacity Building in Research: White Paper on Promoting Engagement Practices in Peer Evaluation/Research (PEPPER),” published by the Lived Experience Research Network. For the white paper, click here. Anyone interested in joining the virtual group can email Nev at

Do You Supervise Peer Support Workers? Then Researchers Have Some Questions for You

Researchers in the University of South Florida’s Department of Psychiatry and at Magellan Health are investigating the backgrounds, training, and experiences of individuals who currently supervise at least one peer support worker in a behavioral health setting or agency. “To the best of our knowledge, this will be the first comprehensive research study of the landscape of peer support supervision practices in the United States,” writes Dr. Nev Jones, the primary investigator of the study (Protocol Number 00040223). Participants must be at least 18 years old and work in the United States or U.S. territories. An online survey lasting approximately 10 minutes will ask about respondents’ backgrounds, training and preparation for supervision, perspectives and practices, and views on barriers and facilitators to high-quality supervision. There is no monetary compensation. Questions? Contact Dr. Nev Jones ( or the co-primary investigator, Dana Foglesong ( To access the survey, click here.

Mad In America Invites You to Submit Your Personal Story (Within Certain Guidelines)

Mad In America writes: “A ‘personal story’ is defined as your story of being in relationship to psychiatry and/or the mental health system, whatever that means to you. It might involve your opinions and analysis of what happened to you, as well. It can be about a specific event, or about your overall journey, provided it fits the length requirements (1,500 to 3,000 words) and has a narrative arc. The piece should be about your personal experiences, not psychiatry or the mental health system in general. Submissions should fall under the theme of rethinking psychiatry and the mental health system, and should be original works not previously published elsewhere. For examples of the types of stories we publish, view our personal stories archive here.” For more information and/or to submit a personal story, click here.

PsychAlive Offers a Variety of Webinars on Mental Health Topics, Many Free, Others $15

PsychAlive is a free, nonprofit resource created by the Glendon Association, whose mission is “to save lives and enhance mental health by addressing the social problems of suicide, violence, child abuse and troubled interpersonal relationships.” offers a variety of upcoming and archived webinars, many of which are free, while others are available for $15. Among the myriad topics are “From Anxiety to Action: How to Stay Sane While Fighting Climate Change,” “How to Overcome Insecurity,” “Powerful Tools to Fight Depression,” and “Understanding and Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences.” To check out the webinars, click here.

Doors to Wellbeing Offers “State Selfies: A Picture of Peer Services Reported by Peers”

Doors to Wellbeing’s “Peer Album” is a directory of nearly 600 peer-run organizations throughout the U.S. They invite updates and offer instructions for providing them and add, “If your entry has not made this first draft, we encourage you to re-submit.” For the 158-page directory, click here.

Disclaimer: The Clearinghouse does not necessarily endorse the opinions and opportunities included in the Key Update.

About The Key Update

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is now affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!

The Key Update is the free monthly e-newsletter of the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse. Volume 17, No. 11, May 2021. For content, reproduction or publication information, please contact Susan Rogers at Follow Susan on Twitter at @SusanRogersMH





Key Update, April 2021, Volume 17, Number 10

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion.  


This edition of the Key Update includes two important ACTION ALERTS: (1) Contact Your Legislators to Demand Covid-19 Vaccine for Homebound People, and (2) Help MindFreedom International Stop Forced Electroshock! (ALERT UPDATE: Charles Helmer’s Forced Electroshock Scheduled for 4/23 Is Canceled!)

The Key Update is compiled, written, and edited by Susan Rogers, Director, National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse.


ACTION ALERT: Contact Your Legislators to Demand Covid-19 Vaccine for Homebound People

People who are homebound have been largely overlooked in the campaign to vaccinate people against Covid-19. At this writing, some states, such as Maryland, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, have mobile vaccination vans ready to take the vaccine to people in their homes. And other states, such as Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New York, and Mississippi, have plans in place to vaccinate homebound adults but only in certain parts of their respective states, although they hope to expand statewide. But other states are farther behind: New Jersey has three vans ready to go, but “it could be weeks before they’re on the road,” according to a recent article. And California is even less prepared to vaccinate its homebound population. Providing Covid-19 vaccinations is a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. If your state is not already vaccinating its homebound residents, contact your state and federal legislators to demand that this change. To find your state legislators, click here. To find your federal legislators, click here.

One-Third of Covid Survivors Were Later Diagnosed with Mental Health Conditions or, Rarely, Neurological Issues

A study of more than 236,000 people who had recovered from Covid-19 found that many had mood disorders, anxiety, substance use disorders, insomnia, and, in rarer cases, severe conditions like stroke and dementia within six months, according to People magazine, reporting on a study published in Lancet Psychiatry. For the People article, which includes a link to the Lancet Psychiatry study, click here.

ADVOCACY WORKS! Charles Helmer’s Forced Electroshock Scheduled for April 23 Was Canceled!

Thanks to you and the countless others who responded to MindFreedom International’s Shield program to help prevent the continued use of forced electroshock (also known as electroconvulsive treatment, or ECT) on Charles Helmer, a 22-year-old Minneapolis man, Charles’s forced electroshock scheduled for April 23 was canceled! Charles’s mother, Ann Fuller, wrote to MFI: "Hey, they stopped ECT on Charles temporarily!!!! YEAH!!! Hopefully for good...Thank you all for your effort & kindness. Much appreciated! Ann & Charles xo.” Again, thank you for your efforts to help Charles! Along with the work of many others, your efforts helped! For those who didn’t see the original Action Alert, “Charles Helmer was discharged on March 22, 2021, from Fairview Riverside Psychiatric Clinic at the University of Minnesota, and court-ordered to live in a group home and to report every other week for forced electroshock. His most recent forced treatment was on April 9, 2021; he is next scheduled to be force-shocked on April 23. This is in spite of his own—and his mother’s—efforts to prevent it…For a MindFreedom International press release about MFI’s campaign to help Charles Helmer, click here. For “ECT: Dangerous on Either Side of the Pond,” published in Psychiatric Times on April 5, 2021, click here.”

Deadline for Proposals to Present a Workshop at (Free) Alternatives 2021 is April 23!

The National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery is proud to host the (free!) 2021 (Virtual) Alternatives Conference, now in its 35th year! The conference—whose theme is  “Connecting, Organizing, Activating!”—will take place on July 8, 10, 15, and 17. You are invited to submit a workshop proposal through April 23 on one of these topics: Advocacy; Preventing Crisis; Protecting Rights; Promoting Social Justice and Social Inclusion; Youth Empowerment; Healing Through the Arts, Holistic Health, Wellness, and Spirituality; and Economic Empowerment. For the NCMHR announcement, which includes details about submitting workshop proposals and more, click here. For questions:

BPC Recommends Expanded Role for Peer Support Specialists in Integrated Health Care

A new report by the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) Behavioral Health Integration Task Force—“Tackling America’s Mental Health and Addiction Crisis Through Primary Care Integration: Task Force Recommendations”— highlights the effectiveness of peer support. The 124-page report, published in March 2021, includes numerous mentions of peer support, such as the following (pp. 68-69): “One provider type that should be considered for coverage under Medicare is peer support specialists…These professionals use their lived experience and training to help patients navigate care systems and sustain recovery, especially in patients with severe mental health conditions or substance use disorders. Evidence suggests that peer support services benefit staff as well…Peer support staff have proven to be a valuable tool for providers in improving patient-provider relationships and promoting shared decision making with respect to medications and treatment plans…In addition, adding peer support staff offers an opportunity to diversify the workforce to better reflect communities served by the primary care practices.” To download the free report, click here.

Check Out the TU Collaborative’s New Publication: “Family Leisure Planning and Covid-19”

The TU Collaborative has a new publication: “Our new document, ‘Family Leisure Planning and Covid-19,’ shares information about the benefits of engaging in family leisure as well as resources for planning memorable activities at home!” For the 16-page document, click here. For the TU Collaborative newsletter, click here.

“New Paper on How to Stop Antipsychotic Drugs Deemed ‘Historic Breakthrough,’” But Is Scooped by Peer-Written Paper, Published in 2007

“Researchers have published the first scientific paper looking at how patients can safely come off antipsychotic medication while minimizing the risk of withdrawal effects,” according to a report in Metro UK. “The paper, [‘A Method for Taping Antipsychotic Treatment That May Minimize the Risk of Relapse’], described as a ‘historic breakthrough,’ suggests that extremely slow tapering with small reductions over months or even years could make it less likely for patients to relapse.” For the Metro UK article, click here. For the free study, published in Schizophrenia Bulletin on March 23, 2021, click here. And for the free, 41-page “Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs,” published in 2007, which also advises, “Usually it is best to go slow and taper off gradually,” click here.

NARPA Issues Call for Papers for Its 2021 (Virtual) Conference

“The National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy (NARPA) is seeking proposals that address strategies, ideas, programs, and emerging practices that support and promote NARPA’s mission and commitment to individual rights, racial equity, justice, liberty, freedom, and dignity.” The workshop proposal deadline is May 4, 2021. NARPA’s 2021 conference, to be presented in Fall 2021, will offer six free, 90-minute webinars. (NARPA adds, “please consider making a tax-deductible contribution because NARPA does not accept government or corporate funding.”) CEUs and CLEs will be available. At this writing, the Application for Workshops is not yet posted at, although it soon will be available there. For more information, contact NARPA at or 256.650.6311. 

New Psychiatric Services Paper Calls for “Building a Pipeline of Researchers with Significant Psychiatric Disabilities…”
“We have got to start actively recruiting, hiring and mentoring students and researchers with significant psychiatric disabilities and intersectional disadvantage at every level,” writes Nev Jones, Ph.D., as she shared on Twitter a new paper of which she is the lead author: “Lived Experience, Research Leadership, and the Transformation of Mental Health Services: Building a Researcher Pipeline.” “Critically, this requires a much deeper reckoning with ableism in academic spaces and what it means to support emerging researchers with ongoing disability/challenges; recognizing how hard it is to sit through classes and meetings in which your community is also the objectified ‘target,’” she continued. “It means supporting those same students, later on, to get extramural grants, faculty positions, tenure or promotion and start breaking the glass ceiling we see so firmly in place now. Mental health services journal editors, funding bodies and conference organizers can all play a role by prioritizing the full inclusion and amplifying the voices and visibility of researchers with significant psychiatric disabilities.” For the complete paper, published online on March 11, 2021, click here.

(Virtual) 2021 Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS) Issues Call for Papers

The Disability & Intersectionality Summit (DIS)—"a biennial national conference that centers the multiple oppressions that shape the lived experiences of disabled individuals, as told by disabled people, in a setting organized by disabled activists”—has issued a call for proposals. The deadline is May 1, 2021. This year’s theme is “Disabled Community Care and Survival: Strategies and Brilliance.” The organizers write: “This year’s DIS 2021 will have presentations scheduled from June - December.” For more about the Summit, including a link to submit proposals, click here. (Courtesy of Dan Fisher)

(Virtual) Mini Conference on Hoarding and Cluttering to Be Held April 16-17, 2021

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is sponsoring a Virtual Mini Conference on Hoarding and Cluttering on April 16-17, 2021, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. ET (noon to 4 p.m. PT). The theme is “Redefining Crazy: It’s the System, Not the People.” “The goal of this virtual conference is to convene peers, experts, stakeholders, scientists, policy leaders, providers, researchers, and community advocates in a collaborative and actionable learning environment to advance innovation and highlight the work and values of diverse leaders across sectors to discuss matters and new information on hoarding and cluttering,” the organizers write. For more information, click here.

Temple University (TU) Article Highlights Impact of Community Inclusion on Social Determinants of Mental Health, While a Previous TU Paper Focuses on Supporting Social Workers with Mental Health Conditions

“Community inclusion emerged from a vibrant disability rights community that fought to counter isolation and exclusion…,” writes Mark Salzer, Ph.D., director of the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion. “Individuals with serious mental illnesses do not participate in their communities to the same degree as others, and the lack of participation takes a toll on their economic stability, place in society and the community, and exposure to unsafe neighborhoods and physical environments, all of which ultimately affect health. Promotion of community inclusion and participation…should be considered a medical necessity.” For the article, published in Psychiatric Services on March 18, 2021, click here. Dr. Salzer was a co-author—with lead author Loran Kundra, JD, MSS—of “Out of the Shadows: Supporting Social Workers with a Mental Illness,” published in Social Work in Mental Health in 2019. The authors write: “This article sets forth a new approach to supporting these social workers which involves one-on-one peer support, peer education, advocacy opportunities, assistance with requests for job accommodations, a speaker’s bureau, and organizational consultation on peer issues within agencies.” For the abstract, click here.

“Our ‘Normal’ Responses to Mental Health Crises Are Not Working,” as Reported by Current Affairs, The Washington Post, The Guardian, the ABA Journal, and the Coloradoan

“People with mental health issues are 16 times more likely to be in a police encounter than other civilians,” Current Affairs reports. “[W]hen we continue to invest in police, prosecutions, courts, jails, and prisons—instead of true mental health intervention and response—our communities are not made safer or healthier. Instead, people die. But police shootings and killings don’t tell the full story of the impact of the criminalization of mental health issues on the people, families, and communities most targeted by police, especially Black and Brown people.” For the Current Affairs article, click here. For “Reimagine Safety: We rely too much on the police. Rather than defunding the police, we need to reimagine public safety. When we need help, we need someone other than armed officers to call for help. We can make neighborhoods safer just by changing the physical environment,” click here. For “These US cities defunded police: 'We're transferring money to the community': More than 20 major cities have reduced police budgets in some form, and activists are fighting to ensure that is only the start,” click here. For “Police are often first responders to mental health crises, but tragedies are prompting change,” published by the ABA Journal, click here. For “How a Colorado Town Is Untangling Behavioral Health Care from the Criminal Justice System,” click here. (Note: This important issue has previously been covered at length in the Key Update, most recently in March 2021, February 2021,and November 2020, as well as frequently in the Key Update’s Criminal Justice Digest.)

In a Related Story, “New Funding is Available for Mental Health Mobile Crisis Teams”

“The new COVID-19 relief bill—the American Rescue Plan, H.R. 1319 [which President Biden signed into law on March 11, 2021]—provides new federal funding for mental health mobile crisis teams,” the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law writes. “Mental health mobile crisis teams are highly effective, both as an alternative to the police responding to individuals with mental illness and as a way to meet the urgent needs of individuals with mental illness or substance use disorder.” For the complete statement, click here.

RMIT Mad Studies Network, based in Melbourne, Australia, Hosts Monthly Virtual Reading Group

“The RMIT Mad Studies Network brings together anyone interested in Mad Studies, mad ideas, critical thinking about mental distress, the politics of ‘mental health,’ the mental health consumer/survivor/ex-patient movement and alternatives to the contemporary mental health paradigm/system,” according to the RMIT website’s home page. Currently, the RMIT’s main activity is a monthly reading group, now held virtually. The 90-minute groups take place on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time), which is 14 hours later than Eastern Daylight Time (5 a.m. EDT). The time difference grows as you move west: 4 a.m. CT, 3 a.m. MT, 2 a.m. PT. For more information, click here.

Free Webinar: “Child & Adolescent Mental Health Crisis Service,” April 26

A free, 90-minute SAMHSA-sponsored webinar—“Child & Adolescent Mental Health Crisis Service”—presented by Mental Health America will be held on April 26, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET. “Rates of youth facing mental health challenges, including suicidality, are rising across the country. Often, communities lack youth-specific resources to help the individual in their moment of crisis and beyond. Alachua County [Florida] Crisis Center’s team will discuss how youth-focused crisis interventions that integrate families, schools, and communities can create lasting change.” For more information and to register, click here. For questions, contact (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

On April 27, Doors to Wellbeing Will Offer a Free Webinar as Part of Its Monthly Series

On April 27, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, Doors to Wellbeing will host its next monthly 60-minute webinar: “Wellness Maintenance for Transition Aged Youth (TAY) Peer Professionals.“ Doors to Wellbeing writes: “This webinar is designed for transition-aged youth peer professionals between the ages of 18-25 who are looking to gain work, life, and wellness balance as they navigate adulthood and the workplace.” For more information and to register, click here.

