Emotional CPR Is Recommended for LA County DMH
By Daniel B. Fisher, MD, PhD and S. Michael Szczerbaty, M.A., MHSC
What is Emotional CPR (eCPR)? The approach is said to be holistic, hopeful, and empowering. It is a heart-to-heart experience between provider and consumer. It is embedded in a hopeful belief that by using interior experience, empathy, compassion and knowledge, anyone can help another person recover from an emotional crisis. Rather than labeling someone with another 'mental health problem,’ the approach assumes that the person is coping with an experience beyond their current ability to effectively manage their emotional crises. The sooner an eCPR practitioner begins to support a person in their emotional crisis, the more likely it is that the person will make a full and timely return to a life that has meaning and purpose.
Shery Mead Consulting
Peer Support and Peer-Run Crisis Alternatives in Mental Health -- This website features trainings developed by Shery Mead, including crisis training and intentional peer support.
National Empowerment Center: Crisis Alternatives
Emotional CPR
Emotional CPR (eCPR) is an educational program designed to teach anyone how to help someone through a psychiatric crisis. Includes training for law enforcement.
DBSA: How To Help Someone In a Crisis
Guide to helping an individual in a psychiatric crisis, by the Depression Bipolar Support Alliance.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
A Case Study of the Peer-Run Crisis Respite Organizing Process in Massachusetts
Laysha Ostrow: Spring 2010.
National Empowerment Center's Directory of Peer-run Crisis Services
These services provide an alternative to psychiatric hospitalization during times of crisis.
A Community-Based Comprehensive Psychiatric Crisis Response Service
"A manual to be used as a tool by any individual or group who is considering developing a new crisis service delivery system, expanding an existing crisis service system, or improving the effectiveness of an existing system. (2005)"
The Crisis Intervention Team Model
Information on the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Model originally developed by the Memphis, TN police department.