Community Tool Box

"The purpose of the Community Tool Box is to build capacity for this work—to make it easier for people to bring about change and improvement in their communities. The Community Tool Box connects people with resources for learning the many skills required for this work and applying this knowledge in diverse cultures and contexts. 

Development of the Community Tool Box has been ongoing since 1994, and is a public service of the University of Kansas. The Community Tool Box is developed and managed by the Work Group for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas, and partners nationally and internationally."

The Foundation Center: Funding for People with Disabilities

The Foundation Center's website compiles information for individuals seeking funding and grants to start nonprofit organizations. This resource list contains information for people with disabilities seeking to start organizations as well as resources for organizations that serve those with disabilities.

Grants Information Collection

The Grants Information Collection, located in Memorial Library at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; a collection of print and electronic materials that is open to the public. Includes information on locating grants for nonprofits & academic research, as well as nonprofit management and grant proposal writing information.