Free Webinar: Recovery Through Personal Care Services,” April 28

A free, 90-minute SAMHSA-sponsored webinar—“Recovery Through Personal Care Services”—will take place April 28, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. ET. “As our mental health system shifts its culture from institutional, professionally directed-services, PCAs [Personal Care Attendants] enable individuals with behavioral health challenges to integrate into the community. PCAs facilitate the transition from professionally directed to self-directed care. In this manner, the use of PCAs for behavioral health can further each person’s resiliency, hope and choice.” The presenters will be Dan Fisher, MD, PhD, and R. Drake Ewbank, QHMA, PSS, PSW, PCA. For more information and to register, click here. Questions? Contact (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

HALI’s “Creative Connections” Campaign Hosts Monthly Zoom Workshops

On May 6 at 3:30 p.m. ET, Hands Across Long Island (HALI) will host its next monthly 90-minute Creative Connections workshop on Zoom. “The purpose of the [Creative Connections] Campaign is to reach our community in institutions through letters and art to express that we love, we care, and we stand with our community; to reimagine the ways we can connect with others through art and letter-writing; and to bring awareness to the challenges our community faces. After exploring and navigating [the] barriers our community faces, we will collaborate to create blackout poetry that will be delivered to someone held in an institution. [Use] a book, magazine, or any page with writing that you wouldn’t mind parting with, a marker or pen, and yourself! You’re welcome to create in whatever medium you enjoy and join us in conversation.” No registration is necessary. Click on the Zoom link or cut and paste it into your browser: (Passcode: 035115), or join by phone: 1.929.205.6099; Meeting ID: 937 3294 1287. If you are joining from outside the U.S., find your local number here:

MHA Offers Free “May Is Mental Health Month” Toolkit

Mental Health America writes: “The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the mental health of people of all ages. Now, more than ever, it is critical to reduce the [prejudice and discrimination] around mental health struggles, because that…often prevents individuals from seeking help. In 2021, we will continue with our theme of Tools 2 Thrive, providing practical tools that everyone can use to improve their mental health and increase their resiliency regardless of their personal situation.” This campaign is supported by contributions from Janssen: Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson and Otsuka America Pharmaceutical Inc. For more information and to download the free toolkit, click here.

“Selling Side Effects: Big Pharma’s Marketing Machine”

“Americans pay more for drugs and medical devices than any other country,” according to an article on “Big Pharma follows potential patients everywhere—on TV, in print and online. Companies spend billions advertising to doctors to get them [to] prescribe their brand-name drugs and devices. They also spend billions paying criminal and civil settlements resulting from fraudulent marketing. Do these practices empower patients or expose them to newer, riskier and more expensive drugs and devices?” For the article, published in 2016 but last modified on March 18, 2021, click here.

NARPA Free Webinar Series Is Available Online

“In lieu of a face-to-face conference in 2020, NARPA presented a series of webinars related to current events. The last presentation in this series took place in December, with ‘Mental Health Courts and Specialized Courts in Canada: Access to Justice from the Perspective of people with psychiatric histories.’ All of the webinars are free and are available for streaming on NARPA's YouTube Channel. For more information, click here.

12th World Hearing Voices Congress to Be Held in Cork, Ireland, September 1-3, 2021

The 12th World Hearing Voices Congress, whose theme is “Solidarity in Times of Adversity: The Global Voice Hearing Community Reconnecting,” will be held September 1-3, 2021. “This year’s Congress will create spaces for voice hearers, family members, carers, practitioners, academics, and all those interested in the principles and values of the International Hearing Voices Movement, to connect and/or reconnect with one another in a post-pandemic world, either in person in Cork, Ireland, or online across the globe,” the organizers write. “If restrictions do not allow to have a hybrid Congress in Cork, then Congress will move fully online!” The online fees for voice hearers/students are £45.00 ($67); for practitioners, £65.00 ($97). If a hybrid Congress can be offered, then the fees will be €80 ($95) for voice hearers/students; €180 ($211) for practitioners. (The monetary conversion rates are as of this writing.) For more information, including a link to register, click here. (Courtesy of Janet Paleo)

Canadian Senate Expands Assisted Dying to Include Mental Health Conditions, While Disability Rights Groups Oppose It, Global News Reports

“Intolerably suffering Canadians who are not near the natural end of their lives now have the right to seek medical assistance in dying. And that will eventually include people suffering solely from grievous and irremediable mental illnesses,” the Global News reported on March 19, 2021. “People suffering solely from mental illnesses will have to wait two years to gain the same right [as “intolerably suffering Canadians who aren’t near death”]…But disability rights groups have strenuously opposed the bill, arguing it devalues the lives of people with disabilities, particularly those who are Black, racialized, Indigenous or otherwise already marginalized and face discrimination in the health system. They fear such vulnerable people will be pressured—either directly or indirectly through societal attitudes and lack of support services—to end their lives prematurely.” For the Global News article, click here. For a related article, from 2015, in The New Yorker—"The Death Treatment: When should people with a non-terminal illness be helped to die?”—click here.

“20 Comics That Capture Life with Anxiety and Depression”

“At GoComics, creators share their struggles with anxiety, depression, and more with an aim to relate to readers who may be going through the same thing. Sometimes it’s with a laugh; other times it's with a poignant character moment; but the comics always ease the stigma associated with a diaspora of mental health issues.” For the comics, click here.

The April 2021 Digest of Articles Offering Healthy Lifestyle Advice

For “Over 3 Million People Took This Course on Happiness. Here’s What Some Learned. It may seem simple, but it bears repeating: sleep, gratitude and helping other people,” click here. For “What Can You Do Once You’re Vaccinated?” click here. For “How to Start Healing During a Season of Grief: There is no singular way to respond to heartache or sorrow. Find the strategy that works best for you,” click here. For “If You Stay Mentally Well Your Entire Life, You’re Not Normal,” click here.

The April 2021 Digest of Articles about the Criminal Justice System, in Which Many Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Are Incarcerated (and the Key Update continues after this Digest)

For “Mass Incarceration Draws Its Own Maps and Creates a Country in Its Image: Prison gerrymandering, in which incarcerated people are designated as residents of the areas where a prison or jail is located, is a system of strategic disenfranchisement,” click here. For “5 Discussions That Shaped the Justice Reform Movement in 2020,” click here. For “The pandemic slowed courts, leaving behind case backlogs. Now public defenders are ‘emptying the ocean with a teaspoon,’” click here. For “Missing the Mark: Data Reporting & Quality Scorecard,” click here. For “10 Artists Who Shed Light on Mass Incarceration,” click here. For “How transparent is Allegheny County Jail compared to other PA jails? We requested their mental health policies to find out. Compared to the other five largest PA counties, ACJ was far less transparent in providing its mental health policies. PublicSource appealed ACJ’s decision to the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records, but the appeal was denied,” click here. For “North Carolina sends 6-year-olds to court. Why some say it’s time for change,” click here. For “Civil asset forfeiture: I'm a grandmother, not a drug lord. Why can police take my property? It shouldn't take six years and the threat of legal action to be treated fairly. I hadn't been accused of any crime. I shouldn't have been punished,” click here. For “America's surge in violence: Why we must reduce violent crime for prison reform to work. We simply won’t shed our status as the planet’s leading incarcerator without reducing violence,” click here. For “Deprivatization—not continual fines—is the solution to health care incompetency in Arizona prisons,” click here. For “The Enormous Cost of Parole Violations in New York,” click here. For “The pandemic’s unintended consequence—bail reform in Cuyahoga County: Leila Atassi,” click here. For “Study finds not prosecuting misdemeanors reduces defendants’ subsequent arrests: Results support Suffolk DA Rollins’s move to dismiss lower-level offenses,” click here. For “Sarpy Board approves UNMC inmate mental health fellowship program,” click here. For “After crime plummeted in 2020, Baltimore will stop drug, sex prosecutions: State’s Attorney Mosby stopped non-violent prosecutions for the coronavirus, but then violent crime dropped 20 percent,” click here. “For “The Way We Think About Mass Shootings Ignores Many Black Victims: High-casualty shootings didn’t disappear during the pandemic—they nearly doubled,” click here. For “What is Life is a podcast that gives people serving life without the possibility of parole in Pennsylvania a chance to tell their story in their own voice, click here.


Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Covid-19 Vaccinations But Were Afraid to Ask; and See How the U.S. Is Doing Compared to the Rest of the World  

On January 27, 2021, The New York Times published “Answers to All Your Questions about Getting Vaccinated for Covid-19.” Among the important facts: “You shouldn’t try to stave off discomfort [by taking painkillers] before getting the [Covid-19] shot”; side effects after the second shot are worse than after the first shot; there is no risk of developing Covid-19 from the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines; and “Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reach about 50 percent efficacy 10 to 14 days after the first shot. You’ll get peak protection…about a week after you get the second dose.” To read the interactive article, click here. One rare side effect the Times doesn’t mention is a “Covid arm” rash several days after the Moderna vaccine. For a USA Today story about it, click here. To track vaccinations in the U.S. compared to other countries, by U.S. state, and worldwide, click here.

CNN Offers “A Guide to Helping and Getting Help During the Coronavirus Crisis”

CNN writes: “The coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming, and one of the most excruciating parts for many people is the feeling of utter helplessness in the face of widespread suffering and hardship. CNN’s Impact Your World has compiled a list of donation opportunities and tips to help those affected by the crisis. Click on a category or scroll down to browse a list of organizations, resources and ideas. Need help? Most categories also include resources for financial, emotional or social support.” For the free guide, click here.

Journalist Seeks Sources for Book on Mental Health Coercion

Rob Wipond, an independent investigative journalist, writes: “I’m working on a book for U.S. publisher BenBella about people’s experiences of psychiatric coercion, detention, and involuntary treatment. One of my main goals is to show the general public how people can be subjected to this kind of intimidating power and authority in many other situations, too. For example, have you ever felt pressured to submit to psychological or psychiatric evaluations, programs, or treatments at a school, long-term care facility, or workplace? When applying for welfare or vocational training? When in conflict with a landlord or shelter staff? Or maybe you received an unexpected police Wellness Check? Or the hospital where you were detained was later found guilty of fraud? Or perhaps you experienced repercussions of a psychiatric detention when the incident was brought up later during a child custody case or when you tried to cross a border? Whatever the situation, I’d like to hear from you! Please complete my survey or contact me using the contact form on my website. "Anonymity is available on request. I’m also interested in hearing from anyone who has worked in this field or witnessed such situations, such as social workers, psychiatric nurses, police, peer support workers, and other professionals.” 

First Virtual ESTSS Conference to Be Held June 17-18, 2021

The European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies will host its first virtual conference, on “Trauma and Mental Health during the Global Pandemic,” June 17-18, 2021 (with preconference workshops on June 16). ESTSS writes: “Our invited speakers will present their research and clinical work experiences regarding this complex topic from different perspectives (see Tracks).” For more information, click here.

New Jersey Mental Health Players Virtually Perform “Racism and Mental Health”

On April 29 and May 13, 2021, at 12:30 p.m. ET, the New Jersey Mental Health Players (NJMHPs) will create a virtual performance on “Racism and Mental Health.” “People of color and all those whose lives have been marginalized by those in power…experience overt racism and bigotry far too often, which leads to a mental health burden that is deeper than what others may face,” the Mental Health Association in New Jersey writes. “The NJMHP program combines performance art and advocacy. Our virtual performance is 45 minutes and mimics the live show with a few new added features.” For more information and to register for one of the three dates, click here.

Disability Rights California Invites You to Its Past, Present, and Future (Free) Webinars

Disability Rights California (DRC) writes: “You are cordially invited to join us in our virtual disability rights trainings. Our webinars are twice a week, on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT) in English and Thursdays at 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT) in Spanish. Our free trainings provide information and resources on different topics related to mental health, self-advocacy, our legal rights (based on California law) and access to services that are informative and empowering. We welcome all peers (people with lived experience), service providers, family members and people in the community.” To view the webinars, click here.

Here's Your Chance to Help Transform Mental Health Services Research in the U.S.!

If you’ve ever served on an advisory board for a research or evaluation project, provided even limited consultation, or partnered as a peer-run organization in such research, you’re eligible to participate in a national survey aimed at better understanding researchers’ and stakeholders’ experiences of participatory research! The anonymous, 10-20 minute survey includes both closed- and open-ended questions about your experiences with such research, perspectives on barriers, and potential targets for policy change and resource development. Findings will be used to inform future projects focused on building stakeholder research capacity and strengthening participatory research in the U.S. All participants will receive a $20 Amazon gift card. This new study is connected to “Building Capacity for Stakeholder Involvement and Leadership in Mental Health Services Research,” included in the August 2020 Key Update, which involved detailed interviews. Principal Investigator Dr. Nev Jones ( writes, “We are still doing interviews ($50 per interview) so feel free to contact me about that too.” The survey IRB ID# is 001319; the project including this survey was developed with the PCORI-funded PathED Collaborative, co-led by Drs. Nev Jones ( and Linda Callejas ( For more information and/or to participate, click here.

National Survey Seeks Input from Certified Peer Specialists

“Routine peer support has shown to increase individuals’ hope, sense of personal control, ability to make positive changes, and decreased psychiatric symptoms,” writes Dr. Karen Fortuna of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. “Despite these benefits, the organizational structure of peer support is not known. Dartmouth College is initiating a national survey of trained Certified Peer Specialists to help us understand the organizational structure of peer support services.” For more information and/or to participate in the 15-minute survey, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

A Service-User-Led Survey of “Experiences of the Intersections of Psychosis, Difficult Events, and Trauma” Seeks Participants with Firsthand Experience

A study developed by researchers at the University of South Florida “aims to better understand the relationships between prior experiences of trauma or adversity and experiences such as hearing voices, unusual beliefs and paranoia, as well as the ways in which these experiences themselves can contribute to trauma or distress.” The researchers, who themselves have lived experience, are seeking respondents “who self-identify as having current or prior experiences that would conventionally be labeled psychosis.” The anonymous survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete; every 10th respondent will be compensated with a $50 gift card, up to five gift cards. Questions? Contact Dr. Nev Jones at For more information and/or to participate, click here.

“Mapping the Disability Experience: Share Your Stories”

“We invite you to draw a map of your neighborhood or environment to capture how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted (or not) your use and understanding of space,” researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago write. “This can include drawings/images of your home, your neighborhood, your city or beyond. Maps can come in many forms, styles, perspectives, and mediums. We are interested in collecting these maps to capture and better understand the experiences of disability and the environment during the coronavirus pandemic.” Submissions will be accepted through June 30, 2020. For more information or to participate, click here. Questions? Contact Yochai Eisenberg, PhD, (Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Stone)

Hearing Voices Network Is Now Hosting Online Groups

“There are now ONLINE opportunities to connect, share experiences, and find mutual support,” the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) writes. “These groups are accessible via web-based platforms and by phone…Online groups are specifically for those with personal lived experience with hearing voices, seeing visions, and/or negotiating alternative realities. They are voice-hearer facilitated. With further questions and for details on how to access the group[s], please email” To read this announcement online and for more information, click here.

Have You Ever Smoked, Drunk, Vaped, or Used Other Drugs? Or Do You Now? New Zealand COVID-19 Study Is Now Open to US Residents

“We want to find out how people are coping [during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown],” writes the New Zealand-based Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking. “We are especially interested in adults aged 18 and over who, before lockdown, regularly drank alcohol, smoked or used other tobacco products, or other drugs. We also want to hear from people who have taken up smoking or drinking or other drugs during this frightening time.” The study has been approved by the US-based independent review board SolutionsIRB and is now open to US residents. “The study website includes helpful Coping in Lockdown tips, tips on Dealing with Cravings, and information on alternatives to smoking tobacco.” To participate or for more information, click here.

NYAPRS Announces 17th Annual Executive Seminar: April 20, 22, and 28

NYAPRS has announced that its 17th Annual Executive Seminar will be held virtually on April 22, 22, and 28, 2021. “During these multi-faceted challenging times, the Executive Seminar will provide topics addressing each challenge and how organizations can move forward and take charge of their future,” NYAPRS writes. “Topics will include ‘No More Conference Rooms: How to Run an Agency with Reduced Physical Offices’; ‘Organizational COVID-19 Response: Health Equity in Action’; ‘Taking Charge to Recharge Our Workforce’; ‘Engagement, Connection and Communication in a Virtual Workplace’; and many more!.” For more information and to register, click here.

