Medical information on schizoaffective disorder, including background, pathophysiology, etiology, epidemiology, prognosis and further patient information.
Understanding Schizoaffective Disorder
Mind is the leading mental health charity for Wales and England. This part of their website gives a full description of schizoaffective disorder.
Coping with Schizophrenia
Frederick J. Frese. Innovations & Research 1993, Vol 2, No.3.
This article lists twelve aspects of coping for people with schizophrenia, written by a psychologist who has schizophrenia.
Science Daily: Schizophrenia News
"ScienceDaily is one of the Internet’s most popular science news web sites." This section of their website contains articles on the latest scientific research in schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia: A Handbook for Families
Published by Health Canada in Co-operation with the Schizophrenia Society of Canada.
Health and Self-Care Practices of Persons with Schizophrenia
Health and Self-Care Practices of Persons with Schizophrenia. Sharon K. Holmberg, Ph.D., R.N.; Catherine Kane, Ph.D., R.N. Pyschiatric Services 1999;50:827-829.
Website includes research, daily news, self-help information, screening tools, and articles on a wide variety of topics related to schizophrenia.
NIMH: Schizophrenia
Includes fact sheets and pamphlets in pdf format, published by the National Institute for Mental Health as well as research, statistics and links to further resources.
A Guide to Mental Health Transformation On A Personal Level
--Mark Ragins, M.D. The Village Integrated Service Agency.
Recovery with Severe Mental Illness: Changing from a Medical Model to a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Model
—Written by Mark Ragins, M.D. for The Village Integrated Service Agency.'s%20Papers/recov.%20with%20severe%20MI.htm
International Practice in Psychosocial/Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Editor: M. Farkas
Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University. A World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Research and Training in Mental Health.'lpractice.pdf
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Today: An Overview
—Wulf Rossler. World Psychiatry. 2006 October; 5(3): 151–157.
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Website of the International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation.
The Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
"The Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal includes options for Online, Print and Combination subscriptions for both individuals and institutions."
Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation
“CPR is affiliated with Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at Boston University. The Center is a research, training, and service organization dedicated to improving the lives of persons who have psychiatric disabilities by improving the effectiveness of people, programs, and service systems.”
Thresholds: Publications and Papers
"Thresholds is one of Chicago's most recognized and renowned social service agencies serving persons with severe and persistent mental illness. As the largest and oldest provider of community behavioral healthcare and mental health services in Illinois, Thresholds enjoys a unique distinction as a national and world leader in psychosocial rehabilitation."
Thresholds-Dartmouth Research Center Selected Papers and Publications:
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA): Rural Health
"The Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP) coordinates activities related to rural health care within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services." This site provides help finding rural providers, grants, loans & scholarships, data & statistics, and more resources.
Frontier Mental Health Services Resource Network
"The basic mission of the Frontier Mental Health Services Resource Network is the collection, analysis, and synthesis of knowledge regarding needs for and delivery of mental health services in "frontier" rural U.S. counties (nonmetropolitan counties with population densities of less than seven persons per square mile). It also offers technical assistance to rural agencies and advocates on mental health/substance abuse topics as they impact upon or exist within such isolated rural areas."
Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities
"The Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities (RTC:Rural) was established in 1988 as part of the Rural Institute at the University of Montana. RTC:Rural is funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research to improve the ability of persons with disabilities to live independently in rural America."
Office of Rural Mental Health Research (ORMHR)
"As congressionally mandated: (1) Directs, plans, coordinates, and supports research activities and information dissemination on conditions unique to those living in rural areas, including research on the delivery of mental health services in such areas; and (2) coordinates related Departmental research activities and related activities of public and nonprofit entities."