Information and support for family members and loved ones of people with personality disorders. Information, coping techniques and online support groups.
NIMH: Borderline Personality Disorder
Information from the National Institute of Mental Health on borderline personality disorder.
Collection of Articles on Borderline Personality Disorder
The Basic Library on Borderline Disorder
List of books on borderline personality disorder, compiled by Robert O. Friedel, MD, author of Borderline Personality Disorder Demystified and describes itself as "a site that focuses on recovering from Borderline Personality Disorder using tools that are predominantly Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) oriented.” Also includes forums.
Website for loved ones of people with borderline personality disorder. Contains articles, advice, resources, books, etc.
National Borderline Personality Disorder Resource and Referral Center
Helpline maintained by Treatment and Research Advancements National Association for Personality Disorder. Assists by providing information on support groups, classes, treatment research, and many other resources on borderline personality disorder.