Survey Seeks Respondents Who Are in Administrative/Leadership Positions in the Mental Health Field

If you are in an administrative/leadership position in the mental health arena, “the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Leadership invites you to participate in the International Survey on Administrative Psychiatry. The survey has two purposes: 1. To identify the concerns and needs of mental health professionals/psychiatrists in administrative and leadership positions. 2. To determine training needs in administrative psychiatry. We ask you to complete this brief, [15- to 20-minute] questionnaire to help us in developing recommendations for action. We also want to let you know that, if you fill out this questionnaire, you permit the committee to use your anonymous data for scientific work.” Peer providers are included. For the survey, click here. (Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

“Experiences with Hospitalization” Survey Seeks Participants

“The purpose of this survey is to help us understand people's lived experience with voluntary and involuntary treatment because of suicidal thoughts. It was created by people with lived experience…We are planning to use this information to facilitate discussions with suicidologists and the suicide prevention community about the impact of the use of these interventions, particularly within marginalized populations. We feel the voice of people with lived experience with these interventions has not had adequate opportunity to be heard, and hope that by completing this survey anonymously, people who have been most impacted can find a safe way to share their experiences. Please note that this is not a research project.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. (Courtesy of Leah Harris)

International Survey on Antipsychotic Medication Withdrawal Seeks Respondents

“Have you taken antipsychotic medication (such as Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal, Haldol, Geodon, Stelazine, and others), for any condition or diagnosis, with or without other medications? And did you ever stop taking antipsychotics, or try to stop taking them? Are you 18 years or older? If yes, you can take this survey about antipsychotic withdrawal and attempts to withdraw, including if you stopped taking them completely or if you tried to come off and still take them. The survey aims to improve mental health services by better understanding medication withdrawal. Lead researcher is Will Hall, a therapist and Ph.D. student who has himself taken antipsychotics. Service users/survivors/consumers from around the world also gave input. The study is sponsored by Maastricht University in the Netherlands; co-sponsors include the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Questions? Please contact”  For more information or to take the survey, click on

Virtual Group Advances Peer Research Capacity, Leadership, and Involvement

Nev Jones, Ph.D., and Emily Cutler, a doctoral candidate, have launched a listserv dedicated to building research capacity, leadership, and involvement among peers, survivors, and service users.  Dr. Jones, assistant professor, Department of Mental Health Law & Policy, University of South Florida, was part of the team that developed “User/Survivor Leadership & Capacity Building in Research: White Paper on Promoting Engagement Practices in Peer Evaluation/Research (PEPPER),” published by the Lived Experience Research Network. For the white paper, click here. Anyone interested in joining the virtual group can email Nev at

Do You Supervise Peer Support Workers? Then Researchers Have Some Questions for You

Researchers in the University of South Florida’s Department of Psychiatry and at Magellan Health are investigating the backgrounds, training, and experiences of individuals who currently supervise at least one peer support worker in a behavioral health setting or agency. “To the best of our knowledge, this will be the first comprehensive research study of the landscape of peer support supervision practices in the United States,” writes Dr. Nev Jones, the primary investigator of the study (Protocol Number 00040223). Participants must be at least 18 years old and work in the United States or U.S. territories. An online survey lasting approximately 10 minutes will ask about respondents’ backgrounds, training and preparation for supervision, perspectives and practices, and views on barriers and facilitators to high-quality supervision. There is no monetary compensation. Questions? Contact Dr. Nev Jones ( or the co-primary investigator, Dana Foglesong ( To access the survey, click here.

Mad In America Invites You to Submit Your Personal Story (Within Certain Guidelines)

Mad In America writes: “A ‘personal story’ is defined as your story of being in relationship to psychiatry and/or the mental health system, whatever that means to you. It might involve your opinions and analysis of what happened to you, as well. It can be about a specific event, or about your overall journey, provided it fits the length requirements (1,500 to 3,000 words) and has a narrative arc. The piece should be about your personal experiences, not psychiatry or the mental health system in general. Submissions should fall under the theme of rethinking psychiatry and the mental health system, and should be original works not previously published elsewhere. For examples of the types of stories we publish, view our personal stories archive here.” For more information and/or to submit a personal story, click here.

PsychAlive Offers a Variety of Webinars on Mental Health Topics, Many Free, Others $15

PsychAlive is a free, nonprofit resource created by the Glendon Association, whose mission is “to save lives and enhance mental health by addressing the social problems of suicide, violence, child abuse and troubled interpersonal relationships.” offers a variety of upcoming and archived webinars, many of which are free, while others are available for $15. Among the myriad topics are “From Anxiety to Action: How to Stay Sane While Fighting Climate Change,” “How to Overcome Insecurity,” “Powerful Tools to Fight Depression,” and “Understanding and Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences.” To check out the webinars, click here.

Doors to Wellbeing Offers “State Selfies: A Picture of Peer Services Reported by Peers”

Doors to Wellbeing’s “Peer Album” is a directory of nearly 600 peer-run organizations throughout the U.S. They invite updates and offer instructions for providing them and add, “If your entry has not made this first draft, we encourage you to re-submit.” For the 158-page directory, click here.

Disclaimer: The Clearinghouse does not necessarily endorse the opinions and opportunities included in the Key Update.

About The Key Update

The Key Update is the free monthly e-newsletter of the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse. Volume 17, No. 10, April 2021. For content, reproduction or publication information, please contact Susan Rogers at Follow Susan on Twitter at @SusanRogersMH





Key Update, March 2021, Volume 17, Number 9

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!


The Key Update is compiled, written, and edited by Susan Rogers, Director, National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse.


“Why is ‘electroshock’ therapy still a mainstay of psychiatry?”

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), a.k.a. shock treatment, “damages memory and cognition, and brings no lasting relief,” according to a recent article in Aeon. “So why is it still a mainstay of psychiatry?” asks John Read, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of East London. One answer: at least partly because its proponents think that brain damage—which autopsies have repeatedly shown—might be a good thing. “The idea that ECT causes brain damage was so obvious to the early proponents that they incorporated it into an explanation for how ECT worked,” Read writes. The article notes that other studies have shown that “ECT accelerates senile dementia,” and that “there’s no evidence of any benefits beyond the end of the course of treatments, and no evidence that ECT prevents suicide…Furthermore, some people kill themselves because of the damage done to them by ECT.” For the article, click here.

Deadline March 15 to Submit Proposals for First Virtual ESTSS Conference

The European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies will host its first virtual conference, on “Trauma and Mental Health During the Global Pandemic,” June 17-18, 2021 (with preconference workshops on June 16). ESTSS writes: “Our invited speakers will present their research and clinical work experiences regarding this complex topic from different perspectives (see Tracks).” Abstract submission is open until March 15th, 2021. For more information, click here.

How Homelessness Is Criminalized, Which Leads to Tragedies

On October 23, 2019, police officers in Albany, Oregon, killed James Plymell III, an unarmed homeless man. Such tragedies are not uncommon. “Plymell’s crimes involved sleeping in public parks, littering, drinking in public or being intoxicated—the kind of infractions that housing advocates and legal experts say cities and towns use to criminalize homelessness, poverty, addiction and the behavior of people with mental health issues,” High Country News noted. Paul Boden, director of the Western Regional Advocacy Project, said: “Sleeping, sitting and standing still, by massive percentages, were the top three criminal offenses people are being hit with. Sleeping, sitting and standing still—who doesn’t do that?” A 2014 report by the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (NLCHP) reported that “indicators of both homelessness and the criminalization of homelessness have increased steadily in recent years.” According to the High Country News article, “In 2019, an estimated 568,000 people in the U.S. experienced homelessness. And the issue is particularly severe on the West Coast.” However, said Donald Whitehead, executive director of the National Coalition for the Homeless, “There is not one city in the entire United States where there is enough shelter for people that are homeless.” Although James Plymell was white, Black people who are homeless are at even higher risk, according to “Police Violence, Homelessness, and Black Lives,” by For the High Country News article, click here. For the NLCHP report, click here. For the article, click here. For “State of Homelessness: 2020 Edition,” click here.

Journalist Seeks Sources for Book on Mental Health Coercion

Rob Wipond, an independent investigative journalist, writes: “I’m working on a book for U.S. publisher BenBella about people’s experiences of psychiatric coercion, detention, and involuntary treatment. One of my main goals is to show the general public how people can be subjected to this kind of intimidating power and authority in many other situations, too. For example, have you ever felt pressured to submit to psychological or psychiatric evaluations, programs, or treatments at a school, long-term care facility, or workplace? When applying for welfare or vocational training? When in conflict with a landlord or shelter staff? Or maybe you received an unexpected police Wellness Check? Or the hospital where you were detained was later found guilty of fraud? Or perhaps you experienced repercussions of a psychiatric detention when the incident was brought up later during a child custody case or when you tried to cross a border? Whatever the situation, I’d like to hear from you! Please complete my survey or contact me using the contact form on my website. "Anonymity is available on request. I’m also interested in hearing from anyone who has worked in this field or witnessed such situations, such as social workers, psychiatric nurses, police, peer support workers, and other professionals.” 

Free Webinar: “Sailing on Self-Management, the Organization of Empowerment” on March 16

On March 16, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, the National Empowerment Center (NEC) will host a free, 90-minute webinar on “Sailing on Self-Management, the Organization of Empowerment.” NEC writes: “Over the last ten years, Max Huber has studied self-managed crisis alternatives (a.k.a. peer respites or consumer run programs)…In this webinar, Max will discuss the main findings of his research and the implications for further development of self-managed alternatives, both in practice and in policy. There will be ample room for questions and discussion.” For more information and to register, click here.

Free Webinar: “Definitions and Tools to Prevent Abuse/Neglect”

On March 16 at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT), Disability Rights California will present a free webinar on “Definitions and Tools to Prevent Abuse/Neglect.” The hosts write: “Whether you live in your own home, group home, nursing home or residential facility like a board and care home you have rights that protect you from being abused, neglected or targeted for a crime. California Mental Health Law defines what is abuse, neglect and crime, who you should report the abuse/neglect to, and who is a mandated reporter.” (The webinar will be repeated in Spanish on March 25.) For details and to register, click here.

Copeland Center to Present Free “WRAP® and Talking About Tobacco” Webinar on March 18

The second webinar in the “Talking About Tobacco” series—"WRAP® and Talking About Tobacco”— will be held on March 18, 2021, 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET. “Presenters Gina Calhoun, Chacku Mathai, and Rita Cronise will provide an orientation to the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) and discuss how WRAP® can be used for exploring options for wellness, including the use of tobacco and the impacts that use might have on one’s life. The presenters will share elements of their own stories related to tobacco use, and audience members will be able to contribute their own ideas about wellness tools and action plans throughout the orientation to WRAP®.” For the flyer, which includes more information and a link to register, click here. (After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about how to join the meeting.)

New Jersey Mental Health Players Virtually Perform “Racism and Mental Health”

On March 18, April 29, and May 13, 2021, at 12:30 p.m. ET, the New Jersey Mental Health Players (NJMHPs) will present a free virtual performance on “Racism and Mental Health.” “People of color and all those whose lives have been marginalized by those in power…experience overt racism and bigotry far too often, which leads to a mental health burden that is deeper than what others may face,” the Mental Health Association in New Jersey writes. “The NJMHP program combines performance art and advocacy. Our virtual performance is 45 minutes and mimics the live show with a few new added features.” For more information and to register for one of the two dates, click here.

APA Creates App to Help People Develop a Psychiatric Advance Directive

The American Psychiatric Association recently announced the development of a mobile app to help people create a psychiatric advance directive (PAD) to guide their treatment in a mental health crisis. The APA writes: “Informational videos in the app—My Mental Health Crisis Plan—explain to users what PADs are and how they work. The app also includes state-specific requirements, such as signatures or witnesses, for completing the PAD.” For the APA press release, click here. For the National Resource Center on Psychiatric Advance Directives, click here. For the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion’s guide to creating a psychiatric advance directive, comprising two documents, click here and click here.

Free NYAPRS Webinar: Connection Between Race and Solitary Confinement in NYS Prisons

On March 19, 2021, at 12 p.m. ET, NYAPRS will present a free 90-minute webinar on “The Connection Between Race and Solitary Confinement in New York State Prisons.” The presenters will give powerful personal testimony of experiences in the Box & why NYAPRS has joined them to fight to pass the Humane Alternatives to Long-Term (HALT) Solitary Confinement Act. To register, click here.

Free Webinar: “Trauma and Adversity in Mental Health Services”

On March 19 at 1:30 p.m. ET, Noel Hunter, the author of “Trauma and Madness in Mental Health Services,” will present a free, 90-minute webinar on “Trauma and Adversity in Mental Health Services: What it means to be trauma-informed in the age of medicalized managed care.” Hunter writes: “This presentation will explore what is meant when referring to ‘trauma,’ and ways in which various biases and conflicts may hinder implementation of a truly trauma-informed approach in clinical settings. An overview of the research as it pertains to rates of adversity in people diagnosed with mental illness; findings within the neurological and psychological research on the cognitive and neurocognitive effects of trauma, and the ways in which mental health professionals can practice more trauma-informed care will be provided.” For more information and to register, click here.

New Research Evaluates Feasibility and Effectiveness of Emotional CPR

A research study evaluating the feasibility and effectiveness of the National Empowerment Center’s peer-led training program, Emotional CPR (eCPR), has been published in the Journal of Participatory Medicine. The researchers write: “Findings indicate that it is feasible for people with a lived experience of a mental health condition to develop a program and train people to deliver eCPR with fidelity…Promising evidence indicates that eCPR, a peer-developed and peer-delivered program, may increase feelings of belonging while increasing supportive behaviors toward individuals with mental health problems and improving clinical outcomes related to positive and negative affect and feelings of loneliness.” For more information on eCPR, visit For the full article, click here.

“Gender Inclusive Peer Support Workshop” on March 23

On March 23 at 1 p.m. ET, Peer Support Space will present a 90-minute “Gender Inclusive Peer Support Workshop.” The goals of the workshop are “to learn skills and information to help create safer, affirming spaces for our trans, nonbinary, genderqueer, and nonconforming community members. We are asking peer support providers to prioritize this important education because it can be life saving for our LGBTQ+ community. Mental health space holders and other professionals are welcome too. To make the workshop accessible, we are providing it on a donation basis (of any amount). Fifty percent of the donations will go to the facilitator and 50 percent will go to Peer Support Space's resources supporting gender diverse communities.” Registrants will receive the zoom link. To register, click here. Questions or accessibility needs? Contact (Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

“Empathetic Phone Call Program Reduces Loneliness, Depression & Anxiety In Older Adults: Study”

“A four-week, telephone-based, empathy-focused program delivered during the summer of 2020 reduced loneliness, depression, and anxiety in homebound, largely single, adults who require meals from a community-based provider,” according to a new study published in JAMA Psychiatry and reported by Forbes. Some 63 percent of the participants were 65 years old; nearly four out of five were women. More than half lived alone. “ ‘Empathy was functionally defined as prioritizing listening and eliciting conversation from the participant on topics of their choice,’ the researchers wrote.” It was unclear if the benefits would continue after four weeks. For the Forbes article, click here.

Free Webinar: “Workforce Development of Youth Peer Counselors”

On March 30, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, Doors to Wellbeing will host a free webinar on “Workforce Development of Youth Peer Counselors.” “Join SPARK (Students Providing and Receiving Knowledge) for a webinar on how Washington State is encouraging youths (17- to 26-year-olds) to explore careers as Certified Peer Counselors. This program, started at New Horizons Alternative High School in Pasco, Washington, has partnered with Washington Health Care Authority to help build workforce development of youth peer counselors and provide access to the 40-hour Certified Peer Counselor (CPC) training after graduation.” For more information and to register, click here.

Peer Ink Magazine Seeks Submissions on Mental Health Awareness Month Theme

HUG ME Ink, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to advocate and educate on mental health awareness through the arts, is seeking original poems, stories, articles or artwork for upcoming issues of its quarterly peer-to-peer publication, Peer Ink. The theme of the May issue will be Mental Health Awareness Month; the submission deadline is March 31, 2021. To submit articles, stories, and poems, “send a Word document on any topic you feel would benefit peers…Send artwork (e.g., photography, drawings, etc.) as a JPEG or PNG file. Please include your name, age, city and state, and a short bio (photo optional) and send to” To read the December 2020 issue and for advertising rates, click here.

NYAPRS Announces 17th Annual Executive Seminar: April 20, 22, and 28

NYAPRS has announced that its 17th Annual Executive Seminar will be held virtually on April 22, 22, and 28, 2021. “During these multi-faceted challenging times, the Executive Seminar will provide topics addressing each challenge and how organizations can move forward and take charge of their future,” NYAPRS writes. “Topics will include ‘No More Conference Rooms: How to Run an Agency with Reduced Physical Offices’; ‘Organizational COVID-19 Response: Health Equity in Action’; ‘Taking Charge to Recharge Our Workforce’; ‘Engagement, Connection and Communication in a Virtual Workplace’; and many more!” For more information and to register, click here.

