Rural Assistance Center

"A product of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Rural Initiative, the Rural Assistance Center (RAC) was established in December 2002 as a rural health and human services "information portal." RAC helps rural communities and other rural stakeholders access the full range of available programs, funding, and research that can enable them to provide quality health and human services to rural residents."

This Web site provides an online library, topic guides by state, tools and resource lists for those working in health and human services in rural areas.

Proposal Writing: the Basic Steps in Planning and Writing a Successful Grant Application

This guide is written by Eric Rinehart and Barbara Bouie-Scott and edited by Melissa Pantier. Published in September 1998 and revised in August 2003 by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. This document was originally published in 1990 as Proposal Writing: A Basic Primer.

Center for Community Support and Research

Wichita State University's Center for Community Support and Research, formerly known as the Self-Help Network (SHN) assists non-profit organizations, community coalitions, faith-based initiatives, and government entities in Kansas. This area of the Web page contains articles on self-help group facilitation that can be helpful to those running self-help groups in any area of the country.

The Foundation Center: Funding for People with Disabilities

The Foundation Center's website compiles information for individuals seeking funding and grants to start nonprofit organizations. This resource list contains information for people with disabilities seeking to start organizations as well as resources for organizations that serve those with disabilities.