Selected Annotated Bibliography on Spirituality and Mental Health
John Peteet, MD. Southern Medical Association, 2007.
Successful Strategies for Recruiting, Training and Utilizing Volunteers
A Guide for Faith- and Community-Based Service Providers from the SAMHSA Faith-Based and Community Initiative.
Pathways to Promise
Pathways to Promise is an interfaith technical assistance center that offers liturgical and educational materials, program models, and other resources for those engaging in ministry with people experiencin mental illness and their families.
Mental Health Ministries
An organization whose mission is to erase stigma surrounding mental health issues in faith communities by educating leaders of congregations, clergy, and lay people. Books, DVDs and other resources are available on their Web site, as well as many free publications, links, and a list of other organizations.
Faith in Recovery Toolkit
A tool kit developed by Faith in Recovery which can serve as a guide in starting a mental health ministry.
Faith and Spirituality - SAMHSA's ADS Center
"The information available on this Web page can help faith-based communities - both clergy and congregants - increase their awareness of mental health issues and find ways to welcome and support people with mental illnesses, thus reducing discrimination and increasing social inclusion."
Includes brochures, fact sheets, articles, research and links to other faith-based mental health organizations.