Netflix and Zoom Move Toward Inclusion of People with Disabilities

Netflix will invest $100 million over the next five years “in organizations that help bring underrepresented communities into the television and film industries and in programs to train and hire new talent at the company,” Disability Scoop reports. This commitment follows a study, by a researcher at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, which found that characters with disabilities accounted for just 5.3% of leads and 4.7% of the main cast in films and series on Netflix.” “When all speaking characters were factored, only 2.1% had disabilities. This is far short of reflecting the 27.2% of the population who have disabilities, the report noted.” For the Netflix article, click here. At the same time, Zoom has announced that, by autumn of 2021, it will add automatic closed captioning to its free accounts. For the Zoom article, click here.

“New Instrument Developed to Assess Workplace Depression”

The new Occupational Depression Inventory (ODI) is a nine-item questionnaire assessing work-related depression, Psychiatric News reports. “The ODI assesses the nine DSM-5 criteria for major depression, including cognitive impairment, psychomotor alterations, and suicidal ideation. Consistent with DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for major depression, ODI respondents are asked to report on symptoms experienced over the past two weeks, but symptoms are specifically framed with such phrases as ‘because of my job’ or ‘at work,’ ” the article notes. The 2,200 people in the test sample—in France, New Zealand, and the U.S.—were primarily schoolteachers. “This may limit the generalizability, but teachers are a good reference since their work experiences fall on a broad spectrum from literally hostile to exceptionally life fulfilling,” one of the ODI developers said. For the article, click here.

“30 Wholesome Comics About Mental Health And Everyday Life By ‘Haley Drew This’ ”

Haley Weaver’s “comics surrounding issues like mental health, relationships, and selfhood encompass so many aspects of the human experience, you could just say they are about life,” according to “Yes, that might sound a little abstract, but Haley's work is multi-dimensional and can't be described with one adjective. So a broad noun will have to do.” For the comics, click here.

“Human Rights Protections for Children in the U.S. Justice System—2020 National State Ratings Report”

Human Rights for Kids, a bipartisan advocacy organization founded in 2017, has created “the first ever national review and rating of how well or how poorly states are doing at protecting the human rights of children in the justice system.” They write: “Our findings reveal that the overwhelming majority of the nation—42 states—have made minimal to no efforts to create a legal framework to protect the human rights of children in the justice system. The worst offenders include Alabama, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Wyoming.” The best states at protecting the human rights of kids are California, North Dakota, and Arkansas, according to the report. To read the article, which includes a link to the report, click here. (Note: Scroll down for the monthly digest about the criminal justice system, in which many individuals with mental health conditions are incarcerated.)

The March 2021 Digest of Articles Offering Healthy Lifestyle Advice, Including Ways to Cope During the Pandemic

For “The Pandemic Brought Depression and Anxiety. Reaching Out Helped: Connecting with others on social media has helped ease the fear and loneliness of pandemic living,” click here. For “Imlonely: How a YouTube music channel became a mental health hub,” click here. For “A Counterintuitive Way to Cheer Up When You’re Down: When you most need to get happier, try giving happiness away,” click here. For “Mediterranean Diet Could Keep Aging Brains Sharp,” click here. (The following three articles are courtesy of Doug Briscoe of For “10 Ways to Deal with Feelings of Isolation as a Home-based Employee,” click here. For “From Fired to Hired: How to Deal with Sudden Job Loss,” click here. For “5 breathing exercises for anxiety: try these breathing techniques to calm your mind. These breathing exercises help relieve anxiety by bringing awareness and control to your breath,” click here.

The March 2021 Digest of Articles about the Criminal Justice System, in Which Many Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Are Incarcerated (and the Key Update continues after this Digest)

For “The Problems With Public Defense Are Big, But They’re Fixable: A growing number of public defenders are refusing to submit to a brutal and soul-crushing system,” click here. For “In the first six months of health care professionals replacing police officers, no one they encountered was arrested. DPD Chief Pazen, who is fond of the STAR program, says it frees up officers to do their jobs: fight crime, click here. For “A State-by-State Look at Coronavirus in Prisons: The Marshall Project is collecting data on COVID-19 infections in state and federal prisons. See how the virus has affected correctional facilities where you live,” click here. For “U.S Marshals Act Like Local Police with More Violence and Less Accountability: The federal agency’s teams have killed an average of 22 suspects and bystanders a year,” click here. For “Mental health crisis feared in Colorado jails and prisons due to COVID-19 lockdowns: Coronavirus outbreaks at correctional and detention facilities account for 1 in every 24 cases in the state,” click here. For “Colorado jail deputies failed to check on inmate after he made suicidal comments. They didn’t find his body for 8 hours. The mother of 27-year-old Jackson Maes is suing the Saguache County Sheriff’s Office,” click here. For “To truly reform criminal justice, women need more access to diversion programs | Opinion,” click here. For “As California preps to ‘transform’ its youth prisons, can counties take up the slack?” click here. For “Policing by the Numbers,” click here. For “What 120 Executions Tell Us About Criminal Justice in America: The Marshall Project tracked every execution in America for more than five years. For condemned people, the path to death grew longer, more winding and erratic,” click here. For “The Carceral Force of Prosecutor Associations, Explained,” click here. For “Victoria Law’s ‘Prisons Make Us Safer’ Looks At Resistance Behind Bars: This new book dismantles myths about mass incarceration,” click here. For “The Government Has Not Explained How These 13 People Were Selected to Die: The federal death penalty cannot be fixed. It’s time to end it,” click here. For “Man with mental illness disappeared hours after release from Cuyahoga County Jail, family accuses jail of switching meds,” click here. For “Civil Forfeiture Does Not Seem To Reduce Drug Use or Help Fight Crime: A new study provides further evidence that property seizures are driven by financial motives rather than public safety concerns,” click here. For “Reforming Juvenile System For Girls Requires Stories, Three Experts Say,” click here. For “Death Penalty Information Center Adds 11 People to Innocence List: New Analysis of Death Row Exonerations Shows that Official Misconduct Was More Likely in Cases with Innocent Black and Latinx Defendants,” click here. For “Should Public Defenders Be Tweeting? Once in the shadows, public defenders have found their voice on Twitter. But criminal justice reform advocates and formerly incarcerated people question whether they’re the ones to tell these stories,” click here. For “What Biden’s Win Means for the Future of Criminal Justice: Joe Biden ran on the most progressive criminal justice platform of any major party candidate in generations. So what can he actually do?” click here. For “Rigging the jury: How each state reduces jury diversity by excluding people with criminal records,” click here. For “Opinion: Study finds cognitive bias in how medical examiners evaluate child deaths,” click here. For “No charges against officers involved in Daniel Prude’s death,” click here. For “Navy veteran in mental health crisis died after police knelt on his neck for nearly five minutes, his family says,” click here. For “Lawyers who were ineligible to handle serious criminal charges were given thousands of these cases anyway: In the only state with no public defenders, people charged with murder and other serious crimes can get assigned attorneys who are legally ineligible to take on their cases. The state claims it was unaware,” click here. For “The nation’s oldest juvenile lifer, Joe Ligon, left a Pa. prison after 68 years. He won release through a legal maneuver that has given hope to hundreds of other juvenile lifers all serving lifetime parole,” click here. For “Prosecutors Must Add Sentencing Review Units to Their Offices,” click here. For “People’s Paper Co-op is Freeing Incarcerated Women, Helping Them Re-enter Society,” click here. For “In Pursuit Of Healing: Restorative Justice Program In Barron County Fosters Forgiveness,” click here. For “We Asked People Behind Bars How They Feel About Getting Vaccinated: A Marshall Project survey of the incarcerated showed widespread interest in the coronavirus vaccine as well as pervasive distrust of the prison medical system,” click here. For “The ‘Hidden Punishment’ of Prison Food: In Maine, inmates are growing vegetables and making meals from scratch to replace the deadly diets they have long been served,” click here.


Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Covid-19 Vaccinations But Were Afraid to Ask; and See How the U.S. Is Doing Compared to the Rest of the World  

On January 27, 2021, The New York Times published “Answers to All Your Questions about Getting Vaccinated for Covid-19.” Among the important facts: “You shouldn’t try to stave off discomfort [by taking painkillers] before getting the [Covid-19] shot”; side effects after the second shot are worse than after the first shot; there is no risk of developing Covid-19 from the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines; and “Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reach about 50 percent efficacy 10 to 14 days after the first shot. You’ll get peak protection…about a week after you get the second dose.” To read the interactive article, click here. One rare side effect the Times doesn’t mention is a “Covid arm” rash several days after the Moderna vaccine. For a USA Today story about it, click here. Comparatively, the US is doing well on vaccinations, as of this writing ranking fourth in the world, behind only Israel and the U.K. To track the vaccinations in the U.S., by state, and worldwide, click here.

CNN Offers “A Guide to Helping and Getting Help During the Coronavirus Crisis”

CNN writes: “The coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming, and one of the most excruciating parts for many people is the feeling of utter helplessness in the face of widespread suffering and hardship. CNN’s Impact Your World has compiled a list of donation opportunities and tips to help those affected by the crisis. Click on a category or scroll down to browse a list of organizations, resources and ideas. Need help? Most categories also include resources for financial, emotional or social support.” For the free guide, click here.

U Penn Researcher Invites Participants for a Study of Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

“The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of former patients’ experiences with inpatient psychiatric care…as well as how these experiences may impact outcomes,” writes Principal Investigator Morgan Shields, Ph.D., of the University of Pennsylvania. “Findings from this study will provide important data for developing future research on this topic. Moreover, the hope is that results from this study will inform programs and policies to improve the quality of care in these settings…The survey is open to anyone who has had a psychiatric hospitalization within the past five years, is 18+ in age, and is in the U.S.” Participants who complete a 20-minute questionnaire can enter a lottery for one of 10 $20 gift cards. For details and questions and/or to participate, click here

Disability Rights California Invites You to Its Past, Present, and Future (Free) Webinars

Disability Rights California (DRC) writes: “You are cordially invited to join us in our virtual disability rights trainings. Our webinars are twice a week, on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT) in English and Thursdays at 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT) in Spanish. Our free trainings provide information and resources on different topics related to mental health, self-advocacy, our legal rights (based on California law) and access to services that are informative and empowering. We welcome all peers (people with lived experience), service providers, family members and people in the community.” To view the webinars, click here.

Applications Open for 2021-22 Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism; and Schneider Disability Reporting Competition Announces Winners

Applications for journalists who are U.S. citizens and residents are now being accepted for the Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism. “The yearlong, non-residential fellowships aim to equip journalists with resources to produce compelling and balanced reporting on mental health and substance use, and to develop a diverse cohort of journalists who can effectively report on the topics across evolving and emerging platforms,” according to the announcement. The application deadline is April 7, 2021. Said former U.S. First Lady Rosalynn Carter, “[People with lived experience of a mental health condition] are valuable members of society, and their stories deserve to be told.” For more information and to apply, click here. In a related story, “ProPublica Illinois, the Chicago Tribune, and the Argus Leader win top prizes in the 2020 Schneider Disability Reporting Competition.” For details and links to the winning stories, click here.

Study of “Experiences in Accessing Mental Health Treatment” Seeks Parent/Guardian Participants  

Two outpatient therapists at Children’s Friend Inc. have launched an anonymous survey of the experiences of families accessing mental health treatment for their children. “The purpose of this research is to explore the experiences in, and barriers to, accessing mental health services for parents who are caring for children with mental health conditions, medical conditions, and/or rare disease. We intend to compare three groups: caregivers of children with one or more mental health conditions, caregivers of children with mental health conditions and common medical conditions, and caregivers of children with mental health conditions and rare disease.” To be eligible, “you are a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 18, with a mental health condition, a medical condition, and/or a rare disease, and the child lives in your home.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. Questions? Email Kim Hager, LICSW:  

Here's Your Chance to Help Transform Mental Health Services Research in the U.S.!

If you’ve ever served on an advisory board for a research or evaluation project, provided even limited consultation, or partnered as a peer-run organization in such research, you’re eligible to participate in a national survey aimed at better understanding researchers’ and stakeholders’ experiences of participatory research! The anonymous, 10-20 minute survey includes both closed- and open-ended questions about your experiences with such research, perspectives on barriers, and potential targets for policy change and resource development. Findings will be used to inform future projects focused on building stakeholder research capacity and strengthening participatory research in the U.S. All participants will receive a $20 Amazon gift card. This new study is connected to “Building Capacity for Stakeholder Involvement and Leadership in Mental Health Services Research,” included in the August 2020 Key Update, which involved detailed interviews. Principal Investigator Dr. Nev Jones ( writes, “We are still doing interviews ($50 per interview) so feel free to contact me about that too.” The survey IRB ID# is 001319; the project including this survey was developed with the PCORI-funded PathED Collaborative, co-led by Drs. Nev Jones ( and Linda Callejas ( For more information and/or to participate, click here.

National Survey Seeks Input from Certified Peer Specialists

“Routine peer support has shown to increase individuals’ hope, sense of personal control, ability to make positive changes, and decreased psychiatric symptoms,” writes Dr. Karen Fortuna of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. “Despite these benefits, the organizational structure of peer support is not known. Dartmouth College is initiating a national survey of trained Certified Peer Specialists to help us understand the organizational structure of peer support services.” For more information and/or to participate in the 15-minute survey, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

A Service-User-Led Survey of “Experiences of the Intersections of Psychosis, Difficult Events, and Trauma” Seeks Participants with Firsthand Experience

A study developed by researchers at the University of South Florida “aims to better understand the relationships between prior experiences of trauma or adversity and experiences such as hearing voices, unusual beliefs and paranoia, as well as the ways in which these experiences themselves can contribute to trauma or distress.” The researchers, who themselves have lived experience, are seeking respondents “who self-identify as having current or prior experiences that would conventionally be labeled psychosis.” The anonymous survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete; every 10th respondent will be compensated with a $50 gift card, up to five gift cards. Questions? Contact Dr. Nev Jones at For more information and/or to participate, click here.

“Mapping the Disability Experience: Share Your Stories”

“We invite you to draw a map of your neighborhood or environment to capture how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted (or not) your use and understanding of space,” researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago write. “This can include drawings/images of your home, your neighborhood, your city or beyond. Maps can come in many forms, styles, perspectives, and mediums. We are interested in collecting these maps to capture and better understand the experiences of disability and the environment during the coronavirus pandemic.” Submissions will be accepted through June 30, 2020. For more information or to participate, click here. Questions? Contact Yochai Eisenberg, PhD, (Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Stone)

Hearing Voices Network Is Now Hosting Online Groups

“There are now ONLINE opportunities to connect, share experiences, and find mutual support,” the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) writes. “These groups are accessible via web-based platforms and by phone…Online groups are specifically for those with personal lived experience with hearing voices, seeing visions, and/or negotiating alternative realities. They are voice-hearer facilitated. With further questions and for details on how to access the group[s], please email” To read this announcement online and for more information, click here.

