Special Report: 10 Plus Years After the Olmstead Ruling: Progress Problems and Opportunities

"This report looks at the progress, problems and opportunities that have taken place since the implementation of the Olmstead decision. The ruling makes it unlawful to institutionalize a person because of a disability. Despite the view that home- and community-based services can better maintain the independence of persons needing long-term services, too many low-income older people with disabilities are still being institutionalized.  This link opens a 36 page PDF document."

September 2010. Eric Carlson and Gene Coffey. National Senior Citizens Law Center.


Cultural Competency: A Practical Guide for Mental Health Service Providers

"This guide offers mental health professionals a better understanding of the factors which can affect their counseling and suggests ways to improve and enrich services for their ethnically diverse clientele."

By Delia Saldana, Ph.D. ; Hogg Foundation for Mental Health
