Consumer Quality Initiatives

"Consumer Quality Initiatives is a mental health consumer-led research, evaluation, and quality improvement nonprofit organization based in Massachusetts.  Its mission is to develop opportunities for the meaningful involvement of consumers and family members in all aspects of mental health research and program evaluation. "

Their Web site includes descriptions of their services, as well publications and reports.

Promoting Recovery-Oriented Mental Health Services Through a Peer Specialist Employer Learning Community

This case study of an "employer learning community model" explores the importance of employing peers at mental health programs that want to provide recovery-oriented mental health care. Published on the Website of the Journal of Participatory Medicine.

This Web site is a project of the Virginia Commonwealth University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC). Its main goal is the study of "those supports that are most effective for assisting individuals with disabilities maintain employment and advance their career." The Web site's "Resources" section contains many documents useful to people with disabilities looking to obtain and keep employment, as well as rehabilitation professionals and those hiring people with disabilities.

Resources for Supported Employment:

Campus Icarus

"Campus Icarus groups consist of students who see a need on their campus to organize a community committed to expanding the dialogue around student mental health, providing peer support alternatives to school counseling center services, developing activist campaigns, creating art, and engaging in nontraditional academic exploration of “psy”-subjects."