Survey Seeks Respondents Who Are in Administrative/Leadership Positions in the Mental Health Field

If you are in an administrative/leadership position in the mental health arena, “the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Leadership invites you to participate in the International Survey on Administrative Psychiatry. The survey has two purposes: 1. To identify the concerns and needs of mental health professionals/psychiatrists in administrative and leadership positions. 2. To determine training needs in administrative psychiatry. We ask you to complete this brief, [15- to 20-minute] questionnaire to help us in developing recommendations for action. We also want to let you know that, if you fill out this questionnaire, you permit the committee to use your anonymous data for scientific work.” Peer providers are included. For the survey, click here. (Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

“Experiences with Hospitalization” Survey Seeks Participants

“The purpose of this survey is to help us understand people's lived experience with voluntary and involuntary treatment because of suicidal thoughts. It was created by people with lived experience…We are planning to use this information to facilitate discussions with suicidologists and the suicide prevention community about the impact of the use of these interventions, particularly within marginalized populations. We feel the voice of people with lived experience with these interventions has not had adequate opportunity to be heard, and hope that by completing this survey anonymously, people who have been most impacted can find a safe way to share their experiences. Please note that this is not a research project.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. (Courtesy of Leah Harris)

International Survey on Antipsychotic Medication Withdrawal Seeks Respondents

“Have you taken antipsychotic medication (such as Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal, Haldol, Geodon, Stelazine, and others), for any condition or diagnosis, with or without other medications? And did you ever stop taking antipsychotics, or try to stop taking them? Are you 18 years or older? If yes, you can take this survey about antipsychotic withdrawal and attempts to withdraw, including if you stopped taking them completely or if you tried to come off and still take them. The survey aims to improve mental health services by better understanding medication withdrawal. Lead researcher is Will Hall, a therapist and Ph.D. student who has himself taken antipsychotics. Service users/survivors/consumers from around the world also gave input. The study is sponsored by Maastricht University in the Netherlands; co-sponsors include the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Questions? Please contact”  For more information or to take the survey, click on

Virtual Group Is Launched to Advance Peer Research Capacity, Leadership, and Involvement

Nev Jones, Ph.D., and Emily Cutler, a doctoral candidate, have launched a listserv dedicated to building research capacity, leadership, and involvement among peers, survivors, and service users.  Dr. Jones, assistant professor, Department of Mental Health Law & Policy, University of South Florida, was part of the team that developed “User/Survivor Leadership & Capacity Building in Research: White Paper on Promoting Engagement Practices in Peer Evaluation/Research (PEPPER),” published by the Lived Experience Research Network. For the white paper, click here. Anyone interested in joining the virtual group can email Nev at

Do You Supervise Peer Support Workers? Then Researchers Have Some Questions for You

Researchers in the University of South Florida’s Department of Psychiatry and at Magellan Health are investigating the backgrounds, training, and experiences of individuals who currently supervise at least one peer support worker in a behavioral health setting or agency. “To the best of our knowledge, this will be the first comprehensive research study of the landscape of peer support supervision practices in the United States,” writes Dr. Nev Jones, the primary investigator of the study (Protocol Number 00040223). Participants must be at least 18 years old and work in the United States or U.S. territories. An online survey lasting approximately 10 minutes will ask about respondents’ backgrounds, training and preparation for supervision, perspectives and practices, and views on barriers and facilitators to high-quality supervision. There is no monetary compensation. Questions? Contact Dr. Nev Jones ( or the co-primary investigator, Dana Foglesong ( To access the survey, click here.

Mad In America Invites You to Submit Your Personal Story (Within Certain Guidelines)

Mad In America writes: “A ‘personal story’ is defined as your story of being in relationship to psychiatry and/or the mental health system, whatever that means to you. It might involve your opinions and analysis of what happened to you, as well. It can be about a specific event, or about your overall journey, provided it fits the length requirements (1,500 to 3,000 words) and has a narrative arc. The piece should be about your personal experiences, not psychiatry or the mental health system in general. Submissions should fall under the theme of rethinking psychiatry and the mental health system, and should be original works not previously published elsewhere. For examples of the types of stories we publish, view our personal stories archive here.” For more information and/or to submit a personal story, click here.

PsychAlive Offers a Variety of Webinars on Mental Health Topics, Many Free, Others $15

PsychAlive is a free, nonprofit resource created by the Glendon Association, whose mission is “to save lives and enhance mental health by addressing the social problems of suicide, violence, child abuse and troubled interpersonal relationships.” offers a variety of upcoming and archived webinars, many of which are free, while others are available for $15. Among the myriad topics are “From Anxiety to Action: How to Stay Sane While Fighting Climate Change,” “How to Overcome Insecurity,” “Powerful Tools to Fight Depression,” and “Understanding and Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences.” To check out the webinars, click here.

Doors to Wellbeing Offers “State Selfies: A Picture of Peer Services Reported by Peers”

Doors to Wellbeing’s “Peer Album” is a directory of nearly 600 peer-run organizations throughout the U.S. They invite updates and offer instructions for providing them and add, “If your entry has not made this first draft, we encourage you to re-submit.” For the 158-page directory, click here.

Disclaimer: The Clearinghouse does not necessarily endorse the opinions and opportunities included in the Key Update.

About The Key Update

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is now affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!

The Key Update is the free monthly e-newsletter of the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse. Volume 17, No. 9, March 2021. For content, reproduction or publication information, please contact Susan Rogers at Follow Susan on Twitter at @SusanRogersMH





Key Update, February 2021, Volume 17, Number 8

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!


 The Key Update is compiled, written, and edited by Susan Rogers, Director, National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse.


APA Apologizes to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) for the Harm It Has Caused—and Continues to Cause—Them.

On January 18, 2021, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) admitted that, “[s]ince the APA’s inception, practitioners have at times subjected persons of African descent and Indigenous people who suffered from mental illness to abusive treatment, experimentation, victimization in the name of ‘scientific evidence,’ along with racialized theories that attempted to confirm their deficit status. Similar race-based discrepancies in care also exist in medical practice today as evidenced by the variations in schizophrenia diagnosis between white and BIPOC patients, for instance. These appalling past actions, as well as their harmful effects, are ingrained in the structure of psychiatric practice and continue to harm BIPOC…” The APA wrote that it is “committed to identifying, understanding, and rectifying our past injustices, as well as developing anti-racist policies that promote equity in mental health for all.” To read the APA press release, click here. (Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

Disability Rights Advocates Make Recommendations to HHS Secretary-Designate Becerra

“Several weeks ago, a coalition of primarily national advocacy groups for Americans with disabilities met with Xavier Bercerra, President Biden’s nominee to serve as the nation’s next Secretary of Health and Human Services,” NYAPRS writes. “We all emphasized the need to take all efforts to  protect the lives of people in institutional and congregate settings and to transition people out of these settings, as well as to bolster, not undermine, the Affordable Care Act. NYAPRS joined with the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law in urging Secretary-Designate Bercerra to reverse policies of the past Administration...At the same time, we urged him to step up hospital, prison and jail diversion and re-entry initiatives, including expanding the use of mental health rather than police first responders, to resume previous policies to advance strong enforcement of Olmstead ‘most integrated setting’ requirements, and to address widespread racism in mental health and criminal justice systems across the nation.” For details of their demands, click here. And for “COVID‐19 makes clear why deinstitutionalization is essential,” by NYAPRS executive director Harvey Rosenthal, published in Mental Health Weekly, click here.

TU Collaborative to Host a Virtual Story Slam on February 11, 2021, at 4 p.m. ET

The Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion invites you to its “virtual StorySlam, on February 11, 2021, at 4 p.m. ET! Our topic this time around is ‘Love is Love.’ There are so many different kinds of love to celebrate! Whether you have a story about a dear friend, a romantic partner, a family member, or even a pet, we would love for you to join us! Stories should be true to your life and experiences! We ask that stories do not exceed 5 minutes in length.” Questions? To register, click here.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Covid-19 Vaccinations But Were Afraid to Ask; and See How the U.S. Is Doing Compared to the Rest of the World  

On January 27, 2021, The New York Times published “Answers to All Your Questions about Getting Vaccinated for Covid-19.” Among the important facts: “You shouldn’t try to stave off discomfort [by taking painkillers] before getting the [Covid-19] shot”; side effects after the second shot are worse than after the first shot; there is no risk of developing Covid-19 from the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines; and “Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reach about 50 percent efficacy 10 to 14 days after the first shot. You’ll get peak protection…about a week after you get the second dose.” To read the interactive article, click here. Please note that some sources advise not even taking painkillers—with the possible exception of Tylenol—after receiving the vaccination because they might interfere with your immune response (click here). One rare side effect the Times doesn’t mention is a “Covid arm” rash several days after the Moderna vaccine. For a USA Today story about it, click here. Comparatively, the U.S. is doing well on vaccinations, as of this writing ranking fifth in the world in regard to daily doses administered per 100 people. To track the vaccinations in the U.S., by state, and worldwide, click here.

Rand Corp. Recommends Ways to Transform Mental Health Care in the U.S.

The Rand Corporation recently published an eight-page research brief on “Transforming Mental Health Care in the United States.” Rand writes: “The U.S. mental health system has reached a moment when a historic transformation to address persistent problems appears realistic. These problems include high levels of unmet need for care, underdevelopment of community-based supports that can help avoid unnecessary emergency care or police engagement, and disparities in access and quality of services.” The paper offers “Goals for a Mental Health System Centered on the Patient Journey” followed by “15 strategies for transforming mental health care in the United States into a patient-centered system.” To read the research brief, click here.

U Penn Researcher Invites Participants for a Study of Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

“The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of former patients’ experiences with inpatient psychiatric care…as well as how these experiences may impact outcomes,” writes Principal Investigator Morgan Shields, Ph.D., of the University of Pennsylvania. “Findings from this study will provide important data for developing future research on this topic. Moreover, the hope is that results from this study will inform programs and policies to improve the quality of care in these settings…The survey is open to anyone who has had a psychiatric hospitalization within the past five years, is 18+ in age, and is in the U.S.” Participants who complete a 20-minute questionnaire can enter a lottery for one of 10 $20 gift cards. For details and questions and/or to participate, click here

Disability Rights California Invites You to Its Past, Present, and Future (Free) Webinars

Disability Rights California (DRC) writes: “You are cordially invited to join us in our virtual disability rights trainings. Our webinars are twice a week, on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT) in English and Thursdays at 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT) in Spanish. Our free trainings provide information and resources on different topics related to mental health, self-advocacy, our legal rights (based on California law) and access to services that are informative and empowering. We welcome all peers (people with lived experience), service providers, family members and people in the community.” To view the webinars, click here.

Regional Peer Worker Support Circle to Meet Every Other Week

The Regional Peer Worker Support Circle (RPWSC) is “a safe and welcoming virtual forum for mutual support, story sharing, discussion, and networking that unites peers from different professional and personal backgrounds.” Meetings will focus on a variety of topics, such as compassion fatigue, role clarity, systemic racism, self-care, and doing peer work amidst the pandemic. Although priority will be given to peer workers in the Northeast and Caribbean region (i.e., New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands), it is not limited to individuals within the region. The first hour-long session, on Zoom, will begin on Friday, February 12, 2021, at 4 p.m. ET, and continue every other Friday at 4 p.m. ET through the end of August 2021: February 12 & 26, March 12 & 26, April 9 & 23, May 7 & 21, June 4 & 18, July 2, 16 & 30, August 6 & 20. For details and to sign up, click here. Registrants will receive a Zoom meeting link as the date approaches. (Courtesy of Jacek Haciak)

Free Webinar: “Talking about Tobacco” on February 18, 2021

On February 18, 2021, from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET, you are invited to participate in “a new conversation about tobacco use and peer support.” The organizers write, “The webinar will include personal stories by the presenters related to their own tobacco use, common misconceptions about tobacco and nicotine, the continuum of use (quitting is not a realistic goal for everyone and reduction in use can be beneficial for almost anyone), effective methods for regaining control over tobacco use, and the ways in which peer support can offer a non-judgmental space for talking about and exploring changes related to tobacco use. We also describe how people with mental health conditions, people of color, and people in other marginalized communities have been targeted by the billions of dollars the tobacco industry spends on advertising each year and ways in which these groups have routinely been subjected to oppressive and coercive treatment related to tobacco use.” For the flyer, including a link to register, click here.

(Free!) Double Feature: Healing Voices & Medicating Normal Followed by Discussion

On February 20 at 1 p.m. ET, “Join the creators of Healing Voices for a virtual community screening of Medicating Normal, a 76-minute documentary film exploring our current mental health care system's reliance on psychiatric drugs to deal with trauma, grief, and distress. There will be an interactive community discussion immediately after the film focused on using film and community organizing as a means of activism, especially in the wake of a global pandemic…In addition to this live event, you will be sent a FREE link to the film Healing Voices to watch BEFORE attending the screening of Medicating Normal.” For more information and free tickets, click here. And for “Will antidepressant medications ever require informed consent? That question is at the heart of the new documentary Medicating Normal,” click here.

Free Webinar: “Healing from Past and Current Trauma,” February 22

On February 22, 2021, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET, SRQ Strong will present a free webinar on “Healing from Past and Current Trauma.” “Unemployment, poverty, lack of access to basic health services, years of neglect, and racism—all have a negative impact on health and well-being. Our communities are suffering from cumulative trauma, compounded by the pandemic. Dr. Lisa Merritt from the Multicultural Health Institute, SRQ Strong’s Helen Neal-Ali, and Charlene Johnson of Newtown and Erianna Sanders of Bradenton will discuss the current crisis in the community and share strategies for empowering residents to heal from past and current traumas.” For more information and to register, click here. (Courtesy of Deb Trueheart)

Vibrant Emotional Health Seeks Peer Supporters to Work Part-time (Remotely) for Pilot Program

Vibrant Emotional Health—formerly the Mental Health Association of New York City—is seeking peer supporters with a health care background for the national Disaster Distress Helpline’s new Healthcare Peer Support Communities pilot program. (Peer supporters whose background is only in mental health are not eligible.) Peer supporters will work within a Facebook group dedicated to health care workers impacted by Covid-19. “The peer supporter will engage peers in meaningful discussion on relevant topics and provide timely and trusted resources. Peer supporters will receive free trainings in evidence-informed models of peer support and disaster emotional care, in order to utilize foundational principles and best practices. Peer supporters will also work closely with a designated DDH crisis center to connect peers to a trained crisis counselor when a member is, or appears to be, in emotional distress”—e.g., experiencing suicidal thoughts—“for follow-up care and support.” The position involves 28 (flexible) hours per month at $18/hour. For more about the position, click here and then scroll down to Disaster Distress Helpline and click on “Healthcare Peer Supporters (Per-Diem).”

“It Wasn’t the First Time the NYPD Killed Someone in Crisis. For Kawaski Trawick, It Only Took 112 Seconds.” And, in Louisiana, a Sheriff’s Deputy Dies By Suicide After Calling Out Police Brutality and Demanding a Revolution in Law Enforcement

ProPublica recently reported on the tragic death of Kawaski Trawick, a 32-year-old Black man who was “a personal trainer and aspiring dancer who had struggled with addiction and other mental health issues.” “[S]ince the NYPD started its current de-escalation training five years ago, at least 16 people who were experiencing a mental health crisis, including Trawick, have been killed by the police...Fourteen have been people of color,” reported ProPublica. “Trawick was alone in his apartment when an officer pushed open the door. He was holding a bread knife and a stick. ‘Why are you in my home?’ he asked. He never got an answer.” For the article, click here. For “ ‘Constant breaking of your heart’: How Utah police respond to mental health crises,” click here. For “Family called police to help a mentally ill teen—cops shot him to death after he surrenders,” click here. And for “In videos posted before his death, Lafayette sheriff's deputy called for police reform,” click here. (For more about the criminal justice system, scroll down for the monthly criminal justice digest.)

“State of Mental Health” Survey “Takes the Pulse of Millennials & Gen Zers”

Project Healthy Minds released its “State of Mental Health Survey: Taking the Pulse of Millennials and Gen Zers in America,” a national survey of more than a thousand 18- to 34-year-olds. Nearly all (96 percent) of the respondents report experiencing anxiety, with almost half (48 percent) saying they are anxious frequently or all the time. Forty percent cited work/financial security as the primary sources of anxiety. Two out of three consider mental health when evaluating jobs and employers, but the majority of young adults have never seen a therapist, with 32 percent saying it’s too expensive, and 21 percent concerned about prejudice and discrimination or afraid to talk to someone. Project Healthy Minds—whose advisers include former deputy attorney general Sally Yates, distinguished mental health researcher Dr. Bernice Pescosolido, and Dr. Thomas Insel, former director of the National Institute of Mental Health—notes that the Covid-19 pandemic “continues to raise fears about the future.” For more about the survey, click here. And for “Will the Pandemic Result in More Suicides? It’s too soon to know. But some recent data, especially from specific groups, is cause for worry,” click here.

Doors to Wellbeing to Host Free Webinar on “Gender Inclusive Facilitation Skills for Peer Specialists”

On February 23, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, Doors to Wellbeing will present a free webinar on “Gender Inclusive Facilitation Skills for Peer Specialists.” “Creating a safe learning environment for support groups and educational workshops is an important job for peer specialists,” Doors to Wellbeing writes. Learning objectives include “to identify at least three ways to navigate the use of gender-neutral pronouns, to design inclusive personal and group introductions, and to list at least three tools to prepare for greater gender diversity with attendees and create a toolbox of gender-neutral language.” To register, click here.

Free Webinar on “Growing Through: Peer Support for Life’s Most Difficult Moments,” March 2

On March 2, 2021, at 1 p.m. ET, you are invited to participate in a 90-minute webinar on peer-based crisis support. The organizers write: “How can peer supporters bring their best and integrate their values at times of crisis and intensity? Join us for a conversation on ‘Peer Support for Life’s Most Difficult Moments’ and the Growing Through advanced peer specialist training program. Growing Through is a strengths-based approach to support skills based in the growth/recovery model of mental health, humanistic psychology, peer coaching, and trauma-informed care. Using mindfulness, non-clinical language, and best practices for suicide prevention, along with the expertise of those ‘who have been there,’ Growing Through trainings give people the skills and confidence to support others in times of intensity or distress, including effectively sharing one’s own journey.” To register, click here.

