This document, issued by the Temple Collaborative on Community Inclusion, defines cultural competence and discusses disparities in mental health care. It also describes cultural barriers, biases and stereotypes and makes suggestions for incorporating cultural competency standards into practice. It also includes a list of useful internet resources.
NAMI Multicultural Action Center
"NAMI created the Multicultural Action Center in 2002 to focus attention on system reform to eliminate disparities in mental health care for diverse communities, ensure access to culturally competent services and treatment for all Americans, and particularly to help and support people of diverse backgrounds who are affected by serious mental illness."
This website contains news, resources, links and the NAMI Multicultural Action Center Newsletter.
Mental Health: Culture Race and Ethnicity--A Supplement to Mental Health
Supplement paper to the 1999 Report of the Surgeon General on Mental Health.
Office of Minority Health: Mental Health
"The Office is dedicated to improving the health of racial and ethnic minority populations through the development of health policies and programs that will help eliminate health disparities." The Mental Health section of this website includes informative articles, data, statistics, fact sheets, publications and links to other useful Web sites on minority mental health and cultural competence in mental health services.
A Community-Based Comprehensive Psychiatric Crisis Response Service
"A manual to be used as a tool by any individual or group who is considering developing a new crisis service delivery system, expanding an existing crisis service system, or improving the effectiveness of an existing system. (2005)"
The Crisis Intervention Team Model
Information on the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Model originally developed by the Memphis, TN police department.
The American Art Therapy Association
The American Art Therapy Association (AATA) is an organization of professionals dedicated to the belief that the creative process involved in art-making is healing and life enhancing, Its mission is to serve its members and the general public by providing standards of professional competence, and developing and promoting knowledge in, and of, the field of art therapy.
Arts and Healing Network
This site was created in 1997 as an on-line resource for anyone interested in the healing potential of art. Includes news, projects, directory of arts organizations, classes, blogs, and more. The Arts and Healing Network encourages artists to get their work out in the world where it can make a difference.
The Awakenings Project
The Awakenings Project is a grass-roots initiative whose mission is to assist artists with psychiatric illnesses in developing their craft and finding an outlet for their creative abilities through art in all forms. The Awakenings Project also works to raise public awareness and acceptance of the creative talents of people living with psychiatric disorders who work in the fields of fine art, music, literature, and drama.
Blog: The Healing Arts
Blog on mental health and art therapy, hosted at Psychology Today.
Altered States of the Arts
Altered States of the Arts is a nationwide network of creative people who are current or former recipients of psychiatric services. Their purpose is to promote the arts as a vehicle for social change, personal empowerment or healing.
Overview of Consumer and Family Movements
Section in Chapter Two of the 1999 Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General
A Personal History of the Consumer Movement
By Sally Clay, 2002.
Self-Disclosure and Its Impact on Individuals Who Receive Mental Health Services
Publication of SAMHSA discussing the positive and negative effects of disclosure for mental health consumers.
Confidentiality of Mental Health Information: Ethical, Legal, and Policy Issues
Chapter 7 in the 1999 Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General.
Alternative Approaches to Mental Health Care
"Overview of alternative treatments for mental health problems. Includes self-help, diet and nutrition, pastoral counseling, more."
Safe Harbor: International Guide to the World of Alternative Mental Health
Website educating the public on non-drug approaches to mental health treatments for consumers and practitioners. Includes tools to assist in searching for alternative treatment across the country, online support groups, and lists of patients' rights groups and other useful organizations.
Light Therapies for Depression
Comprehensive article on light therapy and how it can be used to treat depression.
Integrative Mental Health
A website established to provide consumers and others with information about conventional, alternative, and integrative approaches in mental health care.
Community Organizing Game
Interactive tutorial for in-person community organizing. "The Toolkit is a set of resources that supports face-to-face training for residents and community leaders. The computer-based component (the "Organizing Game") is used to introduce concepts, prompt discussion, and allow residents to practice skills in a safe, non-threatening environment."