“Becoming More Comfortable with Ridicule, Rejection and the Disdain of Others” Is Good for Our Mental Health

“We should step off the path of conformity–as to conform means to seek social validation through the ideal of external success–and we should re-orient our life so as to bring more order, harmony, and strength to our psyche.” This was the advice of Academy of Ideas in “Why Caring What Others Think Breeds Mental Illness.” The author quotes ancient and medieval philosophers such as Epictetus, who wrote, “Put up with being laughed at on occasion…”; and Montaigne, who wrote, “Whatever it be…that has inscribed in us this condition of living by reference to others, it does us much more harm than good.” To overcome an obsession with worrying about the opinions of other people, Cato and Diogenes purposely behaved in ways that were likely to trigger their disapproval. The article notes: “[T]he world does not end when someone shames us, and no harm really comes to us when others disapprove of our ways so long as we are comfortable with the actions we take.” For more, click here. (Courtesy of Kevin Fitts)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) May Help with Anxiety and Other Mental Health Issues

In a New York Times opinion piece posted on March 12, 2020—right before Covid-19 changed everyone’s world—the author wrote about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which had helped her deal with her anxiety. ACT helps people “recognize how they often overreact to unpleasant feelings, to see their unpleasant feelings as just feelings—not reality—and to accept that parts of life are hard and that that’s OK…[It] doesn’t suggest that we need to change the thoughts that bubble up and cause us pain. Instead, it says, negative feelings are an inevitable part of life, and we can best deal with them by accepting them, learning from them, and then acting in accordance with our larger life goals.” For the New York Times article, click here. For the abstract of a study published in the journal Psychosis—“My voices are just part of me, they don’t own me”: a qualitative investigation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy groups for people experiencing psychosis,” click here. For more about ACT in Psychology Today, click here.

Applications Open for 2021-22 Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism; and Schneider Disability Reporting Competition Announces Winners

Applications for journalists who are U.S. citizens and residents are now being accepted for the Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism. “The yearlong, non-residential fellowships aim to equip journalists with resources to produce compelling and balanced reporting on mental health and substance use, and to develop a diverse cohort of journalists who can effectively report on the topics across evolving and emerging platforms,” according to the announcement. The application deadline is April 7, 2021. Said former U.S. First Lady Rosalynn Carter, “[People with lived experience of a mental health condition] are valuable members of society, and their stories deserve to be told.” For more information and to apply, click here. In a related story, “ProPublica Illinois, the Chicago Tribune, and the Argus Leader win top prizes in the 2020 Schneider Disability Reporting Competition.” For details and for links to the winning stories, click here.

New Study Measures “The Paradox of Self-Stigma.” Also, “What Is Self-Stigma and Why Does It Hurt?” Suggests Ways to Combat It.

The aim of a study recently published in Annals of General Psychiatry was “to develop and validate a brief tool to measure stereotype endorsement, righteous anger, and non-disclosure across different groups of stigmatized persons...” Using focus groups with mental health professionals and people with lived experience, the researchers ended up with “a short but psychometrically rigorous tool designed to measure self-stigma and related constructs in French language, developed in collaboration with users.” They call it “a first step towards implementing and evaluating programs aimed at reducing negative consequences of self-stigma.” For the open-access study, click here. (Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Stone) And for “What Is Self-Stigma and Why Does It Hurt?,” which includes information about how to combat self-stigma, click here. But “stigma” that is not “self-stigma” should be called by another name: See “Let’s Call Mental Health Stigma What It Really Is: Discrimination” (click here).

“ ‘Peer Respites’ Provide an Alternative to Psychiatric Wards During Pandemic”

A recent Kaiser Health News (KHN) article reported on the benefits of peer-run crisis respites “as the nation grapples with a severe shortage of psychiatric beds that has been exacerbated by the pandemic.” However, even before the pandemic, studies showed the benefits of peer-run crisis respites. For example, research published in Psychiatric Services found that “guests had fewer hospitalizations and accounted for lower Medicaid spending for nearly a year after a respite stay than people with similar conditions who did not stay in a respite.” And another study, of Second Story, the peer respite covered by KHN, found that visitors spent less time in the hospital and emergency room the longer they stayed in the respite.” A third study, by DePaul University School of Nursing researchers, found that “persons in a mental health crisis may be better served in an alternative recovery-oriented, homelike environment instead of a traditional emergency department” (click here). For the KHN article, click here. For more about peer respites, including “Resources for Starting a Peer-run Crisis Alternative in Your Area,” and a “Directory of Peer Respites,” and links to more studies, click here.

Six Comics That Explore Living with a Mental Health Condition

There are a lot of comics that explore mental health conditions, but here are six graphic novels and memoirs that describe how it feels to live with one. Most are at least partly autobiographical. For more, click here.

The February 2021 Digest of Articles Offering Healthy Lifestyle Advice

For “To Create a Healthy Habit, Find an Accountability Buddy: Whether it’s a person or an app that sends us reminders, we make better choices when we’re being watched (even by ourselves),” click here. For “Just Move: Scientist Author Debunks Myths About Exercise And Sleep,” click here. For “Street Trees Close to the Home May Reduce the Risk of Depression: Researchers show positive effect of urban nature on mental health,” click here. For “Is It Really Too Late to Learn New Skills? You missed your chance to be a prodigy, but there’s still growth left for grownups,” click here. For “Therapists Are on TikTok. And How Does That Make You Feel? Mental health professionals are going viral on the app, captivating an anxious generation,” click here.

The February 2021 Digest of Articles about the Criminal Justice System, in Which Many Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Are Incarcerated (and the Key Update continues after this Digest; it includes many opportunities to participate in exciting research!)

For “He's Too Mentally Ill to Execute. Why Is He Still on Death Row After 45 Years? Raymond Riles has been on death row longer than anyone in America. He's one of many who have languished there for decades with severe mental illnesses,” click here. For “Alpena criminal justice system struggles with lack of resources for those with mental illness,” click here. For “Second chances stalled: Advocates wait for pardons on Gov’s desk to be signed. ‘[Pardon recommendations] could sit on his desk for two years. He has no accountability to do it or he has nobody pushing him,’ Rev. Michelle Simmons tells Generocity contributor Brandon Dorfman in this deep dive into PA's pardons logjam,” click here. For “Jailed juveniles find a collective voice through a collaborative play,” click here. For “Oregon Program Gets Renewed National Attention as a Policing Alternative,” click here. For “Albuquerque’s vision for non-police first responders comes down to earth,” click here. For “Local Spending on Jails Tops $25 Billion in Latest Nationwide Data: Costs increased despite falling crime and fewer people being admitted to jail,” click here. For “AG Becerra, LA County Enter into Groundbreaking Settlements to Protect the Rights of Youth in the Juvenile Justice System,” click here. For “California to phase out Division of Juvenile Justice, creating an opportunity for substantial reform,” click here. For “Trump’s criminal justice commission produced some helpful results. Biden should build on them, click here. For “THE NYPD FILES: Still Can’t Breathe: How NYPD officers continue to use chokeholds—which can be deadly and are explicitly prohibited by the department—on civilians, while officers with substantiated claims of abuse go without any meaningful punishment,” click here. For “New report: Austin police training videos reinforce racial stereotypes, bias,” click here. For “Maurice Chammah: The Rise and Fall of the Death Penalty: The author of Let the Lord Sort Them talks about violence, redemption, and culpability in a broken system,” click here. For “One of Joe Biden's first steps should be to fix Donald Trump's broken criminal justice reform. After the photo ops ended, the former president's vaunted First Step Act was barely implemented. The new administration must change that,” click here. For “Virginia moves toward banning capital punishment, in a shift for prolific death penalty state,” click here. For “Biden Moves to End Federal Private Prisons as Part of Racial Equity Plan,” click here. For “How Do You Deradicalize a Cop? As law enforcement agencies search their ranks for extremists, deeper questions have emerged about the racist, conspiratorial thinking embedded in those institutions,” click here. For “Trump’s Pardons Show The Process Has Always Been Broken: Donald Trump’s volatile approach to granting clemency epitomizes a system that many have long hoped to change,” click here. For “When should boys who go to prison get a second chance? | Commentary,” click here. For “Vera Institute reports on ‘People in Jail and Prison in 2020’ and finds US total now well below two million,” click here. For “Police officials should ban chokeholds on suspects, limit or ban ‘no-knock raids,’ and protect cops who report misconduct, concludes a new report from a national, bipartisan task force on policing,” click here. For “I Did 340 Pushups a Day to Prepare for the TV Version of Prison. Then I Got There. After a steady diet of shows like ‘Oz,’ I was convinced that prison would be a paradise for monsters. Turns out, the abuse I experienced came directly from the system,” click here. For “Nearly 20 Million Americans Have a Felony Record. What Happens After They’ve Served Their Time?” click here. For “ 'You just want to...have a chance': Ex-offenders struggle to find jobs amid COVID-19,” click here. For “ ‘It always escalated to the chair’: Allegheny County Jail used the restraint chair more than any other county jail in PA. Experts say the device is safe if used correctly, but some former jail staff and incarcerated people are concerned it’s used punitively and without enough oversight,” click here.


CNN Offers “A Guide to Helping and Getting Help During the Coronavirus Crisis”

CNN writes: “The coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming, and one of the most excruciating parts for many people is the feeling of utter helplessness in the face of widespread suffering and hardship. CNN’s Impact Your World has compiled a list of donation opportunities and tips to help those affected by the crisis. Click on a category or scroll down to browse a list of organizations, resources and ideas. Need help? Most categories also include resources for financial, emotional or social support.” For the free guide, click here.

Study of “Experiences in Accessing Mental Health Treatment” Seeks Parent/Guardian Participants  

Two outpatient therapists at Children’s Friend Inc. have launched an anonymous survey of the experiences of families accessing mental health treatment for their children. “The purpose of this research is to explore the experiences in, and barriers to, accessing mental health services for parents who are caring for children with mental health conditions, medical conditions, and/or rare disease. We intend to compare three groups: caregivers of children with one or more mental health conditions, caregivers of children with mental health conditions and common medical conditions, and caregivers of children with mental health conditions and rare disease.” To be eligible, “you are a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 18, with a mental health condition, a medical condition, and/or a rare disease, and the child lives in your home.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. Questions? Email Kim Hager, LICSW:  

2021 (Virtual) Global Mental Health Research Without Borders Conference to Be Held April 5-7, 2021

“The National Institute of Mental Health and Grand Challenges Canada are sponsoring the 11th Global Mental Health Research Conference on April 5-7, 2021, which will bring together researchers, innovators, and other stakeholders from around the globe. The [virtual] conference will showcase findings from cutting-edge science and explore new opportunities for groundbreaking research. Stay tuned for details!” (Courtesy of Janet Paleo)

Here's Your Chance to Help Transform Mental Health Services Research in the U.S.!

If you’ve ever served on an advisory board for a research or evaluation project, provided even limited consultation, or partnered as a peer-run organization in such research, you’re eligible to participate in a national survey aimed at better understanding researchers’ and stakeholders’ experiences of participatory research! The anonymous, 10-20 minute survey includes both closed- and open-ended questions about your experiences with such research, perspectives on barriers, and potential targets for policy change and resource development. Findings will be used to inform future projects focused on building stakeholder research capacity and strengthening participatory research in the U.S. All participants will receive a $20 Amazon gift card. This new study is connected to “Building Capacity for Stakeholder Involvement and Leadership in Mental Health Services Research,” included in the August 2020 Key Update, which involved detailed interviews. Principal Investigator Dr. Nev Jones ( writes, “We are still doing interviews ($50 per interview) so feel free to contact me about that too.” The survey IRB ID# is 001319; the project including this survey was developed with the PCORI-funded PathED Collaborative, co-led by Drs. Nev Jones ( and Linda Callejas ( For more information and/or to participate, click here.

National Survey Seeks Input from Certified Peer Specialists

“Routine peer support has shown to increase individuals’ hope, sense of personal control, ability to make positive changes, and decreased psychiatric symptoms,” writes Dr. Karen Fortuna of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. “Despite these benefits, the organizational structure of peer support is not known. Dartmouth College is initiating a national survey of trained Certified Peer Specialists to help us understand the organizational structure of peer support services.” For more information and/or to participate in the 15-minute survey, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

A Service-User-Led Survey of “Experiences of the Intersections of Psychosis, Difficult Events, and Trauma” Seeks Participants with Firsthand Experience

A study developed by researchers at the University of South Florida “aims to better understand the relationships between prior experiences of trauma or adversity and experiences such as hearing voices, unusual beliefs and paranoia, as well as the ways in which these experiences themselves can contribute to trauma or distress.” The researchers, who themselves have lived experience, are seeking respondents “who self-identify as having current or prior experiences that would conventionally be labeled psychosis.” The anonymous survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete; every 10th respondent will be compensated with a $50 gift card, up to five gift cards. Questions? Contact Dr. Nev Jones at For more information and/or to participate, click here.

“Mapping the Disability Experience: Share Your Stories”

“We invite you to draw a map of your neighborhood or environment to capture how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted (or not) your use and understanding of space,” researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago write. “This can include drawings/images of your home, your neighborhood, your city or beyond. Maps can come in many forms, styles, perspectives, and mediums. We are interested in collecting these maps to capture and better understand the experiences of disability and the environment during the coronavirus pandemic.” Submissions will be accepted through June 30, 2020. For more information or to participate, click here. Questions? Contact Yochai Eisenberg, PhD, (Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Stone)

Hearing Voices Network Is Now Hosting Online Groups

“There are now ONLINE opportunities to connect, share experiences, and find mutual support,” the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) writes. “These groups are accessible via web-based platforms and by phone…Online groups are specifically for those with personal lived experience with hearing voices, seeing visions, and/or negotiating alternative realities. They are voice-hearer facilitated. With further questions and for details on how to access the group[s], please email” To read this announcement online and for more information, click here.

Have You Ever Smoked, Drunk, Vaped, or Used Other Drugs? Or Do You Now? New Zealand COVID-19 Study Is Now Open to US Residents

“We want to find out how people are coping [during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown],” writes the New Zealand-based Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking. “We are especially interested in adults aged 18 and over who, before lockdown, regularly drank alcohol, smoked or used other tobacco products, or other drugs. We also want to hear from people who have taken up smoking or drinking or other drugs during this frightening time.” The study has been approved by the US-based independent review board SolutionsIRB and is now open to US residents. “The study website includes helpful Coping in Lockdown tips, tips on Dealing with Cravings, and information on alternatives to smoking tobacco.” To participate or for more information, click here.

Survey Seeks Respondents Who Are in Administrative/Leadership Positions in the Mental Health Field

If you are in an administrative/leadership position in the mental health arena, “the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Leadership invites you to participate in the International Survey on Administrative Psychiatry. The survey has two purposes: 1. To identify the concerns and needs of mental health professionals/psychiatrists in administrative and leadership positions. 2. To determine training needs in administrative psychiatry. We ask you to complete this brief, [15- to 20-minute] questionnaire to help us in developing recommendations for action. We also want to let you know that, if you fill out this questionnaire, you permit the committee to use your anonymous data for scientific work.” Peer providers are included. For the survey, click here.

(Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

Free Resources for Peer Worker Supervisors Are Posted on the iNAPS Website

The International Association of Peer Supporters (iNAPS) has posted an array of resources for supervisors of peer support staff. The sources of the 18 disparate resources include the Transformation Center, the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD), the Café TA Center, the Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS), the Carter Center, the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network, SAMHSA-HRSA and the Center for Integrated Health Solutions, and other organizations and individual experts. For the peer support supervision resources, click here.

“Experiences with Hospitalization” Survey Seeks Participants

“The purpose of this survey is to help us understand people's lived experience with voluntary and involuntary treatment because of suicidal thoughts. It was created by people with lived experience…We are planning to use this information to facilitate discussions with suicidologists and the suicide prevention community about the impact of the use of these interventions, particularly within marginalized populations. We feel the voice of people with lived experience with these interventions has not had adequate opportunity to be heard, and hope that by completing this survey anonymously, people who have been most impacted can find a safe way to share their experiences. Please note that this is not a research project.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. (Courtesy of Leah Harris)

International Survey on Antipsychotic Medication Withdrawal Seeks Respondents

“Have you taken antipsychotic medication (such as Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal, Haldol, Geodon, Stelazine, and others), for any condition or diagnosis, with or without other medications? And did you ever stop taking antipsychotics, or try to stop taking them? Are you 18 years or older? If yes, you can take this survey about antipsychotic withdrawal and attempts to withdraw, including if you stopped taking them completely or if you tried to come off and still take them. The survey aims to improve mental health services by better understanding medication withdrawal. Lead researcher is Will Hall, a therapist and Ph.D. student who has himself taken antipsychotics. Service users/survivors/consumers from around the world also gave input. The study is sponsored by Maastricht University in the Netherlands; co-sponsors include the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Questions? Please contact”  For more information or to take the survey, click on

Virtual Group Is Launched to Advance Peer Research Capacity, Leadership, and Involvement

Nev Jones, Ph.D., and Emily Cutler, a doctoral candidate, have launched a listserv dedicated to building research capacity, leadership, and involvement among peers, survivors, and service users.  Dr. Jones, assistant professor, Department of Mental Health Law & Policy, University of South Florida, was part of the team that developed “User/Survivor Leadership & Capacity Building in Research: White Paper on Promoting Engagement Practices in Peer Evaluation/Research (PEPPER),” published by the Lived Experience Research Network. For the white paper, click here. Anyone interested in joining the virtual group can email Nev at

Do You Supervise Peer Support Workers? Then Researchers Have Some Questions for You

Researchers in the University of South Florida’s Department of Psychiatry and at Magellan Health are investigating the backgrounds, training, and experiences of individuals who currently supervise at least one peer support worker in a behavioral health setting or agency. “To the best of our knowledge, this will be the first comprehensive research study of the landscape of peer support supervision practices in the United States,” writes Dr. Nev Jones, the primary investigator of the study (Protocol Number 00040223). Participants must be at least 18 years old and work in the United States or U.S. territories. An online survey lasting approximately 10 minutes will ask about respondents’ backgrounds, training and preparation for supervision, perspectives and practices, and views on barriers and facilitators to high-quality supervision. There is no monetary compensation. Questions? Contact Dr. Nev Jones ( or the co-primary investigator, Dana Foglesong ( To access the survey, click here.

Mad In America Invites You to Submit Your Personal Story (Within Certain Guidelines)

Mad In America writes: “A ‘personal story’ is defined as your story of being in relationship to psychiatry and/or the mental health system, whatever that means to you. It might involve your opinions and analysis of what happened to you, as well. It can be about a specific event, or about your overall journey, provided it fits the length requirements (1,500 to 3,000 words) and has a narrative arc. The piece should be about your personal experiences, not psychiatry or the mental health system in general. Submissions should fall under the theme of rethinking psychiatry and the mental health system, and should be original works not previously published elsewhere. For examples of the types of stories we publish, view our personal stories archive here.” For more information and/or to submit a personal story, click here.

PsychAlive Offers a Variety of Webinars on Mental Health Topics, Many Free, Others $15

PsychAlive is a free, nonprofit resource created by the Glendon Association, whose mission is “to save lives and enhance mental health by addressing the social problems of suicide, violence, child abuse and troubled interpersonal relationships.” offers a variety of upcoming and archived webinars, many of which are free, while others are available for $15. Among the myriad topics are “From Anxiety to Action: How to Stay Sane While Fighting Climate Change,” “How to Overcome Insecurity,” “Powerful Tools to Fight Depression,” and “Understanding and Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences.” To check out the webinars, click here.

Doors to Wellbeing Offers “State Selfies: A Picture of Peer Services Reported by Peers”

Doors to Wellbeing’s “Peer Album” is a directory of nearly 600 peer-run organizations throughout the U.S. They invite updates and offer instructions for providing them and add, “If your entry has not made this first draft, we encourage you to re-submit.” For the 158-page directory, click here.

Disclaimer: The Clearinghouse does not necessarily endorse the opinions and opportunities included in the Key Update.

About The Key Update

The Key Update is the free monthly e-newsletter of the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse. Volume 17, No. 8, February 2021. For content, reproduction or publication information, please contact Susan Rogers at Follow Susan on Twitter at @SusanRogersMH





Key Update, January 2021, Volume 17, Number 7

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!


The Key Update is compiled, written, and edited by Susan Rogers, Director, National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse.


The Language That Clinicians Use Affects Recovery, Harvard Researchers Say

For decades, pharmaceutical companies have pitched the idea that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance. Now, a new study by Harvard researchers, in the Journal of Affective Disorders, suggests that, as clinical neuroscience language replaces psychotherapy vocabulary, expectations change and outcomes worsen for individuals in treatment. “Chemical explanations of mental health appear to benefit pharmaceutical companies far more than patients,” according to a Big Think article, which includes a link to the study abstract. “More recent studies indicate that participants who are told that their depression is caused by a chemical imbalance or genetic abnormality expect to have depression for a longer period, report more depressive symptoms, and feel they have less control over their negative emotions,” the researchers write. For the article, click here. And for “Let’s avoid talk of ‘chemical imbalance’: it’s people in distress,” in Psyche, which notes that “the growing endorsement of biological causation” has contributed to the prejudice and discrimination associated with mental health conditions, click here.

Free Webinar: “What Do I Do After a Mental Health Hospitalization: A Guide for Discharge and Aftercare Planning”

On January 12, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, Disability Rights California will host a free webinar entitled “What Do I Do After a Mental Health Hospitalization: A Guide for Discharge and Aftercare Planning.” “Join us as we explore: What is a Treatment Plan? What Steps are Necessary for You to be Discharged from the Facility? The Components of Discharge Planning. How to Plan Effective and Realistic Aftercare Goals. Tips to Help Us Stay Engaged in Aftercare.” For more information and to register, click here. (Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Stone)

Doors to Wellbeing Will Host Two Free Webinars This Month (on Jan. 12 and Jan 26), and Publishes Its New Quarterly Newsletter

On January 12, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, Doors to Wellbeing will host a “special webinar event”: “WRAP: An Approach to Person-Led Crisis and Post Crisis Planning.” The webinar will include “a discussion about shared decision making based on the principles and tools emphasized in the WRAP approach.” And on January 26, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET, there will be a webinar on “Enhancing Quality of Care with Psychiatric Advanced Directive (PAD) and Peer Support.” It will include the core elements of a PAD, and how peer specialists can aid a PAD’s development. For more information and to register, click here. And click here for the National Resource Center on Psychiatric Advance Directives. Also, for the “Advance Self-Advocacy Plan, A Guidebook for Creating a Mental Health Advance Plan or Psychiatric Advance Directive,” published by the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion, click here. And for Doors to Wellbeing’s new quarterly newsletter, the first issue of which highlights Live & Learn, Inc., “a [peer-run] California-based social enterprise specializing in partnerships between community members/service users and behavioral health researchers in public and academic settings,” click here.

Free Mad In America Webinar on “Recovery and Evidence: A New Paradigm”

On January 14, 2021, at 1 p.m. ET, Mad In America will host a 90-minute webinar on “Recovery and Evidence: A New Paradigm.” “Major topics will include the history of community mental health, recovery-oriented practices, evidence-based practices and system change. [The presenter] will address the importance of people with mental health challenges in defining recovery, and contrast this with the way professionals, researchers and others have defined it. He will then describe how evidence-based practices are determined, along with examples of key practices. Finally, he will address some of the misconceptions surrounding evidence-based practices and ways to respond to objections and also take advantage of opportunities to increase their adoption.” For more information and to register, click here.

TU Collaborative Offers Guidelines for Increasing Community Inclusion of People with Mental Health Conditions

“ ‘Hard To Be Out There If We Are Focused on Here’: Moving From Center-Based Communities To Community Inclusion,” published by the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion, explains that achieving the full community participation of individuals with mental health conditions “requires a change in perspective and three concerted sets of actions”: (1) the recognition that people who are socially isolated should have places to go—but, beyond that, these places should help people connect to their communities; (2) the commitment of clubhouses, peer centers, recovery centers, and other such places and agencies to support individuals as they explore community-based interests; and (3) that such agencies partner with congregations, colleges, civic associations, recreational programs, employers, arts organizations, and similar institutions to develop genuinely welcoming communities. To download the free 14-page guide, click here.

NEC Will Present Two Virtual eCPR Trainings in January: One (Free) for Youth and Another (with a Sliding Fee Scale) for Adults

The National Empowerment Center will present two Emotional CPR (eCPR) trainings in January. The free training (over Zoom) for youth (aged 16-25) will be presented in partnership with the Zia Young Adult Access Center. This training will be spread over five days: January 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET. The training for adults (limited to 12 participants), with a sliding fee scale, will take place on January 12, 15, and 25, from noon to 4 p.m. ET. “eCPR is a profound process of reclaiming our Connection (to self and others), embodying emPowerment and ultimately feeling Revitalized…While the original intent of eCPR was to assist others through crisis (and the training still accomplishes this)…the consistent feedback is that it helps us become better listeners and supporters; it changes our perception of not only ourselves but of the world around us; it teaches us how to tap into our well of compassion and enhance all our relationships.” For more information and/or to register for the youth training, click here. For more information and/or to register for the adult training, click here.

A NY Times Report on “More Residential and Welcoming” Psychiatric Facilities Overlooks the Fact that Community-Based Treatment Is Far Superior

“Research into the health effects of natural and man-made surroundings is spurring the development of psychiatric facilities that feel more residential and welcoming,” according to a recent article in The New York Times (click here). But studies have shown that community-based treatment is superior to inpatient treatment. In fact, “[o]n June 22, 1999, the United States Supreme Court held in Olmstead v. L.C. that unjustified segregation of persons with disabilities constitutes discrimination in violation of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.” An Olmstead amici brief (click here) co-authored by the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse and the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law included “personal accounts illustrating the benefits of living in the community as opposed to institutional care.” And a European mental health organization noted, “Community-based services enable people with mental disorders to maintain family relationships, friendships and jobs while receiving treatment, which facilitates early treatment and rehabilitation” (click here).

Free NDRN Webinar: “Alternative Emergency Response to Mental Health Crisis”

On January 19, 2021, at noon ET, the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) will host a one-hour webinar on “Alternative Emergency Response to Mental Health Crisis.” NDRN writes: “Some jurisdictions are realizing that conventional law enforcement responses to mental health matters too often do not turn out well. In the aftermath of tragedy, different response models are gaining favor in the country. Join this webinar for a robust discussion of these alternatives from NDRN staff and guests with lived experience.” For more information and/or to register, click here. (Courtesy of Jacek Haciak)

Guide to “Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia” for Young People Is Available for Free Download

“Understanding Psychosis: Voices, Visions and Distressing Beliefs—A Guide for Young People and Their Supporters” has been adapted from “Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia” by its editor, prominent British psychologist Anne Cooke. The 20-page manual is “about why people sometimes hear voices when there is no one there, feel very suspicious of others, or believe things that others find unusual or strange. Some people use the word psychosis to describe these experiences. We will work our way through these things and talk about where to find help.” The manual busts the “brain disease” myth and other false assumptions about mental health conditions that are “untrue and unhelpful.” It includes “understanding your own experience and what helps you.” For the manual, click here. For the original 180-page publication, “Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia,” which has previously been included in the Key Update, click here.

National Low Income Housing Coalition Publishes Free “Advocates Guide 2020”

“Advocates Guide 2020: A Primer on Federal Affordable Housing & Community Development Programs,” has been published by the National Low Income Housing Coalition. The free 493-page manual “comprises hundreds of pages of useful resources and practical knowhow, written by leading experts in the affordable housing and community development field with a common purpose: to educate advocates and affordable housing providers of all kinds about the programs and policies that make housing affordable and accessible to low-income people across America…For many years, the ‘Advocates’ Guide’ has been the leading authoritative reference for advocates and affordable housing providers seeking a quick and convenient way to understand affordable housing programs and policies.” To download the free guide, click here. (Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Stone)

“80 Awesome Mental Health Resources When You Can’t Afford a Therapist”

“Sure, pretty much everyone could benefit from therapy. But not everyone can afford it,” writes “Thankfully, there’s a whole world of free or affordable mental health care out there designed to help you with just about every issue. Whether your issue is kicking an addiction, managing your emotions, finding a group of like-minded peers, or recovering from trauma, affordable help is available. Even better? Some of these resources are available whenever you need them. We’ve rounded up 80 of the very best affordable (or free) mental health resources.” For the list, including links to each and details, click here. (Courtesy of Surviving Spirit Newsletter)

January 2021 Edition of Free PARC “National Prison Resource Directory” Is Out

The Prison Activist Resource Center has published the January 2021 edition of its “National Prison Resource Directory. “Our 24-page resource guide is used by over 50,000 prisoners a year all across the United States,” writes PARC, a prison abolitionist group based on Oakland, California “committed to exposing and challenging the institutionalized racism, sexism, ableism, heterosexism, and classism of the Prison Industrial Complex.” To download the free guide, click here. (For the monthly digest of articles about the criminal justice system, scroll down.)

TU Collaborative Hosts “Collab Chats” Podcast Series

The Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion writes: “ ‘Collab Chats’ is our podcast series to introduce listeners to research findings and its application for increasing opportunities for individuals with mental illnesses to live and participate in the community. We will feature work from the Temple University Collaborative as well as research from other NIDILRR [National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research]-funded Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers. The latest edition, on October 30, 2020, was a conversation with  Miranda Spencer, a staff editor at Mad In America, about her article ‘Voting While ‘Mentally Ill’: A Legacy of Discrimination.’ ” For the article, click here. For the Collab Chats archive, click here.

Diversion, Instead of Detention, Works for Youth with Behavioral Health Issues, Study Finds

A study of the Ohio Behavioral Health Juvenile Justice (BHJJ) Initiative, in which 5,300 youth have been enrolled since 2006, has found that, from 2017 through 2019, 81 percent of the participants (aged 10-17) “successfully completed the state's juvenile diversion program, and…79 percent of youth reduced their contact with police while in treatment,” according to Case Western Reserve University researchers. “Nearly half of the boys and more than a quarter of the girls in the program have both substance abuse and mental health disorder[s]…‘and have experienced a great deal of trauma,’ ” an article in The New Indian Express notes. “ ‘Ohio's Behavioral Health Juvenile Justice Initiative was intended to transform and expand the local systems’ options to better serve these youths.’ ” The program is cost-effective, costing about $5,200 per child, as opposed to $196,000 per child in a state-run detention institution, the article notes. For more information, click here.

Free Webinar on Innovation, Collaboration, and Partnership between Crisis Services and 1st Responders in Harris County, Texas”

On January 28, 2021, at 2:30 p.m. ET,  a SAMHSA-sponsored webinar on Innovation, Collaboration, and Partnership between Crisis Services and 1st Responders in Harris County, Texas” will be presented. “The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD… has a long history of effective and innovative collaboration with first responders,” according to the promotional material for the webinar. The presentation will cover some of the Center’s innovative programs, and how the “Harris Center was able to coordinate with first responder partners to bring these programs to fruition, and the outcomes they are seeing in their community due to these collaborations.” For details and to register, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

CNN Offers “A Guide to Helping and Getting Help During the Coronavirus Crisis”

CNN writes: “The coronavirus pandemic is overwhelming, and one of the most excruciating parts for many people is the feeling of utter helplessness in the face of widespread suffering and hardship. CNN’s Impact Your World has compiled a list of donation opportunities and tips to help those affected by the crisis. Click on a category or scroll down to browse a list of organizations, resources and ideas. Need help? Most categories also include resources for financial, emotional or social support.” For the free guide, click here. (For “The January 2021 Digest of Articles Offering Healthy Lifestyle Advice, Including Ways to Cope During the Pandemic,” scroll down.)

“How does the environment influence consumers’ perceptions of safety in acute mental health units?”

A new study exploring “how the physical and social environment of acute mental health units influences consumers’ perception and experience of safety” has found that a “supportive environment”—“experienced when consumers had privacy, felt safe from other consumers and had meaningful activities to participate in within the acute mental health unit”—was vital in promoting recovery. The qualitative study, which involved interviews with 15 individuals who had been in an acute mental health unit, concluded that “[p]ersonal spaces should address consumers' privacy needs without compromising staff access,” and “[m]eaningful activities link consumers to their lives outside of the hospital and can enhance recovery.” For the abstract, click here. (Courtesy of Nev Jones)

Robot Dogs Could Be a Helpful Alternative to Real Therapy Dogs, Researchers Say

Robotic animals may be better than real-life therapy dogs in helping children and youth to increase their feelings of well-being, improve their motivation, and reduce their stress levels, according to a new study by University of Portsmouth researchers. The study, published in The International Journal of Social Robotics, has found that, because robot dogs can’t trigger allergies, and because they can be thoroughly cleaned, don’t get tired or stressed, can work for long periods of time, and can be very lifelike, they might be a better choice for children than real dogs. “Although lots of people in schools and hospitals benefit greatly from receiving visits from a therapy dog, we have to be mindful of the welfare of the therapy dog,” said Olivia Barber, who owns a therapy dog herself, and is first author of the paper. “Visits can be stressful and incredibly tiring for therapy dogs, meaning that we should be exploring whether using a robotic animal is feasible.” For the University of Portsmouth press release, which includes details and a link to the study, click here.

Mental Health Issues Are Often Featured in “Dilbert,” A Comic Strip Drawn by Scott Adams

“ ‘Dilbert’ portrays corporate culture as a Kafkaesque world of bureaucracy for its own sake and office politics that stand in the way of productivity, where employees' skills and efforts are not rewarded, and busy work is praised,” Wikipedia writes. “Much of the humor emerges as the audience sees the characters making obviously ridiculous decisions that are natural reactions to mismanagement.” So, obviously, the comic strip, drawn by Scott Adams, is a great place to find mental health themes. For lots of examples, click here.

The January 2021 Digest of Articles Offering Healthy Lifestyle Advice, Including Ways to Cope During the Pandemic

For “The Mysterious Link Between COVID-19 and Sleep: The coronavirus can cause insomnia and long-term changes in our nervous systems. But sleep could also be a key to ending the pandemic,” click here. For “What You Need to Know About Getting Tested for Coronavirus: Long lines, slow results and inconsistent advice have left many of us confused about when and how to get tested. We talked to the experts to answer your questions,” click here. For “When Can We Start Making Plans? We asked Dr. Anthony S. Fauci and other experts when they thought life would start to feel more normal,” click here. For “Small Number of Covid Patients Develop Severe Psychotic Symptoms: Most had no history of mental illness and became psychotic weeks after contracting the virus. Cases are expected to remain rare but are being reported worldwide,” click here. For “Nurtured by Nature: How the pandemic has intensified our connection to the outdoors,” click here. For “For a Healthier 2021, Keep the Best Habits of a Very Bad Year: Our 7-Day Well Challenge will show you how to build on the healthy habits you learned during pandemic life,” click here. For “Don't Let The Pandemic Winter Get You Down: 9 Creative Ways To Socialize Safely,” click here.

The January 2021 Digest of Articles about the Criminal Justice System, in Which Many Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Are Incarcerated (and the Key Update continues after this Digest)

For “How Thousands of American Laws Keep People ‘Imprisoned’ Long After They’re Released: Across the country, people with felony convictions face a daunting web of small obstacles to rebuilding normal lives. What will it take to fix?” click here. For “How States Transformed Criminal Justice in 2020, and How They Fell Short: This year of crises, revisited. Nearly 90 state-level bills and initiatives. 17 themes. 7 maps,” click here. For “End the Cops’ Cannibalization of Our Budgets: ‘Defund the police’ is not an austerity measure. It’s a demand that we put police department budgets to better use,” click here. For “What Language Game Are the Defunders Playing? The national conversation about police reform has devolved into a never-ending argument over words,” click here. For “Resentencing Units Can Rectify, Rehabilitate, and Restore: A concerted effort to review, resentence, and release is the right thing to do for those who have been unjustly sentenced. It is also the right thing to do for our community,” click here. For “Is the Legal System an Effective Solution to Domestic Violence? FKA Twigs has highlighted a problem that 1 in 3 American women face. But it is still rare for aggressors to face charges, convictions or financial penalties,” click here. For “Defund the crime beat” ‘Let’s be honest: Crime coverage is terrible. It’s racist, classist, fear-based clickbait masking as journalism,’” click here. For “’No Choice but to Do It’: Why Women Go to Prison: Many of the 230,000 women and girls in U.S. jails and prisons were abuse survivors before they entered the system. And at least 30 percent of those serving time on murder or manslaughter charges were protecting themselves or a loved one from physical or sexual violence,” click here. For “From rehabilitation to penal communication: The role of furlough and visitation within a retributivist framework,” click here. For “What To Expect When You Visit Someone In Prison,” click here. For “Systemic Racial Bias in the Criminal Justice System Is Not a Myth,” click here. For “Why Is Karl Taylor Dead? Our prisons are our mental wards. One fatal case in New York shows where that can lead,” click here. For “The Man I Saw Them Kill: The Trump administration has resumed federal executions after a 17-year hiatus. I witnessed the latest one,” click here. For “Exclusive: Read Elizabeth Warren’s Scathing Report on ‘Corrupt’ Prison Audits: ‘The result has been the rubber-stamping of dangerous facilities and the waste of millions of taxpayer dollars,’” click here. For “1 in 5 Prisoners in the U.S. Has Had COVID-19 [Compared to 1 in 20 in the general population]: Even as the first Americans begin to receive COVID-19 vaccines, the spread of the virus behind bars shows no signs of slowing,” click here. For “Some of Our Best Work of 2020: From the sweeping impacts of COVID-19 to the protests against racial injustice, 2020 was a year like no other,” click here. For “Firefighting After Prison: Can California’s formerly incarcerated make firefighting a career?” click here. For “Abused, then condemned: For women on death row, a history of gendered violence is the norm. A majority of the women sentenced to capital punishment have experienced ongoing abuse since childhood,” click here. For “Congress clinches deal to restore Pell grants for prisoners 26 years after ban: The compromise also includes language to simplify the application for federal financial aid and grant more than $1 billion in loan forgiveness for HBCUs,” click here. For “Program allows incarcerated students to further education,” click here.


Here's Your Chance to Help Transform Mental Health Services Research in the U.S.!

If you’ve ever served on an advisory board for a research or evaluation project, provided even limited consultation, or partnered as a peer-run organization in such research, you’re eligible to participate in a national survey aimed at better understanding researchers’ and stakeholders’ experiences of participatory research! The anonymous, 10-20 minute survey includes both closed- and open-ended questions about your experiences with such research, perspectives on barriers, and potential targets for policy change and resource development. Findings will be used to inform future projects focused on building stakeholder research capacity and strengthening participatory research in the U.S. All participants will receive a $20 Amazon gift card. This new study is connected to “Building Capacity for Stakeholder Involvement and Leadership in Mental Health Services Research,” included in the August 2020 Key Update, which involved detailed interviews. Principal Investigator Dr. Nev Jones ( writes, “We are still doing interviews ($50 per interview) so feel free to contact me about that too.” The survey IRB ID# is 001319; the project including this survey was developed with the PCORI-funded PathED Collaborative, co-led by Drs. Nev Jones ( and Linda Callejas ( For more information and/or to participate, click here.

Study of “Experiences in Accessing Mental Health Treatment” Seeks Parent/Guardian Participants  

Two outpatient therapists at Children’s Friend Inc. have launched an anonymous survey of the experiences of families accessing mental health treatment for their children. “The purpose of this research is to explore the experiences in, and barriers to, accessing mental health services for parents who are caring for children with mental health conditions, medical conditions, and/or rare disease. We intend to compare three groups: caregivers of children with one or more mental health conditions, caregivers of children with mental health conditions and common medical conditions, and caregivers of children with mental health conditions and rare disease.” To be eligible, “you are a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 18, with a mental health condition, a medical condition, and/or a rare disease, and the child lives in your home.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. Questions? Email Kim Hager, LICSW:  

2021 (Virtual) Global Mental Health Research Without Borders Conference to Be Held April 5-7, 2021

“The National Institute of Mental Health and Grand Challenges Canada are sponsoring the 11th Global Mental Health Research Conference on April 5-7, 2021, which will bring together researchers, innovators, and other stakeholders from around the globe. The [virtual] conference will showcase findings from cutting-edge science and explore new opportunities for groundbreaking research. Stay tuned for details!” (Courtesy of Janet Paleo)

National Survey Seeks Input from Certified Peer Specialists

“Routine peer support has shown to increase individuals’ hope, sense of personal control, ability to make positive changes, and decreased psychiatric symptoms,” writes Dr. Karen Fortuna of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. “Despite these benefits, the organizational structure of peer support is not known. Dartmouth College is initiating a national survey of trained Certified Peer Specialists to help us understand the organizational structure of peer support services.” For more information and/or to participate in the 15-minute survey, click here. (Courtesy of Judene Shelley)

A Service-User-Led Survey of “Experiences of the Intersections of Psychosis, Difficult Events, and Trauma” Seeks Participants with Firsthand Experience

A study developed by researchers at the University of South Florida “aims to better understand the relationships between prior experiences of trauma or adversity and experiences such as hearing voices, unusual beliefs and paranoia, as well as the ways in which these experiences themselves can contribute to trauma or distress.” The researchers, who themselves have lived experience, are seeking respondents “who self-identify as having current or prior experiences that would conventionally be labeled psychosis.” The anonymous survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete; every 10th respondent will be compensated with a $50 gift card, up to five gift cards. Questions? Contact Dr. Nev Jones at For more information and/or to participate, click here.

“Mapping the Disability Experience: Share Your Stories”

“We invite you to draw a map of your neighborhood or environment to capture how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted (or not) your use and understanding of space,” researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago write. “This can include drawings/images of your home, your neighborhood, your city or beyond. Maps can come in many forms, styles, perspectives, and mediums. We are interested in collecting these maps to capture and better understand the experiences of disability and the environment during the coronavirus pandemic.” Submissions will be accepted through June 30, 2020. For more information or to participate, click here. Questions? Contact Yochai Eisenberg, PhD, (Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Stone)

Hearing Voices Network Is Now Hosting Online Groups

“There are now ONLINE opportunities to connect, share experiences, and find mutual support,” the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) writes. “These groups are accessible via web-based platforms and by phone…Online groups are specifically for those with personal lived experience with hearing voices, seeing visions, and/or negotiating alternative realities. They are voice-hearer facilitated. With further questions and for details on how to access the group[s], please email” To read this announcement online and for more information, click here.

Have You Ever Smoked, Drunk, Vaped, or Used Other Drugs? Or Do You Now? New Zealand COVID-19 Study Is Now Open to US Residents

“We want to find out how people are coping [during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown],” writes the New Zealand-based Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking. “We are especially interested in adults aged 18 and over who, before lockdown, regularly drank alcohol, smoked or used other tobacco products, or other drugs. We also want to hear from people who have taken up smoking or drinking or other drugs during this frightening time.” The study has been approved by the US-based independent review board SolutionsIRB and is now open to US residents. “The study website includes helpful Coping in Lockdown tips, tips on Dealing with Cravings, and information on alternatives to smoking tobacco.” To participate or for more information, click here.

Survey Seeks Respondents Who Are in Administrative/Leadership Positions in the Mental Health Field

If you are in an administrative/leadership position in the mental health arena, “the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) Committee on Psychiatric Administration and Leadership invites you to participate in the International Survey on Administrative Psychiatry. The survey has two purposes: 1. To identify the concerns and needs of mental health professionals/psychiatrists in administrative and leadership positions. 2. To determine training needs in administrative psychiatry. We ask you to complete this brief, [15- to 20-minute] questionnaire to help us in developing recommendations for action. We also want to let you know that, if you fill out this questionnaire, you permit the committee to use your anonymous data for scientific work.” Peer providers are included. For the survey, click here. (Courtesy of Oryx Cohen)

Free Resources for Peer Worker Supervisors Are Posted on the NAPS Website

The National Association of Peer Supporters (NAPS) has posted an array of resources for supervisors of peer support staff. The sources of the 18 disparate resources include the Transformation Center, the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD), the Café TA Center, the Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS), the Carter Center, the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network, SAMHSA-HRSA and the Center for Integrated Health Solutions, and other organizations and individual experts. For the peer support supervision resources, click here.

“Experiences with Hospitalization” Survey Seeks Participants

“The purpose of this survey is to help us understand people's lived experience with voluntary and involuntary treatment because of suicidal thoughts. It was created by people with lived experience…We are planning to use this information to facilitate discussions with suicidologists and the suicide prevention community about the impact of the use of these interventions, particularly within marginalized populations. We feel the voice of people with lived experience with these interventions has not had adequate opportunity to be heard, and hope that by completing this survey anonymously, people who have been most impacted can find a safe way to share their experiences. Please note that this is not a research project.” For more information and/or to participate, click here. (Courtesy of Leah Harris)

International Survey on Antipsychotic Medication Withdrawal Seeks Respondents

“Have you taken antipsychotic medication (such as Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal, Haldol, Geodon, Stelazine, and others), for any condition or diagnosis, with or without other medications? And did you ever stop taking antipsychotics, or try to stop taking them? Are you 18 years or older? If yes, you can take this survey about antipsychotic withdrawal and attempts to withdraw, including if you stopped taking them completely or if you tried to come off and still take them. The survey aims to improve mental health services by better understanding medication withdrawal. Lead researcher is Will Hall, a therapist and Ph.D. student who has himself taken antipsychotics. Service users/survivors/consumers from around the world also gave input. The study is sponsored by Maastricht University in the Netherlands; co-sponsors include the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Questions? Please contact”  For more information or to take the survey, click on

Virtual Group Aims to Advance Peer Research Capacity, Leadership, and Involvement

Nev Jones, Ph.D., and Emily Cutler, a doctoral candidate, have launched a listserv dedicated to building research capacity, leadership, and involvement among peers, survivors, and service users.  Dr. Jones, assistant professor, Department of Mental Health Law & Policy, University of South Florida, was part of the team that developed “User/Survivor Leadership & Capacity Building in Research: White Paper on Promoting Engagement Practices in Peer Evaluation/Research (PEPPER),” published by the Lived Experience Research Network. For the white paper, click here. Anyone interested in joining the virtual group can email Nev at

Do You Supervise Peer Support Workers? Then Researchers Have Some Questions for You

Researchers in the University of South Florida’s Department of Psychiatry and at Magellan Health are investigating the backgrounds, training, and experiences of individuals who currently supervise at least one peer support worker in a behavioral health setting or agency. “To the best of our knowledge, this will be the first comprehensive research study of the landscape of peer support supervision practices in the United States,” writes Dr. Nev Jones, the primary investigator of the study (Protocol Number 00040223). Participants must be at least 18 years old and work in the United States or U.S. territories. An online survey lasting approximately 10 minutes will ask about respondents’ backgrounds, training and preparation for supervision, perspectives and practices, and views on barriers and facilitators to high-quality supervision. There is no monetary compensation. Questions? Contact Dr. Nev Jones ( or the co-primary investigator, Dana Foglesong ( To access the survey, click here.

Mad In America Invites You to Submit Your Personal Story (Within Certain Guidelines)

Mad In America writes: “A ‘personal story’ is defined as your story of being in relationship to psychiatry and/or the mental health system, whatever that means to you. It might involve your opinions and analysis of what happened to you, as well. It can be about a specific event, or about your overall journey, provided it fits the length requirements (1,500 to 3,000 words) and has a narrative arc. The piece should be about your personal experiences, not psychiatry or the mental health system in general. Submissions should fall under the theme of rethinking psychiatry and the mental health system, and should be original works not previously published elsewhere. For examples of the types of stories we publish, view our personal stories archive here.” For more information and/or to submit a personal story, click here.

PsychAlive Offers a Variety of Webinars on Mental Health Topics, Many Free, Others $15

PsychAlive is a free, nonprofit resource created by the Glendon Association, whose mission is “to save lives and enhance mental health by addressing the social problems of suicide, violence, child abuse and troubled interpersonal relationships.” offers a variety of upcoming and archived webinars, many of which are free, while others are available for $15. Among the myriad topics are “From Anxiety to Action: How to Stay Sane While Fighting Climate Change,” “How to Overcome Insecurity,” “Powerful Tools to Fight Depression,” and “Understanding and Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences.” To check out the webinars, click here.

Doors to Wellbeing Offers “State Selfies: A Picture of Peer Services Reported by Peers”

Doors to Wellbeing’s “Peer Album” is a directory of nearly 600 peer-run organizations throughout the U.S. They invite updates and offer instructions for providing them and add, “If your entry has not made this first draft, we encourage you to re-submit.” For the 158-page directory, click here.

Disclaimer: The Clearinghouse does not necessarily endorse the opinions and opportunities included in the Key Update.

About The Key Update

The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse is now affiliated with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion!

The Key Update is the free monthly e-newsletter of the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse. Volume 17, No. 7, January 2021. For content, reproduction or publication information, please contact Susan Rogers at Follow Susan on Twitter at @SusanRogersMH